THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION IN LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Isroilova Baxtijon Baxromjon Qizi

Interest in the motivational aspect of learning a foreign language has increased significantly in recent years in all disciplines related to language in one way or another - not only in psychology and pedagogy, but also in linguodidactics, methods of teaching foreign languages at school, and psycholinguistics. In order to properly adapt to the current situation, when Europe becomes a single multinational, multicultural and multilingual whole, representatives of society at all its levels must realize the importance of learning foreign languages, since the study of languages is a way to foster tolerance, the ability to cooperate, to achieve mutual understanding between peoples, respect for the individual regardless of his race, national, religious, political affiliation.

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Section 3. Pedagogy


Isroilova Baxtijon Baxromjon qizi, PhD student of UzSWLU Uzbekistan E-mail: ushr@rambler.ru


Abstract. Interest in the motivational aspect of learning a foreign language has increased significantly in recent years in all disciplines related to language in one way or another — not only in psychology and pedagogy, but also in linguodidactics, methods of teaching foreign languages at school, and psycholinguistics. In order to properly adapt to the current situation, when Europe becomes a single multinational, multicultural and multilingual whole, representatives of society at all its levels must realize the importance of learning foreign languages, since the study of languages is a way to foster tolerance, the ability to cooperate, to achieve mutual understanding between peoples, respect for the individual regardless of his race, national, religious, political affiliation.

Key words: Motivational aspect, linguodidactics, psycholinguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages, internal motivational tendencies.

The problem of motivation is particularly rel- to the term, the definition of the concept of "mo-

evant in both native and foreign psychology and tivation". First of all, it is necessary to identify the

methods of teaching foreign languages. On the one meaning of the concepts "motivation" and " motive";

hand, this is because the need to introduce psycho- next, it is logical to proceed to the establishment of

logical research into practice, access to real human the interaction between motivation as a psychologi-

behavior, to its regulation, today requires knowledge cal process and the types of motives in general, as

of the laws of human behavior and, especially, in re- well as in relation to a foreign language; finally, it is

lation to motives and their implementation. On the necessary to consider the problem of motivation in

other hand, there is a need to reveal the connections domestic and foreign psychology and methods of

of the internal motivational tendencies of a person to teaching foreign languages.

action with the social determination of his psyche. Currently, motivation as a mental phenomenon

A review of the works of domestic and foreign is interpreted in different ways. In one case-as a set

psychologists shows that at present, psychology of factors that support and guide, i.e., determine

has accumulated data both for clarifying some ini- behavior, in another case — as a set of motives, in

tial positions, and for further, broader and in-depth the third-as an incentive that causes the activity of

research of motivation problems. Let's take a closer the organism and determines its direction. Thus,

look at some of the main provisions directly related S. Y. Golovin identifies the interests, values and ide-

als of the individual as the meaning-forming factors of motivation: "In a person, the source of the development of motives is the boundless process of social production of material and spiritual values. Such potential motives in ontogenesis are the values, interests, and ideals inherent in a given society, which, if internalized by the individual, can acquire a motivating force and become real motives" [Golovin, 2001: 381]. In addition, motivation is considered as a process of mental regulation of a specific activity, as a process of motive action and as a mechanism that determines the occurrence, direction and methods of implementing specific forms of activity, as a total system of processes responsible for motivation and activity [6].

Motivation is an internal psychological characteristic of a person, which is expressed in external manifestations, in the attitude of a person to the surrounding world, various types of activities. The educational and cognitive motivation of younger students is their active approach to learning, the realization of the desire to learn well. In order for a child to have a strong internal motivation "I want to learn well", it is necessary that everyone says to themselves: "I can do it! I will succeed!»

There are five other types of motivation:

1. Target motivation-what is needed for this activity, what it is aimed at and with the help of which it is carried out, is well absorbed.

2. Motivation for success — if the subject " succeeds", then it is studied with double interest. Motivation in learning foreign languages increases significantly if the prospects for using knowledge are realized not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities.

3. Regional motivation-the language quickly reacts to all social changes in the life of a particular country. It reflects the customs and customs of the country. All this is of great value for understanding the social nature of language.

4. Aesthetic motivation helps to make learning a language a pleasure.

5. Instrumental motivation takes into account the temperament of students and allows each student to express themselves in their favorite type of work. [2, 95]

Whether we know it or not, every moment of our lives we are motivated to do something: whether to satisfy physiological needs (to eat, to sleep) or spiritual needs (to write poetry, to go to the theater, to paint landscapes). If there is no motivation at all, it means that the person is dead. If a person knows that he needs to achieve something, that is, he is motivated to satisfy his need — he can move mountains. In a fight, the winner is not the one who is stronger in physical parameters, but the one who wants to win more. A sports team can have talented players, but playing is gray and faded. To win, you need the will to win, that is, motivation. The history of wars can provide many examples when a superior and better-armed army lost a battle because it was less motivated to win.

