ISSN 2223-4047
BecmnuK Maeucmpamypu. 2019. № 4-4(91)
UDC 378
Z.Zh. Alieva
The article highlights the use of role-playing games in English lessons, which effectively affect the effectiveness of the training session and the activity of students.
Key words: role, game, lesson, English, effect, student, activity.
The processes of renewal in the field of foreign language teaching in the national school create conditions in which teachers are given the right and the opportunity to independently choose methods and techniques of teaching. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to prove that role-playing games in foreign language lessons are an example of innovative technologies that allow the student not only deeply and with interest to master a foreign language and form a communicative competence, but also to develop their social and personal identity.
In the process of teaching a foreign language to high school students, a business game is used, which is based on a model of some real activity. Such games as "Court", "Discussion", "Elections" and others are widely known. The game allows you to bring the situation of the educational process to the real conditions of generating needs for knowledge and their practical application, which provides personal cognitive activity of students.
As for the use of role-playing games in the learning process of middle school students, here the feasibility of this technique is due to the fact that the main psychological need of a teenager is to master the forms of communication. And since the role-playing game just simulates interpersonal group communication, it finds a response from students in grades 7-9.
Role-playing game is used to solve complex problems of assimilation of new material, consolidation and development of creative abilities, as well as for the formation of General educational skills. It gives students the opportunity to understand and learn the academic material from various angles. The social significance of role-playing games is that in the process of solving certain tasks, not only knowledge is activated, but also collective forms of communication, including communicative competence, are developed.
Controlled role play is a simpler view and can be built on dialogue or text. In the first case, students get acquainted with the basic dialogue and practice it. Then, together with the teacher, they discuss the content of the dialogue, work out the norms of speech lexicon and the necessary vocabulary. After that, students are invited to create their own version of the dialogue, based on the basic and using the supports written on the Board (supports can be prepared in advance on the cards and distributed to students).
The new dialogue can be similar to the basic one, but it needs to use a different content, a different form of questions and answers, this dialogue can be shorter or longer than the basic one. In addition, as necessary, the teacher can give instructions during the role play.
The second type of controlled game is a text-based role-playing game. In this case, after reading the text, the teacher can invite one of the students to play the role of a character from the text, and the other students - to interview him. Moreover, students-reporters can ask not only those questions, the answers to which are in the text, but also any other, their interest, and the student, acting as a character, can show their imagination when answering these questions. As in the first case, the teacher can give instructions to help students in the role-playing game.
More complex is moderately controlled role-playing game, in which participants receive the General description of Aoyama and description of their roles. The problem is that the features of role-playing behavior are known only to the performer. It is important for the rest of the participants to guess what line of behavior their partner should follow and to make an appropriate decision about their own reaction.
The most difficult are the free and long role-playing games that open space for initiative and creativity.
As for the free role-playing game, when it is carried out, the students themselves must decide what vocabulary they use, how the action will develop. The teacher only calls the theme of role-playing, and then asks students to make different situations affecting different aspects of the topic. The teacher can also divide the class into groups and invite each group to choose the aspect of the proposed topic that is closest to them. At the same time, if necessary, it helps students in the distribution of roles and in the discussion of what needs to be said on the selected situation, or provides some other assistance.
© A^neBa 3y^xyMop ®a66op kh3H, 2019.
Вестник магистратуры. 2019. № 4-4(91)
ISSN 2223-4047
Creative role communication requires the development of social skills. Therefore, role-playing games in foreign language lessons often include elements of social training (exercises in communication). Here are examples of such tasks:
• line-up (students try to line up as quickly as possible in accordance with the proposed features);
• rounds (the participant of the "circle" pronounces each word in such a way that the formed sentence sounds as smoothly as if it was pronounced by one student);
• strip-story (each student receives a phrase and tries to quickly take the appropriate place in the "story»);
• smile (students approach each other and exchange remarks with a mandatory smile);
• flower (students give each other a flower, saying at the same time: "I give you a flower, because you are a good friend, etc.", that is, students say nice words to each other);
• contacts (students approach each other and start a conversation);
• reflection (students try to imagine what other students think about them);
• listening (students listen to each other and nod in agreement or disagreement);
• politeness (students address each other with polite requests);
• respect (students talk about their respect for each other, reinforcing statements with examples);
• concessions (students learn to give in to each other in a dispute);
• gratitude (working together, students Express their gratitude to each other for the help);
• conflict (students learn to respond correctly to the partner's "emotional phrase").
To the listed tasks, you can add many others, but all of them should be aimed at the formation of students ' necessary social skills.
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АЛИЕВА ЗУЛХУМОР ЖАББОР КИЗИ - студентка, Наманганский государственный университет, Узбекистан,