D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-1.2-72-75
Bobokulova Oygul Soatovna, Senior teacher of cathedral «Analytical, physical and colloid chemistry», Tashkent institute of chemical technology, Uzbekistan E-mail: bobokulova79@mail.ru Talipova Habiba Salimovna, Associate professor, Tashkent institute of chemical technology
E-mail: bobokulova79@mail.ru Mirzakulov Kholtura Chorievich, Doctor of technical science, professor, Tashkent institute of chemical technology E-mail: khchmirzakulov@mail.ru
Research of process of reception of the pure solutions of chlorides of sodium and magnesium from the dry mixed salts of lake Karaumbet
Abstract: Results of researches on reception of the solutions cleared of accompanying impurity from the dry mixed salts of lake Karaumbet are resulted. Conditions are established at which the maximum solubility of the dry mixed salts, chemical and salt contents of received solutions and solutions after cooling and branch of myrabilit, additional cleanings from sulphates with distiller liquid are established.
Keyword: dry mixed salts, dissolution, filtration, myrabilit, degree of sedimentation, desulphation.
Introduction technology of processing of lake Karaumbet DMS with
Compounds of magnesium and sodium sulphate reception of compounds of magnesium are very actual. are used in many industries. Chemical, metallurgical, For the purpose of involving of the dry mixed salts
glass, textile, power, pharmaceutical and other branches require magnesium compounds. Chloride magnesium or bischofite are initial raw materials in manufacture magnesium chloride defoliants [1]. In the absence of own manufactures of compounds of magnesium the requirement for them is completely provided at the expense of import.
Uzbekistan has enormous stocks of raw materials for reception of salts of magnesium and sodium. One of such kinds of raw materials are the dry mixed salts (DMS) of lake Karaumbet. Industrial stocks in a contour of a design open-cast mine of a deposit make 612.55 thousand t in recalculation on chloride magnesium. Dry mixed salts of lake Karaumbet on the average contains (weights, %): Na2SO4 — 43-61; MgCl2 —11-15; NaCl — 13-19; h. o. — 4-30. Except DMS huge stocks of salts of magnesium and sodium are concentrated and in leach of lakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes [2].
Despite the big requirement for connections of magnesium and sodium sulphate, presence of a powerful raw-material base they in Republic are not made. It is connected, first of all, with absence of the developed technologies of processing of leach and the dry mixed salts. Therefore the researches directed on working out of
of lake Karaumbet in industrial production on an establishment of their solubility researches are carried out in water, clearing of solutions of accompanying salts and insoluble impurity in water, processing to hydroxide magnesium.
Objects and methods
For experiments used DMS of lake Karaumbet, contents, (weights, %): Na2SO4 — 60.69; NaCl — 18.81; MgCl2 — 15.30; MgSO4 — 0.42; CaCl2 — 0.31; h. o. — 6.98; H2 O — others. The chemical analysis on the contents of the basic components in solutions, distiller liquids, mother solutions and a solid phase spent by known methods [3-5].
For an establishment of optimum technological parametres of preparation of solutions from DMS their solubility in water depending on ratio H : L is studied, at temperature 25 °C, constant speed of hashing and duration of process of 30 minutes. The received results are resulted in table 1.
From the resulted data it is visible, that maximum solubility of DMS in water is observed at H : L = 1 : 3 and makes 93.02 % from a total mass. Hence for reception of solutions with maximum solubility of DMS it is necessary to support H : L = 1 : 3.
Research of process of reception of the pure solutions of chlorides of sodium and magnesium from the dry mixed salts
Table 1. - Influence of H : L to solubility of DMS and speed of a filtration of suspension at temperature 25 0C and durations of process of 30 minutes
№ H : L Exit of a damp deposit, % Exit of the dry rest, % Degree of dissolution, %
1 1 : 20 22.63 13.02 73.96
2 1 : 2.5 6.72 4.46 91.08
3 1 : 30 4.69 3.49 93.02
4 1 : 40 4.70 3.49 93.02
From the table it is visible, that with increase H : L from 2 : 1 to 4 : 1 degree of dissolution of DMS increases and reaches 93.02 %. Practically salt is dissolved at H : L = (2.5-3) : 1. This ratio corresponds to maximum
solubility of DMS in water at temperature 25 °C and durations of process of 30 minutes.
Researches of influence of duration of process at H : L = 3 : 1 have shown, that in 5 minutes dissolution degree reaches 89.25 %, and in 15 minutes — 93.02 % at temperature 25 °C and 92.5 % in 5 minutes and 91.61 % in 10 minutes at temperature 50 °C, that specifies that in water is enough 15 minutes (fig. 1) for dissolution of DMS.
