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Ключевые слова
высшее образование / творческий подход / ролевые игры / языковая компетентность / изучение иностранных языков / higher education / creativity / role-playing games / language competence / learning foreign languages

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Чернобай В.Г.

Университетское образование приобретает черты поликультурного образования. Существует активное желание интегрировать различные типы вузов в научные и образовательные мегаполисы континентального, межрегионального и национального значения. Во многих развитых странах университеты объединяются с сельскохозяйственными и промышленными предприятиями. Ролевые игры активно используются в обучении английскому языку не только детей, но и взрослых.

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University education acquires the features of a multicultural education. There is an active desire to integrate different types of higher institutions into scientific and educational megalopolises of continental, interregional and national importance. In many developed countries, universities are merging with agricultural and industrial enterprises. Role-playing games are actively used in teaching English not only for children, but also for adults.




УДК 378.147

Чернобай В.Г.

Днепровский государственный аграрно-экономический университет

DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-1097-56-59



Chornobai V.G.

Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University




Университетское образование приобретает черты поликультурного образования. Существует активное желание интегрировать различные типы вузов в научные и образовательные мегаполисы континентального, межрегионального и национального значения. Во многих развитых странах университеты объединяются с сельскохозяйственными и промышленными предприятиями. Ролевые игры активно используются в обучении английскому языку не только детей, но и взрослых.


University education acquires the features of a multicultural education. There is an active desire to integrate different types of higher institutions into scientific and educational megalopolises of continental, interregional and national importance. In many developed countries, universities are merging with agricultural and industrial enterprises. Role-playing games are actively used in teaching English not only for children, but also for adults.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, творческий подход, ролевые игры, языковая компетентность, изучение иностранных языков

Keywords: higher education, creativity, role-playing games, language competence, learning foreign languages

Today there is an intensive development of the international educational space. Many countries are striving to create a global strategy for human education, which will be regardless of his place of residence, educational level. Modern education is becoming international today. It develops the ability to assess phenomena from the perspective of a Human, from the perspective of different cultures, different socio-economic formations. In the modern world, a multicultural environment is being created, which presupposes the freedom of cultural self-determination of the future specialist and the enrichment of his personality. Thus, a solid base is being formed for scientific research and training of qualified specialists for the organization of modern farming and the production of agricultural products. The main principles of the development of HEI (higher educational establishment) are: - the relationship between science and practice in the process of training a qualified specialist; - continuity between all levels of education, high corporate character of university graduates; - civic education of students; - intelligence and high spirituality of the life of the university, regardless of the political system and economic conditions in the country. Reforming the higher education system in Ukraine is accompanied by an active search for the optimal match between the established traditions in higher education and the latest trends and technologies associated with entering the world educational space. Innovative tendencies in the higher education system in Ukraine: - development of a multilevel education system, which serves to mobility in the pace of learning,

forms the graduate's ability to master new specialties on the basis of the received higher education; - enrichment of the modern HEI with the latest information technologies, mass inclusion in the Internet system, intensive development of distance learning forms for students; -the emergence of university complexes; - transfer of higher education of Ukraine to self-financing; - updating the standards of higher professional education, taking into account the requirements of world requirements. Local innovations are carried out only within the framework of one faculty or field of study. Larger innovations cover the management structure, forms and methods of organizing educational and research activities of students, educational technologies, and the area of international cooperation. When the entire university is working on the implementation of the idea of long-term development, the introduction of various innovations covers all links and elements of the system. All types of educational innovations serve as guarantees for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens in the educational field, bring the education system itself in line with modern personal, social and state needs, create the prerequisites for its development and preservation of traditions, improve the preparation of students for life and work for the benefit of society.

Role-playing games are actively used in teaching English. This is a technique with very good learning capabilities, so it is often used not only for 1st and 2nd year students, but also for adults - post graduate students and part-time students. The use of role-playing games

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in the classroom can increase the effectiveness of classes. Learning activities become more interesting and varied, the participants in the game actively interact with each other, which makes it possible to accelerate the development of speech skills.

What are the benefits of role-playing games?

• Help in the formation of speech skills. Involvement in the game and personal involvement in what is happening make it possible to actively participate in the conversation even for those students who are usually laconic. Gradually, speech becomes more confident, fluent and varied.

• Allow to replenish vocabulary. It is the regular use of words that leads to their good mastery. The game situation helps to activate memory, so the vocabulary is remembered even better.

• Train your listening comprehension. By interacting with other participants in the game, you can learn to understand English with different accents and pronunciation features.

• Contributes to the overall development of the student. Role-playing games in English not only improve language skills, but also activate creativity, dialogue skills, etc.

• Make learning more interesting and therefore more effective.

• Provide an incentive to learn. Games show how the learning material can be used in real-life situations. This allows for increased motivation in both children and adult learners.

