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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Silyutina Iryna

The article is devoted to the peculiarities and the role of teaching practice during the preparation of teachers of foreign languages in universities in Sweden in a modern educational process. This article describes the main features of pedagogical practice, the principles necessary for the successful functioning of the educational system, the selected components of professional competence of the teacher. The paper studied the specificity of theoretical and methodological principles of the practical component in the system of pedagogical preparation of teachers of English in Sweden. Implemented logical-structural analysis of concepts «Praktiskskolan Programme», which is used in the Swedish scientific pedagogical literature.

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Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(19), 2017 s^t™ 23

Silyutina Iryna Postgraduate

SHEE "Perejaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University"




Summary. The article is devoted to the peculiarities and the role of teaching practice during the preparation of teachers of foreign languages in universities in Sweden in a modern educational process. This article describes the main features of pedagogical practice, the principles necessary for the successful functioning of the educational system, the selected components of professional competence of the teacher.

The paper studied the specificity of theoretical and methodological principles of the practical component in the system of pedagogical preparation of teachers of English in Sweden. Implemented logical-structural analysis of concepts «Praktiskskolan Programme», which is used in the Swedish scientific pedagogical literature.

Keywords: pedagogical practice, theoretical and methodological principles of professional pedagogical preparation of teachers of English, professional competence.

Formulation of the problem. In the realities of today's world and the need for integration of specialists in different branches of the economy in other countries, the country's language skills, and the most of the English language is of great importance. Therefore, the training of teachers of English should be the quality to a new level of modern education. First, it concerns the higher pedagogical education, which should be focused on the harmonization of the fundamental theoretical and practical training of future teachers, which provides knowledge of the genesis of the domestic and international education, research and teaching as an important sphere of spiritual culture of society. In the context of restructuring of the domestic higher education and science special interest is the specificity of the theoretical and methodological principles of the system of teacher training of teachers in developed European countries, where national educational factor is organically combined with the requirements for the quality and scope of knowledge, dictated by the concept of the Bologna education model.

Highlight of outstanding earlier issues parts. Identify key features of pedagogical practice, principles necessary for the successful functioning of the Swedish educational system.

The aim of this paper is to study the specifics of the application of the practical component as an important component of teacher training English language teachers in Swedish universities.

Formulation of the challenge. Consider the organization of practical training English teachers in Swedish universities and the structure of educational-methodical documentation, in particular pedagogical practices programs.

Analysis of recent researched and publications. Experience of pedagogical training of future teachers of Sweden makes it possible to assert that the positive trends of its development. It is above all the dialogical nature of the forms and methods of organization of educational process, through the program of teaching practice, the definition of the invariant of its content, and variability for courses of study, the integration of teaching and research work, school partnerships as a condition for dialogue between science and practice. An analysis of the scientific and theoretical sources -

the works of famous Swedish scientist K. Alstrema, E. Anderson, G. Berglund, K. Bruslinga, G. Berndtson, B. Grana, A. Linke, A. Olson, K. Sederblada, B. Hammer, A. Herrlinga, T. Hyusena and other innovative processes certifies the country in the sector of theoretical and practical training of the teacher. It is actualizes the possibility of introducing creative elements of this experience in the practice of the national vocational education and integration needs of teacher training with the world educational imperatives. An analysis of Swedish scientific pedagogical sources shows that pedagogical preparation of the teacher - is a complex dynamic system, the content and form of which are aimed at the integration of pedagogical, psychological, subject knowledge, the development of professional skills, the formation of national consciousness, humanistic attitude to the outside world in the future teacher [6].

I.Carlgren, Sweden's leading scientist in the industry of teacher training notes the need for integration of pedagogical knowledge, with pedagogy as a science to be practical and to teach future teachers to be teacher-professional [5].

Statement of the base material. Sweden is one of the most socio-economically developed countries of the world. In addition, the study of the experience of this country should help to improve the training of local teachers. This country belongs to the leading countries in the field of education, and that the system of teacher training, and in particular English language teachers in Sweden becomes important. At the present stage, Sweden has a distinctive system of teacher training, which significantly influenced the European educational system. National system of education in Sweden ensures the formation of a future teacher's professional readiness to implement these components in their activities:

- powerful teaching in general training;

- high professional competence, which is being improved throughout life;

- attitude to people of all ages with the positive


- friendly attitude towards people from different social strata and material prosperity.

