Научная статья на тему 'Training process organization among Greco-Roman style wrestlers taking into account rehabilitation means'

Training process organization among Greco-Roman style wrestlers taking into account rehabilitation means Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
Greco-Roman wrestling / rehabilitation means of wrestlers / yearly cycle of training

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov

Greco-Roman wrestling is difficult for coordination kind of sport. It claims high demands on the training loads volume and intensity for sports results achievement. It has a negative influence on wrestlers’ health state, they experience over-tension, overtraining and get injuries. That is why it is necessary to search for new approaches to the training process organization in order to increase not only the level of stability, but also rivalry at the competitions. Materials. Rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of training in highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers. Research methods. Information sources and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We created the experimental methodology of a complex rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of training in wrestlers. The following rehabilitation means were used: lymphdrainage apparatus, massage bed; sensory room; sauna; massage mattress; relaxation exercises; psycho-muscle training taking into account methodical recommendations of application and taking into account the peculiarities of relaxation exercises and psycho-muscle training use. Conclusion. During complex use of rehabilitation means in Greco-Roman style wrestlers the following organization-methodical peculiarities were taken into consideration: thorough medical check-up, pedagogical control and self-control organization; instructions concerning hardware rehabilitation means use; training and pre-competitive micro and meso cycles organization taking into account rehabilitation measures; control over rehabilitation measures realization; complex control over the level of physical and functional readiness among wrestlers; compatibility and rational combination of the used rehabilitation means provision; rehabilitation means realization taking into account weight categories of wrestlers. The received results of physical working capacity, aerobic productivity and heart rate at rest and after the load during the rehabilitation period. It is clear that physical working capacity in wrestlers changes in all studied groups.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Training process organization among Greco-Roman style wrestlers taking into account rehabilitation means»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-11-19

Training process organization among Greco-Roman style wrestlers taking

into account rehabilitation means

Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov*

Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Management University 'TISBI" Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-4294-3755, kuznetsov-as@mail.ru*

Abstract: Greco-Roman wrestling is difficult for coordination kind of sport. It claims high demands on the training loads volume and intensity for sports results achievement. It has a negative influence on wrestlers' health state, they experience over-tension, overtraining and get injuries. That is why it is necessary to search for new approaches to the training process organization in order to increase not only the level of stability, but also rivalry at the competitions. Materials. Rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of training in highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers. Research methods. Information sources and scientific-methodical literature analysis and summarizing, experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We created the experimental methodology of a complex rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of training in wrestlers. The following rehabilitation means were used: lymphdrainage apparatus, massage bed; sensory room; sauna; massage mattress; relaxation exercises; psycho-muscle training taking into account methodical recommendations of application and taking into account the peculiarities of relaxation exercises and psycho-muscle training use. Conclusion. During complex use of rehabilitation means in Greco-Roman style wrestlers the following organization-methodical peculiarities were taken into consideration: thorough medical check-up, pedagogical control and self-control organization; instructions concerning hardware rehabilitation means use; training and pre-competitive micro and meso cycles organization taking into account rehabilitation measures; control over rehabilitation measures realization; complex control over the level of physical and functional readiness among wrestlers; compatibility and rational combination of the used rehabilitation means provision; rehabilitation means realization taking into account weight categories of wrestlers. The received results of physical working capacity, aerobic productivity and heart rate at rest and after the load during the rehabilitation period. It is clear that physical working capacity in wrestlers changes in all studied groups. Keywords: Greco-Roman wrestling, rehabilitation means of wrestlers, yearly cycle of training.

For citation: Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov. Training process organization among Greco-Roman style wrestlers taking into account rehabilitation means. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(3): 10-17. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-11-19.

INTRODUCTION rehabilitation periods decreases.

Greco-Roman wrestling is difficult for It is possible to increase the volume and

coordination kind of sport. It claims high demands intensity of the loads without any harm to health

on the training loads volume and intensity for sports state only in case of a rational training lessons

results achievement. It has a negative influence organization using different rehabilitation means. on wrestlers' health state, they experience over- In this connection it is extremely urgent to

tension, overtraining and get injuries. That is why study the questions connected with different means

it is necessary to search for new approaches to the use in sports training of wrestlers. They provide not

training process organization in order to increase only working capacity support during the training

not only the level of stability, but also rivalry at the process, but also work towards rehabilitation. competitions. Many specialists in the sphere of sports

All sides of the training process development training theory and methodology consider the

also demands the tendency (1, 3, 4) of competitions peculiarities of rehabilitation means use after

amount and the time for training lessons organization the training and competitive loads as one of the

increase. It leads to loads increase, as the time of important parts of athletes training for competitions

[11, 12]. That is why there appeared the necessity to create the methodology of rehabilitation in a yearly cycle of trainings using hardware means on the experimental platform.

