Thus, the carried out researches have shown basic possibility of processing DMS of lake Karaumbet with reception of the cleared of impurity solutions of chlorides of sodium and magnesium, suitable for the further processing to magnesium chloride, magnesium hydroxide and its other compounds. Thus in passing receive myrabilit, chemically besieged calcium
sulphate, sodium chloride at processing on bischofite, or its solutions at sedimentation of magnesium hydroxide. For this purpose it is necessary DMS to dissolve at H : L=1 : (3-4) within 15 minutes to separate the insoluble rests in water, to allocate at temperature 0, -5 °C myrabilit, mother solution additional clearing with distiller liquid at norm CaO of 100-102 % at the rate to SO2- solution of DMS.
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6. Bobokulova O. S., Tojiev R. R., Usmanov I. I., Mirzakuloiv Kh. Ch. Working out of technology hydroxide and oxide magnesium from leach oflakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes//The Chemical industry. - 2015. - № 6. - P. 272-279.
7. Bobokulova O. S., Melikulova G. E., Sidikov A. S., Usmanov I. I., Mirzakuloiv Kh. Ch. Research of process of reception of magnesium chloride from leach of lakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes//The Chemical industry. -2016. - № 3. - P. 110-118.
Kadirov Xasan, associate professor, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail:
The use of complex composition in the preparation of water boiling and heating systems
Abstract: Proposed composition prepared on the basis of UFR and IOMS-1, as well as UFR + BRMEA + + IOMS-1. It is found that these compositions under conditions of the tests are effective inhibitors of corrosion and scaling, with a concentration of 4-8 mg/l efficiency of not less than 90 %. Also, a composition for inhibiting scaling IOMS-1 ^ BRMEA ^ EPA ^ AVIK-extract ^ H2O. The use of this composition in water supply systems will prevent bio fouling, scaling and corrosion, ensuring a long and trouble-free operation of the closed water systems.
Keywords: complex composition, efficiency, preparation, boiling, heating, systems, salts.
Introduction Reduce the tendency for scale formation on heat
Dissolved in water, the substance causes certain transfer surfaces are usually resorted to desalting us-
problems in the energy equipment. This is mainly due ing ion-exchange water or stabilization processing
to the formation in thermal units crustose deposits con- units via water scale inhibitors in which are intro-
sisting of calcium and magnesium salts contained in the duced into the feed water chemicals that prevent the
make-up water. formation of scale [1].
The disadvantages of a water softener, sodium-cat-ionization are continuous consumption of imported salt, fresh water consumption for auxiliaries chemical water treatment and water pollution by waste water containing a large amount of chloride, and neutralization and disposal of saline waste water boiler is one of the environmental problems. Currently, the cost of implementation of the various proposals for the treatment and recycling of waste water often exceed the cost of the water treatment. The current state of the domestic economy and the environment dictates the use of alternative softening environmentally friendly, low-cost technology solutions in the preparation of make-up water.
In techenie decades in thermal power plants to prevent deposits and reduce the rate of corrosion of equipment are widely used sequestering agents — chelators [2-4]. These compounds are used to correct water chemistry and for cleaning water heating equipment and pipelines from deposits. Significant interest alkildifosfonovye acid exhibiting high specificity of the interaction with the major cations [5].
An important representative of these acids are Ni-trilotrimethylphosphonic acid (NTF) and hydroxy-ethylendiphosphonic acid (HEDP). Chelation have been very effective in preventing precipitation of sparingly soluble substances such as carbonates, sulfates and calcium phosphates. In particular, IOMS-1 (which is based on NTF) is effective for calcium carbonate is relatively ineffective in the case of calcium sulfate and is one of the most effective inhibitors of calcium phosphate deposition and has been successfully used in the boilers of Tashkent.
As a rule, the scope of the phosphonates is substantially limited scale-forming properties of water and thermal characteristics of equipment. In addition, the high cost of these inhibitors put limits to their use.
In order to obtain highly efficient, cheap inhibitors studied based composition NTF HEDP and adding phosphoric acid (EPA), urea-formaldehyde resins (UFR) and vacuum distillation bottoms monoethanol-amine (BRMEA).
Objects and methods of research
The objects of research are — IOMS-1, HEDP and compositions prepared based on them, "IOMS-extra-1", SUMONO-DU, EPA, BRMEA, UFR. Determine the efficacy of inhibition of scaling and shares of the main substances in the inhibitor.
Results and discussion
In order to prepare the compositions of mineral salt deposition inhibitors designed using a small quantity of the imported product, studied composition based on IOMS-1 with the addition of UFR and BRMEA. The prepared compositions were tested as inhibitors of mineral scales in real waters stiffness which varies in the aisles of 10-12 mg/g.
Of great interest from an economic point of view, the study of the inhibitory properties of the composition of the above products. Experiments show that the addition of a medium having 0.5 mg/l IOMS-1 in an amount of 1.5 mg/l UFR, increases the efficiency of 1.18 % inhibition relative IOMS-1 and 86 %; increase in UFR components relations and IOMS-1 (4.0 : 2.0) maximum efficiency — 94 %, which is the same as the requirements for standards. A further increase in the number of UFR and IOMS-1 does not lead to the desired result.
