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декабрь, 2023 г.
Khojiakbar Sultonov
of "Metallurgy " department, Tashkent State Technical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: sultonovhojiakbarl 124@gmail.com
Shokhrukh Khojiev
Associate professor of "Metallurgy " department, PhD, Tashkent State Technical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: hojiyevshohruh@yandex. ru
Saida'loxon Mutalibxonov
of the Smelting Department at the Copper Smelting Plant of "Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine ", Republic of Uzbekistan, Almalyk
Султонов Хожиакбар Шухратович
ассистент кафедры «Металлургия» Ташкентского государственного технического университета,
Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Хожиев Шохрух Тошпулатович
и.о. доцент кафедры «Металлургия», PhD, Ташкентский государственный технический университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Муталибхонов Саидаълохон Саидолимхонович
начальник плавильного цеха Медеплавильного завода «Алмалыкского горно-металлургического комбината», Республика Узбекистан, г. Алмалык
This article presents a comprehensive investigation into the thermodynamics and kinetics governing the reaction between chalcopyrite and magnetite. Through a systematic analysis, it was observed that with an increase in temperature, the Gibbs energy of the reaction exhibited a consistent decrease, accompanied by a proportional increase in the equilibrium constant. The study identifies 1398 K as the optimum temperature, demonstrating superior economic efficiency for the chalcopyrite-magnetite reaction. The findings provide valuable insights for optimizing industrial processes, contributing to enhanced reaction kinetics and overall system performance.
В этой статье представлено всестороннее исследование термодинамики и кинетики реакции между халькопиритом и магнетитом. Путем систематического анализа было замечено, что с увеличением температуры энергия Гиббса реакции последовательно уменьшается, сопровождаясь пропорциональным увеличением константы равновесия. Исследование определило 1398 К как оптимальную температуру, демонстрирующую превосходную экономическую эффективность реакции халькопирит-магнетит. Результаты дают ценную информацию для оптимизации промышленных процессов, способствуя улучшению кинетики реакций и общей производительности системы.
Библиографическое описание: Sultonov Kh.Sh., Khojiev S.T., Mutalibxonov S.S. THERMODYNAMIC AND KINETIC ANALYSIS OF THE CHALCOPYRITE-MAGNETITE REACTION: OPTIMIZING TEMPERATURE FOR ENHANCED EFFICIENCY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 12(117). URL: https://7univer-sum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/16580
№ 12 (117)
/Ш. те;
декабрь, 2023 г.
Keywords: chalcopyrite, magnetite, thermodynamics, kinetics, reaction analysis, Gibbs energy, equilibrium constant, optimal temperature.
Ключевые слова: халькопирит, магнетит, термодинамика, кинетика, анализ реакций, энергия Гиббса, константа равновесия, оптимальная температура.
The reaction of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) with magnetite (Fe3Ü4) is a complex process with significant thermodynamic implications, particularly in the context of extractive metallurgy and mineral processing [1].
Chalcopyrite is a primary copper mineral, and its extraction is crucial for copper production. The reaction with magnetite may occur during the processing of copper ores, affecting the overall efficiency of the extraction process [2].
The reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite often involves roasting, a process where the ore is heated in the presence of oxygen. Thermodynamic considerations play a vital role in determining the conditions under which this roasting occurs, impacting the overall energy requirements and efficiency of the process [3].
Thermodynamics provides insights into the feasibility of the reaction, but kinetics determines the rate at which the reaction proceeds. Both aspects are essential for optimizing the extraction process and ensuring that it is economically viable [4-5].
The reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite may lead to the formation of various intermediate phases and compounds. Understanding the thermodynamics of these intermediate reactions is crucial for predicting the behavior of the system under different conditions [6]. Thermodynamic analysis helps in evaluating the energy requirements for the reaction. This information is essential for optimizing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impacts associated with the extraction process [7].
The thermodynamics of the reaction provide a theoretical basis for process control and optimization. Engineers and researchers can use this information to design and improve extraction processes, ensuring maximum resource recovery and minimal waste generation [8].
