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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kismetova G., Sarsenbayeva B., Kaliyeva A., Sitaliyeva R.

The article is devoted to the use of information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching. The article describes the objective reasons to use information and communication technologies in practical English lessons.

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щкавгше щщбраш зображення для карт, тим яскра-вiшою та рiзноманiтнiшою буде iсторiя. Дии мо-жуть i самi малювати карти, а можуть i робити ви-рiзки з газет та журналiв.

Колективне вигадування iсторiй за допомогою «карт Пасссаторе» - це не просто щкава гра, а й не-вимушений освiтнiй процес, який сприяе закрш-ленню знань з предмета, формуванню мовленнево! компетентностi, креативносп та критичного сприй-няття шформацп та створення ситуаци успiху для кожно! дитини.

Висновки. «Карти Проппа» та «карти Пасса-торе» це дшсно дiевi прийоми розвитку мовленнево! компетентносп школярiв, логiчного мис-лення та пам'ятi. Доречним е !х використовувати як на початку уроку, для активiзацi! тзнавально! дiяльностi та актуалiзацu знань, так i в кiнцi вив-чення теми. Якщо карти використовуються в кшщ уроку, то дають загальну картину сприйняття нав-чального матерiалу учнями та виявляють прога-лини у розумiннi теми в цшому чи окремого по-няття зокрема. Важливим е те, що до створення кар-ток залучаються самi учнi, зображення можуть бути i схематичними, головне щоб учш знали i розумiли значення цього малюнку. Дуже корисно буде вико-ристання таких карток для учнiв середньо! школи,

адже вони тiльки починають готувати po3ropHyTi вiдповiдi до великих тем, а отже мають запам'ято-вувати багато шформаци, а карти е опорними пiдказками до лопчного викладу матерiалy.


1. Концепция Ново! Укра!нсько! школи. URL: http://nus.org.ua/about/formula/

2. Маринченко Г.М. Сторiтеллiнг як шно-вацiйний метод в укра!нськш педагогiцi та його ви-користання на уроках юторп Теор1я та методика навчання сyспiльних дисциплiн. 2019. Вип. 7

3. Маринченко Г.М. Технологи критичного мислення у розвитку мовленнево! компетентносп майбутшх вчителiв ютори Теор1я та методика навчання сустльних дисциплiн. 2020. Вип. 9

4. Наливайно А. Карти Проппа: ефективний шструмент для розвитку зв'язного мовлення i твор-чого мислення URL: https://is.gd/MrBkYg

5. Наливайно А. Карти Пассаторе: розви-ваемо творче та лопчне мислення у школярiв. URL: https://is.gd/F5UTdA

6. Родари Дж. Грамматика фантазии. Москва, 1990.



Kismetova G.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor

M. Utemisov University Uralsk, Kazakhstan Sarsenbayeva B.

Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Candidate of Psychological sciences, Professor of

M. Utemisov University Uralsk, Kazakhstan Kaliyeva A.

Master of Pedagogic sciences, senior lecturer M. Utemisov University Uralsk, Kazakhstan Sitaliyeva R.

Master of Pedagogic sciences, senior lecturer M. Utemisov University Uralsk, Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the use of information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching. The article describes the objective reasons to use information and communication technologies in practical English lessons.

Keywords: ICT, multimedia tools, multimedia technologies, foreign languages, educational process, innovative learning technologies, multimedia competence.

Educational standards of higher education in their requirements for the implementation of MPAP note the need to integrate information and communication technologies (ICT), speaking about the use of active and interactive forms of classes in the educational process, the use of innovative learning technologies and the inclusion of students in project activities [1, p.23].

Among the objective reasons to use ICT in practical English lessons we will highlight the following didactic possibilities of these technologies:

* modern ICTs provide active, creative mastering of the subject by students, which contributes to the development of communication skills;

* modern ICTs allow the teacher to present the educational material at a new higher quality level, which

contributes to increasing the effectiveness of knowledge;

• the use of modern ICT opens up fundamentally new opportunities in the organization of the educational process and independent cognitive activity of students, which contributes to increasing motivation, creating a

As we can see, the bulk of the scientific work is devoted to the general issues of the use of ICT in education, however, there are also narrower areas that specify the use of certain ICTs (multimedia technologies, Internet technologies, etc.).

