THE TYPES OF TEACHING SKILLS NEEDED TODAY AND THE WAYS OF IMPROVING THEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
teaching skills / critical thinking / patience / communication / organization / imaginative thinking / leadership / teamwork / time management / computer skills / conflict resolution / improving skills.

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — Dilshoda Shodmonqul Qizi Boboyeva, Sohila Abduhalimovna Aminova

This article is based on teaching skills that are valued and used continuously today. Without a doubt, they increase efficiency in the process of studying and learning, solve the difficulties on the way to the goal with various methods. In doing so, we will look at the types of teaching skills that many of our educators are using and how they can be developed.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230



Dilshoda Shodmonqul qizi Boboyeva

Chirchik State Pedagogical University Boboyevadilshoda40@gmail.com Scientific supervisor: Sohila Abduhalimovna Aminova Chirchik State Pedagogical University

This article is based on teaching skills that are valued and used continuously today. Without a doubt, they increase efficiency in the process of studying and learning, solve the difficulties on the way to the goal with various methods. In doing so, we will look at the types of teaching skills that many of our educators are using and how they can be developed.

Keywords: teaching skills, critical thinking, patience, communication, organization, imaginative thinking, leadership, teamwork, time management, computer skills, conflict resolution, improving skills.

Teaching is the art of fusing information with creativity, art, and science. It entails both vocal and nonverbal actions. A teaching skill can be defined as a group of interrelated behaviors or teaching actions that are conducted with the intention of facilitating students' learning and that have a specific goal in mind. A qualified teacher should determine all the abilities required and work to become proficient in them. One of the most challenging jobs nowadays is teaching. It necessitates wide understanding of the curriculum, standards, and subject matter; enthusiasm, compassion, and a love of learning; familiarity with discipline and classroom management strategies; and a commitment to improve the lives of young people. A satisfying vocation that calls for both hard and soft talents is teaching. Lesson plans are written by teachers, who also train students in the classroom and communicate with administrators, parents, and principals. Lesson planning, teaching, collaborating with administrators, and dealing with parents all require teacher abilities. Some of these abilities may come naturally to a teacher due to personality traits, but others may be acquired through formal education or professional experience. Teachers can work with kids to help them enhance their knowledge and critical thinking by using these abilities. As Benjamin Franklin says, "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn".

Sohilaxalimovna@1 gmail.com


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

TYPES OF SKILLS. Critical thinking. Teachers that possess good critical thinking abilities are able to balance working within their institution's aims and standards with taking into account the interests of the pupils. Additionally, primary and secondary school teachers must make sure that the classroom is a secure and nurturing atmosphere while being conscious of parents' expectations for learning and behavior. For instance, a middle school English teacher with strong critical thinking abilities might take the story's topics into account while determining whether or not it is acceptable for their class. College or university teachers must think about the best strategies to keep students interested in the course material when teaching post-secondary education. While a college English professor could adore books set in the Victorian era, students might prefer something more up to date.

Patience. All teachers should be aware that the students in their classrooms will have a range of intellectual talents, learning styles, and cultural backgrounds. Many students may present other difficulties, such as turning in work late or disrupting behavior, but dedicated students will probably participate more to class discussion and be more relaxed. Teachers should be patient and work to strike a balance between their own standards and the distinctive skills of each student. For instance, a compassionate teacher might work with a student after class or postpone the assignment due date if the student has trouble mastering multiplication tables.

Communication. Teachers can communicate verbally and in writing, among other ways. Teachers that have strong verbal communication skills make their instructional objectives and expectations apparent. They will explain ideas in terms that pupils can grasp. When teachers provide feedback on assignments and create progress reports for parents, they are demonstrating written communication abilities. Organization. Teachers in primary and intermediate public schools frequently have classes with 30 or more students. Teachers must be able to effectively manage their resources and students' tasks if they are to be productive. Books and electronics will be placed in a well-organized classroom so that pupils won't be distracted while learning. Strongly organized teachers will keep their pens, whiteboard markers, extra paper, and other supplies in a location that is simple to find.

Imaginative thinking. Teachers can employ imagination in a number of different ways, depending on the age of their students. Younger pupils' teachers might learn how to use music or the arts to inspire learning in their classrooms. When teaching more recent content, secondary or postsecondary educators may employ more contemporary media, such as cinema or television, to highlight how similar topics have been expressed recently.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

Leadership. Both within and outside the classroom, teachers need to be able to take charge. The development of a commitment to learning and general responsibility in life can be facilitated by setting an example for students in behavior. When dealing with teachers and school administrators, leadership is also crucial. Teachers who want to demonstrate their leadership abilities could take on extra responsibilities like managing a theater club or coaching a sports team. Teacher advancement to senior roles like principal or superintendent may be more likely for those with stronger leadership skills. Teamwork. Similar to leadership, teamwork helps teachers interact kindly and effectively with other school personnel. Teachers frequently have planning meetings to come up with the best curriculum and classroom practices for students. In these meetings, teachers with strong teamwork abilities can accept input from others, even if they have differing opinions. If a middle school science teacher wishes to teach beginning physics, for instance, they will take into account the opinions of others on their team to determine whether the subject is suitable for that age range. Teachers can use other staff members as resources for their students by working together. In order to assist pupils in need, teachers with good cooperation abilities can cooperate with school nurses, psychologists, or guidance counselors.

