A STUDY ON THE TRANSLATION STRATEGY OF KOREAN PROVERBS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Chun Hyunju

This paper intends to examine various translation strategies focusing on the characteristics of proverbs, which are one of the difficulties of translation (and/or translators) related to cultural specific items among various discourses on translation. Proverbs contain the most concentrated cultural element and are closely related to the socio-cultural implications of the act of translation. And since proverbs are a kind of 'fixed expression', it is not advisable to apply general translation strategies including literature. Therefore, translation strategies mainly applied to the corresponding relationship between Korean and Russian proverbs such as 1) equivalence; 2) verbatim; 3) transformation; and 4) explicitation were summarized and presented. This is meaningful in terms of building a basic knowledge infrastructure to expand the understanding of Korean proverbs and acceptance to Korean culture for foreign learners who learn Korean as a second language and readers from the target culture.

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1. Natsional'nyy tsentr obrazovatel'noy statistiki — URL: https://kess.kedi.re.kr/index (data obrashcheniya: 23.11.2021). - Tekst: elektronnyj.

2. Yuzhnaya Koreya sokhranyayet vysokiye pozitsii soglasno PISA. Mezhdunarodnoye sravnitel'noye issledovaniye v oblasti akademicheskikh dostizheniy PISA 2015. Press-reliz Ministerstva obrazovaniya (ot 6 dekabrya 2016 g.) -Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

3. Ministerstvo obrazovaniya Yuzhnoy Korei. Obsuzhdeniye voprosov uchebnogo plana v nachal'noy i sredney shkole. ( № 2015-74, 2015.) - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

4. Natsional'nyy komitet istorii Yuzhnoy Korei. Istoriya v starshey shkole. Obrazovaniye i metodika, 2010. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

5. Statistika Respubliki Koreya. Portal natsional'nykh statisticheskikh dannykh. - URL: http://www.kosis.kr (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2021). - Tekst: elektronnyj.

6. Zakon ob obrazovanii v nachal'noy i sredney shkole. Pak Khi Don. Rukovodstvo i soderzhaniye sistemy otsenki uspevayemosti v sredney shkole. Forum po voprosam politiki v sfere obrazovaniya. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

7. An Kvi Dok i drugiye. Istoriya sovremennogo obrazovaniya v Koreye. Koreyskiy institut dukhovnoy kul'tury, 1995. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

8. Li Ki San. Istoriya koreyskogo obrazovaniya v XX-om veke. Seul. (izdatel'stvo)Chibmundan, 2007. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

9. Li Che Dok. Issledovaniye urovnya i faktorov tvorcheskogo myshleniya u starsheklassnikov, zanimayushchikhsya samoobrazovaniyem. Issledovaniye v oblasti obrazovaniya i kul'tury. Vypusk 25, nomer 2, 2019. 529-531. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

10. Metodika kart mysley. Povysheniye effektivnosti obucheniya. Yezhemesyachnoye izdaniye. Vypusk 57, 1998 134. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

11. Natsional'naya sluzhba statistiki obrazovaniya Koreyskogo instituta obrazovaniya i razvitiya. - URL: http://std. kedi.re.kr (data obrashcheniya: 15.12.2021). - Tekst: elektronnyj.

12. Khon Chon Van. Struktura uroka s ispol'zovaniyem istoricheskikh materialov, s aktsentom na obrazovanii v starshey shkole. Obshchestvo v nashe vremya. Magisterskaya dissertatsiya v aspiranture v Universitete Sogan. 2010. 36-50. - Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

13. K. Bossoli Tatarskaya shkola dlya detey. - URL: https://krymkrymkrym.ru/k-bossoli-tatarskaya-shkola-dlya-detey (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2021). - Tekst: elektronnyj.

14. Fotoletopis' kazakhskoy shkoly. - URL: https://rus.azattyq.org/a7kazakhstan_the_history_of_school_education_ in_the_kazakh_steppe/28026855.html (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2021). - Tekst: elektronnyj.

Дата поступления /Received 20.12.2021 Дата принятия в печать /Accepted 24.01.2022

© Ко Ен Чоль, 2022, © Ko Young Cheol, 2022.