The didactic principles of the use of ICT in teaching foreign languages are fully reflected in the work of S.V. Titova (Титова, С. В.) "Information and communication technologies in humanitarian education: theory and practice" («Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в гуманитарном образовании: теория и практика: Пособие для студентов и аспирантов языковых факультетов университетов и вузов») [2, p. 117], in which the author analyzed the experience of domestic and foreign scientists. For our research, the specific principles of

positive emotional atmosphere and developing the creative potential of students.

Of course, the didactic capabilities of ICTs have led to a special interest in studying their advantages and ways of integrating them into foreign language teaching, which is covered by the works of domestic and foreign scientists, some of which are presented in Table 1.

training using ICT tools identified by Svetlana Vladi-mirovna (Светлана Владимировна) are of particular interest:

• the integrated use of multimedia tools - the need for the integrated use of multimedia tools in the learning process lies both in the physiology of the perception of information and in their impact on understanding and memorization;

• interactivity - the ability to establish interaction between the teacher and students, which is implemented in the joint selection, submission, change of information, etc.;

• nonlinearity of information structures and processes; application of an active learning method in a personality-oriented education system;

Table 1.

Integrating ICT in learning_

Scientist Title of work

Blokhina L.P., Bubnova G.I., Potapova R.K. (Блохина Л.П., Бубнова Г.И., Потапова Р.К.) [59] Методические рекомендации по обучению иноязычному произношению с помощью аппаратурного обучающего комплекса и ЭВМ. Москва, 1990. - 53 с.

Kojaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. (Коджаспирова Г.М., Петров К.В.) [60] Технические средства обучения и методика их использования. Москва, 2001. - 256 с.

Mantorova I.V. (Манторова И.В.) [61] Представление учебной информации мультимедийными средствами как фактор повышения качества усвоения знаний. Дис. ... на к.п.н. Карачаевск, 2002. - 173 с.

Nazarenko A.L. (Назаренко А.Л.) [62] Видеоконференции в обучении межкультурной коммуникации//Полатов-ские чтения 2009: Дистанционное обучение в предметных областях. Москва, 2009. - С. 238-245.

Patarakin E.D. (Патаракин Е. Д)[63] Социальные сервисы Веб 2.0 в помощь учителю. Москва, 2007. - 64 с.

Polat E.S. (Полат Е.С.) [64] Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования. Москва, 1999. - 224 с.

Raicskaya L.K. (Раицкая Л.К.) [65] Интернет ресурсы в преподавании английского языка в высшей школе. Москва, 2007. - 190 с.

Sysoev P.V., Evstigneev M.N. (Сысоев П.В., Евстигнеев М.Н.) [66] Методика обучения иностранному языку с использованием новых информационно- коммуникационных Интернет-технологий: Учеб.-метод. пособие. Москва, 2010. - 189 с.

Titova S.V. (Титова С.В.) [67] Теоретические основы компьютерно-информационной модели обучения иностранным языкам: Дис. д-ра пед. наук. МГУ, 2003.

Titova S.V. (Титова С.В.) [68] Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в гуманитарном образовании: теория и практика: Пособие для студентов и аспирантов языковых факультетов университетов и вузов. Москва, 2009. - 240 с.

Dudeney G., Hockly N. [69] How to teach English with technology? Longman. London, 2007. - 181 p.

Lee S., Berry M. [70] Effective eLearning through collaboration//Coming of Age: an introduction to the new World Wide Web. Ed. by Freedman T. Terry Freedman Ltd. London, 2006. - pp. 249-258.

• information capacity of the content of the training session - the intensification of the educational process through a modular system of information supply, which allows you to dwell on more complex topics.

• humanization of training with the use of ICT -consideration of the learner's personality as the main value of the educational process, as the final result for which ICT is used [2, p.232-238].

Thus, the integration of ICTs in the educational process is an objective necessity. Given the specific principles of training using ICT tools, we assume that for this study, the integration of ICT in teaching practical phonetics of the English language is primarily associated with the use of multimedia technologies, that is, interactive computer systems that provide simultaneous operation with audio files, animated computer graphics , video files, still images and texts.

As S.V. Titova (А.С. Титова) notes [3, p. 118], the conditions for the integration of ICTs, including multimedia technologies (MMT), into teaching a foreign language, in particular a practical English course, include the information culture of the teacher and students, the information learning environment, student motivation, teacher literacy and willingness and students, computer security. Of course, for the successful integration of MMT, the key condition is the IC- competence of the teacher.