Rehabilitation means use, their structure and content mainly condition the effectiveness of wrestlers' competitive activity.

In "Wrestling" Federal standard and the model program of "Greco-Roman wrestling" sufficient amount of time is given to rehabilitation measures, but the means themselves are not revealed in them. There is no loads approximate volume, intensity and duration in these programs.

Rehabilitation means should be used in a complex. It means the range of rehabilitation

means of different orientation use: pedagogical, psychological, physiotherapeutic, taking into consideration individual peculiarities of wrestlers. In this case means increase the effectiveness of the training process [2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].

One of the characteristics of an individual approach is weight category.

In Greco-Roman wrestling, in accordance with the rules of competitions, there are 9 weight categories: 59 kg, 66 kg, 71 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, 98 kg, 130 kg.

Table 1 presents distribution of the wrestlers from the experimental and control groups according to weight categories.

Table 1 - Distribution of the wrestlers from the experimental and control groups according to weight categories

Group Weight categories (kg.)

59 66 71 75 80 85 98 130

EG-1 (15) 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 -

CG-1 (15) 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 -

EG-2(6) 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 -

CG-2(6) 1 1 1 - 2 - 1 -

In order to achieve the desired result the duration and the intensity of the rehabilitation measures directly depends on an athletes' weight. Among wrestlers of heavy weight category the duration and intensity should be greater in comparison with the measures of light weight categories. If rehabilitation means are used equally, wrestlers of light weight categories would have physical working capacity and general muscle tonus decrease. Wrestlers of heavy weight categories can have lack of rehabilitation and over-tension of nervous-muscle apparatus [13,14,15].

General rule for the athletes of all weight categories was rehabilitation means use 40-60 minutes after the first training and 120-140 minutes after the second training.

In the experimental methodology of a complex rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of wrestlers training the following rehabilitation means were used: lymphdrainage apparatus, massage bed; sensory room; sauna; massage mattress; relaxation exercises; psycho-muscle training taking into account methodical recommendations of application and taking into account the peculiarities

of relaxation exercises and psycho-muscle training use.

During the scheme of rehabilitation use we took into consideration the following preconditions:

1. Rehabilitation means were directed toward their use after mid and great volume loads taking into account wrestler's weight category.

2. The schemes of rehabilitation means use were created taking into account the results of each means effectiveness study.

For the experiment weight categories were divided into three groups (light, mid and heavy). Tables 2, 3, 4 presented the schemes of rehabilitation means use in a weekly micro cycle. The methodologies of a complex rehabilitation means use were directed to realization in terms of weekly training micro cycles, where the stimulating influence was directed toward functional readiness of athletes increase, the rehabilitation means, the duration of their use, intensity of influence, general time and time of the application during the training day were mentioned

Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Amount of trainings a dav / means The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The ^nd The 1st The 2nd

VM + + + A/R

Dosage 7'-10Hz 8'-10 Hz 10'-10 Hz

MB + + +

Dosage 7' 8' 10'

LDA + + +

Dosage 7' 8' 9'

SR + +

Dosage 10' 12'

S + + +

Dosage 5' 7' 10'

RE + + +

Dosage 6' 8' 10'

PMT + + +

Dosage 5' 10' 12'

Notes: 1 - was used after the 1st training; 2 - was used after the 2nd training; vibromassage mattress (VM) «Vitalax»; massage bed (MB) «DUZON-700»; lymphdrainage apparatus (LDA) «Doctor Life DL 2002 D»; sensory room (SR) «SNUZLIN»; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscle training (PMT); active rest - (A/R)

Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Amount ot trainings a dav / means The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The ^nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The <211 '* 1

VM + + + A/R /1 \ 1

Dosage 7'- l^Hz 8'- ir;Hz 10'- ir;Hz

MB + + +

Dosage 10' 11' 12'

LDA + + +

Dosage 10' 12' 14'

SR + + + +

Dosage 12' 13' 15' 16'

S + + +

Dosage 6' 9' 11'

RE + + +

Dosage 8' 10' 12'

PMT + +

Dosage 6' nnd +„„:„:„„ 8' I1UUI „1M r. riM 1,

DL 2002 D»; sensory room (SR) «SNUZLIN»; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscle training (PMT); active rest - (A/R)

Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Amount of trainings a dav / means The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The 2nd The 1st The ^nd The 1st The 2H'l