УДК 8125


Университет Синхан, г. Сеул, Республика Корея


Чон Хенджу, канд. перевод. наук, доцент, Кафедра иностранных языков, Университет Синхан Email: transju@shinhan.ac.kr

Аннотация. В этой статье мы намерены изучить различные стратегии перевода, уделяя особое внимание характеристикам пословиц, которые являются одной из трудностей для перевода (и / или переводчиков), связанных с культурными предметами, среди различных дискурсов о переводе. Пословицы содержат наиболее концентрированный культурный элемент и тесно связаны с социокультурными последствиями акта перевода. А поскольку пословицы - это своего рода «фиксированное выражение», не рекомендуется применять общие стратегии перевода, включая литературу. Таким образом, стратегии перевода в основном применялись к соответствующим отношениям между корейскими и русскими пословицами, таким как 1) эквивалентность; 2) дословно; 3) трансформация; и 4) были обобщены и представлены экспликации. Это важно с точки зрения создания инфраструктуры базовых знаний для расширения понимания корейских пословиц и принятия корейской культуры для иностранных учащихся, изучающих корейский как второй язык, и читателей из целевой культуры.

Ключевые слова и фразы: переводчик, перевод пословицы, эквивалентность, дословный перевод, сдвиг, экспликация, стратегия перевода.

Благодарности: Эта работа была поддержана Основной университетской программой корееведения через Министерство образования Республики Корея и Службой продвижения корееведения Академии корееведения (AKS-2019-OLU-2250001).

Для цитирования: Чон Хенджу. Исследование стратегии перевода корейской пословицы // Корееведение в России: направление и развитие. 2022. Т. 3. № 1. С. 94-101.


Shinhan University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Chun Hyunju, Ph.D of Translation Studies, associate professor, Department of International Language, Shinhan University

Email: transju@shinhan.ac.kr

Abstract. This paper intends to examine various translation strategies focusing on the characteristics of proverbs, which are one of the difficulties of translation (and/or translators) related to cultural specific items among various discourses on translation. Proverbs contain the most concentrated cultural element and are closely related to the socio-cultural implications of the act of translation. And since proverbs are a kind of 'fixed expression', it is not advisable to apply general translation strategies including literature. Therefore, translation strategies mainly applied to the corresponding relationship between Korean and Russian proverbs such as 1) equivalence; 2) verbatim; 3) transformation; and 4) explicitation were summarized and presented. This is meaningful in terms of building a basic knowledge infrastructure to expand the understanding of Korean proverbs and acceptance to Korean culture for foreign learners who learn Korean as a second language and readers from the target culture.

This work was supported by the Core University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of the Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2019-OLU-2250001).

Keywords and phrases: translator, proverb translation, equivalence, literal translation, shift, explicitation, translation strategy

For citation: Chun Hyunju. A Study on the Translation Strategy of Korean Proverb // The Journal of Direction and Development of Korean Studies in Russia. 2022. Vol. 3, № 1. P. 94-101.

1. Introduction

Translation is ultimately a process of overcoming the differences in different cultures using different languages and practicing the aesthetics of communication between both cultures. A translator who plays the role of a mediator between two different cultures must have the ability to efficiently transfer meaning and expression into the target language by first understanding and deciphering the author's intentions. In fact, since the group using the target language has a different culture from the group using the source language, there is a large cultural gap between the members of the two languages (Chun 2009: 235). Analyzing and identifying the translation strategy of the translator will help to overcome similar types of difficulties that may arise in the future translation process because the translator is not a passive being in the translation process, but an active and creative being who produces translation results (Chun 2009: 237).

To get to this end, the discussion will be developed focusing on proverbs related to cultural specific items among various discourses on translation. This study will examine various translation strategies focusing on the characteristics of proverbs that contain the most concentrated cultural element, which is one of the difficulties of translation (and/or translators). This is meaningful in terms of building a basic knowledge infrastructure to expand the understanding of Korean proverbs and acceptance to Korean culture for foreign learners who are learning Korean as a second language and readers from the target culture.

