THREATS TO THE INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEM MOSCOW MEGALOPOLIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Glushkov S.V., Pronkin N.N., Semenycheva I.F.

The article discusses issues related to the integrated development and implementation of new technologies from the perspective of reducing threats to the information security system.

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UDC 33

Glushkov S.V., Pronkin N.N., Semenycheva I.F. Threats to the information security system Moscow megalopolis

Glushkov S.V.,

PhD, associate Professor - Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of the Ministry of

health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).

Pronkin N.N.,

PhD, associate Professor - Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of the Ministry of

health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).

Semenycheva I.F.,

PhD, associate Professor - Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of the Ministry of

health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).

Abstract. The article discusses issues related to the integrated development and implementation of new technologies from the perspective of reducing threats to the information security system.

Keywords: information security system; information system; technology; availability; threats; metropolis.

DOI 10.54092/25421085_2022_2_18

Рецензент: Бессарабов Владислав Олегович - Кандидат экономических наук. ГО ВПО «ДонНУЭТимени Михаила Туган-Барановского»

The current stage of society's development is characterized by a significant increase in the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the activities of commercial and public institutions and the daily lives of citizens. In these conditions, the vulnerability of ICT has given rise to new types of counter-actions, such as cybercrime and cyberterrorism, and has brought to life a new form of confrontation - information warfare. Threats related to ICT are relevant for all States involved in information interaction. The problem of security of information resources acquires global significance, characteristic of each structural level of the world community and field of activity.

The increase in the world's urban population over the past 10 years has been approximately 40%. Such an increase causes an increased burden on all services that ensure the functioning of the urban economy. At the same time, many technologies that ensure the

vital activity of Russian cities have exhausted their capabilities to serve the rapidly growing urban population.

Among the trends in technology development in Russia and around the world, the development of highly organized systems is at the forefront. The leaders of the largest Russian cities are striving to optimize the urban environment, traffic flows, and create a more efficient urban infrastructure management system. Today in Russia there is an "Electronic government" that improves the communication of the city administration, various institutions and residents. This system makes it possible to manage the city, allows you to get a large amount of information for making management decisions.

There are also projects in the energy industry to improve the system of production, distribution and consumption of electricity, for which sensors, smart devices connected to the Internet are necessary. They make it possible to better optimize the production, consumption and distribution of electricity, and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

To achieve this goal, the introduction of new information technologies is required, which are one of the important elements of the functioning of modern cities. There is an introduction of automated management and control systems for various spheres of city life, such as housing and communal services, urban automobile traffic, public transport, tourism, public safety, education, healthcare, energy supply, water supply, environmental situation.

The comprehensive introduction of modern information technologies contributes to a significant improvement in the quality and efficiency of the provision of educational, medical and other social services and contributes to an increase in the level of information security.

But the positive dynamics of the development of systems entails issues of information protection. Threats to information security are changing no less actively. The use of highly efficient technologies inevitably leads to the strengthening of existing threats and the emergence of new ones.

A threat is a potential opportunity to violate information security, which is usually considered as a combination of three aspects: Accessibility, Integrity and Confidentiality.

Violation of any of them leads to harmful effects on information and other resources of the system. Within the framework of production information systems, the distribution of protective actions between aspects is equal, that is, in such systems, a third of all information security efforts are mobilized to protect Accessibility, Integrity and Confidentiality account for the other two thirds.

The role of Accessibility is increasing due to the change in the list of threats. For sensors, sensors and other devices, accessibility is vital, since this property of data provides the possibility of their arbitrary use in solving problems.

The list of threats related to the human factor is significantly reduced. Currently, the powerful threat stream "Unintentional errors of regular users" reaches 65%, and "smart systems" significantly reduce this value by at least half.

The threats associated with failures of the supporting infrastructure (failures of communication systems, power supply, water and heat supply, air conditioning, destruction of the building, failure of maintenance personnel) are noticeably reduced, and the threats associated with failures of the system itself and user failures are clearly increasing.

User rejections:

• unwillingness to work with the information system (most often manifests itself when it is necessary to master a new one);

• inability to work with the system, as there is no appropriate training;

• inability to work with the system due to lack of technical support (incomplete documentation, inability to obtain reference information).

Failures of the system itself for internal reasons:

• deviation from the established rules of operation (accidental or intentional);

• system out of normal operation due to accidental or intentional actions of users or maintenance personnel (exceeding the estimated number of requests, excessive amount of information processed, etc.);

• errors during (re) configuration of the system;

• software and hardware failures;

• data destruction;

• destruction or damage of equipment.

Currently, the introduction of modern information technologies in urban development strategies involves a radical restructuring in the management system of municipalities, a reassessment of Russia's resources and the search for new ways to achieve this goal.

A safe city is a city in which the existing resources of city services are used in the best possible way, providing services of the best quality for city residents and ensuring maximum safety of city life, for which information and communication technologies are widely used.

Smart services in the field of housing and communal services, transport service management, the formation of unified urban information systems are successfully functioning in Moscow, systems are being implemented in the field of security and rational management of urban communal services.

To solve the tasks set, a completely new integrated approach is required, including the unification of technical and humanitarian components of the problems of ensuring urban security. Safe technologies of critical infrastructures, secure telecommunications and security of every citizen, including his personal data, work on education and instilling a moral way of life - this is the foundation on the basis of which it is necessary to build such a complex socio-technical object as a safe city.

The composition and structure of threats associated with failures of the supporting infrastructure of the urban economy are changing due to the development and implementation of modern technologies. An unsystematic approach, the introduction of individual modern technologies, and the lack of communication between urban household technologies lead to an increase in the level of threats to information security.

Thus, when planning investments related to the development and implementation of modern technologies, it is necessary to take into account the costs of accessibility protection to a greater extent, to ensure the neutralization of numerical threats, to provide for the costs of researching potential threats from new technologies.


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