Научная статья на тему 'Toxicological evaluation of medical and biological safety of the red palm oil «Premium Caratino»'

Toxicological evaluation of medical and biological safety of the red palm oil «Premium Caratino» Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Rustamov Bakhtiyor Baysarievich, Irmatov Nizom Zhumakulovich

It was found that the oil «Premium Caratino» has no negative impact on the health of the animals after prolonged entry into the body, does not cause locally-irritating to the skin, does not have sensitizing properties, non-toxic products of plant origin

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Текст научной работы на тему «Toxicological evaluation of medical and biological safety of the red palm oil «Premium Caratino»»

ternal structure is homogeneous or heterogeneous suspension with flakes. Infrapatellar bursitis was detected less than above the knee bursitis. Its contours are always smooth and clear. Thickening of the capsule was observed in rare cases. The internal structure of the bursa is usually echofrei to liquid. In our observation, infrapatellar bursitis resolved quickly compared to above the knee bursitis. In the presence of bursal fluid was observed in the side channels, often in the medial channel.

In our practice, rarely mentioned fat-body injury (non-uniform structure with the presence of anechoic areas), more differentiated compacted areas that may have been previously associated with the transfer of trauma.

Gap (front or rear horns internal or external) of the meniscus was visualized very diverse. Contours equal or not equal — depending on the nature of the fracture line, the structure — the presence of non-uniform line fragmentation in different types: transverse, Y- shaped, longitudinal or oblique line fragmentation. Sometimes transverse fragmentation inner part of the meniscus is not rendered or visualized with the presence of diastase (as anechoic area with indistinct contours) — rupture of the type "watering can handle." Also noted a couple capsular tears. In our practice, most often observed in the anterior horn tears of the medial meniscus.

Damage to the X-shaped ligaments caused some difficulties because of the inability to trace all over. This is usually inhomogeneous structure or not visualized on the site of its visualization is defined anechoic area with indistinct contours.

The above changes of the joint elements in some cases accompanied by the following states:

Myositis quadriceps — while the structure is somewhat reduced echogenicity, perhaps its thickening. Tendinitis quadriceps tendon — smooth contours and clear, homogeneous structure may be slightly reduced echogenicity, sometimes thickened. Tenosynovitis quadriceps tendon accompanied with smooth and precise contours, usually with a homogeneous structure, the presence of anechoic rim — liquids in small quantities between the tendon and its sheath. Small cystic formation quadriceps tendon — contours smooth and crisp, with the presence of non-uniform structure anechoic area round or round-oval.

Ligament lateral ligaments and the patellar tendon — smooth contours and clear, homogeneous structure may be slightly reduced echogenicity, thickened; ligament X-shaped ligaments — smooth contours and fuzzy, homogeneous structure, the presence of anechoic rim.

Meniscal cyst is visualized in different ways: 1) on the back portion of the meniscus is determined anechoic rounded shape, 2) on the background portion of the meniscus is determined anechoic rounded-oval or irregular shape with the presence of lateral ligament strain,

3) cystic degeneration of the meniscus lateral ligament damage, and

4) near the meniscus cyst usually looked oval, often located on the lower-outer contour of the meniscus. Cystic changes were more frequently observed in the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus.

Becker's cyst visualized at the joint on the rear surface of it, often in the central segment of the domestic — is manifested in different ways: 1) round-oval, 2) longitudinally oval 3) crescent-shaped, and 4) the presence of irregular shape with an internal partition. The internal structure of the cyst more homogeneous and smooth contours and clear, at least — with the presence of cereal suspension and moderately hyperechoic thickened capsule (for chronic forms). Almost all variants can be traced link ("path") into the joint.

Having hondromic bodies (the number and size of different acoustic shadow densities depends on their localization — in the glenoid cavity).

Hygroma visualized with clear and smooth contours, mostly round or round-oval shaped anechoic internal structure.

Organized hematoma is visualized with clear and smooth, or not smooth contours, sometimes with a hyperechoic rim and inhomogeneous internal structure with the presence of hyperechoic inclusions.

Thus, on the basis of sonographic surveillance images in patients with knee injury, we came to the conclusion that this method of diagnosis allows to identify reliable criteria changes, thus giving reason to recommend it to the widespread adoption of the practice to clarify the diagnosis in conjunction with X-ray method. Described feature of the items in his knee injury helps to diagnose more fully and accurately, and improves the quality of diagnosis, allowing noninvasive and repeatedly monitor treatment.