2. Translation of Proverb

A proverb means "a word that contains lessons handed down from time immemorial", and "proverbs are closely related to the daily life of the culture that uses the language in order to maximize the power of expression and transmission of meaning, and easily represent the experiences of the group. They use various word plays and metaphors that they

can do" (Cheong 2010: 43-44). Therefore, proverb translation should also be actively considered the correlation between the culture and language of the source culture and the target culture since proverbs have a close correlation that cannot be separated from culture.

2.1 Characteristics of the proverb and examples of its translation

Proverb translation is not only closely related to the socio-cultural implications of the act of translation, but also condensed the core problems of literary translation. Since proverbs are a kind of 'fixed expression' along with proverbs and idioms, it is not advisable to adhere only to an equivalent translation strategy that respects the meaning of each word or phrase. Therefore, if we exclude the case where the expression of a proverb in the source culture can be replaced with a proverb that also corresponds to the target culture, translation of a proverb is inevitably a significant challenge for translators. As an alternative to overcoming these difficulties, we first examine the characteristics of proverbs and commonly accepted translation expressions. According to the classification of Rhee Hysook (2012), it can be divided into six categories including the characteristics of proverbs are: 1) didactic content; 2) reflecting history and times; 3) reflecting the environment and characteristics of peoples and regions; 4) reflecting the life philosophy that the ethnic group adheres to; 5) containing humor, wit, and parody; and 6) symbolic features. Here is a summary of the relevant cases:

Examples of translations according to the characteristics of the above proverbs are presented in Korean and English as follows. This has to do with the universality of language. Related cases are mainly extracted from the previous study by KwakEunjoo et al. (2020), and the author arbitrarily classified them according to the characteristics of the proverbs and presented them.

<Table 1>

Characteristics of Russian and Korean proverbs and their translation examples

(Rhee 2012: 203-205)

Characteristics Russian Korean

didactic content Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда. Even the fish in the pond cannot be caught without effort.

reflecting history and times Женские умы, что татарские сумы. A woman's thoughts are like a bag of Tatar's.

reflecting the environment and characteristics of peoples and regions На словах - как на гуслях, а на деле - как на балалайке. Words like marbles, work like Balalaika.

reflecting the life philosophy that the ethnic group adheres to Не в свои сани не садись. 47l4i4444&4*M. Do not sit unless you are in your own sled.

containing humor, wit, and parody Портной без штанов, сапожник без сапог. The seamstress has no pants and the shoemaker has no boots.

symbolic features Ваша-то Катерина да нашей Арине двоюродная Прасковь я. Your Katerina is my Arina'scousin,Praskov.

<Table 2>

Characteristics of Korean and English proverbs and their translation examples

Characteristics Korean English

didactic content 4^ ¿44. Плохие слухи распространяются быстро. Bad news travels quickly.

Что посеешь то и пожнешь. As you sow, so you shall reap.

Соленый, когда добавляешь соль с плиты. No mill, no meal.

лежа и плевать Cut off your nose to spite your cloth.

Заблокируйте мокротой то, что забилось мотыгой. A stitch in time saves nine.

reflecting history and times 444 444 4 44. Даже если янбан замерзнет до смерти, он не зажжет боковой огонь. Eagles don't catch flies.

44 44i 44i ^444 4 ^44. Ленивый школьник в Новый год забирается начер-дак и читает. Idle people have the least leisure.

44 44 4 44°14 Осенью остывший рис - весенняя пища. Providence is better than a rent.

Characteristics Korean English

reflecting the environment and characteristics of peoples and regions Вид после еды в Кымгансандо Bread is better than the song of birds.

Ни разносчик наград, нипаланкин Life is like onion: you peel off layer after and then you find there is nothing.

Ц^ Щ-Щ7] 3 Ш4 Будет ли это железная ложка в деревянной муль- тиварке? Once a beggar, always beggar.

ЩЩ Кочуджан идеально подходит для ячменного риса Like goes well with like.

reflecting the life philosophy that the ethnic group adheres to 44i Я Я На знаменитом застолье нечего есть Much noise and no substance.

И" ^44 44 ^44. Если вода слишком прозрачная, рыба не соберется. A clear stream is avoided by fish.

пьяный разговор In wine there is truth.

containing humor, wit, and parody ^4 Лающая собака не кусается. Barking dogs seldom bite.