The economic feasibility of extracting copper from chalcopyrite is influenced by the thermodynamics of the reaction. Understanding the thermodynamic aspects helps in assessing the costs associated with energy consumption and raw material inputs.
Ongoing research in the thermodynamics of chalco-pyrite-magnetite reactions contributes to the development of innovative technologies and processes in extractive metallurgy. This research is essential for addressing challenges and improving the sustainability of mineral processing practices.
In addition, additional charging of converter slag containing a large amount of magnetite to the furnace
during the thermal treatment of sulfide copper concentrates in the Reverberatory furnace causes collision of chalcopyrite with magnetite. These situations require a deeper study of the possibilities of interaction between chalcopyrite and magnetite [9].
The purpose of this study is to study the possibilities of reacting chalcopyrite with magnetite, the main mineral that makes up copper enrichment, as a partial solution to the problems mentioned above, and to analyze the thermodynamic aspects of the process.
To achieve the intended goal, the following tasks were set before the research:
• creation of the interaction reaction of magnetite and chalcopyrite;
• search for thermodynamic indicators of reactants and products involved in the reaction from the reference books and form the main preliminary data base for analysis;
• to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of the chemical reaction in the reaction system based on the relevant thermodynamic laws and their mathematical equations.
The chemical equations for the reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite can be different and many. But based on the chemical and mineralogical composition of the products obtained from practical experiments, the most reliable general chemical equation is as follows:
2CuFeS2 + 8Fe3O4 = Cu2S + 26FeO + 3SO2 (1)
Using the thermodynamic values given in the data, the corresponding mathematical expression of the relationship between Gibbs energy and temperature in the reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite was constructed and it looks like this:
AG = 1271,44 - 0,98728-T (2)
Based on the calculated mathematical expression, the probability of occurrence of the redox chemical process was determined when the temperature in the reaction system increases by every 50 units. The obtained results are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1 presents the corresponding Gibbs energies of the chemical reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite in the temperature range of298 - 1498 K (i.e., 25 - 1225 oC).
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декабрь, 2023 г.
Figure 1. Temperature dependence of Gibbs
Based on the mathematical expression (2) of the chemical reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite in the graph shown in Fig. 1 and the values of free energies in Fig. 1, the equilibrium constants of the chemical reaction at the given temperatures were determined and these values are presented in Fig. 2.
From the graph depicted in the form of histograms in Figure 2, it can be understood that when the temperature reaches 1287 K (1014 oC), the equilibrium constant
y in reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite
of the chemical reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite is equal to one. From 1288 K (1015 oC), the chemical reaction shifts to the right, i.e. to the side of product formation. When the temperature reached 1398 K (1125 oC), the reaction yield increased and reached the optimum value for the given time. A further increase in temperature was not significant in this study due to the large amount of fuel consumed.
1,2 1
1 n Q
0,8 K^o (л
n л
0,4 n о
0,2 n
0 4 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i > ^ & <vb $ $ ^ ^ ^ T, oC
Figure 2. Temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant in the reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite
The result of the thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the reaction of chalcopyrite with magnetite showed that the probability of the reaction and the equilibrium constant increase as the temperature increases. When the temperature reached 1398 K (1125 oC), the rate of the reaction reached an optimal value.
In summary, the thermodynamic aspects of the reaction between chalcopyrite and magnetite are highly relevant in the field of extractive metallurgy, influencing the efficiency, energy consumption, and environmental impact of copper extraction processes. Researchers and engineers continue to explore ways to optimize these processes for sustainable resource utilization.
№ 12 (117)
декабрь, 2023 г.
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3. Berdiyarov B.T., Khojiev Sh.T., Ismailov J.B., Matkarimov S.T., Ismatov Sh.O. Selective reduction of trivalent iron in zinc ferrite using elemental sulphur // Technical science and innovation. - 2022. - №. 3. - P. 51-59.
4. Berdiyarov B.T., Ismailov J.B., Khojiev Sh.T., Matkarimov S.T. Reduction of zinc cake by hydrogen (H2) in a weakly reducing gas atmosphere // ENERGY-EARTH-ENVIRONMENT-ENGINEERING. - 2022. - P. 31.
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