The teacher's IC- competence is a professional competence that provides the teacher's ability to use modern technologies for solving didactic problems and developing the IC- competence of students [2, p. 240].

IC- competence includes theoretical knowledge and practical skills in using various technical means for educational purposes.

In the study of A.P. Avramenko (A.n. ABpaMeHKo) we find the study of normative and program documents that describe the structure of IC- competence. According to the official document - TESOL Technology Standards Framework, 2008 [4, p.56], IC-competence consists of four components:

• basic knowledge and skills (include operational competence, knowledge of resources, the ability to create materials and use Web 2.0 services);

• methodological component (includes the ability to evaluate and integrate resources and technologies, create web assignments and conduct research in the field of ICT in teaching);

• the use of ICTs for assessment and feedback (including for the analysis of academic performance in order to develop the communicative competence of students, as well as to assess the IC- competence of students);

• the use of ICT for communication (includes contact with all participants in the educational process, reflection and preparation for classes) [4, p.107-156].

There is also a Professional standard for a teacher, according to which professional IC- competence is "qualified use of ICT tools common in a given professional field in developed countries in solving professional problems" [5, p. 47], consisting of the following components:

• general user IC- competence;

• general pedagogical IC- competence;

• subject-pedagogical IC competence.

Thus, the development and creation of an effective model for integrating multimedia technologies (MMT) to optimize the teaching of practical phonetics requires a teacher of a certain level of professional IC- competence, which should include a number of knowledge and skills (Table 2).

Table 2.

Components of multimedia competence as a component of the IC-competence of a teacher

Components IC- competence (knowledge and skills) Multimedia competence (knowledge and skills)

General user component • Use of techniques and compliance with ICT rules and regulations. • Video audio recording of processes in the environment and in the educational process through a personal computer for independent work. • Audio-video communication in the framework of independent work. • Search skills on the Internet and databases. • The use of techniques and compliance with the rules and regulations for the use of MMT. • Video audio recording of processes in the environment and in the educational process through MMT for classroom and independent work. • Audio-video communication in the framework of classroom and independent work. • Skills for using a multimedia information environment.

General pedagogical component • Organization of independent work. • Organization and conduct of group work in the telecommunications environment as part of independent work. • Assessing the quality of digital educational resources. • Accounting for public information space. • Support for the formation and use of a general user component in the work of students. • Organization of auditory, independent and project work. • Organization and conduct of group work in the telecommunications environment as part of classroom and independent work. • Assessing the quality of digital educational resources. • Accounting for multimedia information environment in the language class. • Formation support • Learners multimedia competence.

The current stage of development of society involves changing requirements for the quality of training of specialists in Kazakhstan. Currently, the use of information and communication technologies in the education system entails the need for self-education and Proceedings of the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Kazakh Civilization[6,p.388] : Past, Present, Future", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician of NAS RK, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kshibekova D.K. (Кшибекова Д.К.) self-improvement throughout life, the formation of student information literacy. One of the main directions of the State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1118 of December 7, 2010, is the informatization of education as a key problem facing the education system [6, p.390] . The inclusion of such a discipline as "Professional Foreign Language" in the practice of teaching gives a great opportunity for teachers of the WKU named after M. Utemisov to solve many problems in the educational process. Therefore, the use of ICT in the classroom leads to the need to develop an effective methodology for teaching foreign languages to students in information technology. The use of a foreign language by students becomes relevant - it is important precisely when they begin to switch to a professionally-oriented language in senior courses. In the process of teaching a professional foreign language, it took us a lot of effort and effort to use various methodological and technological approaches to achieve the effectiveness of the training system. The goal of language education at the university is to master a foreign language and to form students' interactive interaction skills and intercultural communication skills. The question of the formation of content on the methods of teaching a foreign language in universities has paid quite a lot of attention to scientists. The sphere of application of ICT tools in teaching foreign, including English, was greatly contributed by such scientists as G.B. Akhmetova (Г.Б. Ахметова) [7], G.V. Rogova (Г.В. Рогова) [8], K. B. Karpov (К.Б. Карпов) [8], D.M. Dzhusubalieva (Д.М.Джусабалиева) [9], A.I. Popov (А.И. Карпов) [10] and others.

