TOPONYMIC ANALYSIS OF THE NAMES OF SOME TOURIST OBJECTS IN TASHKENT REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / ecotourism / ecotourist objects / physical and geographical factors / toponymy / topotherm / limnonym

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Avezov M.M., Ibraimova A.A.

This article describes some tourist sites in the Tashkent region, the geographical factors of their location, as well as the reflection of these features in the names of ecotourism sites. The article also provides information on toponymic analysis of the names of ecotourism sites in the region, known in Uzbekistan and the world.

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UDK: 433

Avezov M.M., doctor of philosophy in geographical sciences (PhD),

senior lecturer Department of Physical Geography National University of Uzbekistan Ibraimova A.A., candidate of geographical sciences

associate professor Department of Cartography National University of Uzbekistan

Avezova A.M.

4th year student

faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Systems National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Abstract. This article describes some tourist sites in the Tashkent region, the geographical factors of their location, as well as the reflection of these features in the names of ecotourism sites. The article also provides information on toponymic analysis of the names of ecotourism sites in the region, known in Uzbekistan and the world.

Keywords: tourism, ecotourism, ecotourist objects, physical and geographical factors, toponymy, topotherm, limnonym.

Introduction. In recent years, significant reforms have been implemented in Uzbekistan for the development of the tourism sector, the establishment of tourist zones, and the improvement of the efficiency of their use, and positive results have been achieved in this regard. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.549 "On Tourism" dated July 18, 2019, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.5273 dated December 5, 2017 "On the establishment of the free tourist zone "Charvak" set important tasks for the development of tourism in our country [1, 2]. Along with this, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 2, 2022 No.799 "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Names of Geographical Objects" defines the necessary tasks regarding the naming and renaming of geographic objects [3]. In particular, it is important to study the names of tourist objects as geographic objects from a scientific point of view, to adapt them to the requirements of the above law.

The main part. When tourist objects are mentioned, first of all, their name is referred to, and no doubt the name of the object, its meaning, etymology are of interest to everyone. This requires a wide and deep study of the names of tourist

objects from a scientific point of view. Taking this into account, we present below our thoughts on the origin of the names of some of the famous and talked-about tourist objects and destinations in the Tashkent region, both abroad and locally.

The mountainous regions of Uzbekistan are extremely rich in tourist facilities, especially ecotourism facilities. The following can be included in such ecotourism facilities:

Lake Ikhnach is a system of lakes located in the Piskom basin in the Tashkent region. The system of lakes of Ikhnach includes 2 lakes (except for a small stream formed by a glacial moraine in the upper part in the summer). Each of them differs from each other in terms of water level and absolute height (Fig. 1).

Lower Ikhnach (Little Ikhnach) lake is a dam lake, located at an absolute height of2363 m. The length of the lake is 503 m, the width is 271 m, the average depth is 10 m, the maximum depth is 21.5 m, the area is 0.08 km2.

Lake Upper Ikhnach (Big Ikhnach) is located at an absolute altitude of2402 m. The length of the lake is 1.2 km, the width is 145-400 m, the depth is about 14.5 m, some places are 46.5 m, the area is 0.19 km2. Upper Ikhnach lake is considered a moraine lake due to its formation.

Figure 1. Space image of the Ikhnach lake system and photo taken by the


The names of water bodies in this system of lakes are directly related to their geographical location and the flora growing in this area. That is, the combined use of the "upper " and "lower " components in the name of the lakes means their location relative to each other. There are different opinions about the etymology of the word Ikhnach. Some sources say that this toponym comes from the word yakhnach, which means "cool, cold, frozen place". Due to its geographical location (thousands of meters above sea level), the region of the lake system enjoys a relatively cool climate throughout the year, even during the hottest days of summer. From this point of view, the meaning of the toponym comes close to the truth. However, there is no such word in the Persian-Tajik language.

Another interpretation can be put forward regarding the etymology of the name of this geographical place. There is a plant called ikhnach. The stream

flowing from the place where this plant grows a lot is Ikhnachsoy. In mountainous areas, when naming objects located far from residential areas, the names of the natural conditions of this area, dominant flora and fauna are widely used. Taking into account this and the law of predominance of names related to natural conditions as one rises from the plain to the top of the mountain, both of the above explanations regarding the interpretation of the toponym are close to the truth.

At this point, we would like to draw attention to the fact that the toponym of Ikhnach is incorrectly used in the form of Ikhnoch in various scientific and popular educational sources. In our opinion, it is appropriate to use the toponym in the form of Ikhnach (writing and pronunciation).

