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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kashchena N.

The article is devoted to the substantiation of the influence of the theory of economic fluctuations on the economic activity of enterprises. The influence of economic fluctuations at the macrolevel of the economy on economic activity at the microlevel of business entities is noted. A systematic approach to determining the economic activity of the enterprise as a phenomenon with a complex internal structure is analyzed in detail. Peculiarities of determining the effect of systematization in the interaction of components of business activity of the enterprise are analyzed: economic, managerial, financial, innovative, investment, marketing, labor, production. Attention is focused on the main goal in the management of the business activity of the enterprise as the formation of all types of activity at the exit from the system - it can be achieved by purposefully ensuring the activity of the enterprise both at the entrance to the system and in the process of transformation. The phases of formation of economic activity of the enterprise according to the theory of economic fluctuations are separated: formation; growth; maximum value; reduction. It is proved that at each phase of the business cycle the economic behavior of theenterprise changes. The urgency of measures to assess economic activity in the system of assessing the overall business activity of economic entities has been stated. The internal and external factors influencing the change of economic activity of the enterprise are defined. The importance of assessing the activity of the enterprise in the management system of economic activity as a system of "entrance-exit" of the relevant indicators is considered. The formation of control and managed subsystems in the mechanism of management of economic activity of enterprises in market conditions is analyzed. The main result of the study is the development of a management system of economic activity as a component of business activity of enterprises. Effective recommendations to ensure a high level of economic activity of enterprises in an unstable market environment are provided.

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Macroeconomics, Economic Theory and History

UDC 330.113.2+334 doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2020-4(62)-5-8

N. Kashchena,

PhD (Economics), Professor, ORCID 0000-0001-7069-8860, e-mail: natakaschena@gmail.com, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


Formulation of the problem. Economic fluctuations are one of the fundamental characteristics of the dynamics of economic processes, which is due to chronological unevenness. Economic processes are never the same over time and usually can be represented as alternation of periods of accelerated and slow growth and sometimes a decline in quantitative and cost indicators at all hierarchical levels of the economy.

Cyclicality is recognized as a constant characteristic and feature of a market economy. Prosperous models of the national economy are equally facing economic upheavals and signs of decline and economic depression. In most cases, scientists recognize the connection between the emergence of new phases and cycles in the economy with the level of demand in a key market (at the level of countries and large regions of economic influence).

The sequence of economic cycles affects the business activity of economic entities at the microlevel of the economy. The business activity of the enterprise is a key multifaceted indicator of activity in market conditions.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

One of the most important characteristics that expresses the level of development and improvement of economic activity of the enterprise is economic activity. Scientists [1-5] have made a significant contribution to the development of theoretical foundations of business activity, in the study of individual structural components of its formation in various areas of management.

At the same time, it should be noted that the theoretical idea of business activity as a systemic integrity in the scientific literature is incomplete, and the composition of the structural elements of the formation of business activity is unclear.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the influence of the theory of economic fluctuations on the economic activity of enterprises.

Presentation of the main material. Investigating business activity as a system, it is necessary to determine its structure - to determine the elements of the system,

functions, and relationships between these elements. The effect of systemicity in the interaction of activity in the process of forming business activity is shown in Fig. 1.

When studying the elements of business activity, it should be noted that the very business activity of the enterprise - part of a broader concept - the management system of the enterprise, is only the result of economic activity but not the process itself. It is possible to allocate the subsystems of business activity: financial, innovative, investment, marketing, labor, and production activity.

Each of these types of activities has its own flows of movement in production, which determine the nature of the development of business activity of the enterprise in general [6-7]. They lead to the emergence of the main function as a system in business activity. It is to ensure effective economic activity in order to improve competitive positions in the market as a result of close interaction with the external competitive environment.

The definition of the structure of business activity is based on its historical analysis, which considers not only the process of formation of business activity as an independent concept of the enterprise management system but also the stages of its manifestation within the life cycle of the enterprise. It, as in any cycle, has its own group of stages (growth and decline), which are divided into phases: formation; growth; maximum value; reduction.

Management of enterprise activity is reduced to the formation of potential in all spheres of enterprise activity, and not by separate blocks of influence but by a complex, purposeful management solution of enterprise activity management tasks [8-10].

The main goal in managing the activity of the enterprise is the formation of all types of activity at the exit from the system - it can be achieved by purposefully ensuring the activity of the enterprise both at the entrance to the system and in the process of transformation. With regard to specific subjects of economic relations, the factors of business activity in this environ-

EKOHOMÍHHHH BÍCHHK ^.OHÖacy № 4(62), 2020

Fig. 1. Effect of systematization in the interaction of components of business activity of the enterprise

ment will significantly intersect with all factors, they indirectly or directly affect the results and activities of the enterprise.

