THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING: GENERAL OVERVIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
teaching methodology / teaching theory / foreign languages / globalization / innovative methods.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Erkin Mamatkarimovich Soliyev

The research is devoted to the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages. The paper gives definitions to the theory and methodology of foreign language teaching (FLT), cross-cultural communication, traditional and modern methods of education. The authors of the study regard project teaching method as one of the effective methods in foreign language teaching.

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Erkin Mamatkarimovich Soliyev

Researcher of National university of Uzbekistan


The research is devoted to the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages. The paper gives definitions to the theory and methodology of foreign language teaching (FLT), cross-cultural communication, traditional and modern methods of education. The authors of the study regard project teaching method as one of the effective methods in foreign language teaching.

Keywords: teaching methodology, teaching theory, foreign languages, globalization, innovative methods.


Исследование посвящено теории и методике преподавания иностранных языков. В статье даны определения теории и методики обучения иностранным языкам, межкультурной коммуникации, традиционным и современным методам обучения иностранным языкам. Авторы 311 рассматривают метод проектного обучения, как один из эффективных методов обучения иностранным языкам.

Ключевые слова: методология обучения, теория обучения, иностранные языки, глобализация, инновационные методы.


Maqola chet tillarini o'qitish nazariyasi va metodologiyasiga bag'ishlangan. Maqolada chet tillarini o'qitish nazariyasi va metodikasi, madaniyatlararo muloqot, chet tillarini o'qitishning an'anaviy va zamonaviy usullariga ta'riflar berilgan. Mualliflar 311 loyiha asosida o'qitish usulini chet tillarini o'qitishning samarali usullaridan biri deb hisoblaydilar.

Kalit so'zlar: o'qitish metodikasi, o'rganish nazariyasi, chet tillari, globallashuv, innovatsion usullar.

Introduction. Science and education should be ahead of countries' national economies. The important task of modern didactic is to improve the effectiveness of education in general and foreign language teaching in particular. The concept of


И 27-mart, 2024 Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi

globalization is widespread nowadays. Globalization is the idea that the world is developing a single economy and culture as a result of improved technology and communications and the influence of large transnational companies [13]. Transnational companies have many advantages in improving the general education and qualification level, intensifying industrial mobility between industries, strengthening migration processes that destroy national isolation and contribute to the internationalization of economics [12]. This attracts people to work in such companies and causes the need to learn a foreign language. The role of the economy is also important from the point of getting an education and job. Sometimes it is a problem because of uneven economic development in different countries. To find a suitable job or education, people have to move to another country. This is another reason for people to learn foreign languages, culture and history of other countries. Transnational companies and uneven economies lead to international educational and professional migration of people. At the beginning of the 21st century, the socio-cultural context of learning foreign languages in Russia has changed significantly. Their educational and self-educational functions in schools and universities, as well as their professional significance in the labor market as a whole, have significantly increased, which has led to increasing motivation in learning international languages [4]. The methodology and theory of FLT should be improved and developed in accordance with current trends in 312 the development of society, economy and industry because the use of a foreign language in the 21st century has increased. The purpose of the research is to learning the basis of the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages. Methodology Teaching methodology is a complex of sciences that study the methods of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving educational problems, a system of purposeful teacher actions that organize the educational activities of students leading to the achievement of learning goals [8]. The methodology includes teaching methods, which include the following types: traditional, innovative, etc. The methodology of FLT reasonably involve data from basic and related sciences in solving theoretical and practical issues of training, avoiding one-sided orientation to any one science [6]. Methodology as a science is based on the educational process, the components of which are: teaching activities of a teacher, organization of training (goals, content, methods, techniques and tools), educational activities of students [6]. Learning theory is a branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, functional training person to various types of activities, content, methods and organizational forms of teaching, the impact of the educational process on its participants [2]. The theory is considered in two aspects: approaches and principles of