For division of liquid and hard phases of solutions DMS researches on their filtration have been carried out. For this purpose used the condensed part after upholding. Upholding proceeds quickly and in 30 minutes clarification degree reaches 94.59 % at temperature 20 °C and 95.51 % at temperatures from 40 to 80 °C.
Fig. 1. Influence of duration of process on degree of dissolution of DMS atH : L = 1 : 3 and temperature: 1 — 25 °C; 2 — 50 °C
Results of researches of influence of temperature for speed of a filtration of the condensed part both on a pulp, and on a fhard phase and a filtrate are presented in table 2. Table 2. - Influences of temperature on speed of a filtration of the condensed deposit
№ Temperature, °C Speed oi : a filtration, ig/m 2. hour
on pulp on a hard phase on a filtrate
1 20 1028 132.64 895.88
2 40 1348 174.16 1176.84
3 60 1684 217.28 1468.84
4 80 2016 260.04 1756.28
on dry weight is presented. The basic component of the insoluble rests in water are silicon oxide and its compounds. Except silicates there are carbonates of calcium, magnesium and calcium sulphate.
For acknowledgement of salt structure of the insoluble rests in water have been removed diffractogram and Ik-spectra.
Table 3. - Chemical coontents of the insoluble rests in water of DMS
The given tables show increase in speed of a filtration with rise in temperature. So at rise in temperature from 20 °C to 80 °C speed of a filtration on the condensed pulp raises about 1028 kg/m2 -hour to 2016 kg/m2-hour, and on a filtrate about 895,88 kg/m2-hour to 1756,28 kg/m2-hour. It is thus formed from 132,64 kg to 260,04 kg solid phases.
In table 3 the average chemical compound of a deposit of the dry mixed salts after a filtration in recalculation
№ The name Chemical compound i. r., weights. %
CaO MgO SO3 CO2 SiO2
1 I. r. of DMS 16.01 1.25 19.90 6.59 51.33
On the roentgenogram there are the differential maxima concerning carbonates of calcium, magnesium, to double-water and waterless sulphate of calcium. Peaks 5.40; 4.56; 3.16; and 2.47 A belong to calcium sulphate, 3.40; 1.875; 1.626 A belong, and peaks 3.38; 2.75; 2.44; 1.818; 1.434 A — to silicates.
On Ik-spectra there are strips of absorption of 1008.44 sm-1 concerning sulphatic groups. Strips of absorption 3557.42; 3430.55 sm-1 concern semihydrate and dihydrate calcium sulphate, and a strip of absorption 878.32; 467.21 sm-1 — to silicates. It also confirms the obtained data chemical and roentgen phase analyses.
After branch of the insoluble rests in water and rest of DMS are defined theological properties of formed solutions. The received results are resulted in table 4.
Table 4. - Influence of H : L and temperatures to density and viscosity of solutions from DMS lake Karaumbet
№ h-i S3 Density, g/sm 3 Viscosity, cPa
20 0C 40 0C 60 oc 20 0C 40 0C 60 oc
1 1:2 1.1874 1.1838 1.1800 220.50 168.30 139.10
2 1:3 1.1824 1.1788 1.1751 209.17 157.91 129.94
3 1:4 1.1778 1.1741 1.1705 197.30 148.30 120.70
Reception solutions at H : L = 1 : (3-4) have density of 1.1778-1.1824 g/sm 3 at 20 °C and decrease to 1.1705-1.1751 g/sm 3 at 60 °C. Viscosity of solutions with rise in temperature from 20 °C to 60 °C decrease with 197.30-209.17 cPa. to 120.70-129.94 cPa. Solutions, irrespective of temperature, have good theological properties and are easily transported.
The dry mixed salts taken for experiment, contain more than 60 % myrabilit. For allocation of sulphate of sodium the solutions received at H : L = 1 : 3, have subjected to cooling to temperature 0, -5 °C (tab. 5).
From the received data follows, that at cooling to temperature 0 °C the contain of sodium sulphate in solution of DMS decreases from 15.31 % to 2.51 %. The contents
of other components of a solution raises. The content of magnesium chloride raises from 3.97 % to 5.52 %, sodium chloride from 4.74 % to 6.68 %. The content of calcium sulphate changes slightly and makes 0.11 %. Received my-rabilit further processed on sodium sulphate.
In view of the high residual content of sulphates in a solution (2.23-2.82 %), after sedimentation of myrabilit, additional cleaning from sulphates carried out with distiller liquid — a waste of soda manufacture, structure (weights, %): Na + — 2.18; Mg2 + — 0.007; Ca 2 + — 3.03; Cl- — 8.74; SO 2- — 0.03.
' 4
Desulphation spent at norm calcium of distiller liquids 95, 100, 102 and 105 % on SO4-2 a solution at temperature 25 °C and durations of process desulphation at 30 minutes (tab. 6).