In this content, it includes not only professional knowledge and skills, but also professionally signifi-


24 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific JournaI)#3(l 9), 2017 HEI

cant qualities of the person. In addition to staging professional, an important part of the development of professionalism is Maturity of personality traits such as: independence, the ability to make decisions, the creative approach to the profession, the ability to learn throughout life, communication skills, ability to cooperate and others. Moreover, it is these qualities are formed in the course of practical training during their studies at the university.

Professional education Swedish system operates according to the following principles of quality education: access to vocational education for all the citizens of Sweden, taking into account the needs and expectations of the person on a continuous study; mobility, which provides competitiveness of graduates in the international educational space; scientific approach, which provides the intellectual development of future teachers and others.

A special feature of the training curricula of teachers of foreign languages today is the implementation of the "European dimension", which finds reflection in: defining the goals and tasks of training of teachers; inclusion of the study of European specificity in the content of individual subjects of the curriculum; Recognition of the need to ensure the implementation of the Bologna process and making relevant standards of education quality; the development of training courses that provide the ability to obtain the qualification "teacher" in several countries; participation in European projects and schemes to ensure the mobility of students; withdrawal of interstate and inter-institutional agreements; the development of regional schemes, which provide training for students in the neighboring countries; legislative support foreign language learning [2].

An integral part of the training of future teachers of English language teaching in higher education in Sweden is practical training. Teaching practice is an important component in the training of the future teacher system. It acts a connecting point between the theoretical study of the student and it future self-teaching work. By engaging in practical mastering of theoretical material, a student from the first days of study and clearly understand the concrete actualization of the future of its activities, learn to properly apply the acquired theoretical knowledge, it is logical to respond to different teaching situations. Since this is a special form of organization of training of students, the scope of the actual teaching activities, a place "test" themselves in the profession, finding a professional reasoning, the student must be the opportunity to test their professional competence, to detect the difference between the achieved and the necessary professional level of development, to determine their own professional needs, opportunities and subsequent guidance, personal professional growth. Like any other practice, pedagogical practice of future teachers of English meaningfully for functions; it consists of several closely linked components: training (which educates and develops), diagnostic, adaptation, integration. These components are not very clearly defined and separated. The main purpose of teaching practice: student preparation for holistic implementation of the functions of the teacher, taking into

account all the requirements for foreign language teachers.

In Sweden, through an extremely greater decentralization of the school system, colleges should develop their own contacts with schools to organize teaching practice. Swedish programs include a large number of hours of practical training in schools throughout the study period. A month after the start of study planned week of practice at the school, which is a kind of "knowledge of school life." Trainees are invited to carry out "ethnographic observation" about the interaction in the classroom, in the schoolyard, as well as interaction between teachers and other personnel. However, in the first year special attention is paid to the formation of students' ability to learn, which ensures achievement of their professional and personal development: to be able to express their opinions and discuss in the group to read and analyze texts, and record their observations and the like. Swedish scientist A. Rabo, said that the main task of the teachers who work in the first year, is to create a learning atmosphere of mutual aid and cooperation, the students should feel at the college "at home". The starting point of the educational process should be the student's own experience. In the following different courses broadens the mind of the student, namely: courses "Social Organization in and out of school", "Political education organization", etc. [7].

For the character of practical training teachers of English in universities in Sweden, and the structure of educational-methodical documentation, in particular pedagogical practices programs («Praktiskskolan Programme»), there are specific features of the practical component of general teacher training. They lie in the differentiation of pedagogical practices in the partner schools and the nature of their conduct. A special role in the preparation of future teachers play partner schools as bases of the organization and carrying out of professional practices of the future teachers. Tight productive work of teachers of higher educational institutions for the training of teachers and students and teachers of partner schools takes place on the basis of an equal relationship (hence the term "partner schools") during their studies and research work. A characteristic feature of the teaching practice, which consists of four stages, it is a crosscutting program. According to the system of evaluation of the Swedish teacher O. Holmberg, training student teachers is carried out on orientation, initial, technological and professional levels. This increases the motivation of the quality of students' practical training.

One of the leading methods of studying students have teaching experience purposeful observation of the educational process. During the observation, students accumulate observations of life, teaching the facts of school practice, visual representation of the educational process [4].

