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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Harasym T., Zubryk A., Shepitchak V.

The article generalises theoretical and practical research and offers a new solution to the problem of improving the humanities teachers' training quality, which is revealed in creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of their productive pedagogical thinking. The means of the psychological and pedagogical conditions' implementation principles, methods, stages, and purpose of developing productive pedagogical thinking are analysed in the article. We have conducted the experiment and defined the levels of productive pedagogical thinking formation of the students. Based on the indeces, we have defined the main levels of productive pedagogical thinking maturity of future teachers in the process of mastering the humanities. The experiment results demonstrated positive dynamic in the changes of maturity level of productive pedagogical thinking shown by the future humanities teachers.

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народов лингвистический университет. Сб. научных трудов, М., 1991.- C.30-52.

17 Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языком, М., 2000, С 26-27.

18 North, B. English Profile Studies 4. The CEFR in Practice. Cambridge. 2014.

19 Гез Н.И. Текст лекций по курсу "Методика обучения иностранным языкам в высшей школе" (раздел "Аудирование"). М., МГПИИЯ им. М.Тореза, 1979. - C.66 - 147.

20 Жилбаев Ж. О., Мукатова М. Е., Сырымбе-

това Л. С., Тастанова А. К. Современное педагогическое образование в Казахстане: возможности для развития // Научный альманах. - 2015. - № 10-2 (12). - С. 183-191. DOI:



ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВА "МАКМИЛАН"» [Электронный ресурс]. URL: А1е:///С:/Шеге/Владе-



Harasym T.

Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and English Language Teaching, Ternopil Volodymyr

Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Ternopil, Ukraine Zubryk A.

Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and English Language Teaching, Ternopil Vo-

lodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Ternopil, Ukraine Shepitchak V.

Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and English Language Teaching, Ternopil Volodymyr

Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Ternopil, Ukraine


The article generalises theoretical and practical research and offers a new solution to the problem of improving the humanities teachers' training quality, which is revealed in creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of their productive pedagogical thinking. The means of the psychological and pedagogical conditions' implementation principles, methods, stages, and purpose of developing productive pedagogical thinking are analysed in the article. We have conducted the experiment and defined the levels of productive pedagogical thinking formation of the students. Based on the indeces, we have defined the main levels of productive pedagogical thinking maturity of future teachers in the process of mastering the humanities. The experiment results demonstrated positive dynamic in the changes of maturity level of productive pedagogical thinking shown by the future humanities teachers.

Keywords: productive pedagogical thinking, future humanities teachers, psychological and pedagogical conditions, criteria, visualization, critical thinking.


The forming of productive pedagogical thinking (PPT) of future humanities teachers is more effective when applying a whole complex of pedagogical means. The content of the teaching material should include such components as subjects selected in accordance with the programme requirements at each particular level; artistic, critical, political, social prose, poetry, methodological, pedagogical, psychological, coun-trystudy provide the formation of sociocultural competence, as well as tasks involving intellectual and creative students' development, transformation of the acquired knowledge and its use in problem-developing studies.

The philosophical foundations of thinking have been reflected in the studies of V. Andrushchenko, I. Ziaziun, V. Kremen. P. Blonsky, L. Vygotsky, P. Galperin, G. Kostiuk, A. Leontiev, N. Menchynska, S. Rubinstein, and A. Tihomirov dedicated research to the psychological aspects of the thought study. The problem of the development of productive thinking was

studied by V. Andreev, M. Wertheimer, J. Gilford, M. Goldin, S. Kalmykov, D. Kuger, D. Poia, G. Wallace, T. Harson, J. Chaffi and others. Pedagogical aspects of creativity were analysed by D. Bohoiavlenska, N. Kichuk, G. Nikitina, S. Sysoiev, P. Torrens.

The aim of the article is to consider the psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of PPT of future humanities teachers as the basis of personally oriented and mature involvement in the educational process.

To activate the process of formation of PPT, we offer a set of interconnected and interdependent psychological and pedagogical conditions - creating a supportive educational environment for the formation of PPT; implementing the best methods and forms of a specialist's training; providing systemic motivation for future humanities teachers.

The first psychological and pedagogical condition is the creating of a supportive teaching environment for the formation of PPT. It involves, first of all, the formation of a competency component. The means of its

realisation is a special course "Managing the process of productive pedagogical thinking of future humanities teachers and group interaction". The special course solves the following tasks: to provide students with modern theory and practice of formation of productive pedagogical thinking; to master the individual methods of creative and critical thinking; to form the ability to think productively in specially created educational situations, and also to manage this process. The organisation of group interaction helps to eliminate obstacles on the way of PPT formation, dialogical thinking of the teacher and students, the group's team work, its gradual development into a team, successful solving of complex educational and pedagogical problems.

