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Ключевые слова
readiness / personality-oriented pedagogical technologies / teacher of special disciplines / pedagogical conditions / model / methods / experiment.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tkachuk G.E.

The article identifies, substantiates and describes pedagogical conditions that are important in the formation of the readiness of teachers of special disciplines of vocational educational institutions to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies: increasing the motivation of teachers to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies; updating the content of advanced training for teachers of special disciplines in professional educational institutions in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education; the use of information and communication technologies in the development of the readiness of teachers of special disciplines to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies; introduction of a regional virtual system of continuous teacher support during communication.

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«ШУШШШУМ-ШиГМак» #491), 2021 а PEDAGOGICAL sciences


которой мы стоим" —"this gap is what we stand before".

c) in English language the word order that is not typical for the Russian one. Examples, in particular, are 1) the infinitive construction in order for smth. to do smth.: in order to have stability — in order for stability to occur; 2) circumstantial constructions: Это в значительной степени обусловливает N.— То а great extent, this underlies N.;

d) the demonstrative pronoun "тот", which is typical for the Russian language, is omitted in most cases before the conjunctions of complex sentences when translated into English[6]. Let's compare the options:

Вопрос о том, какой величины должен быть пример, является трудным. - The question of how large should be a sample is a difficult one.

Меня интересовало обсуждение того, как... -1 am interested in discussing how...

Пример того, как автор оформил содержание своего исследования с целью привлечь аудиторию... - The example of how the author shaped the content of his research in order to reach multiple audience..

The requirements for English punctuation are less strict than for Russian, but they should not be ignored. English punctuation has the patterns that differ from Russian ones, and the placement of commas depends more on the desire of the writer to give the sentence a certain sound: a comma indicates a small pause. Therefore, the placement of commas in English is more arbitrary than in Russian [3]. So, unlike the rules of punctuation of the Russian language, in English, the subordinate subject sentence (introduced by the conjunctions that, what) is usually not separated by a comma and is pronounced together with the main sentence. A subordinate clause entered with the "prefixing" pronoun it is

also not separated by a comma (Itwas dear that...). Exceptions are cases (however, very rare) when the subordinate subject is complicated by homogeneous or separate sentence members or constructions, as well as subordinate clauses. By the way, a comma before such subordinate clauses can mean that they refer either to a whole group of words, or to the entire main sentence, but not to the preceding word.


1. Azimov E. G., Shchukin A. N. "New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)" - Moscow: Ikar, 2009 — 448 p.

2. Borisenko T.I. Introduction to English for Academic Purposes: Ucheb. posob.[educational manual], Moscow: KDU, Unuversaitetskaya kniga, 2016, 176 p.

3. Jordan R.R. Academic Wriying course. Study skilks in English. 3ed. London:Longman, 2009,134 p.

4. Kojina M.N. O rechevoi sistemnosti nauchnogo stilya sravnitrlnos nekotorimi drugimi / Kojina M.N. -Perm: «Vichera», 2003,325 p.

5. Lederman J.S., Lederman N. G. "Taking Action as a Researcher or Acting as a Researcher" // Journal of Science Teacher Education. 2015(26). Pp.117-120. DOI: 10.1007/s10972-015-9424-5

6. Markelov, M. A., E. S. Grechanovsky. "Peculiarities of scientific style in English language" //International student Scientific Bulletin. - 2015. - № 5-1. - pp. 44-44; URL: https://eduherald.ru/ru/arti-cle/view?id=12738 (date accessed: 21.11.2020).

7. Milton J. Measuring the contribution of academic and general vocabulary knowledge to learners' academic achievement, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, volume 31, 2018, p. 44-57

UDK: 371.14

Tkachuk G.E.