The development of the global computer network Internet opens up new prospects for improving the educational system. The student has access to world information resources to quickly transmit the necessary information of any volume and any kind at any distance; store information in computer memory; process, edit, print. The process of teaching a foreign language at a university is a laborious work, where the main thing is not only the assimilation of knowledge about the subject being studied, but also the formation of skills, the development of skills to use a foreign language as a means of communication. So the use of multimedia programs and resources in teaching has a number of advantages:

• students can simultaneously see, hear and speak;

• communicative skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are formed in one task;

• access to information that allows you to instantly switch from one type of educational information to another;

• unlimited space of tasks; (use any reference information, write a test, view grammar, vocabulary, adjust pronunciation, etc.).

Dissertation researches devoted to certain aspects of the problem of using the means of new information technologies in the educational process and after school hours have shown that they allow you to activate the cognitive activity of students and thereby increase the effectiveness of training. The problem of using computer equipment and pedagogical software in the educational process for teaching FL was given great attention from major scientists in particular: Popov A.I. (Попов А.И.), Baimukhanova B. (Баймуханова Б.), Karpov K.B. (Карпов К.В.) and others. The curriculum, which is installed in all the multimedia classes of the university, will provide undeniable assistance to the teacher. It is important to note that the material is distributed in cycles and stratified taking into account one or another complexity, in other words, according to the level of knowledge. The multimedia program provides great assistance to the teacher in explaining the new grammatical material, in consolidating the knowledge gained during the course of deepening, knowledge and skills, as well as in the students' independent study of the material. Getting additional information from the Internet, the student systematizes and forms new knowledge and uses it for further improvement and development. The problems of the integrated use of new information technologies in the education of students of non-linguistic universities are considered in the works of B.S. Gershunsky (Б.С. Гершунский) [11], R.G. Pi-otrovsky (Р.Г. Пиотровский) [12], V.A. Novikova (В.А. Новикова) [13], E.S. Polat (Е.С. Полат) [14],[15] and others.

The use of multimedia classes in the educational process develops a great desire among students to try an all-new database, provided that the teacher provides proper support. Information is a unique resource created by society itself in the course of its life, and the acquisition of information and knowledge becomes the main task in the educational process. The ability to analyze, process, perform lexical, grammar exercises, extract the necessary information, answer the questions posed are the skills that are formed in the educational activities of each student. Valuable when using new information technologies is that the student develops the skills and abilities of analyzing and evaluating information from a position of significance, develops skills and abilities of remembering and self-monitoring of knowledge. Currently, the role of the computer is great and computer technology continues to develop rapidly. The use of new information technologies forms and develops the following creative personality traits: systemic scientific thinking, good memory, development of imagination, varied thinking, the ability to understand, apply the knowledge gained in practice. A modern person should not only possess a certain amount of knowledge, but also be able to independently work with information, seek and find the necessary information to solve certain problems, use the information received to

solve these problems, use electronic models of pedagogical teaching tools everywhere, and positively influence development creativity and vocational guidance. As many researchers note, it is important that there is an active activity, where the individual activates his information processes related to the collection and transmission of information, where the teacher should help him learn how to learn, form a willingness to self-development and continuous self-education. This takes place in the process of training at a university, where all conditions are created for the development of creative thinking for the formation of communicative competence, for raising the need for personal professional self-development. The solution of self-educational, cognitive and communicative tasks, in which the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills and abilities is carried out under the supervision of a teacher with the necessary correction of his side regarding the goal, organization, content and results of work. The training of specialist engineers lies in the prospects for the development of information technology and new information technologies and in the effective use of these tools in their lives and professional activities [16, p. 47].

One of the most important teaching methods in pedagogy is the work of students with a book, textbook, reference, popular science, and educational literature. Textbooks and multimedia classes successfully perform all didactic functions: teaching, developing, educating, motivating, control and correction. The subjects were 3 experimental groups of 2nd year students of the WKU named after M. Utemisov specializing in "Information Systems". The number of subjects was: 30 students. The testing of the use of some computer programs in the educational process in a foreign language was carried out in parallel with the control groups of students of the same stream who studied the same educational material, according to the requirements of the standard and work program for 2nd year students of WKU named after M. Utemisov. Experience has shown that the quality of the level of professional training has increased, in the experimental groups there has appeared a motivation for using multimedia classes, the Internet for further professional activities. The experimental group was given several tasks consisting of several modules of a computer program aimed at the formation of independent work skills and speech skills of students in the field of engineering [17, p.27]. Moreover, the success of understanding the tasks of a profile orientation was determined by theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of solving problems of a methodological and organizational nature. The student's use of information and communication technologies encourages reflection, is an incentive for further actions, helps, and appreciates the correction of the results of educational activities. The main goal in teaching a foreign language in technical universities is to teach students information literacy. With the help of ICT, future specialists should be ready for professional activities at the present stage of development. In conditions of increased demand for the study of foreign languages in technical universities of Kazakhstan, the problem of teaching is becoming very relevant. The