The second psychological and pedagogical condition is the introduction of optimal methods and forms of the specialist's training, associated with the operational component of the structure of PPT, is realised through means of group interaction, a system of methods for the PPT formation (organisational, training, search, monitoring, testing) and forms of training organisation (lecture-visualisation, simulation game, learning-searching polylogue).

The third psychological and pedagogical condition is providing systemic motivation for the future humanities teachers involving close interaction with all the above-mentioned conditions and emphasising the emotional component of the structure of PPT. A means of realising this condition is to create a situation of success in order to achieve the ultimate goal, namely: the formation of readiness for PPT. Creating a subjective new teaching product is a continuous process aimed directly at achieving the result being an essential component in the structure of PPT.


The formative experiment was conducted in order to increase the efficiency of PPT of future humanities teachers and was carried out in three stages: preparatory, activating, resultant. Each of them provided the effectiveness of a set of interrelated psychological and pedagogical conditions, which were implemented through a set of appropriate means.

At the preparatory stage a special course "Managing the process of productive pedagogical thinking of future humanities teachers" was introduced, in the content of which such theoretical and practical aspects of PPT as the formation of PPT in modern conditions, the implementation of competent, person-oriented, interdisciplinary approaches, optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of PPT, social and pedagogical context and the study of the experience of its formation, the formation of PPT with the help of knowledge,visual organisers, presentations, innovative methods, analysis and self-assessment of the formation of PPT on the basis of developed descriptors were revealed. Special course classes were conducted using ICT, presentations, training exercises and problem-searching methods of teaching. To improve the effectiveness of lectures, which are an ineffective form of work at university, lectures-visualisations were introduced. Each lecture was divided into semantic "blocks" and planned taking into account the need for feedback

in active mode. The peculiarity of practical classes was the domination of game and training teaching methods.

At the activating stage, the system of methods for the formation of PPT was introduced: organisational, training, retrieval, monitoring, testing. Among them, special emphasis was put on methods: brainstorming, Rivine's dialogue, Socratic questions, simulation method, prediction using key words, "Jigsaw", symbolic and sign cursive writing, "Discussion network" along with a system of exercises based on visualisation of knowledge (mindmap, PSW (paragraph - sentence -word)), which contributed to the optimisation of students' educational and cognitive activity.

At the resultant stage, the transfering of the knowledge gained in the process of studying the special course, of acquired skills and methods of forming PPT was put into practice of studying other professional disciplines, their implementation in extracurricular activities, trainings, and in pedagogical practice. At all the stages, the usage of the proposed psychological and pedagogical conditions was provided and the correction of educational activities was carried out.


In our research, we proceed from the fact that the perception of new material is an important life process, which consists in reflection of the things, phenomena, forms of the matter existence in the person's consciousness. They can be presented in the form of text, audio, video material or models, etc. The dynamics, its effectiveness depend on the experience, the stock of student's knowledge, the establishment of the connection between new and acquired knowledge in the studying process. Taking into consideration the interests, needs, intentions, habits, inclinations, students' beliefs have a great influence on the process of perception. Therefore, preparing students for the perception of new material, the teacher has to pay attention to the constant connections between the acquired and the new, to actualise relevant basic knowledge, skills and habits using various sources.

At each stage of the formation of PPT, self-analysis and consistent pedagogical correction of the aims, content, methods, forms and means of educational and pedagogical activity must be foreseen. We believe that PPT is necessary, first of all, for personal self-realisation and self-improvement through professional activity and for meeting personal interests and needs. It also contributes to the formation of the ability to create personal concepts, to plan professional activity, to support personal point of view, to make any task interesting and productive, to create the favourable environment, to argue, and, most importantly, to teach students effectively and successfully (Tenk, 2009).

On the first level, the visually effective, practical thinking, which is carried out in a concrete situation during practical actions with real subjects becomes leading. On the second level, visual-thinking prevails; it allows to solve problems already on the basis of operating not real objects, but perceived images and formed concepts, which lie in the students' experience. The connection of thinking with practical actions is still preserved, but not as direct as it used to be before. In

order to solve the problem, the student must clearly perceive, visualise the situation described in it. On the third, higher level, abstract and theoretical thinking plays the leading role in thinking activity. Thinking stands here as the form of concepts and meditations that reflect essential aspects of the reality, the typical connections between them. The acquisition of concepts, laws, theories in the course of learning the scientific foundations directly affects the students' mental development. It reveals great possibilities of independent creative mastering of knowledge, its common use in practice. Accordingly, the main line of thinking development is the transition from practical to abstract theoretical thinking, which infinitely broadens the outlook and allows it to go far beyond direct sensory experience.

