THE TYPICAL MISTAKES WHEN LEARNING KOREAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zainakova Aigul E.

When learning Korean, many beginners make typical mistakes that further complicate the study of this language. In this paper, we will look at typical mistakes and how best to avoid them for productive language learning.

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Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Казань, Россия


Зайнакова Айгуль Эдуардовна, студент, Кафедра контрастивной лингвистики, Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, E-mail: aigul.zainakova@yandex.ru

Аннотация. При изучении корейского языка многие начинающие совершают типичные ошибки, которые в дальнейшем усложняют изучение данного языка. В данной статье мы рассмотрим типичные ошибки и как лучше их избегать для продуктивного изучения языка.

Ключевые слова и фразы: частые ошибки, корейский язык, слово, методы, изучение.

Для цитирования: Зайнакова А.Э. Типичные ошибки при изучении корейского языка // Корееведение в России: направление и развитие. 2022. Т. 3. № 2. С. 49-52.


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia


Aigul E. Zainakova, student, Department of Contrastive Linguistics Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University E-mail: aigul.zainakova@yandex.ru

Abstract. When learning Korean, many beginners make typical mistakes that further complicate the study of this language. In this paper, we will look at typical mistakes and how best to avoid them for productive language learning.

Keywords and phrases: often mistakes, Korean, word, approach, learning.

For citation: Zainakova A.E. The typical mistakes when learning Korean // The Journal of Direction and Development of Korean Studies in Russia. 2022. Vol. 3, № 2. P. 49-52.


When most people start learning Korean, they see all the strange and unusual characters and immediately start to worry. As a support, they use English (Latin) letters to denote non-English letters and sounds. In Korean, Romanization can seem like an easy way to get used to the language before you have to face learning the alphabet, which can be intimidating if you have never done it before. This method can first be useful advice for languages with an extremely complex writing system, learning Romanization in the first place can harm the study of Korean.

Research results

There are several different Romanization standards that are inconsistently used in materials for Korean language learners and non-Korean speakers. Fortunately, the Korean writing system is extremely easy to learn. There are only 24 letters in the entire Korean alphabet. If you learn the sounds that they mean, then very soon you will be able to read any Korean text out loud quite confidently. At best, learning the alphabet can take anyone just a few hours.

The next mistake when learning a language is postponing pronunciation. Korean pronunciation is really difficult. Korean has a lot of sounds similar to English, but not quite. For strangers in Korean, you can say that it has three sounds like "h", but no "h", three sounds "p-type", but no "p", three sounds "t-type", but no "t". ', three 'k-like' sounds, but not 'k', and two 'c-like' sounds, but without 'c'. In Korean, there are also two "o" sounds with the same sound and ') and a vowel 'A', which is not in English [3, c. 34].

This scares any student, not to mention completely beginners to learn the language. Because of all this, you may feel that you can just go through and ignore the Korean pronunciation, just crossing your fingers and hoping that people will understand you.

Consider the word which means "coffee". If you mispronounce the second vowel ( ) as ' it will be the closest equivalent in English, the meaning of the word will change from "coffee" to "nosebleed" [2, c. 12].

In much the same way, the word for rain '1' and blood ' differ only in ' (an added gust of air) after pronouncing the initial consonant [3, c. 26].

The grammar of the Korean language can be quite difficult at the intermediate and advanced levels, but

there are several grammatical points that baffle even the very first beginners.

Chief among them are particles, which are short verbal "labels" added to the ends of words to indicate the function of that particular word in a sentence.

Examples of different types of particles include [1, c. 17]:

• The subject marking particles (°l/7})

• Dark-marking particles

• particles (#/#) object (#/#)

In Korean there are a lot more particles, worthy of debate, but three of the above set is important for two reasons [2, c. 67]:

1. These are the most commonly used particles in the Korean language.

2. These are the most frequently missed particles in colloquial speech.

"Ugh," you might think, "if Koreans don't use these particles, I don't need to study them, right?"

Despite the fact that you can and even should omit the above sets of particles in your everyday conversation in Korean, I believe that it is still extremely important to study and master them [4, c. 13].

There is such a saying: "You have to know the rules before you can break them".

Despite the fact that Korean speakers omit these particles, they nevertheless know how to use them correctly when necessary. And using them, they can add nuances to their colloquial phrases, which allows them to deftly manipulate the meaning of such colloquial phrases [5, c. 34].

If you avoid particles, you will try to imitate the natural speech of the natives without having any basic knowledge or skills. You won't know how native speakers can and do use particles to convey meaning and nuances in their speech. Not to mention, of course, that you will not be able to use this meaning and nuance in your speech.

Non-Korean speakers use too many pronouns! Let's use a simple text in English to demonstrate this. «Hi, I'm Kevin. I'm from the United States. I like learning foreign languages. Lately, I've been learning Korean» [6, c. 19].

Even in this short passage, do you notice that one word is used much more often than others? Pronoun 'I' !

Intensive use of personal pronouns is quite common in English simply because the language is not able to function normally without them. If I had omitted the 'I' in the sentences above, you probably

would have been able to understand the meaning, but it would have sounded completely unnatural [7, c. 5].

On the other hand, the Korean language does well without using many pronouns. If you are talking about someone, or let's say about yourself, you will just need to make it obvious by first designating this person as a topic (using the particle denoting the topic). After that, you can completely abandon pronouns until you need to switch to another topic. Here is the text above again, this time in Korean:

Hfl^S. 1^44. [8, c. 23]

For those who do not study Korean, here is a good example of using the system of new Romanization of the Korean language:

Annyeonghaseyo, jeoneun kebinimnida. Miguk saramimnida. Eoneoreul baeuneun geoseul joahamnida. Yojeume hangugeo baeugo itseumnida

[9, c. 56].

The key here is the pronoun "^r", which can be translated as "I" or "as for me" into English [10, c. 120]. While the English text is supposed to use the pronoun "I" four times, in the Korean text - only once. And you can also not use a pronoun, provided that the text is longer.


A beginner who has started learning Korean should remember an important aspect: as soon as you have established the object of conversation ("I", "you", "that guy over there", etc.), adding to it a special particle that serves as the designation of the subject "r", you should not constantly mention it in further conversation. Until the object is changed, it is automatically assumed that you continue to talk about it.

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Дата поступления / Received 25.02.2022 Дата принятия в печать /Accepted 14.03.2022

© Зайнакова А.Э., 2022, © Zainakova A.E., 2022.

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