pedagogical community formed and presented the concept of teaching a foreign language at a technical university [16, p.35], [17, p.26].

The effectiveness of the method of using ICT in teaching students of technical universities will depend on how the teacher will form the ability of students to cross-cultural communication. An important role in this case is given to practical language training as a result of extensive speech practice and the use of speech exercises. In the course of practical training with the use of ICT, most students develop the following knowledge:

• accumulation of vocabulary;

• consolidation of the material passed;

• adaptation of students to the language sphere;

• improvement of speech skills;

• development of reading and listening skills;

• development of skills of independent performance of various grammatical exercises;

• development of oral speech skills.

Students have a great desire to find some information about their professional activities on their own. In turn, the goal of the teacher is to select and limit the material to the most significant and important topics that stimulate their cognitive interest. Using modern computer technologies, students develop logic, thinking, expand their horizons and knowledge, form ideas about the subject content, speech style of written text. Students are active, such as self-control, working on their own tasks, etc. The acquired skills in practical classes in a foreign language, students can apply them in their future professional activities as an engineer, forming motivation for mastering various language materials, developing communication skills. In the process of teaching a foreign language, maximum attention is paid to the students' own activity. They independently search for the necessary information, prepare presentations and projects. This method develops students' research abilities, contributes to the effectiveness of knowledge, and forms a motivational component of readiness for future professional activity. The traditional educational process at our technical University is based on the transfer of information from the teacher to the student, as a result, the student learns to speak correctly and correctly Express their thoughts. Learning through computer telecommunications networks allows students to enter into communication with real native speakers and learn a foreign language while in a real life communication situation, forms the ability of students to cross-cultural communication. At this stage, students expand their knowledge, skills acquired as a result of basic training, and develop skills and abilities to use information and communication technologies in the educational process. Currently, there are many computer training programs that help English teachers and students to master the English language. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of personal qualities of students. The process of learning becomes not reproductive, but search and creative. At the same time, the orientation to thinking ensures the development of search research activities, which makes it possible to solve the educational task proactively and creatively. The variety of

topics and activities, colorful, exciting and accessible computer tasks helps to effectively develop various communication skills of students. The training method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, and the development of critical and creative thinking [18]. The feasibility of using information technologies in the educational process is not in doubt. The use of a computer contributes to the development of students ' intelligence and motor skills, increases the student's cognitive activity, provides a large information capacity of educational material, improves the level of assimilation of the studied material for all students, stimulates visual and auditory memory, searches for word meanings, develops reading and listening skills. Having analyzed the effectiveness of using information technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages at The WKU named after M. Utemisova, we have come to the following conclusions: academic performance increases, students 'mental and speech activity is stimulated, and students' professional competence in the field of foreign language teaching is formed. Computer programs provide productive training in various types of foreign language speech activity: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Optimal use of modern information technologies positively implements the pedagogical goals of training and education. Increases the productivity of classes, reduces the time spent on explaining new material. The research opens up new perspectives in the further application of information and computer programs in the process of teaching foreign languages, the search for new methods of e-learning. As a result of the research, the following conclusions and conclusions were obtained [19, p.137] :

• The necessity of using the Internet in the educational process is justified, since the training of a future specialist assumes the orientation of foreign-language education for intercultural communication. Therefore, it is necessary to update methods that provide interactive professionally oriented character of methods of educational and cognitive activity of students and control of educational achievements;

• The principles of training with the use of ICT in the preparation of future specialists of the WKSU named after M. Utemisov are specified: the principle of consciousness; the principle of situational and thematic orientation; the principle of interactivity [20, p. 189];

• increased attention is paid to the organization and control of independent work of students, the development of logical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language. The results of the study showed that the study of ICT in foreign language classes activates the cognitive activity of students, contributes to a strong and deep memorization of the studied material and the development of speech skills, forms the ability of students to inter-cultural interaction. The results of the experimental work and the conclusions made confirmed the effectiveness of using modern ICTs in the classroom of a FL in the technical HEI to achieve higher professional education and implement the tasks set. We see further development of the research in the search for new modern methods of using ICT, since

professional training of specialists in the field of technology requires constant updating and revision of the content and methods of training in connection with the rapid development of network technologies [21].