Game techniques at different stages of training. Role-playing games in practical English lessons can be used at different stages of learning. They are often used for beginners (especially in children's groups), but this technique gives good results when working with students at more advanced levels.

For students, play activity is natural and interesting. That is why the considered method is almost always used in groups for the 1st and 2nd-year studying students, but Masters and post-graduate students also really like role-playing learning games. All of them are actively involved in the game and thus learn the first English words and phrases on their specialities, exchange the simplest remarks. This interaction in a way that is interesting for the student helps to create a partnership with the teacher.

For adult beginners, games are also very helpful. Many students are afraid to start talking, and this technique can be a good way to overcome this fear. It is easier for the participants of the game to join the conversation and establish in this form productive interaction with fellow practitioners and the teacher.

In parallel with the growth of the level of students, the tasks become more difficult. At different stages of learning, you can use games for certain thematic groups of vocabulary, for the development of discussion skills, etc. It is useful to simulate situations within the game that will be useful to the participants in the future (for example, different formats of business communication in business English courses).

How to make the game effective. In order for the role-playing game in foreign language lessons to be of maximum benefit, you need to choose the right topic

and tasks for the participants. One of the key requirements is student interest. Game roles should be clear to them, and the vocabulary used should not be too complex.

Another criterion is the usefulness of the created speech situation. The main value of this learning tool is to provide the student with the necessary skills that he can use in real communication.

Before starting the game, you can invite the participants to prepare for it. For example, study a topic in advance or prepare a small homework assignment. Sometimes, before such classes, students are given lists of vocabulary to be used. However, it is often more efficient to enter new words, phrases or terminology as you play, rather than memorizing them in advance.

Examples of role-playing games. For students, role-playing games with pictures, audio or video materials can be used. For example, you might ask students to choose from cards with pictures of agricultural machinery or soil types, or vegetables and fruits, anatomy and diseases, management and marketing in agriculture etc. and name them.

To reinforce spatial prepositions and other vocabulary, role-playing games with cards can be offered. Participants need to describe the route according to the scheme: find a way to famous attractions or other objects on the farm. You could invite students to talk about their favorite places in the city and how to get there or future farming (like ECO-farms) and describe its work, staff, location.

To practice speaking skills in the advanced stages of learning, discussion questions can be organized. During the game, the participants will express their opinions, arguments and counterarguments.

Role-playing games in teaching English are often used in courses on communication techniques. Such programs are designed for maximum immersion in situations of communication in a foreign language, so students' speech skills are formed quickly.

The scope of creativity in the activities of a teacher is quite wide and can be manifested both in the approach to the student and in relation to his subject, to the presentation of educational material, to the definition of methods and means of teaching. A creative solution to the construction of a practical lesson and the selection of the content of the material, the creation of an unconventional lesson in the form of a lesson ensures the effectiveness of the lesson and the assimilation by students of the necessary knowledge, skills and the formation of skills, and also stimulates the activity of students, arouses their cognitive interest.

The general features of pedagogical activity are highlighted: 1) significant constant participation of work elements that do not lend themselves to authorization; 2) the presence of extracurricular work (training and "on the subject"); 3) specific professional emotions; 4) significant complexity of the requirements for the psychophysical apparatus of the employee; 5) the presence of a creative element V.A. Kan-Kalik gave the following definition of the creative essence of pedagogical activity: "The peculiarity of pedagogical creativity lies in the fact that not only the act of solving a peda-



gogical problem, but also the very process of implementing this decision in communication with children, is creative in nature."

A creative teacher must be able to formulate and solve pedagogical problems; to build their activities taking into account changing social and other conditions; be able to see and develop the individual abilities of their pupils; own the forms and methods of heuristic activity; is engaged in self-education, is capable of personal creative growth, reflective activity, awareness of creative changes. For any kind of creativity, imagination is essential, which is based on the processes of dissociation, association, combining brain activity (L. S. Vygotsky [11]). The activity of the imagination is manifested in the transformation of reflections of reality, in the creation of a new one from the elements of previous experience.

There are three areas of the teacher's creative activity: 1) methodological creativity (associated with the ability to analyze emerging pedagogical situations, correctly choose and build methodological models, design the content and methods of influence in the educational process; study advanced pedagogical experience and competently apply it in their practice, taking into account individual characteristics of the teacher and the team of children). 2) communicative creativity (interaction with students) (this creativity is associated with the organization of pedagogically expedient and effective communication with both students and parents, colleagues, administration; the ability to exercise self-regulation). 3) creative self-education (awareness of

oneself as a specific creative individuality, determination of one's professional and personal qualities that require further improvement and adjustment, as well as the development of a long-term program of one's own self-improvement in the system of continuous self-education). Creativity in the pedagogical activity of a teacher acquires a two-sided character: the teacher's creativity awakens the creative activity of students. An important role in this process is played by the art of communication between a teacher and students, the basis of which is the exchange of information using communicative means, his own example. In addition, pedagogical guidance of the creative activity of students requires the formulation of problem-type tasks that stimulate the thinking of students, their interest and the need to realize their creative potential (I. Ya. Lerner, [5]etc.). After all, the study of foreign languages is a creative activity of both the teacher and the student.