Fig. 1. The effectiveness of the inhibition of UFR, IOMS-1 and compositions thereof.
The temperature of 90 °C
As seen from the figure, the inhibition efficiency increases with the UFR and the concentration reaches 71 %. The inhibitory capacity of the product due
0 = C'
+ Ca2+
to the presence of mono-, di-, tri- and tetrametilol groups of which form chelate complexes with ions of calcium (magnesium, etc.) Of the type:
o = c
It is found that with increasing concentration of from 0.5 to 6.0 mg/l also increases efficiency.
Obtained IOMS-1 inhibitor effectiveness is no less than 90 % at concentrations of 4.0 mg/l and 73 % in the tested dose — 2.0 mg/l.
In order to obtain cheaper inhibitor composition prepared with the addition of BRMEA. It is known that a product recovery BRMEA 20-30 % aqueous solution used in the purification gas from hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other acidic impurities. BRMEA two companies (JSC JV «Maxam-Chirchik» and JSC «Ferghana-azot») produced more than 100 tons/year, which is sent to the BHO.
Efficiency of composition inhibitor studied in different ratios of the starting components. It was found that, in the study of the maximum ratios UFR + BRMEA + IOMS-1 efficiency is 90-93 % with water hardness 4-8 and 84-89 % with water hardness 9-12, which gives grounds for using these compositions in field conditions.
Also provides compositions of mineral salt deposition inhibitors prepared by IOMS-1, BRMEA, UFR and adjusted to neutralization with the addition of sodium hydroxide (the composition was prepared in various ratios, the effectiveness of which are shown in Table 1).
Fig. 2. The effectiveness of the inhibition of the compositions prepared by IOMS-1 UFR and BRMEA in the waters of different stiffness. The temperature of 90 °C
Table 1. — Investigation of the inhibitory activity of the obtained compositions
Inhibitor components, wt. % Inhibitor concentration mg/l Efficiency %
№ Hardness investigation water mg/l
4-6 7-9 10-12
2.0 88 86 84
IOMS-1* BRMEA +EPA 4.0 90 88 85
1. (10+10+80) 5.0 6.0 91 97 90 90 88 00 00
1.0 90 89 87
2. IOMS-1* BRMEA +EPA 2.0 92 91 88
(15+10+75) 3.0 93 92 89
4.0 93 92 90
1.0 90 88 86
3. IOMS-1* BRMEA +EPA 2.0 91 89 88
(15+15+70) 3.0 91 90 89
4.0 91 90 89
1.0 92 90 89
4. IOMS-1* BRMEA +EPA 2.0 93 91 90
(10+15+75) 3.0 95 92 91
4.0 96 92 91
1.0 90 89 87
5. IOMS-1* BRMEA +EPA 2.0 91 90 88
(15+10+75) 3.0 92 90 89
4.0 92 90 90
1.0 91 90 89
6. IOMS-1* BRMEA ^EPA 2.0 92 91 90
(10+20+70) 3.0 93 91 90
4.0 93 91 90
1.0 91 90 89
7. IOMS-1* BRMEA ^EPA 2.0 92 91 90
(20+10+70) 3.0 92 91 91
4.0 93 92 91
in (=90 °C
in 1=80 °C
in 1=70 °C
5.0 6.0
Fig. 3. The dependence of the efficiency of inhibiting deposition of mineral salts SUMONO-DU composition. Water hardness is 12 mg/l
5 80.0
■s mo
u. 60.0
J 50.0
As can be seen from table efficiency obtained composition is largely dependent on the amount IOMS-1: as further reducing the amount of the product leads to a dramatic deterioration in the effectiveness of the inhibitor minimum amount IOMS-1 is set to 10 % by weight. The optimum ratio of these products can be considered IOMS-1 * MEA * EPA (10 + 15 + 75), in which the efficiency is 91-96 % depending on the hardness of the water. But while the number of phosphate balance is slightly higher than the permissible norm, which does not allow the use of this product on a large scale.
In order to obtain high performance scale inhibitor provides a composition consisting ofIOMS-1 * BRMEA * EPA * AVK-extract* H2O (10 + 15 + 15 + 1 + 59). The composition conventionally named SUMONO-DU.
The graph shows the inventive composition is a highly effective inhibitor of scale (efficiency not less than 90 %), while responding to physical, chemical and performance characteristics, requirements for such products of the chemical industry.
Experiments show that when using SUMONO-DU system in a closed water system allows you to get an unexpected result — the suppression of the microflora
while effectively inhibiting the corrosion and scaling. In our opinion, the presence of zinc complex mixture at a certain ratio with AVC-extract inhibits microbial activity. The use of this composition in water supply systems will prevent biofouling, scaling and corrosion, ensuring a long and trouble-free operation of the closed water systems, and with the required quality.