In particular, they include: industry affiliation of the enterprise; quality and type of consumed resources; level of production and sales; financial, marketing and accounting policies of the enterprise; structure of material and technical support; the nature of strategic and tactical decisions; use or introduction of innovative technologies; degree of involvement in the competitive environment; possession of information on the peculiarities of modern economic development of enterprises.

Taking into account the mechanisms of formation of the enterprise management system, the following subsystems are distinguished: controlling and controlled that provides.

The main essence of the control subsystem is to determine the purpose, functions, methods and structure of management of business activity of the enterprise. Goals differ in temporal and functional features, according to the levels of priority or hierarchy. Defining the functions of the control subsystem is the choice of a set of processes of organization, interaction, accounting, control, planning, and motivation, which are necessary for management decisions.

Methods of the controlling subsystem is an interconnected set of existing management methods aimed at achieving the goals of business management of the business entity.

The structures of the control subsystem determine the organizational structure and management structure of the enterprise in relation to the functions and methods of management.

As for the subsystem that provides, it consists of information, resource, methodological, legal and environmental components that are necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise. Ensuring business activity affects the activity of the enterprise at the exit from the system.

Controlled functional subsystem consists of labor, production, management, economic, investment, marketing, financial, business, innovation, and market activity. This subsystem has the greatest impact on the business activity of the enterprise.

The subsystem "business activity" is a reflection of the interaction of controlling and controlled subsystems. Activity at this level is achieved by fulfilling the condition of balanced and purposeful influence of all subsystems.

An important element of any system is the formation of feedback. This element of the system plays a significant role - the overall effectiveness of the management system of the enterprise depends on the effectiveness of feedback, correct assessment, interpretation, and selection of corrective actions.

The feedback of this system is the assessment of the activity of the enterprise, which is aimed at the rapid detection of deviations in the system. The role of assessing the business activity of the enterprise in the system is given in Fig. 2.

Thus, when performing feedback functions, the assessment of enterprise activity becomes one of the main tools for the formation and provision of business activity. Management influences must be directed to the controlled subsystem. However, rapid changes in the subsystem without careful analysis has a detrimental effect on the activity of the enterprise.

EKQHQMÍHHHH BÍCHHK ^OHÔacy № 4(62), 2020

Fig. 2. The value of assessing the activity of the enterprise in the management system of economic activity

Conclusions. The offered model of realization of process of management of business activity of the enterprise allows to solve questions of management at all stages in a structured way, and also to consider dynamics of processes in time - the system has a cyclic character of the display. Factors that increase the level of business activity are internal and external conditions.

The external ones, in particular, include: reducing the bureaucratic press or facilitating the possibility of obtaining loans to enterprises, which must be accompanied by stability in the business management system.

Internal factors are usually related to the business activities of the enterprise, activities in the field of planning, marketing: industry affiliation of enterprises, the level of technical equipment and the intensity of implementation of developments, staff qualifications, etc.

The research revealed the following factors of growth of economic activity of enterprises that negatively affect the activity: unstable political and economic situation in the country; low level of welfare of the population; inefficient organization of work and lack of qualified personnel; shortcomings in the legislative field; the difficulty of providing information on financial and economic activities; distrust of the banking system.


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^щета H. Б. Teopiï eKOHOMÍ4HMx к'о. imb:iiii> Ta ïx вплив Ha формyвaння cy4acHOÏ пaрадигми eKOHO-MÏ4HOÏ дiяльностi шдприемств

Стаття ^исвячена обIpyнтyвaнню впливу Teopiï eкoнoмiчниx коливань на господарську дгяльшсть тд-np^MCTB. Визначено вплив eкoнoмiчниx коливань на мaкpopiвнi економши - на eкoнoмiчнy активтсть, на мiкpopiвнi - гoспoдapюючиx суб'екпв. Детально аналь зуеться системний тдхвд до визначення eкoнoмiчнoï дгяльносп гад^иемс^ як opгaнiзaцiï 3i складною внyтpiшньoю стpyктypoю. Анaлiзyються особливосп визначення ефекту систематизаци y взаемодп компонента гoспoдapськoï дiяльнoстi пiдпpиемствa: еконо-мiчнoï, yпpaвлiнськoï, фшансово!', шновацшно!', швес-