The problem of motivation in teaching arises in every school subject. However, the problem of motivation to learn foreign languages in secondary school is particularly acute. Researchers of the question of motivation give data on its decline from class to class. At the same time, it is noteworthy that until the moment of learning a foreign language and at the very beginning, students usually have high motivation. They want to express themselves in a foreign language with their peers; it is tempting to recite poems and sing songs in a foreign language; reading, learn about other countries. Many children see in learning a foreign language something "adventurous", penetration into a new unfamiliar world; the opportunity to reincarnate is attractive: "I am a speaker of my native language", "I am a speaker of a foreign language". In short, almost everyone has a desire to speak a foreign language, to be able to communicate directly, through a book and correspondence. But now the process of mastering a foreign language begins and the attitude of students changes, many are disappointed. After all, this process involves a period of accumulation

of "building material", a stage of inevitably primitive content, overcoming various difficulties, which postpones the achievement of the goals that were dreamed of. [4, 23]

The successful start of learning a foreign language contributes to the creation of a high motivation to learn foreign languages. The success of teaching and the students ' attitude to the subject largely depend on how interesting and emotional the teacher conducts the lessons. Of course, in the process of teaching foreign languages to primary school students, the game is of great importance. The more appropriate the teacher uses game techniques, visual clarity, the more interesting the lessons are, the more firmly the material is absorbed.

In terms of methodological continuity, it is desirable to ensure a smooth transition of children from one stage of education to another, avoiding the loss of formed skills and injuring children as little as possible. This can be most easily achieved if, throughout the entire course of learning a foreign language, you adhere to a single learning strategy that ensures clear formulation and achievement of the learning goals of each stage in the interaction between them. This interaction is achieved through end-to-end programs and the use of manuals that consistently lead the child from preschool to primary school and from primary school to secondary school.

Mastering a foreign language at school involves intensive activity of the student. One of the factors of ensuring the student's performance is the appropriate motivation. Among the aspects that increase the level of motivation, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, the constantly maintained interest of students in the process of mastering a foreign language, its effectiveness, as well as the use of various teaching methods that meet the needs of middle-level students in the novelty of the material studied and the variety of exercises performed. The use of a variety of teaching methods helps to consolidate language phenomena in memory, create more persistent visual

and auditory images, and maintain the interest and activity of students. Let's look at some techniques for developing motivation to learn a foreign language at the secondary level of education.

O. A. Kolesnikova notes that "the role-playing game is a conditional reproduction by its participants of real practical activities of people, creates conditions for real communication, so the effectiveness of training here is primarily due to the explosion of motivation, increased interest in the subject" [3, 14]. Further, the author details the positive aspects associated with the use of role-playing games in the lesson: "role-playing motivates speech activity, as students find themselves in a situation where the need to say something, ask, find out, prove, share something with the interlocutor is actualized. Unlike a dialogue or a play that teaches how to say something, a role-playing game answers the questions ofwhy (motive) and why (goal) you need to say something" [3, 14]. Thus, the focus of students 'attention becomes the content of the conversation, which helps students to clearly see that the language can be used as a means of communication and, as a result, role-playing contributes to the formation of students' communicative competence, the necessary communication skills in a foreign language: "In games, students master such elements of communication as the ability to start a conversation, support it, interrupt the interlocutor, at the right time to agree with his opinion or refute it, the ability to purposefully listen to the interlocutor, ask clarifying questions" [3, 15].

In addition, the author notes that "the game activates the desire of children to contact each other and the teacher, creates conditions for equality in speech partnership, destroys the traditional barrier between teacher and student; the game allows timid, insecure students to speak and thereby overcome the barrier of uncertainty" [3, 15], thereby making a certain contribution to the formation of educational cooperation and partnership in the classroom. Semyonova also notes the significant educational opportunities of role-playing games: "Role-playing can be regarded

as the most accurate model of communication, since it imitates reality in the most essential features and in it, as in life, the speech and non-speech behavior of partners is intertwined" [5, 16].

The use of these methods and techniques is effective in the event that students ' interest in learning a foreign language decreases, then it is possible to arouse their cognitive interest, to awaken them spiritually. All children are close to the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of communication and teamwork,

and they need to express themselves in creativity, fantasy, play, competition.

Thus, summing up the work done, I would like to say that the formation of cognitive motivation to learn a foreign language is facilitated by the use of active teaching methods: problem, research, game.

In conclusion, I want to quote from the statement of the greatest humanist of the XX century, Mother Teresa: "We can't do great things. We can only do small things, but with great Love."


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