4Я 44. Лучше продавать первым. You had better face your difficulty as early as possible.

Я ^ ^ 44 Торопитесь писать свежее и говно? Manners make man.

4"i4 ^4 44. Даже обезьяны иногда падают с деревьев. To err is humans.

Symbolic features 444. Кровь гуще, чем вода. Blood is thicker than water.

— тЛ- HS тД- — HS — ет а^, ет —— Как коровы и куры, как куры и коровы Stare vacantly with no interest.

^4 44 41 &4. пиши сладко без слов. Silence means consent.

strategies such as 1) equivalence; 2) literal translation; 3) shift; and 4) expliciation. The examples applied are summarized and presented as follows.

2.2.1 Equivalence

'Equivalent' means that the two languages of the source and the target culture have a corresponding relationship of conceptual identity and meaning. If there is an equivalent correspondence between two languages with different content and meaning, as well as form, examples of applying 'absolute' and 'relative' equivalence according to the degree of 'equivalence' are as follows (Table 3).

2.2.2 Literal Translation

A literal translation is used in a similar sense to a word-for-word translation and can be understood as a relative concept of a meaning-for-meaning. The meaning of the main vocabulary of a proverb or the whole meaning of a proverb is translated literally so that the meaning of the source text (ST) can express itself as much as possible to represent the vitality of

2.2 Characteristics of Korean Proverbs and Russian Translation Strategies

This is because the most striking discriminatory power that proverb translation should approach from a different point of view, including literature, is none other than 'fixed expression'. A is an expression in which the equation of B or B' is established, so a translation that sticks to the meaning of each word is useless. For example, using completely different stylistic and syntactic structures of the source and the target culture to convey the same situation or meaning, realizing 'equivalence' is one of the important strategies of proverb translation. On the other hand, you can also find effective combinations of literal translations that convey meaning to each phrase. In addition, there are many cases in which translation strategies such as syntacticshift and semantic shift or explicitation that imposes information more effectively convey the meaning of proverbs. This paper mainly focuses on the correspondence between Korean and Russian proverbs in which translation

<Table 3>

Examples of proverbs applying the absolute 'equivalence' translation strategy

(Chun 2013: 146-147)

Kind Korean Russian

natural phenomena and objects pouring water into the bottomed jar Лить воду в бездонную бочку.

4 4 ^444. An empty cart makes more noise. В пустой бочке звону больше.

Animal and plants Fish in water Как рыба в воде

4 74 ^44 444. The fish that leaves the water dies. Рыба без воды скоро уснет.

Human beings 44 &4. There is no thief's seed. Не родится вор, а умирает.

447 44 477 47 ^ 477 44 7—7 47 &4. When you go to the bedroom, your mother-in-law is right, and when you go to the kitchen, your daughter-in-law is right. В женской половине права свекровь, а на кухне - сноха

joy and sorrow 44 3 44 ^ When it rains, it pours. Беда беду родит.

47 47 44. There is joy at the end of hardship. После горя радость.

<Table 4>

Examples of proverbs applying relative 'equivalence' translation strategy

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

(Chun 2013: 147-148)

Kind Korean Russian

natural phenomena and objects 444 444£ 444. If it's free, drink lye. Даренному коню в зубы не смотрит.

4474 44 444. Don't' climb a tree to look for fish. Дело не медведь, в лесне уйдёт.

Animal and plants 444 444 4 4 4^4. I'm afraid of maggots, so I can't cook. Волков бояться- в лес не ходить

^ 74 4 Chicken instead of pheasant На без рыбье и рак рыба.

Human being 7 4 444 S47 4444 7 444. Don't' count your chickens before they are hatched. Делить шкуру неубитого медведя

44 377 a 474 Touching the Blind Elephant's Nose Одна ласточка весны не делает.

Joy and sorrow 74 444 474 ^7 The sound of a ghost chewing shit В бороде бузина, а в Киеве дядька.

47 47 44. No pain no gain. Не отведав горького, не узнаешь исладкого.

444 444. It works if you're curious. Голод научит говорить.

ST alive. The biggest advantage of literal translation is that it is a technique that can make the most of the emotions and culture of Koreans, the humor, satire, expressiveness, and taste of language that are contained in Korean proverbs (Chun 2013: 149). Examples of literal translation strategies applied include (Table 5).