Educational and methodical center of vocational education in Vinnytsia region,





The article identifies, substantiates and describes pedagogical conditions that are important in the formation of the readiness of teachers of special disciplines ofvocational educational institutions to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies: increasing the motivation of teachers to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies; updating the content of advanced training for teachers of special disciplines in professional educational institutions in the system ofpostgraduate pedagogical education; the use of information and communication technologies in the development of the readiness of teachers of special disciplines to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies; introduction of a regional virtual system of continuous teacher support during communication.

Keywords: readiness, personality-oriented pedagogical technologies, teacher of special disciplines, pedagogical conditions, model, methods, experiment.

In their research, Ukrainian scientists identify the following priority areas for the development of vocational education: compliance with labor market de-

mands, increasing innovation receptivity, focus on personality oriented interaction, modernization of curricula and materials, training of teachers. One of the priority tasks on the way to the organization of continuous



training in the design and use of personality-oriented pedagogical technologies, in our opinion, is to create the necessary pedagogical conditions that will promote the readiness of teachers of special disciplines to use personality oriented pedagogical technologies.

Based on the studied literature, based on the position of M. Sarantseva and V. Kurovsky [5], we highlight the content, organizational and motivational: components of pedagogical conditions that determine the development of teachers of special disciplines to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies: in terms of content it is expressed in the fact that teachers will improve knowledge of personality-oriented pedagogical technologies, design classes in accordance with the specifics of the discipline; in organizational terms, this is expressed in the fact that the applied methods and organizational forms of the process of developing the readiness of teachers to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies create a creative atmosphere; in terms of motivation, this is expressed in stimulating teachers to personal professional development, creating opportunities for self-realization of the individual.

Given the different interpretations of the concept of pedagogical conditions of famous scientists, we in our study under the pedagogical conditions of readiness of teachers of special disciplines of vocational schools to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies will understand certain circumstances that contribute to training teachers to implement this activity , interests and opportunities of teachers.

To determine the pedagogical conditions, we used the method of expert evaluation. Thus, our set of organizational and pedagogical conditions we will consider in the context of four components: increasing the motivation of teachers to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies; updating the content of advanced training of teachers of special disciplines in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education and in the intercourse period; the use of information and communication technologies in the process of developing the readiness of teachers of special disciplines to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies; introduction of a regional virtual system of continuous support for teachers.

1. Increasing the motivation of teachers to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies. The study of motivation has different aspects: A. Maslow [2] interpreted the motive as a need; S. Rubinstein [4] motive as satisfaction of needs; O. Leontiev [1] believed that the motive is part of the structure of the activity itself; O. Selivanova [6] defines the motive as the main motivating force in mental activity, cognitive-emotional psychological system, which performs the function of a regulator of behavior.

Pedagogical activity, like any other activity, is determined not by a single motive, but has a multifaceted nature. Naturally, scientists distinguish between external and internal motivation in the activities of the teacher. External motivation includes motivation not directly related to pedagogical activities, namely, the motivation of material reward, motivation for approval, prestige, motivation for career growth, etc. Internal motivation is characterized by a system of motives directly

related to the activities of the teacher - is the interest in the teaching profession, focus on the process and outcome of teaching, motives for professional and personal growth. In addition, an important internal motive is also the motive of self-improvement and self-actualization. The latter motives are of particular importance at the present stage of development of vocational education in connection with its focus on the humanistic orientation, which places high demands on the readiness of teachers to carry out professional and theoretical training using personality-oriented pedagogical technologies. This readiness is manifested in the simultaneous desire for professional and personal self-improvement, to master new pedagogical technologies, to restructure the system of relationships with students, to overcome stereotypes in their activities, to their own creative growth. Ultimately, it requires a change in the previously formed own style of teaching.

We agree with the opinion of M. Mykhniuk [3] that the motivational sphere of teachers of special disciplines is dynamic, so positive motivation can arise in the course of both professional and pedagogical activities and in the process of self-improvement.