Time management. Teaching is a job that often requires working from home. Teachers need evenings and weekends to plan lessons, grade papers and occasionally shop for classroom materials. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, teachers will need to utilize time management skills. Some strategies may include setting aside certain hours of the day for relaxation, exercise or other personal activities. It will likely also benefit teachers to set a timeframe for having papers, tests and other assignments graded and returned to students. Teachers, for instance, may set a personal goal of returning grades within one week of receiving the submission. When working on grades, it may benefit teachers to set a time and work for specified lengths of time to avoid distractions. Computer skills. Computer skills are becoming more crucial for teachers as classrooms grow to incorporate technology. Teachers may utilize computers to create lesson plans, worksheets, study guides, tests, and other deliverables in addition to keeping track of grades. In order to make their lessons more engaging, teachers also use digital resources in the classroom, such as interactive exercises and online films. Computers might be required for teachers of older kids in order to guide research in online databases and libraries. Teachers must feel comfortable sending and receiving emails because they routinely contact with parents and school staff online.

Conflict resolution. Being able to control conflicts in the classroom is one of a teacher's duties. Conflicts about sharing toys, games, or books could arise when teaching younger students. Students may argue in post-secondary lectures on more

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

intimate topics like relationships. A teacher with strong conflict resolution skills will use patience and active listening to weigh all of the arguments and reach a compromise. This ability will probably be helpful if the teacher and the student's parents or guardians have a disagreement. Achievement of students depends on effective teacher learning and professional development. Learning skills for teachers are an ongoing process that encourages them to master new information and build new abilities, all of which contribute to boost student learning. As a teacher, you have the opportunity to foster the intellectual and emotional growth of your students. Being a teacher is tremendously fulfilling, and there is always a need for skilled teachers. They are needed in classrooms at schools and colleges to instruct the young, as well as in workplaces and other settings to instruct adults and coworkers.

Improving skills. It can be quite satisfying to develop your teaching abilities. It can assist you in maintaining the interest, receptivity, interaction, and engagement of your students. You work your magic to make a dry subject into a dynamic and engaging discussion. If you are an effective teacher, your students will always look forward to your sessions and passing tests for them will become more commonplace, which will keep you extremely motivated. The eight ways to improve your teaching abilities are listed below:

Embrace technology. Changes brought about by technology are essential to achieving considerable increases in the level of production as a whole. For anyone looking to improve their teaching abilities, the internet provides a never-ending source of educational materials. Software, instructional apps, and handheld devices are examples of digitally assisted learning resources that can help to boost students' motivation and engagement.

IDENTIFY INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES. At the conclusion of the lesson or material, your pupils should be able to do a few observable exercises. The activity must be plainly seen. It has been demonstrated that it is easier to create in-class and extracurricular activities and assessments when the educational objectives are kept in mind. Students will rise to the occasion and meet your expectations when they are made explicitly aware of what is expected of them.

1.Ask about student's experience. There will always be more prepared and less prepared students in a class. They all have in common that learning presents various difficulties for each category. The first step in creating an engaging teaching strategy is to inquire about their learning impairments. Ask them about their areas of strength and weakness, but always remember to keep this information private. Then you can give them more reading material.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q

2.Meet other teachers. They can be professors from your institution or others. They may provide something unexpected to you. Utilize every chance to engage with them. Some people might have more teaching experience than you do, and they could provide you with essential advice on how to develop your teaching abilities. Take advantage of any chance you have to attend teacher seminars.

Important attributes of an effective teacher. The art of effective teaching involves attracting and holding pupils' attention in such a way that the material is retained till death. Because of the constantly expanding educational standards, which are now higher than ever, effective and good teaching is becoming more and more crucial in today's society. Effective educators are those who have a significant impact on pupils' learning and achievement. Engaging pupils helps them learn and retain information, and good teachers are also willing to aid and support their student. To ensure that every student is understanding the topic, teachers mix up the activities in the classroom. In addition to the unique differences in each student's temperament, interests, and learning styles. Effective teachers also need to take into account social, cultural, and linguistic disparities among kids in a class. Teachers' actions and strategies have a significant impact on what happens to and for many children in school, thus good teachers must always put the needs of the child first. To treat students fairly, openly, intelligently, or with respect and to work with them to solve their personal issues and establish positive self-concepts, teachers must possess these qualities. The ability to maintain voice-free control over her students and the classroom is just one of the qualities that successful teachers should have. It has also been discovered that a teacher's fairness and impartiality in the classroom are important personality traits.

Attitudes a teacher must possess and what strategies might be employed to meet these challenges. Due to their unique teaching methods, attitudes, and behaviors, teachers have a significant impact on students and hold significant power over them. People view good instructors differently, and although some may value professionalism, others may value sensitivity and understanding toward their charges. I firmly believe that I possess the qualities required to be a good teacher, which is the main reason I want to become a teacher. I consider myself to be competent, well-organized, and morally upright. I also have a solid philosophy and excellent communication abilities.

1.Wilson, B.L and Corbett, H.D. (2001) Listening to Urban Kids: School Reform and the Teachers They Want. SUNY Press, New York, pg 18-20.

2. Benjamin Franklin January 17,1706 Boston, Massachusetts Bay - April 17, 1790 Philadelphia

3. https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/what-makes-a-great-teacher/


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