PRINCIPLES OF FUNCTIONING OF THE INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Glushchenko V.M., Pronkin N.N., Simakov A.I.

The article considers the principles of functioning of the information security system of the Moscow megapolis on the basis of a system analysis.

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UDC 004

Glushchenko V.M., Pronkin N.N., Simakov A.I. Principles of functioning of the information security system

Glushchenko V.M.,

doctor of Economics, Professor, honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation - Moscow city University of management of the government of Moscow.

Pronkin N.N.,

PhD, associate Professor - Sechenov First Moscow state medical University of the Ministry of health of

the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).

Simakov A.I.

Abstract. The article considers the principles of functioning of the information security system of the Moscow megapolis on the basis of a system analysis.

Keywords: Moscow megapolis, information security.

DOI 10.54092/25421085_2021 _9_20

Рецензент: Дудкина Ольга Владимировна, кандидат социологических наук, доцент. Донской государственный технический университет (ДГТУ), г. Ростов-на-Дону, Факультет «Сервис и туризм», кафедра «Сервис, туризм и индустрия гостеприимства»

The information security system is a specially created set of legal norms, legislative and executive bodies, as well as means, methods and directions of their activities to ensure reliable protection of information security objects.

The information security system is, in fact, a methodology of theoretical approaches and specific practical actions of special structures that provide sufficiently complete protection of the individual, society and the metropolis from all types of information threats and risks.

The conceptual models of the information security system and its support are presented in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.

Figure 1. Conceptual model of the information security system.

The analysis of foreign and domestic experience has shown: • no information security system can provide the required level of security without proper training and provision of the necessary forces and means, without the participation of relevant management bodies and the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures;

ensuring information security cannot be a one-time act. This is a continuous process consisting in the justification and implementation of optimal methods, methods and ways of improving and developing the information security system, continuous monitoring, identifying weaknesses and potential dangers and information threats; information security can be ensured only with the integrated use of the entire arsenal of available forces and means. The greatest effect is achieved when all the forces and means and methods used are combined into a single, integral mechanism - an information security system.


ObIB is a set of administrative-legal, organizational-managerial, special, engineering-technical moral-psychological, information- analytical and other measures that allow using all combined forces and means, simultaneously and constantly, to identify, prevent and suppress information threats against the individual, society and the metropolis by legal means.

Prevention of information threats Identification of information threats

Preventive measures tc enauie information security Systematic monitoring of the possibility of the appearance of real or potential information threats

Detection of information threats

of real information threat: and specific criminal actions


Localization of criminal actions Elimination of conseqnences

Measures to eliminate information threats and specific crime: Elimination of the damage caused

Figure 2. Conceptual model of information security

The main functions of the information security system are:

• identification and forecasting of internal and external information threats to the vital interests of information security objects, implementation of a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize them;

• managing the forces and means of ensuring information security in everyday conditions and in emergency situations;

• implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of information security facilities in the metropolis affected by an emergency situation;

• participation in information security activities outside the megalopolis in accordance with international treaties and agreements concluded or recognized by the Russian Federation.

The development of the situation in the city of Moscow indicates that today the range of information threats has expanded, the scale of the damage they cause to the vital interests and information security of the city has increased. However, to date, the mechanisms for accurately identifying the extent of damage in various spheres of life of the capital have not yet been determined. This determines the need for a comprehensive solution to a number of problems of a scientific, methodological, analytical and informational nature. At the same time, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the measures taken by the Government should be adequate and correspond to the severity of the damage that may be caused to the vital interests and information security of the city as a result of the implementation of these threats.

The achievement of the set goal and the most effective solution of the set scientific task is possible on the basis of a systematic approach, the main advantage of which is to obtain a sufficiently close to objective reality representation of the composition, structure and relationships of the elements of the processes under consideration. Such a system is the information security of the further development of society, the system analysis of which allows us to identify the characteristics, place and role of existing and new information threats and challenges, ways and means of their timely prevention, blocking and elimination in order to prevent possible damage to the metropolis. Then the ratio of the prevented damage to the potential integral damage shows the degree of information security of the metropolis and the effectiveness of the actions of the system to ensure it.

It should be noted that information threats contain potential damage, which in certain conditions can increase the degree of degradation of society if no further measures are taken. One of the shortcomings of the existing system of ensuring the information security of the society is the lack of proper targeted and resource concentration of information measures taken by the megalopolis and society in vulnerable areas, where it is possible to accumulate the greatest potential unintended damage.

Taking into account this approach, for an objective assessment of the effectiveness of ensuring vital interests and information security, it is necessary first of all to find a mechanism for assessing the level of integral (total) prevented damage in various spheres of life. The absence of such an apparatus leads to a decrease in the information security of development

and an increase in the level of degradation of society, makes it difficult to identify the most dangerous external and internal information threats, assess the effectiveness of measures to ensure the protection of vital interests and information security of the individual, society and the city.

The information security of the further development of society is formed and ensured by the influence of an interconnected set of internal and external factors that favor the effective growth of the national economy, its ability to meet the needs of society, the metropolis, the individual, to ensure international competitiveness, to guarantee protection from various types of information threats and losses.


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