1 Блохина Л.П., Бубнова Г.И., Потапова Р.К., Методические рекомендации по обучению иноязычному произношению с помощью аппаратурного обучающего комплекса и ЭВМ. Москва, 1990. - 53 с.

2 Титова С.В., Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в гуманитарном образовании: теория и практика: Пособие для студентов и аспирантов языковых факультетов университетов и вузов. Москва, 2009. - 240 с.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3 Титова, С. В., Информационно-коммуникационная компетенция педагогов и новые образовательные стандарты высшей школы. //Вестник Московского университета. Серия 19. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация, 2011. № 4. - С. 118-131.

4 TESOL Technology Standards Framework. Alexandria, 2008. - 156 pp.

5 Профессиональный стандарт педагога: концепция и содержание. Москва, 2013. - с. 47

6 Кшибекова Д.К., Казахская цивилизация: прошлое, настоящее, будущее", - 2015. - С. 387-390

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ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВА "МАКМИЛАН"» [Электронный ресурс]. URL: А1е:///С:/Шеге/Владе-



Harasym T.

Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and English Language Teaching, Ternopil Volodymyr

Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Ternopil, Ukraine Zubryk A.

Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and English Language Teaching, Ternopil Vo-

lodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Ternopil, Ukraine Shepitchak V.

Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and English Language Teaching, Ternopil Volodymyr

Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Ternopil, Ukraine


The article generalises theoretical and practical research and offers a new solution to the problem of improving the humanities teachers' training quality, which is revealed in creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of their productive pedagogical thinking. The means of the psychological and pedagogical conditions' implementation principles, methods, stages, and purpose of developing productive pedagogical thinking are analysed in the article. We have conducted the experiment and defined the levels of productive pedagogical thinking formation of the students. Based on the indeces, we have defined the main levels of productive pedagogical thinking maturity of future teachers in the process of mastering the humanities. The experiment results demonstrated positive dynamic in the changes of maturity level of productive pedagogical thinking shown by the future humanities teachers.

Keywords: productive pedagogical thinking, future humanities teachers, psychological and pedagogical conditions, criteria, visualization, critical thinking.


The forming of productive pedagogical thinking (PPT) of future humanities teachers is more effective when applying a whole complex of pedagogical means. The content of the teaching material should include such components as subjects selected in accordance with the programme requirements at each particular level; artistic, critical, political, social prose, poetry, methodological, pedagogical, psychological, coun-trystudy provide the formation of sociocultural competence, as well as tasks involving intellectual and creative students' development, transformation of the acquired knowledge and its use in problem-developing studies.

The philosophical foundations of thinking have been reflected in the studies of V. Andrushchenko, I. Ziaziun, V. Kremen. P. Blonsky, L. Vygotsky, P. Galperin, G. Kostiuk, A. Leontiev, N. Menchynska, S. Rubinstein, and A. Tihomirov dedicated research to the psychological aspects of the thought study. The problem of the development of productive thinking was

studied by V. Andreev, M. Wertheimer, J. Gilford, M. Goldin, S. Kalmykov, D. Kuger, D. Poia, G. Wallace, T. Harson, J. Chaffi and others. Pedagogical aspects of creativity were analysed by D. Bohoiavlenska, N. Kichuk, G. Nikitina, S. Sysoiev, P. Torrens.

The aim of the article is to consider the psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of PPT of future humanities teachers as the basis of personally oriented and mature involvement in the educational process.

To activate the process of formation of PPT, we offer a set of interconnected and interdependent psychological and pedagogical conditions - creating a supportive educational environment for the formation of PPT; implementing the best methods and forms of a specialist's training; providing systemic motivation for future humanities teachers.

The first psychological and pedagogical condition is the creating of a supportive teaching environment for the formation of PPT. It involves, first of all, the formation of a competency component. The means of its

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