резидента в сфере экономической деятельности всегда ограничены бременем выполнение обязательств за счет своего участия в реализации специальной экономической зоны. Резидент обязан предоставить органам государственного контроля доступ к своей недвижимости.
Объекты недвижимости, и предоставить им соответствующую информацию, выполнить иные требования обусловлено контролем. Специфика административного режима, действующего на специальном территории экономических зон состоит, прежде всего, из протокола особого порядка проведения деятельность органов государственного контроля на территории специальных экономических зон. Меры контроля, за исключением налогового и таможенного, проводятся органами государственного контроля (надзора) в виде плановых комплексных проверок с соглашение об управлении особыми экономическими зонами.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Амброзиак А., Хартвелл К. (2018). Влияние инвестиций в особые экономические зоны на региональное развитие: пример Польши. Региональные исследования, Журналы Тейлора и Фрэнсиса, том 52(10),
2. Бублик В.А., Губарева А.В. (2016). Актуальные вопросы создания и развития специальных.
© Бекназаров Э. Б., Бяшимова Ш. П., 2024
УДК 33
Гаратаева Г.О.,
Преподаватель Сулейманова Г.Р.,
Туркменский государственный институт финансов TO DEVELOP FURTHER THE BANK SERVICES Keywords:
set goals, intensive studying, communication technologies.
Consistent development and expansion of activities of the credit institutions is rightfully recognized as an effective factor in the competitive, innovative growth of the national economy, the active and effective integration of our country in the global economy, and the successful bringing of the well-being of our population to the standard of living of the developed states.
At the present stage of Revival of a new epoch of the powerful state, Turkmenistan has chosen and follows confidently the course of diversification of the national economy, when an important role in achieving the set goals is assigned to implementation of the approved programs of comprehensive development. The significant part of the defined goals and objectives is reflected in the «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022-2028», as well as in the «Conception of Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025», within which a lot of fruitful work is done on intensive introduction in the national credit institutions of the advanced digital platforms. Comprehensive measures implemented in accordance with these objectives are aimed at intensive studying and effective development of
the latest software, information and communication technologies, the active implementation of which in the activities of the credit institutions contributes not only to the qualitative improvement of the services themselves, but also to the promotion of progressive innovations for people, ensuring the awareness of the population and the availability of new types of services. Based on the widespread introduction and active use of digital developments in the credit institutions, the volume of such most progressive and popular services as the ex- tension of loans, investment financing, prompt and high- quality execution of payment orders for all types of mutual settlements and cash transfers, provision of bank guarantees and others is increasing. In order to steadily strengthen the customer satisfaction and confidence in the activities of the banking institutions, the measures are worked up and taken to consistently increase the interest rates on the household deposits, as well as to stimulate the activity of the monetary system as a whole. These measures are designed to help increase the number of customers by expanding purposefully the range and improving the quality of banking services and banking products with an emphasis on digital innovations, the most modern technological innovations. It is important to expand the range of non- cash payments, the electronic format of which provides significant savings in time and money, promotes strict control of cash flows and taking of timely, verified and effective decisions.
The development and implementation over the years of Independence of the national payment card system «Altyn Asyr», the international payment systems «Visa» and «Master Card» has opened up a wide scope for the application of the latest world developments in this area and further development of cash circulation. Plastic cards of these payment systems are widely used by our citizens for payments for purchased goods and services both within the country and abroad, for tourist purposes, to pay for educational services and for other purposes. The introduction of the «cash-back» banking service within the payment system reflects the next facet of the introduction of positive international experience in this field into the domestic practice. The expansion of the range of application in banking services of the «Internet-bank» and «Mobil-bank» systems contributes to closer interaction between the bank institutions and the client audience. Bank services rendered to clients using these digital formats help to fully meet the needs of client requests in the context of innovation, efficiency and modern quality of service, at the same time significantly simplifying the procedure of money transfers directly, with tangible savings of time and money - both banks and customers. The active use of digital innovations and progressive technological developments contributes to strengthening the market competitiveness of the credit institutions, modernizing their technical and technological base and customer service system. As part of further improvement of the quality and expansion of the range of non-cash payments, other effective technologies that are widely used in the international practice and have successfully passed the design tests in our country are also actively mastered. In particular, this is the QR-code technology, which allows for payment transactions in remote and contactless mode. In other words, by installing the appropriate program on a smartphone, the client gets the opportunity to make electronic payments for purchased goods and services, as well as other mutual settlements, through the execution of just a few simple manipulations. The intensive technical and technological modernization of the national bank institutions is designed to contribute to the intensive improvement and radical modernization of banking services in the country, providing for basic criteria of success in this direction the modern level, high quality, efficiency, effectiveness and reliable security of banking services.
1. The Constitution of Turkmenistan - Ashgabat, 2020
2. The «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022-2028» -Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2022
3. The Law of Turkmenistan «On Central Bank of Turkmenistan» - 2011
© rapaTaeBa r. O., Cy.neMMaHOBa r. P., 2024