Thus content SO-2 decreases from 1.75 % to
0.22-0.24 %. Sodium sulphate co-operates with calcium chloride of distiller liquids with formation of sodium chloride and calcium sulphate. The content of sodium chloride raises to 8.74-8.84 %, and magnesium chloride to 3.39-3.46 %. At norm of distiller liquid of 100-102 % in a solution does not have sodium sulphate and there is an insignificant quantity of calcium chloride.
The contents of calcium sulphate makes 0.33-0.34 % that corresponds to its solubility in water solutions. Optimum norm of distiller liquids for desulphation are 100-102 %.
The structures, the received solutions at norm of 100-102 %, on the contents of impurity are close to structures of the cleared solutions received from leach of lakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes which are processed with good technical and economic indicators to magnesium chloride and magnesium hydroxide [6; 7].
Table 5. - Influence of temperature to chemical and salt structures of solutions of the dry mixed salts and output of myrabilit
T, oc Chemical content of a liquid phase, weights. % Salt content of a liquid phase, weights. % Output Na2SO4, %
Na+ Mg 2+ Ca 2+ Cl- SO 24 Na2SO4 MgCl2 NaCl CaSO,
25 7.92 1.01 0.024 5.83 10.41 15.31 3.97 4.74 0.08 -
0 3.44 1.43 0.032 8.22 1.75 2.51 5.52 6.68 0.11 83.61
-5 3.37 1.44 0.032 8.29 1.56 2.23 5.64 6.74 0.11 85.43
Table 6. - Norm influence of distiller liquids on chemical salt contents and degree of Desulphation solutions of DMS
Norm of Chemical content of a liquid phase, Salt content of a liquid phase, Degree of de-
dist. l., weights. % weights. % sulphation,
% Na+ Mg 2+ Ca 2+ Cl- SO42- 4 Na2SO4 MgCl2 NaCl CaSO4 %
95 3.72 0.90 0.09 8.08 0.61 0.54 3.52 8.99 0.32 65.14
100 3.46 0.88 0.10 7.94 0.24 — 3.46 8.84 0.33 86.29
102 3.45 0.87 0.10 7.90 0.23 — 3.43 8.80 0.34 86.86
105 3.44 0.86 0.10 7.83 0.22 — 3.39 8.74 0.34 87.43
The use of complex composition in the preparation of water boiling and heating systems
Thus, the carried out researches have shown basic possibility of processing DMS of lake Karaumbet with reception of the cleared of impurity solutions of chlorides of sodium and magnesium, suitable for the further processing to magnesium chloride, magnesium hydroxide and its other compounds. Thus in passing receive myrabilit, chemically besieged calcium
sulphate, sodium chloride at processing on bischofite, or its solutions at sedimentation of magnesium hydroxide. For this purpose it is necessary DMS to dissolve at H : L=1 : (3-4) within 15 minutes to separate the insoluble rests in water, to allocate at temperature 0, -5 °C myrabilit, mother solution additional clearing with distiller liquid at norm CaO of 100-102 % at the rate to SO2- solution of DMS.
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6. Bobokulova O. S., Tojiev R. R., Usmanov I. I., Mirzakuloiv Kh. Ch. Working out of technology hydroxide and oxide magnesium from leach oflakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes//The Chemical industry. - 2015. - № 6. - P. 272-279.
7. Bobokulova O. S., Melikulova G. E., Sidikov A. S., Usmanov I. I., Mirzakuloiv Kh. Ch. Research of process of reception of magnesium chloride from leach of lakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes//The Chemical industry. -2016. - № 3. - P. 110-118.
D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-1.2-75-79
Kadirov Xasan, associate professor, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: Ulug85bek77@mail.ru
The use of complex composition in the preparation of water boiling and heating systems
Abstract: Proposed composition prepared on the basis of UFR and IOMS-1, as well as UFR + BRMEA + + IOMS-1. It is found that these compositions under conditions of the tests are effective inhibitors of corrosion and scaling, with a concentration of 4-8 mg/l efficiency of not less than 90 %. Also, a composition for inhibiting scaling IOMS-1 ^ BRMEA ^ EPA ^ AVIK-extract ^ H2O. The use of this composition in water supply systems will prevent bio fouling, scaling and corrosion, ensuring a long and trouble-free operation of the closed water systems.
Keywords: complex composition, efficiency, preparation, boiling, heating, systems, salts.
Introduction Reduce the tendency for scale formation on heat
Dissolved in water, the substance causes certain transfer surfaces are usually resorted to desalting us-
problems in the energy equipment. This is mainly due ing ion-exchange water or stabilization processing
to the formation in thermal units crustose deposits con- units via water scale inhibitors in which are intro-
sisting of calcium and magnesium salts contained in the duced into the feed water chemicals that prevent the
make-up water. formation of scale [1].