The first year of studies - practice (orientation level of teacher training) propaedeutic - includes host such activities: introduction of the training facilities of the school, the main directions of its activity; specificity complete contingent of students at an educational institution; primary school documentation (regulations, orders, the curriculum of the school, the annual plan of


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Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(19), 2017 s^sH 25

its work, class magazine, his conduct, personal affairs of students); features of the organization of the educational process in the different classes of compulsory secondary school or higher (senior) high school; observation and analysis of the organization of leisure of students, work circles, the presentation of proposals for the improvement of the results of educational activities; determine the theme and thesis assignments. As this stage is a passive observation practice, it is very important to play the role of a mentor teacher who coordinates and directs the activity of the student. From professional competence mentor depends follow the style and priorities in the work of the future teachers of English.

Second-year students throughout the year are brought to the analytic teaching practice (entry level), the purpose of which - is continuation of familiarization with the organization of educational process and educational comprehensive school activities. For a certain period, they are studying school experience: perform the functions of the class teacher; explore the psychological characteristics of students; watching the teacher training activities, the use of different methods of forming them practical skills. Teaching practice within the technological level - third year of study includes: independent planning their own teaching activities; independent development and implementation of English classes in the appropriate classes of partner schools (number and requirements for classes agreed with the head of the target practice and teachers partner schools); Active and analyze the lessons of the English language; cooperation with distinguished teachers (providing different types of student aid); planning and implementation of remedial work with underachieving pupils in order to improve the quality of their cognitive activity; introspection own pedagogical activity, planning to improve it; implementation of outreach to parents of pupils of the partner school teachers proposed directions; organization and carrying out of leisure with the students during their free time at school (breaks, after school) and informal communication in English; participate in teacher conferences, seminars, discussions, preparation of reports or reports on the proposed school teachers affiliate topic; writing the theoretical part of the thesis. The aim of a comprehensive educational pedagogical practice in the fourth year there to master evolving technology educational activities, namely: to contribute to the development of students' skills and abilities to model and perform the traditional lessons, the different types of extracurricular activities with the use of interactive technologies; exercise full analysis of the lesson; to raise the need to replenish their knowledge systematically and creatively apply them in practice, take part in the methodological work, to carry out psychological and pedagogical supervision of students; to carry out an experimental study of the problems of scientific work [8]. This is ensures that the transition from the level of orientation ("future teacher-beginner") to advanced level ("future teacher professional"), which occurs gradually during the implementation of the proposed program of job practice, which is determined by the objectives of the practice of the future teacher of English. A pooled analysis of stu-

dent teaching programs for students of Swedish universities made possible the classification of types of work that are performed by students in the context of predictable changes in the quality of teaching and methodical preparation of the future teachers of the English language and the formation of the relevant personal characteristics. Thus the main directions of the organization is an independent student practice planning, organization and implementation of activities for the posts of English teachers; study and generalization of the system leading teachers of the partner school, the analysis of the most effective methods and learning techniques; independent preparation for the different types of lessons based on modern learning technologies; made a presentation of his own visual aids or models; carrying out educational work in a multicultural and multilan-guage school environment through the use of various methods of studying student team, interpersonal and gender relations. Student teaching senior students is characterized by a high level of autonomy. Creative, responsible attitude of students to this form of specialist training with the qualification "teacher of English" will allow graduates to meet the requirements of professional competence. Pedagogical practice ends by writing the thesis (dissertation) - a weighty component of future teachers. Students perform graduate work based on partner schools using the research material collected during the four levels of practice. University professors and teachers of partner schools to improve the learning technology and education students often use their recommendations.

Since the late ХХ century Swedish initiative in the processes of pedagogical activity of teachers practicing intensively occur, heads of school establishments, organizers of education and higher educational schools. Provided concept - continuous pedagogical practice as an integral part of the professional teacher training. Through requirements of modern pedagogy, digested scientific values of education and training that lie outside the corporate, social and national interests. Learning experience of the practical component as an important component of teacher's training English language teachers in Sweden, confirms that many pedagogical ideas are updated global concepts and theories and that the experience of a particular country or region - it is also not true in a finite value.

Conclusions. In view of the above, it can be concluded that the formation of the professional competence for teaching and learning, research, practical activity of the future teacher of English in Sweden occur effectively, thanks to the curatorial work of teachers - supervisors and the effective use of training and methodological support.