Rustamov Bakhtiyor Baysarievich, Independent competitor Tashkent Medical Academy Irmatov Nizom Zhumakulovich, Head of the department of hygiene of children and adolescents and nutrition of the Tashkent Medical Academy

E-mail: evovision@bk.ru

Toxicological evaluation of medical and biological safety of the red palm oil «Premium caratino»

Abstact: It was found that the oil «Premium Caratino» has no negative impact on the health of the animals after prolonged entry into the body, does not cause locally-irritating to the skin, does not have sensitizing properties, non-toxic products of plant origin. Keywords: toxicology, food safety, palm oil.

Relevance. Palm kernel oil is extracted from the pulp of the with the presence therein of degradation products and transfor-fruits of oil palm by pressing and produce only refined deodorized. mation of the fatty acid, not uncommon and the presence therein Very unstable when the oil storage. At room temperature, it has a of toxic elements, pesticides, mycotoxins and other xenobiotics solid consistency. (foreign to the body substances chemical and biological etiology).

When used in nutritionally substandard, falsified or de- The presence of some of these xenobiotics can cause severe poi-layed vegetable oil develops picture toxic poisoning associated soning, and some of them are able to accumulate in the body for

Toxicological evaluation of medical and biological safety of the red palm oil «Premium caratino»

a long time, cause damage to the body and cause various disease [1; 2; 3].

Objective. Evaluation of medical and biological safety of red palm oil «Premium Caratino» for humans.

Materials and methods of research. It was delivered to the 3 Series chronic experiment on 18 white mongrel rats (male) with an initial weight of 140-150 g for 45 days. The animals were divided into 2 groups: the control consisted of 8 animals and 10 advanced. The experimental repeatedly administered enterally red palm oil «Premium Caratino». Experimental studies of possible toxic properties "consisted of the following stages: the study of the possible local effects on intact skin and mucous membranes; study of the possible sensitizing properties of the product.

The criteria for the possible toxic effects on the organism of white rats were: general condition and behavior of animals, body weight change, the dynamics of a number of integrated indicators of blood. Since the change in the morphological composition of

Table 1. - Components and

peripheral blood is a sensitive criterion in violation of assimilation of nutrients, a number of indicators to characterize these changes were used. The number of red blood cells and white blood cells was determined on «Picoscal» apparatus for the conventional method. The hemoglobin content determined using gemometra Sali [4].

The first and mandatory step biomedical safety assessment of new or used products for the first time — a toxicological assessment. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of «Premium Caratino» red palm oil for the main integrated, including biochemical, indicators of an organism of experimental animals.

Results and its discussion. 3 series of experiments have been put on mongrel white rats. Animals were placed in cages in groups 2 (control and test), they were kept in isolated cells, which were attached to the burette for recording water consumption. The diet of the control group was made up as previously tested scheme (table 1).

energy value of the feed

Food components Масса, г Состав, г Energy value kJ

Proteins Fats Carbohydrates

Oat groats 70 8,3 4,8 43,9 4,2

Wheat flour 20 2,1 0,2 13,8 1,2

Starch 4 - - 3,2 0,2

Sugar 2 - - 2,0 0,1

cottonseed oil 3 - 3,0 - 0,5

Salt, iodinated 1 - - - -

Total 100 10,4 8,0 62,9 6,2

The diet is balanced by the energy value and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The diet of the experimental group is based on the control of intragastric administration with extra ration studied «Premium Caratino» red palm oil at the rate of 3.5 grams. palm oil.

In the observation of the animals throughout the experiment it found that the general condition and behavior, both the control and experimental groups was satisfactory. All the animals were active




5 150



О О 100





and willing to eat their meat. Wool covers and visible mucous membranes intact. The experiment was recorded daily eats a lot of food, you drink water, isolated excrement.

A simple and sensitive enough indicator of the adverse effects of the investigational product on the body, is the dynamics of animal body weight. Therefore, every 5 days the body weight of animals was determined. At the same time the largest of its growth was observed in the experimental group (Fig. 1).