In the context of the development of motivation of special teachers, we consider it necessary to consider it in two directions: in terms of the place of professional motivation in the overall structure of motives; assessing the attitude of the teacher to change. The need for pedagogical innovations, their receptivity, which determines the content of the personality-oriented orientation of professional activity. In order to form a positive attitude to the use of personality-oriented pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to form such motives that would ensure awareness of the needs for socially significant professional and pedagogical activities aimed at training and development of professionally important qualities of future skilled

Updating the content of advanced training of teachers of special disciplines in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. It is obvious that the role of a teacher of special disciplines in the formation of a student as a future professional is quite important, because he carries out, along with professional-practical and narrow-profile (within a certain field) training, also general pedagogical activity. Therefore, the integration of professional, industrial and psychological and pedagogical knowledge requires diverse competencies. Given the innovations in various areas of the economy, the modern requirements of the labor market to qualified personnel, the system of professional development of teachers of vocational schools needs to update the content. Thus, the need to find ways to improve the level of professional knowledge, skills, attitudes and other characteristics of the modern teacher of special disciplines, support and stimulation of certain parameters of his pedagogical activity by means of postgraduate education.

We believe that the effective solution of priority tasks of methodical work in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education should take place under the condition of joint collective activity, and self-educational activity, purposeful activity, continuous work on each



individual teacher is the main leading factor. The system of methodical work is called to promote creative and professional growth of the teacher, to create optimum conditions for pedagogical improvement of the teacher, to form and develop his pedagogical individuality, to provide all possible variants for realization of self-educational activity.

The use of information and communication technologies in the process of developing the readiness of teachers ofspecial disciplines to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies. The use of information and communication technologies, e-learning tools, the introduction of project activities in the educational process using multimedia products, work with modern Internet technologies in a joint, daily activities in the information and educational environment, search for information, didactic materials on the Internet - all this requires from the teacher awareness of different types of modern technologies and the ability to apply some of them in practice. For example, in the framework of our study on the development of teachers' readiness to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies when working with students of advanced training courses (special course), constant network interaction (virtual system of continuous support for teachers), online counseling and communication via the Internet -communications, we received a positive result and positive feedback from teachers.

Introduction of a regional virtual system of continuous supportfor teachers. At the heart of the virtual system of continuous support of teachers built by us is the system approach analyzed in many works of known scientists. It determines specific ways to achieve the goals of pedagogical education, opens up new original methods of building, improving and further application of educational systems. In the study of objects of the system approach, scientists operate with a number of concepts: system, communication, relationship, structure, element, function, management, organization and many others.

The main purpose of our virtual system of continuous support for teachers is to develop his readiness to use modern pedagogical technologies through constant methodological support, methodological consultations, joint discussion of problematic issues at a convenient time for teachers by maximally involving teachers in creative independent activities to gain new knowledge and skills.

Therefore, to ensure the development of readiness of teachers of special disciplines to use personality-oriented pedagogical technologies in the system of methodological services it is necessary to take into account individual requests and needs of teachers, ensure the content of in-service training, support teachers after training.


1. Leontiev A. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality / Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev. - 2nd ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1977 .-- 304 p.

2. Maslow A. Motivation and Personality. Harper, New York: Matthews, 1977 .-- 346 s.

3. Mikhnyuk, Maria Ivanivna. Theoretical and methodical bases for the development of professional culture in special disciplines of the educational profile: author. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13.00.04 / Marya Ivanivna Mihnyuk, Nat. acad. ped. Sciences of Ukraine. - Kiev: [b.v.], 2016. - 652 p.

4. Rubinstein S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology / Sergey Leonidovich Rubinstein; comp., authors of comments and afterwords A.V. Brushlinsky, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya. - SPb. : Peter, 2002 .-720 p.

5. Sarantseva, M.V. Management of the process of improving the professional skill of teachers of the general education system at the municipal level / M.V. Sarantseva, V.N. Kurovsky//Tomsk Bulletin. J 2010. -Issue. 1 (91). P. 58-65.

6. Selivanova E.A. Fundamentals of the linguistic theory of text and communication. - K .: Brama, 2004 .-- 336 p.

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