Екoнoмiчний вюник Донбасу № 4(62), 2020

тицшно!, маркетингово!, трудово!, виробничо!. Увага акцентуеться на головнiй меп в управлiннi господар-ською дiяльнiстю пiдприемства як формуваннi всiх ви-дiв дiяльностi на виходi з системи - вона може бути до-сягнута шляхом цiлеспрямованого забезпечення дiяль-ностi пiдприемства як на входi в систему, так i в про-цесi трансформаций. Вщповщно до теорй' економiчних коливань видiляються фази формування економiчноl дiяльностi щдприемства: формування; зростання; мак-симальне значения; зниження. Доведено, що на кожнш фазi дiлового циклу змiнюеться економiчна поведiнка пiдприемства. Обгрунтовано актуальнiсть заходiв з оцiнки економiчноl активностi в системi оцiнки загаль-но! дшово! активностi господарюючих суб'ектiв. Ви-значено внутршш та зовнiшнi фактори, що впливають на змiну господарсько! дiяльностi пвдприемства. Роз-глянуто важливiсть оцшки дiяльностi пвдприемства в системi управлшня господарською дiяльнiстю як системи "Вхвд-Вихщ" ввдповвдних показник1в. Аналiзу-еться формування керуючо! та керовано! тдсистем у механiзмi управл1ння господарською дiяльнiстю тд-приемств у ринкових умовах. Основним результатом дослщження е розробка системи управлшня господарською дiяльнiстю як складово! тдприемницько! дiяль-ност пiдприемств. Надано ефективнi рекомендацп щодо забезпечення високого рiвня економiчноl актив-ностi пiдприемств в умовах нестабшьного ринкового середовища.

Ключовi слова: економiчнi коливання, економiчна активнiсть, пiдприемницька активнiсть, фаза формування, управлшня.

Kashchena N. Theories of Economic Fluctuations and their Influence on the Formation of the Modern Paradigm of Economic Activity of Enterprises

The article is devoted to the substantiation of the influence of the theory of economic fluctuations on the economic activity of enterprises. The influence of economic fluctuations at the macrolevel of the economy on economic activity at the microlevel of business entities is noted. A systematic approach to determining the economic activity of the enterprise as a phenomenon with a complex internal structure is analyzed in detail. Peculiarities of determining the effect of systematization in the interaction of components of business activity of the enterprise are analyzed: economic, managerial, financial, innovative, investment, marketing, labor, production. Attention is focused on the main goal in the management of the business activity of the enterprise as the formation of all types of activity at the exit from the system - it can be achieved by purposefully ensuring the activity of the enterprise both at the entrance to the system and in the process of transformation. The phases of formation of economic activity of the enterprise according to the theory of economic fluctuations are separated: formation; growth; maximum value; reduction. It is proved that at each phase of the business cycle the economic behavior of the enterprise changes. The urgency of measures to assess economic activity in the system of assessing the overall business activity of economic entities has been stated. The internal and external factors influencing the change of economic activity of the enterprise are defined. The importance of assessing the activity of the enterprise in the management system of economic activity as a system of "entrance-exit" of the relevant indicators is considered.

The formation of control and managed subsystems in the mechanism of management of economic activity of enterprises in market conditions is analyzed. The main result of the study is the development of a management system of economic activity as a component of business activity of enterprises. Effective recommendations to ensure a high level of economic activity of enterprises in an unstable market environment are provided.

Keywords: economic fluctuations, economic activity, business activity, formation phase, management.

Кащена Н. Б. Теории экономических колебаний и их влияние на формирование современной парадигмы экономической деятельности предприятий

Статья посвящена обоснованию влияния теории экономических колебаний на хозяйственную деятельность предприятий. Отмечено влияние экономических колебаний на макроуровне экономики - на экономическую активность, на микроуровне - хозяйствующих субъектов. Подробно анализируется системный подход к определению экономической деятельности предприятия как явления со сложной внутренней структурой. Анализируются особенности определения эффекта систематизации во взаимодействии компонентов хозяйственной деятельности предприятия: экономической, управленческой, финансовой, инновационной, инвестиционной, маркетинговой, трудовой, производственной. Внимание акцентируется на главной цели в управлении хозяйственной деятельностью предприятия как формировании всех видов деятельности на выходе из системы - она может быть достигнута путем целенаправленного обеспечения деятельности предприятия как на входе в систему, так и в процессе трансформации. В соответствии с теорией экономических колебаний выделяются фазы формирования экономической деятельности предприятия: формирование; рост; максимальное значение; снижение. Доказано, что на каждой фазе делового цикла изменяется экономическое поведение предприятия. Обоснована актуальность мероприятий по оценке экономической активности в системе оценки общей деловой активности хозяйствующих субъектов. Определены внутренние и внешние факторы, влияющие на изменение хозяйственной деятельности предприятия. Рассмотрена важность оценки деятельности предприятия в системе управления хозяйственной деятельностью как системы "Вход-Выход" соответствующих показателей. Анализируется формирование управляющей и управляемой подсистем в механизме управления хозяйственной деятельностью предприятий в рыночных условиях. Основным результатом исследования является разработка системы управления хозяйственной деятельностью как составляющей предпринимательской деятельности предприятий. Даны эффективные рекомендации по обеспечению высокого уровня экономической активности предприятий в условиях нестабильной рыночной среды.

Ключевые слова: экономические колебания, экономическая активность, предпринимательская активность, фаза формирования, управление.

Received by the editors: 01.12.2020

and final form 29.12.2020

Економiчний вюник Донбасу № 4(62), 2020

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