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teaching. A principle - is an instrumental expression of the pedagogical concept, of cognized laws and regularities, in the categories of activity, this knowledge about the goals, essence, content, structure of instruction, expressed in a form that allows using it as a regulative norms of practice [11]. The approach to learning is a basic category in the methodology that gives an idea of the views of the language researcher and the language teacher, both on the language itself and on the ways of mastering it. It is a component of the language learning system, acts as the most general linguo didactic basis for language acquisition and gives an idea of the chosen knowledge strategy, which serves as the basis for the choice of teaching methods and techniques. 313 A teaching approach is based on: the relevant theory of language (linguistic foundations of learning) and the theory of learning/teaching (didactic foundations of learning [1]. The theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages is a science that studies the purpose and content, methods and means of teaching, methods and upbringing based on the material of a foreign language [7]. The theory and methodology of FLT is not only the study of grammar, speaking and writing in a foreign language, but also teaching the culture, history and traditions of other countries. The basic sciences for teaching foreign languages are: linguistics, pedagogy, didactics, psychology and psycholinguistics [6]. There are different methods of FLT: 1) The Grammar translation method is also called a classical method. This method came out when the western people world wanted to learn "foreign" languages such as Latin and Greek. The focus of GTM was on grammatical rules, the memorization of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjugations, translations of texts, and doing written exercises [9]. 2) The Direct

Method. The basic principle of the Direct Method was that the second language learning should be more like first language learning. The method would comprise a great deal of oral interaction, spontaneous use of language, no translation between the first and the second languages, and little or no analysis of grammar rules [9]. 3) Communicative Language Teaching. There are many ways to teach language. One is called Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). This method is learnercentered and emphasizes communication and real-life situations [9]. 4) The Audio-lingual Method (also known as the army method, the aural-oral method, or the new key), is a method of foreign language teaching in which the students learn language by repeating/imitating the recurring patterns/dialogues of everyday situations by a succession of drills. The Audio-lingual Method strongly dominated the field of education in the 1950s and 1960s [9]. 314 There are many traditional methods of teaching foreign languages that are quite effective. However, the modern development of society requires the search and use of more advanced methods and

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technologies. Knowledge of several languages is becoming the norm of life. For fast and effective learning of foreign languages, innovative methods are needed aimed at developing the practical skills of a qualified specialist who is able to solve professional problems at the level of foreign language communicative competence [10]. It is impossible to imagine the work of multinational companies without innovative, communication and information technologies. One of the most successful approaches is the project method. In the European languages the word «project» is borrowed from Latin: the participle «projectus' means «thrown out forward», «striking one's eye». With reference to a lesson of a foreign language, a project is specially organized by a teacher and independently carried out by students complex of actions, finished with creation of a creative product. A method of projects, thus, is the set of educational and cognitive modes which allow solving this or that problem as a result of independent actions of students with obligatory presentation of results. Project methods help to solve several tasks - to expand students' vocabulary, to develop the studied lexical and grammatical material. Projects can be realized in groups and individually. It is necessary to note, that the method of projects helps students to develop such competences as: to be ready to work in a team, to accept the responsibility for a choice, to share the responsibility with members of the team, to analyze results of activity, to be able to find a common language, be able to solve problems in the team and individualy [5]. The purpose of teaching a foreign language is the communicative activity of students, i.e. practical knowledge of a foreign language. The task of a teacher is to intensify the activity of each student, to create situations for their creative activity in the learning process. The use of new information technologies not only enlivens and diversifies the educational process, but also opens up great opportunities for expanding the educational framework, undoubtedly carries a huge motivational potential and contributes to the principles of individualization of learning. Project activity allows students to act as 315 authors, creators, increases creativity, expands not only the general outlook, but also contributes to the expansion of language knowledge [3].

Results and Conclusions The application of the project methodology in English classes, even within the school curriculum, demonstrates some positive results: 1) Students achieve good results in learning a foreign language. 2) Students have a practical opportunity to apply the skills acquired in computer science lessons. 3) Students understand the need of interdisciplinary connections. The project method has a number of advantages over traditional teaching methods. The main advantages are: 1) Increase students ' motivation when learning a foreign language. 2) Visual integration of knowledge in various subjects or disciplines in educational

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establishments. 3) There is much space for motivating and creative activities [3]. In the global world of multinational companies which unite national economies, it should be concluded that people need to learn other languages, culture and history of other countries. It is necessary to create universal and innovative methods of education and FLT to do this, on one hand. On the other hand there are effective methods of FLT - project methods of teaching - which may be realized effectively in the modern conditions of education.


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