The study of the knowledge acquisition and application has shown that, as a rule, students learn the content related to its specific methods of solving a rather narrow range of tasks. Only some students, basing on solving individual problems, formulate generalised methods which resolve a whole class of tasks (Bohoiavlenskaia, 2002).

The results of our study have shown that for the developing PPT it is reasonable to use tasks on the formation of basic logical operations (generalisation, classification, synthesis, analysis), exercise of flexible thinking and modelling of phenomena, selection of the main idea and comparison, identification of causal relationships and forecasting (including "complete the utterance...").

These rules provide the creation of the system of knowledge, habits and skills that students need to master. In determining the content of the classes, we have defined how to teach the program material: break it into separate topics or use the methodology of teaching the enlarged blocks, when one lesson covers two, three or

more related topics that are consolidated at the next lessons.

We have determined in the process of practical activity that a compulsory component of the activisation of the teaching process and important means of developing PPT is the set of educational tasks that help to elaborate creative skills and students' capabilities in various activities, for example, diverse in content and volume types of students' individual works done according to the teacher's instruction.

In order to intensify the teaching process of studying humanities and the formation of future teachers' PPT, we use a comprehensive teaching form in structuring the teaching content - a combination of different types of lectures and seminars. According to such an organisation, the study of the theory, means, methods and forms of PPT are necessary for its formation, and application continues students' practical work, the study of each problem is carried out comprehensively through the usage of different forms of teaching process organisation. This step-by-step work facilitates the creative understanding of the theory, the acquisition of profound knowledge and the formation of skills to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

The compulsory component of the process of studying at university is practical classes intending to expand knowledge as well as develop professional skills. A special role is given to seminars. To form PPT, we have used a workshop-discussion, and a workshopseminar that affect students' productive interaction. As a result we have found that it is worth using an interdisciplinary seminar, a problem workshop, a thematic seminar, an orientation seminar, special seminars in the forming future humanities teachers' PPT.

The results of the study (Table 1) allow determining the levels of PPT of future teachers of the humanities.

Table 1.

Levels of formation of PPT (%)

Levels of PPT Test at the beginning of experiment Test at the end of experiment

Experimental group Control group Experimental group Control group

Low 63,6 60,1 15 49,9

Average 29,3 31,2 55,2 36,3

High 7,1 8,7 29,8 13,8

Comparing both tests at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, we have stated that the number of students in experimental group who have high level of formation of PPT, increased by 22,7%, and the students of the control group only 5,1%; the number of students in the control group, who are on the average level of formation, increased by only 5,1%, and students of the experimental group by 25,9%; the number

of students in the control group, in which the level of formation of PPT was low, decreased by 10,2%, and in the experimental group by 48,6%.

Calculations of the average indicator of the formation of PPT in future humanities teachers have shown positive dynamics.


a( the beginning of the at the end of the experiment


□ Control group QKxperlnienlal group

Figure 1. The dynamics of the average index offormation productive pedagogical thinking for future humanities


The analysis of the results of the experiment showed that the average indicator of the formation of PPT of students of the experimental group increased 1.98 times, and in the control - 1.17 times.

Thus, the dynamics of the growth of the average indicator of the formation of PPT is confirmed by the effectiveness of the implementation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of PPT of future teachers of humanities. Positive changes that occurred under the influence of the conducted experiment indicate the feasibility of introducing in the educational process a combination of psychological and pedagogical conditions, in which the process of teaching is effective.


Critical thinking was defined as "an evaluative thinking which can sense the gap between facts and what should be ..., inferring to what is ideal, capable of analyzing and evaluating and able to find out problemsolving strategies" (Chairunnisa, 2016, p.23). From this perspective we state that critical thinking has become more significant than mere acquirement of knowledge or learning new things by memorising them; it has become the main point in contemporary educational process. Moreover, T.L. Korshuk defines the stages of critical thinking process as following: general analysis of the topic; branching the ideas and sides of the problem; sifting the ideas and rethinking the essence of each idea; processing the chosen ideas; producing conclusions (Korshuk, 2014, p. 61). The structure of critical thinking process shows the interconnection of philosophy, psychology and gnosiology and requires students' self-motivation and self-encouragement.