VM + + + A/R

Dosage 10'-20Hz 13'-25 Hz 15'-25 Hz

MB + + +

Dosage 10' 12' 15'

LDA + + +

Dosage 13' 15' 17'

SR + + + +

Dosage 15' 17' 19' 20'

S + + +

Dosage 15' 16' 20'

RE + + +

Dosage 10' 13' 15'

PMT + + + + +

Dosage 10' 15' 17' 19' 20'

Notes: 1 - was used after the 1st training; 2 - was used after the 2nd training; vibromassage mattress (VM) «Vitalax»; massage bed (MB) «DUZON-700»; lymphdrainage apparatus (LDA) «Doctor Life DL 2002 D»; sensory room (SR) «SNUZLIN»; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscle training (PMT); active rest - (A/R)

Structure of a yearly cycle







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Rehabilitation means

Total during the








Kinds of control

DK test

DK test

DK test

DK test

DK test

DK test

DK test

DK test

DK test

Notes: vibromassage mattress (VM) "Vitalax"; massage bed (MB) «DUZON-700»; lymphdrainage apparatus (LDA) «Doctor Life DL 2002 D»; sensory room (SR) «SNUZLIN»; sauna (S) Home-Sweater; relaxation exercises (RE); psycho-muscle training (PMT)

GPS - general preparatory stage; SPS - special preparatory stage; SDTC - stage of direct training for competitions; CS - competitive stage; CPS - control-preparatory stage; RDS - rehabilitation- discharging stage

During the training process planning using rehabilitation means it is necessary to take into account the effective area of each means. After the first training lesson it is reasonable to use the session of local influence and after the second training it is reasonable to use the session of general influence.

During the competitive period rehabilitation means were used taking into account the fact that the duration of the sessions should be not long with the predominance of general influence means.

During the preparatory period the combination of general and local means was provided.

The control over rehabilitation processes was realized before the training lessons with the help of express-diagnostics DK-Test.

In order to decrease stress state and increase working capacity in the micro cycles of the pre-competitive period it is effective to combine thermo-procedure with aromatic oils use and sensory room with music.

Organism rehabilitation after the loads is a difficult process and rehabilitation means use can cause both positive and negative changes. Some people can have rehabilitation processes intensification. Others can have working capacity level decrease. It can be caused by intensive use of rehabilitation means.

On the basis of all mentioned above we created the scheme of rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of training highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers (table 5).

Thus, the structure of rehabilitation means use in a yearly cycle of training highly-qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers should be realized taking into account the following factors:

- weight category of a wrestler;

- type of rehabilitation means influence;

- the peculiarities of rehabilitation means


- the peculiarities of different rehabilitation means sequential use;

- individual characteristics of a wrestler;

- the objectives of the period and the stage of training.


During complex use of rehabilitation means

among Greco-Roman style wrestlers the following organization-methodical peculiarities were taken into consideration:

- thorough medical check-up, pedagogical control and self-control organization;

- instructions concerning hardware rehabilitation means use;

- training and pre-competitive micro and meso cycles organization taking into account rehabilitation measures;

- control over rehabilitation measures realization;

- complex control over the level of physical and functional readiness in wrestlers;

- compatibility and rational combination of the used rehabilitation means provision;

- rehabilitation means realization taking into account weight categories of wrestlers.

The received results of physical working capacity, aerobic productivity and heart rate at rest and after the load during the rehabilitation period, it is clear that physical working capacity in wrestlers changes in all studied groups. However, working capacity increase during the research period was not equal. It was higher in EG-1 wrestlers in comparison with the indices of wrestlers from the CG-1. Mean values of physical working capacity at the 1st stage of the research in the wrestlers from the control group were 1299,73±33,79 kgm/min, at the 2nd stage - 1305,60±36,99 kgm/min and at the 3rd stage -1310,60±38,34 kgm/min, in the wrestlers from the experimental group the indices were the following: 21326,93±55,06 kgm/min, 1366,27±43,75 kgm/ min and 1389,27±43,89 kgm/min. In the EG-1 there was valid physical working capacity increase by the third stage of the research (p<0,05).

It is also obvious that physical working capacity increase in CG-1 was only 0,83%, in the EG-1 it was 4,49%. In the CG the increase is explained by the fact that wrestlers paid great attention to training. It influenced physical fitness change and functional indices by the example of aerobic productivity almost didn't change.


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Submitted: 20.07.2021 Author's information:

Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Honored Coach of Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Management University 'TISBI", 423806, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya naberezhnaya str, House 6, e-mail: kuznetsov-as@mail.ru

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