Thus, the compositions based on cooked and IOMS-1, UFR and UFR + IOMS-1 + BRMEA in terms of the tests are effective inhibitors of corrosion and scaling, with a concentration of 4-8 mg/l efficiency of not less than 90 %. It was determined that the composition does not soften water and stabilizes it — does not allow to pass scaling processes. Water treatment with IOMS-1 in combination with UFR, BRMEA and allow to exclude water softening step, and in some water systems, and the step of de-aeration.
Also, a composition for inhibiting scaling IOMS-1 * BRMEA * EPA * AVK-extract * H2O (10 + + 15 + 15 + 1 + 59). The use of this composition in water supply systems will prevent biofouling, scaling and corrosion, ensuring a long and trouble-free operation of the closed water systems.
1. Дрикер Б. Н., Михалев A. C., Пинигин В. К. и др. Ресурсосберегающие технологии в водоподготовке промышленных предприятий и теплоэнергетики//Энергосбережение и водоподготовка. - 2000. -№ 3. - С. 45-47.
2. Кащавчев В. Е. и др. Предупреждение солеобразования при добыче нефти. - М.: Недра, 1985. - 215 с.
3. Chemistry of Organophosphonate Scale Growth Inhibitors: Physicochemical Aspects of 2-Phosphonobutane-l,2,4-Tricarboxylate (PBTC) and Its Effect on CaCO3 Crystal Growth Konstantinos D. Dcmadis and Panos Lyk-oudis Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, 300 Leoforos Knossos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece GR-71409. Vol. 3, Nos. 3-4. - 2005. - Р. 135-149.
4. Пат. (RU) № 1005667. Колотов В. Ю., Самошкин А. Л. N, N-бис (фосфатометилен)-№-гидроксиметилен-№-(фосфонитометилен тиомочевина в качестве ингибитора и биоцида)). Заявл. 05.01.2004. Опубл. 27.07.2006. Бюл. № 21.
5. МУ 1-322-03. Методические указания по стабилизационной обработке воды систем теплоснабжения, водогрейных котлов комплексонатами ОЭДФ-Zn, НТФ-Zn. - Ростов-на-Дону, 2003. - 18 с.
Maksimova Sevinj Abusalat qizi, PhD. Candidate, Department of Environmental economics, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) E-mail:
Research of new environmental methods for obtaining the organic-mineral fertilizers
Abstract: The essence of this research consists in that when municipal solid waste and sludge generated from waste water decompose with waste nitric acid produces organic-mineral fertilizers. As a result of the interaction the waste nitric acid with compounds contained in municipal solid waste and sludge, obtains high quality product: organic-mineral fertilizers with increased content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The technological process conducts in continuous mode. The result is solid and liquid phases of fertilizer. The released mixture of nitrous gases is absorbed and in the reaction with the limy milk obtained fertilizer. The heavy metals are also adsorbed during the process. Using the waste nitric acid significantly accelerates the decomposition process. Giving the title-product of fertilizer for agriculture increases the economic efficiency of the work done.
Keywords: solid waste management, decomposition, organic-mineral fertilizers.
Introduction Efficient use of natural resources
Development and growth capacities of different in- Nowadays, all countries are taking measures to
dustries are based on waste-free technologies, and it reduce the natural resource extraction. But it is not calls for new approaches for the development of methods for recycling of household and industrial waste. And it is difficult to find the same point of views on the prospects of human society development on the issue of environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources.
In parallel with the growth of world population the power of various industries is growing, despite the high requirements imposed on them. Due to this, environmental condition is getting worse and worse, and it has a negative impact on the food industry, agriculture, and as a consequence, the planet's health.
As it has been noted by many researchers, the main contradiction between economic and environmental development is that, on the one hand, the economy should be developed. On the other hand, the development increases harmful consequences for the environment (N. Rogojina, 1999).
For example, the analysis of the mining industries of some countries leads to the following conclusions. According to experts, opencast mining is damaging to natural ecosystems, despite the fact that it is a cheap way of production. In mining areas the enrichment and processing of raw materials are producing mountains of waste. This is a serious source of contamination of surface and underground waters, air and soil.
enough. It is necessary to undertake measures for nature restoration. For this approach, the scientists developed a system of measures for the environmental protection and restoration. These activities are carried out not only by the governments, but also by private organizations. Many scientists lead different methodologies of economic calculations of such activities. The economic results of the environmental protection measures, as E. D. Kazyanova argues (E. Kazyanova, 2003), are preventing the loss of natural resources and improving work efficiency in productive and non-productive areas of economy. Then, in her opinion, the economic justification for the protection of the environment should follow these steps:
More complete accounting ofall positive and negative socio-economic impacts of different options ofenvironmental protection measures, both in the short and in the long term perspective; The most comprehensive accounting of cost, relevant to the implementation of various environmental action methods; Accounting of the time factor in the assessment of costs and benefits;
Intersectoral approach to the selection of certain measures by taking into account saving costs for environmental improvement and ensuring more