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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Glushchenko V.M., Pronkin N.N.

The Educational sphere, like other branches of the national economy, cannot develop in the absence of innovative technologies. Education is associated with the increasing influence of the quality of human capital on social development. The search for ways to interpenetrate education and information technology has set the task of rapid and radical modernization of the material and technical base and personnel support.

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UDC 37

Glushchenko V.M., Pronkin N.N. Quality of professional training as a result of innovative educational technologies

Glushchenko V.M.,

doctor of Economics, doctor of Economics, Professor, honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation-Moscow city University of management of the government

of Moscow. Pronkin N.N.,

PhD, associate Professor - SECHENOV First Moscow state medical University of the Ministry of

health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University).

Abstract. The Educational sphere, like other branches of the national economy, cannot develop in the absence of innovative technologies. Education is associated with the increasing influence of the quality of human capital on social development. The search for ways to interpenetrate education and information technology has set the task of rapid and radical modernization of the material and technical base and personnel support.

Keywords: practice of reforming higher professional education, integration of education and new information technologies, quality of training of specialists, innovative technologies of education.

Рецензент: Кузьменко Наталья Ивановна, к.п.н., доцент, преподаватель ГБПОУ "Магнитогорский

педагогический колледж"

The beginning of the XXI century is associated with fundamental changes in the field of education, with the onset of the time of innovation. Non-traditional methods of teaching based on modern educational, information and innovative technologies are widely used. A feature of the development of higher professional education is the integration of education and new information technologies, which provides a qualitative improvement of the fundamental base of education.

Traditional forms and methods are not able to provide the necessary conditions for the formation of a specialist with a new type of higher professional education. In this regard, the education system requires mechanisms for the intensification of knowledge based on new methods of information and methodological support, innovative technologies, the structure of the educational program, and the comfort of educational conditions. Russian universities have accumulated a wealth of experience in scientific research, teaching traditions and scientific

discoveries, so that they can become guides of innovation in the training of specialists with higher professional education.

Modern practice of reforming higher professional education shows that today it is becoming increasingly difficult to use traditional means to search for directions and qualitative parameters of changes in the system of training specialists with higher professional education, to respond adequately to emerging problems without understanding a large amount of timely and accurate information and the introduction of innovative technologies. In the conditions of increasing information flows, these problems can be solved, as a rule, by actively applying new information technology and modern electronic computing and communication tools.

Today, the principle of variability is proclaimed in Russian education, which makes it possible for the teaching staff of universities to choose and design the pedagogical process according to any model, including the author's. In this direction, there is also progress in education: the development of various versions of its content, the use of modern didactics in improving the effectiveness of educational structures; scientific development and practical justification of new ideas and technologies. In these conditions, the teacher must navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, directions, not waste time on the discovery of already known, and use the entire Arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience. Today, it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire wide range of educational technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies can only be implemented in an innovative University.

At the moment, a variety of pedagogical innovations are used in higher professional education. However, the most characteristic innovative technologies are the following:

1. Information and communication technologies in subject training.

They imply the integration of various subject areas with computer science, which leads to the Informatization of the minds of students and their understanding of the processes of Informatization in modern society. It is essential to understand the emerging trends in the process of Informatization of higher education: from the development of students ' initial information about computer science to the use of computer software in the study of taught subjects, and then to saturate the structure and content of education with elements of Informatics, to implement a radical restructuring of the entire educational process based on the use of information technologies. As a result, new information technologies appear, and University graduates are prepared to learn new information technologies in their future work. This direction is implemented by including in the curriculum of new subjects aimed at studying computer science and information and communication technologies. The experience of using information and communication systems in universities has shown that:

• the information environment of the University significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines;

• Informatization of education is attractive to students in that it relieves the psychological stress of University communication by moving from the subjective relationship "teacher-student" to the most objective relationship "student-computer-teacher", increases the efficiency of student labor, increases the share of creative work, expands the opportunity to receive additional education in the subject within the walls of the University;

• Informatization of teaching is attractive to the teacher because it allows to increase the productivity of their work, increases the overall information culture.

2. Personality-oriented technologies in teaching the subject.

They put the student's personality at the center of the entire University educational system, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials.

3. Information and analytical support of the educational process and quality management of students ' education.

The use of such innovative technology as information and analytical methods for managing the quality of education allows you to objectively, impartially track the development of each student individually, the study group, the flow, the University as a whole.

1. Monitoring of intellectual development.

Analysis and diagnostics of the quality of education of each student by testing and plotting the dynamics of academic performance.

2. Educational technologies as a leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student.

It is implemented in the form of involving students in additional forms of personal development: participation in cultural events, theater, creative centers, etc.

3. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process of the University.

Both well-known and proven techniques can be implemented here, as well as new ones.

4. Psychological and pedagogical support for the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of the University.

It is assumed that the scientific and pedagogical justification of the use of certain innovations. Their analysis at methodological councils, seminars, consultations with leading experts in this field.

Thus, the experience of modern Russian education has a wide Arsenal of application of pedagogical innovations in the learning process. The effectiveness of their application depends on the established traditions in the University, the ability of the teaching staff to perceive these innovations, and the material and technical base of the University. The development and implementation of information and innovative technologies in the educational process is necessary for a number of economic reasons.

In modern conditions, in the educational process of higher education institutions, there is a contradiction between the need to practice teaching students using information and innovative technologies and poor pedagogical development of methods and use in various types of classes, in the organization of the educational process. The resolution of this contradiction will be facilitated by a set of organizational and pedagogical measures that include both new information and innovative technologies, as well as traditional methods and teaching tools.

Their implementation in practice in the framework of the Informatization of the educational-methodical complex of the University, the introduction of multimedia technologies in training of students, formation of information culture of participants of educational process will contribute to the improvement of the educational process in universities, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of training specialists with higher professional education.

All of the above processes have led to the need to develop a conceptual framework and methodology for creating an innovative project of the University quality system of education.

The use of new innovative technologies contributes to the development of the entire educational system as a whole, if existing innovations are mastered. It is known that the use of new technologies in old organizational structures is met with certain obstacles and difficulties. As the main obstacle to the use of new technologies in the educational process, we can point out a rather weak development and dissemination of innovations in the field of education.

Higher education institutions are now increasingly implementing organizational policies aimed at supporting the introduction of new information and innovative technologies into the educational process.

In the management of education based on new information and innovative technologies, the most important task is to assess the educational needs of students, as well as the orientation of the educational process itself to the fullest satisfaction of these needs.

The use of innovative educational technologies and active development of cooperation with foreign universities and science is an integral element of further improving the quality of higher professional education.


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