140 138

145 140 145

171 J85

—■ —

156 164





—I— 20










—■ — Control ——experience

Fig. 1. Dynamics of

Along with the determination of body weight, estimated weights of the internal organs. From the data presented shows that the relative mass of internal organs in the experimental group of animals did not differ from that of the intact group.

Thus, administration of the studied red palm oil «Premium Caratino» in the diet positively influences the growth of rats. No differences in eating feed per 100 g body weight were observed in both the control and the experimental group.

body weight in rats

Naturally with a decrease in feed consumption and reduced selection of excrement, the result of which the visual analysis of the good absorption of fat rats.

The consumption ofwater per100 g ofrat body weight was higher in the experimental group. Table 3 shows the dynamics offluid mass consumption of animals in the process of setting up the experiment.

The experimental period there were no changes in behavioral and somatic status of the animals taken in observation.

«Premium Caratino» Local irritating red palm oil was studied on white rats weighing 160-200 grams, and guinea pigs, weighing 350-500 grams. Red palm oil «Premium Caratino» was applied to the pre-shaved abdominal skin of animals the size of 2x2 cm in the form of the native drug. Animals were fixed for 4 hours. In the observation period the animals were observed death of any toxic symptoms were noted. In the face of such a 4-hour exposure to samples of red palm oil «Premium Caratino» — is not marked in white rats and guinea pigs, the clinical manifestations of toxicity and functional and structural disorders of the skin. This suggests that red palm oil «Premium Caratino» has no skin-irritant.

The study of local action on the mucous membranes of the eyes was performed on rabbits. When administered in the conjunctival sac of the rabbit eye 0.05 g «Premium Caratino» red palm oil was a weak conjunctival hyperemia and lacrimation weak for 20 minutes, corneal sensitivity is not impaired. After 1 hour, fundus unchanged, all the phenomena of irritation have left their mark.

Consequently, the research findings have shown that the «Premium Caratino» the studied red palm oil does not irritate the mucous eye.

Allergenic effect of samples of red «Premium Caratino» palm oil — was investigated by a single intradermal sensitization in guinea pigs. The experimental animals were injected in the skin of the ear of 0.02 ml of the sample solution and control animals the same amount of saline. Within 11 days after a single course of sensitization carried

apicotomy of an application applications. The severity of the allergic reaction was evaluated by blood cell reactions — specific lysis and agglomeration of leukocytes (RSLL and RSAL) and provocative skin tests.

Testing conducted after a single course of sensitization and apicotomy of an application applications, revealed the lack of red palm oil «Premium Caratino» — sensitizing properties.

When opening the animal pathological changes have been identified data on body weight gain are consistent with the results of morphological and biochemical blood tests, which show that under the influence of the test red palm oil «Premium Caratino» basic metabolism in the organism of white rats were within the physiological range.

Thus, our studies suggest that prolonged detention rats on a diet with the introduction of red palm oil «Premium Caratino» is not accompanied by — or significant that go beyond physiological limits, changes made at integrated monitoring blood parameters in rats. It was found a positive effect of the studied products on the health and body weight gain of white rats.


Red palm «Premium Caratino» oil, Malaysia's production — has no negative impact on the health of the animals after prolonged entry into the body, does not cause locally-irritating to the skin and irritating to the mucous membranes, it does not have sensitizing properties.


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Saatov Botir Talatovich, Post-doctoral student Department of Dermatology, Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Dermatology and Venereology, Uzbekistan Public Health Ministry E-mail: botir.saatov@mail.ru Ibragimova Elvira Akhmedovna, Senior researcher Laboratory of Metabolomics, Acad. O. A. Sadykov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences E-mail: t.saatov@yandex.ru

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Microelement composition of the skin and scalp hair in healthy subjects and patients with vitiligo

Abstract: Mean concentrations of 20 chemical elements in the skin and 23 chemical elements in the scalp hair of healthy subjects and patients with vitiligo, residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan, were established. Comparative analysis of micro- and macroelement composition of the skin and scalp hair in healthy subjects and patients with vitiligo demonstrated pronounced imbalance in concentrations of the most essential elements taking place in vitiligo to be a potential factor to aggravate onset and progression of the dermatosis.

Keywords: composition, concentration, microelements, skin, scalp hair, vitiligo.

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