The Oygaing River is also a unique area in our country for tourists interested in ecotourism (Fig. 2). The name of this river is actually Oqqayin, "corrupted" from russian in its current form. Oigaing valley is rich in white birch forests that cannot be found in other regions of our country. In general, white birch is considered a "non-typical" plant for arid regions and geographical latitudes of our country. It is known that white birch grows more in the northern parts of the temperate climate region and generally in areas with a cold climate. The growth of white birch in this region of our country is directly related to the activity of glaciers in the Quaternary period. It is known that during the Quaternary glaciation, the glaciers expanded from the north of Eurasia towards the interior of the continent. As a result, the fauna typical of the north also migrated in this direction. Along with the expansion (growth) of the glacier, it also pushed rocks and plant remains to the south. The expansion of the ice field from the north to the south (inland) has also moved the cold climate boundary far south. As a result, the area of glaciers in Tianshan has also expanded significantly. The seeds of the white birch plant also spread in the Tianshan Mountains in this way. However, due to the warm weather conditions and gradual drought that occurred after the retreat of the glaciers, all parts of Tianshan, especially Western Tianshan, did not have favorable climatic conditions for the development of white birch. Oygaing river valley is located in front of humid air masses, at 1,500-2,000 meters above the sea level, so the air is always cool (cold in winter). This creates favorable climate-moisture conditions for the growth of white birch in this area. That's why the Oygaing river valley is still rich in birch groves. This was reflected in the formation of the name of the river that flows through this valley.

Not far from Ikhnachkol, there is another unique ecotourism facility - the Bodak lakes system. Bodak lakes system includes 3 different lakes. These are: Choponkol, Small Bodak and Big Bodak lakes. They are located at an absolute height of 1380 m, 1483 m and 1711 m above sea level, respectively.

The area of Choponkol is 1223 square meters, length is 57 meters, width is 26 meters, average depth is 2.5-3 meters, maximum depth is 5 meters.

The area of Small Bodak Lake is 1314 square meters, length is 85 meters, width is 21.2 meters, average depth is 3-4 meters, maximum depth is 7.5 meters.

The length of Big Bodak Lake is 1217 m, the average width is 188 meters, the widest part is 369 meters, the average depth is 13.5 meters, some places are 23 meters.

There are several interpretations of the origin of the name of the lake. According to some interpretations, the name of the lake is derived from the Turkic words "badak" or "baydak" which means "wide ", and Bodaksoy means "big, wide stream ". However, neither the lakes nor the stream valley where they are formed are very wide. This situation makes this interpretation about the etymology of the toponym far from the truth. In another interpretation, it is said that the name of one of the ancient Uzbek tribes called badok (bodok) is the basis of this limnonym. It is worth noting that the population living in the area near the lakes and streams belongs to the Kyrgyz and Tajik nationalities. This information

calls into question the above interpretation that the toponym originates from the name of one of the Uzbek clans.

In the Bukhara region, badok/bodoq refers to a ditch where water is released from a large canal [5; p. 111, 6; p. 58]. However, the formation of this limnonym in this sense is probably not correct either. In our opinion, the origin of the name of this stream and the lakes in it, which is observed in June-July as a result of the melting of glaciers and snows, is probably the origin of the word "botoq " that comes from the Turkic language meaning the foot of the mountain. Based on this idea, Bodak means "stream at the foot of the mountain ".

The ecotourism facilities listed above are very popular and relatively "new" in Uzbekistan. Below, we will focus on the factors that led to the naming of internationally famous tourist resources and potential ecotourism objects.

One of the regions of our country rich in tourist resources is Beldorsoy. Beldorsoy is the name of a stream, mountain-ski resort complex in Tashkent region. This geographical name is also spelled differently in different sources, often in the form of Bildirsoy, Bildorsoy. Regarding the etymology of the toponym, the meaning of Bildirsoy - "boiling stream " is put forward. In fact, this is not close to the truth. The correct form of the name of the geographical object is Beldorsoy. This name of the ski resort complex built on the river and its basin is directly related to the natural conditions of the area. The word "bel" in the toponym is found in many Turkic languages as part of place names in the meaning of "low mountain ", "lower part of the mountain range ", "pass ".

In fact, the terms bel (Turkish), dovon (Mongolian), aqba (Arabic), kotal/kotal (Persian-Tajik), oshuv (Turkish) are synonyms and mean "easy way over the mountain " [5; p. 112-113].

The word dor in the geographical name means a pass, a place where there are many places to climb.

The term soy contained in the toponym is used in the form of tea/tea in Turkey and Azerbaijan. In Western Turkmenistan, this term is used in the form of a stream, meaning "drystream", "flatravine", "grove", "smallriver". S.Karaev writes that this term is used in the meanings of "small river", "flowing water", "waterway" [4; p. 52-53, 9; p. 93]. The famous toponymist E.M.Murzaev says that say (say, sayr, chay) is a Turkic word meaning "mountain stream (small mountain river) ", "valley" [8; p. 139].

Another popular tourist attraction in our country is the Chimyon Mountains and the ski resort complex built at its foot. There is also a village of the same name at the foot of the mountain. The word Chimyon in the name of these objects is used as Chimgan in the language of the local population [7, p. 70]. While many locals interpret this interpretation as "kalka" from the Russian name, Chimgon/Chimgan is the original interpretation of the name. This toponym means "ground covered with grass ", "slope covered with grass ", "slope covered with green plants" and reflects the natural conditions of the area, including the geomorphological condition of the place and its thick vegetation cover.

Conclusion. It can be seen from the above that the naming of most ecotourism objects in Uzbekistan is directly related to the natural conditions of the area, and natural geographical terms actively participated in the naming process. We think that researching the naming of tourist, including eco-tourism objects, the factors affecting them, the etymology of the names of tourist objects will also serve the effect of the toponymic reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan.


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