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Ключевые слова
игровая познавательная активность / мотивация / интерес и эмоциональный статус / game cognitive activity / motivation / interest / and emotional status

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Карпова Наталья Владимировна

В статье рассматриваются два способа монтажа сетчатых пространственных конструкций: с использованием строп, затем с траверсой. С помощью указанной вычислительной системы автоматически рассчитываются продольные силы, изгибающие моменты в элементах и напряжения в поперечном сечении при расчете схем строповки. Это дает возможность эффективно подбирать грузозахватные устройства и приспособления.

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The article considers the essence of game cognitive activity in technical educational institutions, which is manifested in quasi-professional activity and has the features of both teaching and work, i.e., in modeling the conditions for the formation of a specialist's personality. Thus, the assimilation of new knowledge is superimposed on the outline of the future professional activity. Motivation, interest, and emotional status the participants of the game are conditioned by the wide opportunities for goal-setting and goal-fulfillment, dialogical communication on the project-problem material presented and, thereby, the formation of professional creative thinking of future specialists.


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Карпова Наталья Владимировна.

Россия, г. Новосибирск, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет (Сибстрин), ст. преподаватель, ishida22@mail.ru.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются два способа монтажа сетчатых пространственных конструкций: с использованием строп, затем с траверсой. С помощью указанной вычислительной системы автоматически рассчитываются продольные силы, изгибающие моменты в элементах и напряжения в поперечном сечении при расчете схем строповки. Это дает возможность эффективно подбирать грузозахватные устройства и приспособления.

Ключевые слова: игровая познавательная активность, мотивация, интерес и эмоциональный статус


Karpova Natalya Vladimirovna.

Russia, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, ishida22@mail.ru.

Abstract. The article considers the essence of game cognitive activity in technical educational institutions, which is manifested in quasi-professional activity and has the features of both teaching and work, i.e., in modeling the conditions for the formation of a specialist's personality. Thus, the assimilation of new knowledge is superimposed on the outline of the future professional activity. Motivation, interest, and emotional status the participants of the game are conditioned by the wide opportunities for goal-setting and goal-fulfillment, dialogical communication on the project-problem material presented and, thereby, the formation of professional creative thinking of future specialists.

Key words: game cognitive activity, motivation, interest, and emotional status.

Currently, as noted by many researchers (E. Bern [1], M. F. Stronin [2], George Herbert Mead [3], D. B. Elkonin [4], A. P. Panfilova [5], O. Y. Boltneva [6], L. S. Vygotsky [7], T. G. Lyubimova [8], A. A. Derkach [8] N. D. Galskova and N. I. Gez [9], etc.), increasing attention is paid to the use of various games or game technologies in the methodology of teaching foreign languages (in particular, English language). This is due to the wide possibilities of the game for activating the

educational process. Besides, the game is a strong motivating factor that satisfies the students ' need for the novelty of the material studied and the variety of exercises performed [1].

The use of a huge number of teaching techniques helps to fix language phenomena in the memory, create more persistent visual and auditory images, and maintain students ' enthusiasm and initiative.

The increasing pressure of the information and cognitive environment suggests the direction of improving technologies. They should complement the traditional didactic means that support the historically established forms of sensory and verbal-logical reflection of knowledge. The main thing in this process is creating conditions for the effectiveness of the management of students ' mental activity. One of these conditions is the introduction of powerful tools for the development of thinking of an instrumental and technical nature into the game forms of training, which could stimulate speech utterances and an adequate manner of behavior that are appropriate for a specific quasi-real situation. Such a powerful tool for the development of intellectual foreign language mental activity and management based on the use of cognitive structures, as well as verbal and visual static and dynamic. The main goal is to attract computer technology support and intellectual and professional support [3].

Recently, even the special term "game science" has appeared in the literature. The analysis of the problem shows that knowledge about the game is integrative knowledge, synthesizing various information about a person, society, culture; drawing information from psychology, ethnography, ethnology, sociology, philosophy, etc., i.e. from almost all areas of knowledge.

Let's try to understand the concept of role-playing game. Role-playing is a methodical technique that belongs to a group of effective ways to teach the use of a foreign language in speech. The role-playing game is based on intrapsychic connections that materialize in the process of communication. Since role-playing is a clear example of interpersonal communication, creates a need for communication, arouses interest in participating in communication in a foreign language, and in this sense we can talk about the motivational and motivational function of roleplaying, one of its most important functions.

As you know, a foreign language course is designed to provide practical mastery of the subject. This task requires a foreign language teacher to teach the ability to communicate in the language being studied. In this paper, the term "game" is considered as "a form of activity in language classes in conditional situations, specially created for the purpose of consolidating and activating educational material in various communication situations" [1. P. 85]. Games in a foreign language are classified as follows: according to the purpose (language, speech); according to the method of execution (oral, written, role-playing and others); by the level of complexity (reproductive, creative); by the number of participants (individual group, pair, frontal); by the type of tasks (operational, tactical, and strategic) [5].

The methodology of teaching English has been showing interest in the role-playing game for a long time. Exercises such as "read by roles"," stage a dialogue " occupy a strong place in the arsenal of methodological techniques, since in the process of dramatization there is a more complete awareness of the meaning of the

text and the perception of the language material. The social environment in which a person is born is regarded as primary socialization. In it, he gradually assimilates the social experience recorded in the language.

The pinnacle of the evolution of game activity is the story or role-playing game, in the terminology of L. S. Vygotsky's 'imaginary situation'. As you know, a role-playing game consists of several main parts. N. D. Galskova and N. I. Gez [6] note that the role-playing game involves the presence of three stages: 1) preparation; 2) conducting the game; 3) control. S. T. Zanko [7] distinguishes several types of games: organizational and active games, which are the organization of collective mental activity based on the deployment of the training content in the form of problem situations and further cooperation of all participants. Business games, which are simulations of real mechanisms and processes. Cognitive-didactic games that implement situations where the student enters an unusual part of the game.