Therefore, preparation of English teachers in the universities of Sweden there is an organic unity, and the optimum ratio of vocational and special subject block.

List of references

1. Akusok A.M. The theoretical principles of the content of general pedagogical training of future teachers: abstract dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13.00.01 / Akusok Alla Nikolaevna; Kiev. nat. univ. by M.P. Dragoma-nov. - K., 2009. - 20 p.


26 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal)#3(19), 2017 ИЗЯ

2. Dzhurinskiy O.M. The development of education in the modem world. // - VLADOS M., 2003. -240p.

3. Karpenko N.M. Professional-pedagogically preparing preschool education in Swedish universities: abstract. dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13.00.04 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education" / Karpenko Natalia Mihaylovna; Kiev nat. univ by Boris Grinchenko. -K., 2010. - 20 p.

4. Swedish Ministry of Education and Science (Utbildningsdepartementet) [electronic resource] - Access mode: www.sweden.gov.se.

5. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education H? Gskoleverket (Swedish National Agency for Higher Education) [electronic resource] - Access mode: www.hsv.se.

6. Linde Goran. The Meaning of a Teacher Education Reform: national story -telling and global trends in Sweden / Goran Linde // European Journal of Teacher Education, Vol.26, № 1, 2003. - P. 109-122.

7. Rabo, Annika. Teacher training in "multicultural" Sweden. - EMIGRA Working Paper num.7 ISSN 2013-3804/ - 2007. - www.emigra.org.es

8. The Training of Teachers of a Foreign Language: Developments in Europe / A Report to the European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture/revised report / Michael Kelly, Michael Grenfell, Angella GallagherBrett, Diana Jones, Laurence Richard, Amanda Hilmarsson-Dunn / http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/pdf/doc493 en.pdf.

Lopanova E. V.

Doctor of Pedagogics, PhD, Head of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department FGBOU VO «Omsk State Medical University» Лопанова Елена Валентиновна доктор педагогических наук, заведующая кафедрой педагогики и психологии ФГБОУ ВО «Омский государственный медицинский университет»


Summary: The article discusses the peculiarities of the educational program for teachers of the medical school. The program was developed in the framework of the project Tempus IV 159328-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-FR-TEMPUS-SHMES"The system of education throughout life for medical teachers". The program is based on the concept of lifelong education. The program is tested in several medical universities in Russia, including the Omsk state medical University. The result of the program - improving the professional competence of teachers

Key words: continuous education, psychology and pedagogical training of university teaching staff, competence, educational program, progressive training system

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются особенности построения образовательной программы для преподавателей медицинского вуза. Программа разработана в рамках проекта Tempus IV 159328-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-FR-TEMPUS-SHMES «Система обучения в течение жизни для преподавателей медицинских вузов». В основу программы положена концепция непрерывного образования. Программа апробирована в ряде медицинских вузов России, в том числе в Омском государственном медицинском университете. Результат освоения программы - повышение уровня профессиональной компетентности преподавателей.

Ключевые слова: непрерывное образование, психо лого-педагогическая подготовка преподавателей, компетентность, образовательная программа, накопительная система повышения квалификации.

Постановка проблемы. Переход от концепции и практики «образование на всю жизнь» к стратегии «образование через всю жизнь» означает усиление роли непрерывного профессионального образования (и его составной части -дополнительного профессионального образования) в вопросах совершенствования кадрового потенциала отраслей экономики, обеспечение возможности для каждого человека социально адаптироваться в условиях постоянно изменяющегося рынка труда путем реализации индивидуальной образовательной траектории.

Это доказывает необходимость построения профессионального образования как контекстного, ориентированного не на передачу готовых знаний, а на обучение находить эти знания и применять их

в ситуациях, имитирующих реальные профессиональные ситуации. По свидетельству отечественных исследователей, основное направление обновления профессионального образования в современном мире заключается в том, чтобы найти пути формирования у будущего специалиста деятель-ностной позиции в процессе обучения, способствующей становлению опыта целостного системного видения профессиональной деятельности, системного действия в ней, решения новых проблем и задач [2, 5]. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Анализ последних исследований и публикаций. Непрерывное образование - философско-педа-гогическая концепция, согласно которой образование рассматривается как процесс, охватывающий

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