2.2.3 Shift

In proverb translation, various aspects of 'shift', including lexical and grammatical shift, are adopted as a translation strategy because proverbs have lexical and syntactic features such as brevity, compression, prosody, parallelism, and appropriate transformations of vocabulary. This is because proverb translation is very important not only in

content delivery but also in terms of form. Examples of related proverbs include (Table 6).

2.2.4 Explicitation

Explicitation is a strategy for explicitly expressing and translating implied information that is not revealed in ST to be revealed in target text (TT) (Chun 2009: 241). It can be applied when translating concepts that are unfamiliar to the target culture. And even if the meaning of the proverb cannot be clearly conveyed when the literal translation strategy is applied, a translation strategy of a method of explaining by adding information can be applied in the same way.

For example, if you translate 'a bride visiting a temple', which means 'one who follows what others

<Table 5>

Examples of proverbs applying the 'literal translation' translation strategy (Chun 2013: 149-150)

Korean Russian

Bread is better than the song of birds. И Алмазные горыхороши на сытый желудок. (И Алмазные горы приятно осмотреть на сытый желудок.)

47 44 444 444. Find a little fish in a well. Искать в монастыри рассол из-под солёной рыбы.

44 7 4 474 444 444. The sparrow near a school sings the primer. Через три года и собака, охраняющая школу, будет писать стихи.

44^^ 44 44 447 fti 444. Better safe than sorry. Человек, напуганный черепахой, пугается при виде крышки котла.

44 77 4 44 4 £^4. You don't know how to get your clothes wet in the drizzle. Не замечать, как от мелкого дождя намокает одежда.

Kind Korean Russian

Lexical shift ^4 44 747 74 44 ^4 7 &4. The kind person has no hate, and the ugly person has no kindness. У красивого незамечаешь недостатков, а у некрасивого - достоинства.

Grammatical shift 44 44 444. Fortune does not come in pairs, and anger does not come alone. Беда никогда не приходит одна.

44 ^44 ^4. A little pepper is spicy. Перец мал, да горек

Addition 44 7 §J4 7 &4. If you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. Голый что святой: беды не боится.

Omission 44 7 47 444 4 47 #4. Put your clothes on new ones and your friends like old ones. Старый друг лучше новых

Compensation 447 44 Hunger is the best sauce. Голод - лучший повар.

744 47 44 747 44. The talent goes beyond the bear, and the money comes from the bad guy. Медведь пляшет, а цыган деньги берёт.

<Table 6>

Cases of proverbs applying 'variation' translation strategy (Chun 2013: 150-154)

tell you', it is translated as *невеста, котораяпошла в будийскийхрам, which can convey the meaning of the Korean proverb properly in Russianby applying 'literal translation'. In this case, it is more appropriate to apply the descriptive translation technique, i.e., the explicit one, to translate it as человек, неиме-ющейсобственногомнения (a person who has no opinion) (Chun 2013: 155).

3. Conclusion

So far, the aspects of proverb translation have been briefly reviewedin relation to proverb translation, focusing on the characteristics of proverbs and universally applicable translation strategies. In fact, the translation of proverbs is not only sensitively related to the socio-cultural implications of the act of translation, but also closely related to the core issues of literary translation, including metaphors and rhetoric. It embraces in-depth and multi-layered considerations as it respects the indivisibility of meaning and form and the uniqueness of each, and requires that the same effect be reproduced in the target language.

Therefore, the strategies and examples of proverb translation discussed in this paper are largely derived from the methods discussed in the previous study of translation of proverbs into Russian by Rhee Hysook (2012) and ChunHyejin (2013). This is the purpose of sharing information on important characteristics and translation strategies of Korean and Russian translations with foreign learners who are learning Korean as a foreign language, despite the limitations of my Russian knowledge. Therefore, the translational discussion was also at a very basic level, and the discussion on the exceptional circumstances of the translation strategies and cases presented above was also very limited. In order to supplement these limitations and develop a more advanced discussion, the writer will deal with this subject in a more comprehensive future study on the aspects of translation of proverbs in Korean, English, and Russian and its translation strategies.

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