Table 1.

The types of role-playing games can be represented by the following

Type of Role-Playing Game Role-Playing Game Properties

1. Controlled Participants receive the necessary replicas

2. Moderately controlled Students receive a general description of the plot and a description of their roles

3. Free Students get the circumstances of communication

4. Episodic A separate episode is played out

5. Long-term Over a long period, a series of episodes is played out (for example, from the life of a class)

The role-playing game is based on the interpersonal relationships of students within the group, which are carried out in the course of comprehensive communication. Absolutely all entertainment, including role-playing games, leads to an interest in communicating in a foreign language. During the role- playing game, there is an activation of personal involvement in everything that happens on the part of the listeners. They personally participate in dialogues, stage different situations, and are involved in all stages of the game. For example, a student, trying to "get used to his role", at the level of the subconscious shows great interest to the character whose role he plays. Games can be used at the beginning or end of the lesson, in order to divide it into 2 parts, relieve stress.

A controlled role-playing game is a simpler kind and can be built on the basis of dialogue or text. In the first case, students get acquainted with the basic dialogue and practice it. Then, together with the teacher, they discuss the content of the dialogue, work out the norms of the speech lexicon and the necessary vocabulary. After that, students are invited to create their own version of the dialogue, based on the basic one and using the supports written on the blackboard (supports can be prepared in advance on cards and distributed to students). The new dialog may be similar to the basic one, but it needs to use a different content, a different form of questions and answers, and this dialog may be shorter or longer than the basic one. In addition, as needed, the teacher can give instructions on the course of the role-playing game.

The second type of controlled game is a text-based role-playing game. In this case, after reading the text, the teacher can invite one of the students to play the role of a character from the text, and other students can interview him. Moreover, student reporters can ask not only the questions that are answered in the text, but also any other questions that interest them, and the student playing the role of a character can show his imagination when answering these questions. As in the first case, the teacher can give instructions, helping students in the course of the role-playing game.

More challenging is a moderately controlled role-playing game, in which the participants get a general description of the plot and a description of their roles. The problem is that the features of the role behavior are known only to the performer himself. It is important for the rest of the participants to guess what line of behavior their partner should follow, and make an appropriate decision about their own reaction.

The most difficult are free and long-lasting role-playing games that open up space for initiative and creativity. As for the free role-playing game, when it is conducted, the students themselves must decide what vocabulary to use, how the action will develop. The teacher only names the topic of the role-playing game, and then asks the students to make up different situations that affect different aspects of the topic. The teacher can also divide the class into groups and invite each group to choose the aspect of the proposed topic that is most close to them. At the same time, if necessary, it helps students in the distribution of roles and in discussing what needs to be said about the chosen situation, or provides some other assistance [8].

The role-playing game technology consists of the following stages:

1. Preparation stage. The preparation of a role-playing game begins with the development of a scenario-a conditional representation of the situation and the object. Then a game plan is drawn up. The teacher should have a general description of the game procedure and clearly represent the characteristics of the actors.

2. The explanation stage. At this stage, there is an introduction to the game, the orientation of the participants, the definition of the mode of work, the formulation of the main goal of the lesson, and it is also necessary to justify the problem statement and the choice of the situation to the students. Pre-prepared packages of necessary materials, instructions, and rules are issued. If necessary, students seek the help of the teacher for additional explanations. The teacher should set up students to the fact that you can not passively relate to the game, violate the rules and ethics of behavior.

3. Stage of the game-the process. At this stage, students act out the proposed situation, performing certain roles.

4. Stage of analysis and generalization. At the end of the game, the teacher together with the students conducts a generalization, i.e. the students exchange opinions on what, in their opinion, turned out, and what else is worth working on. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes the mistakes, and formulates the final result of the lesson. In the analysis, attention is drawn to the correspondence of the simulation used with the corresponding area of the real situation.

Summarizing all said above, we can conclude that: 1. Role-playing game is a situational-controlled speech exercise aimed at improving speech skills and developing the ability to speak. Being a specific

organizational form of communication training, role-playing games easily fit into the lesson.

2. In a role-playing game, partners interact, sometimes discussing certain problems and expressing their own point of view. This may resemble a discussion, but role-playing is fundamentally different from it. If in the discussion, the problem and the ways to solve it are simply discussed, then in the game they are not only discussed, but also tested in the "case", embodied in the actions and actions of the players on the basis of creating an imitation model. The discussion is also "inferior" to the role-playing game in that it involves only a part of the students in the class, sometimes a large part, but still a part. While the role-playing game involves everyone in the activity without exception.

3. The most important element of the game is the situation as an imaginary moment of real activity, in which the speech behavior of the interlocutors is realized in their typical social and communicative roles. These roles are conditional. However, by replaying certain situations, students get the opportunity to prepare themselves for a similar situation in real life. If in the context of problem-based learning, students solve problem problems theoretically, then in a role-playing game they do it practically, because through a certain model, an artificial conditional reality is created that simulates reality, on which the correctness of the solution or the search for a solution path is checked.

4. Role-playing contributes to the expansion of the associative base in the assimilation of language material, since the educational situation is built on the type of theater plays, which involves the description of the situation, the nature of the actors and the relations between them. For each replica, a segment of the simulated reality is thought of.

Библиографический список.

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2. Zanko S.T. Game and teaching. - M: Logos, 1992, Part1.

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5. Artemyeva O.A., Makeev M.L. System of educational and role-playing games of professional orientation. - Tambov: Tambov State Technical University, 2017.

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