One of important components of the structure of PPT that we have identified is an emotional one. Let us consider its contents in details. The influence of emotions on thinking was studied by L. Vygotsky, S. Rubinstein, O. Leontiev, V. Shadrikov, M. Burzhumov and others, since the elucidation of the laws of emo-

tional development can greatly deepen the understanding of the mechanisms of the development of intellect and personality. One of the main characteristics of emotions is their close connection with needs. The formation of emotions based on one or another need determines its qualitative specificity. Emotions are "the internal regulator" of activity. However, the function of regulating the behaviour of an emotion is not performed directly, but through motives, and often the motives of personal behaviour remain unconscious for the person (Zubryk, 2008).

In our opinion the psychological and pedagogical principles of the formation of PPT in connection with the requirements of modern education should be oriented on the development of productive (creative and critical) thinking, should provide an opportunity to acquire knowledge independently applying it in contemporary reality. Further improvement of teaching cannot be carried out with the dominance of a certain psychological and pedagogical principle (problem, creative amateur performance, etc.), since it will inevitably lead to an underestimation of others. It is necessary to implement a system of principles, the links of which are determined by the peculiarities of the PPT itself.

The principle of learning individualisation and differentiation plays an important role, since intellectual development is provided not only by knowledge (including techniques and methods of their acquisition), but also by teaching technology, the ability to acquire this knowledge. Being in the same teachning environment, students master the material in different ways. The productivity of independent activity in the acquisition of new knowledge depends more on methods of teaching than on the level of knowledge (Bohoiavlen-skaia, 2002).

To our mind, important is the principle of optimal development of various types of thinking activities because the conditions for the development of PPT cannot be ensured without taking into account age-related and individual-typological peculiarities.

However, focusing on the development of conceptual thinking and its development on the basis of transition from abstract to concrete in practice can lead to an underestimation of the role of visual aids and knowledge specialisation. The development of such thinking without connection with the visual and practical and visual figurative thinking can lead to a formal teaching, to the formation of empty abstractions, being away from the reality (Stil, Dzh., Meredit, K., Templ, Ch., 2008).

Thus, we have concluded that the basis of the formation of PPT of future humanities teachers should be put into a set of principles such as problem-solving, individualisation and differentiation of teaching, optimal developing of different types of activities, creative self-activity, emotional capability.

Another component of the structure of PPT of the future humanities teacher is the operational component which involves the use of optimal approaches and methods of production and evaluation of ideas, and has such components of educational and cognitive activity as operational effective, controlling regulating and evaluative-productive. The operational effective component includes all the methods, techniques and teaching forms, which teachers choose and operate in their activity. When organising educational and cognitive activities, it should be taken into consideration that although students master the teaching material under the teacher' s supervision, this process is individual for each student and it involves the following sequence of intellectual operations: perception; reflection; generalisation; systematisation; consolidation; practical application.

The controlling regulating component of the structure of PPT includes methods of control, self-control and co-control, which the teacher uses in the introduct-ing of new material. Control is carried out at all the stages of the educational process. The feedback in studies involves the immediate teacher's response on students' mistakes; a certain system of their correction. At this stage, the formation of students' self-control habits and skills in studying, planning their actions, evaluation and regulation of their activities and behaviour, prediction of the results of their actions, comparing them with the teacher's or the team's requirements. The evaluative and productive component involves evaluation of the quality of students' knowledge, which is carried out both by teachers and students themselves often with the help of tests and descriptors.


The research has shown the possibility to attract students to targeted collective productive interaction and the formation of PPT can take place if they clearly realise the purpose and result of classroom activity announced to the students in the form of a problem task, a heuristic question, a cognitive task, which must first be written on a blackboard or a poster. To enhance PPT and creative abilities in developing the communicative competence of future humanities teachers, it is worth using different methods and creative techniques. Choosing the best method, we proceed from the fact that it should correspond to students' psychophysiolog-

ical features, practical purpose, conditions of the educational process, the teacher's opportunities and competence in order to be successful and effective.

Consequently, PPT combines thinking and speech that develops consistently and on its basis students are involved in activity of various communication exercises, discussions and polylogues that encourage group interaction and creative activity, stimulate students to critically consider their own arguments, ideas, decisions, positions, values.


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17. Zubryk, A. (2008) Rol motyvatsiinoho faktoru u rozvytku produktyvnoho pedahohichnoho myslennia maibutnikh vchyteliv humanitarnykh dystsyplin [Role of motivation in formation of future humanities teachers' productive pedagogical thinking]. Naukoviy visnyk Pivdenogo derzhavnogo pedagogschnogo universytetu imeni K.D. Ushynskogo: zbirnyk naukovyh prats. Odesa: PDPU imeni K.D. Ushynskogo, 3, 129-137.

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