Today, the competence-based approach in the high school education system assumes that in the learning process, students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that will further allow them to act effectively in situations of professional, personal and social life. Special attention is paid to skills, because with the help of them it is possible to act in new and sometimes difficult situations for which it is impossible to develop appropriate means in advance. Modern education within the framework of the competence-based approach identifies two basic concepts: competence and competence. Next, we will consider different points of view on these concepts.

authors «Competence» «Competency»

Bolotov V.A., Serikov V.V. — a way of existence of knowledge, skills, education, contributing to personal self-realization, as a result of which education appears as highly motivated and personality-oriented, providing maximum demand for personal potential, recognition of the personality by others and awareness of its own significance — a set of specific professional or functional characteristics

Velde S. — it is a personal characteristic, a set of integrated mobile knowledge, abilities, skills and flexible thinking — some alienated, predetermined requirements for the educational training of a graduate, units of the curriculum that make up the "anatomy" of competence

Vilandeberk A.A., Shubina N.L. — an integrative characteristic that determines the ability to solve professional problems and tasks that arise in a specific situation of professional activity — expected learning outcomes or the ability to put into practice one's knowledge and skills

Zimnyaya I.A. — based on knowledge of the intellectual and personal-professional life of a person — these are some internal, potential, hidden psychological neoplasms: knowledge, ideas, programs (algorithms) of actions, value systems and relationships, which are then revealed in a person's competencies

Markova A.K. — defined as a combination of mental qualities, as a mental state that allows you to act independently and responsibly, as a person's possession of the ability and learning to perform certain difficult functions - a certain area, a range of issues that a person is authorized to solve

«coyyomum-jmtmal» #wmi, wm / pedagogical sciences


A. I. Subetto — a measure of the actualization of competencies in the development process associated with the self-actualization of the graduate's personality in the relevant activities — systemic education in the personality of the student, which is a component of his quality

Whiddet Steve, Holliford Sarah — the ability necessary to solve work tasks and to obtain the necessary results — ability to reflect the required standards

A. V. Khutorskoy — possession, possession by a person of the appropriate competence, including his personal attitude towards her and the subject of activity - a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them

Shchukin A.N. — personality traits that determine its ability to perform activities based on the formed competence — a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a person, and constituting a meaningful component of his activities

All other interpretations of competence do not contradict these definitions, but at the same time do not fully reflect its essence, therefore we consider it necessary to offer our own definition of competence, within which we will identify and investigate the subject competence of 1-2 year students. Based on the above definitions of V. A. Bolotov, I. A. Zimney, V. V. Kraevsky, V. V. Serikov, A. I. Subetto, V. Khutorsky, etc. self-realization in any activity based on formed competencies. Having analyzed numerous sources, we can say that competence is not an indisputable and obvious phenomenon in the educational process. Competence is not just a set of knowledge and skills, but a whole system that binds them together. Whereas competence is the ability of a person to self-actualize in any activity based on formed competencies. Thus, it can be stated that the concepts of competence and competence are multicom-ponent, that is, they include knowledge, activity and personal aspects.

Often in the educational process, a system of explanatory - illustrative teaching is used, when the teacher only transmits information in a finished form through verbal explanation with the involvement of visualization (for example, during a lecture), and students perceive the information received, memorize and reproduce (at seminars and practical classes), does not have a positive effect on the development of students' creativity. Volkova, N.P. said: "Today, any activity can be either technology or art. Everything begins with art based on intuition, and ends with technology based on the laws of science.

The choice of technology is determined by the specialty, the content of the discipline, the subjective, professionally determined experience of the teacher, as well as the stages of professional training of students. In addition, the algorithm for choosing the technology of learning should take into account the action of both subjective factors (cognitive abilities of the student and the teacher) and objective factors: goals and objectives of the discipline, arising from the purpose and objectives of the discipline; components of the specialist model, which from the point of view of the academic discipline are formed by the teacher; forms, methods and means of teaching."[9]


The problem of determination of career orientations becomes important and significant at the final stage of students training at the university. However the relevance of this problem is evident during the entire process of education in a higher educational institution, when the formation of professional values takes place. This process is reflected in particularity of setting career goals and developing plans that determine the success of the person professional development as a whole. The study of foreign languages is a creative activity, as playing lessons and develop students' foreign language competence, of both the teacher and the student.


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