COMPETENCE IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bakhromjon Juraboev, Khilola Mamadiyorova

Today's society requires new competencies from its professions and individuals in general, who must possess specialized talents and abilities. So there are two options: enhancing these skills in the professional realm or improving them in the academic realm prior to pursuing a job. Many institutions throughout the world are restructuring their degree programs to incorporate new academic and professional profiles that include a variety of competencies. These competencies are individual and group standards that need the development of personal resources, which must then be incorporated into the environment's capabilities in order to achieve complementarity, or the maximum mutual benefit.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


Bakhromjon Juraboev

Chirchik State Pedagogical University

Khilola Mamadiyorova

Chirchik State Pedagogical University


Today's society requires new competencies from its professions and individuals in general, who must possess specialized talents and abilities. So there are two options: enhancing these skills in the professional realm or improving them in the academic realm prior to pursuing a job.

Many institutions throughout the world are restructuring their degree programs to incorporate new academic and professional profiles that include a variety of competencies. These competencies are individual and group standards that need the development of personal resources, which must then be incorporated into the environment's capabilities in order to achieve complementarity, or the maximum mutual benefit.


There are several models that incorporate competencies that are regarded vital for professional success. In our example, we created a typology of competencies, picking those that we believe are fundamental and learnable during a university education. According to the reports and research discussed before, these competencies are beneficial and important for a student's future professional career. Even for the most seasoned instructors, keeping students interested and motivated in higher education is a difficult task. Although it is impossible to recommend a "one-size-fits-all" strategy, research reveals that there are several behaviors that will promote pupils to be more involved in general. Moving away from certain traditions is one of them.

Rote learning and memorization to increasingly difficult, sophisticated tasks; utilizing many approaches and methods promoting group learning Competency-based training has been proved to have several benefits in the workplace.

In this paper, we describe a new approach for teaching microprocessor courses using simulation software freely available on the Internet. The approach is based on project-based training that is well rooted in competency-based training. This approach allows students to use the microprocessor as a tool for solving engineering problems, rather than just understanding the architecture. The approach consists of shifting the focus of the course from the microprocessor itself to learning how the microprocessor is used to solve practical engineering problems. Some ideas to help implement the


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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

approach are discussed, and some of the benefits of engineering education are mentioned.

Competency-based learning has the following characteristics:

a) The skills and abilities we need for the job are carefully chosen.

b) The essential knowledge that is needed to support the performance of skills is learned in order to enable us to carry out our tasks effectively.

c) The materials that are geared towards teaching specific skills and knowledge are very helpful in helping learners achieve their goals.

d) The way instruction is typically done is based on the idea that everyone can learn the necessary knowledge or skill, as long as they have the necessary time and are given the appropriate training methods.

e) The knowledge and skills of learners when they enter the program will be assessed, with those who have satisfactory knowledge and skills allowed to bypass training or Competencies that they have already attained.

f) Learning should be done at a pace that is comfortable for you.

g) Training needs to be flexible and include a variety of methods, such as group activities and individual study.

h) A variety of support materials are used to help students learn skills, including print, audiovisual, and simulation models that are specifically tailored to those skills.

i) The fulfillment of all defined skills constitutes satisfactory completion of training. The attainment of all defined competencies is required for successful completion of training.

People are conversing, analyzing, and attempting to implement pedagogical advances now more than ever before. Some institutions are using benchmarking to compare and contrast their points of view, experiences, and techniques with those of others, which is helping to standardize the process. To effectively complete the transformation and keep it from being only skin deep - a cosmetic alteration to improve the university's image vis-à-vis society in general - a strategic policy and the special deployment of large finances to the project are required.

All colleges who do not want to lag behind and be left behind must adopt these new trends and ensure that their institutions become centers of proven excellence and innovation sooner or later. Competence-based learning necessitates a significant shift, which we refer to as a transformational shift since it impacts the university's breadth and depth. Because it has an impact on university life as a whole and all of the institution's underlying structures, breadth is important. All stakeholders are encouraged to engage in the university-wide transformation. Furthermore, this shift necessitates altering the current teaching paradigm or technique. It is difficult, if not impossible, to implement

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the new model without altering existing structures and attitudes among all stakeholders (teaching and non-teaching personnel, university administration, and students). Some may believe that the planned change is just another reform, one that will have no impact on our colleges. We believe that those who believe this are wrong. Experience has shown that implementing a competency-based learning system without altering existing structures is impractical. Such an endeavor would be fruitless, impracticable, and even detrimental, in addition to generating major difficulties. The enormous effort necessary and the massive number of hurdles and problems to overcome, most frequently without real help or points of reference, would quickly frustrate the teaching personnel.

Importance of competence in teaching. CBL requires changing degree programs and syllabuses, as well as organizations and infrastructures. It entails changing lecturers' roles and preparing students for new types of teaching and learning. In summary, it entails preparing and adapting the university to this transformative transition. And this can only be accomplished with the dedication and involvement of the university's top authorities - namely, the president, vice presidents, and deans, as well as their respective staffs.

If transformational change is carefully thought out in advance, it will be more solid, since thinking helps to clarify and create the new vision to be established. This necessitates careful preparation outlined in university strategic plans, which are subsequently transmitted to the plans and projects of the various institutions.

Implementing a new learning system, updating teaching and learning techniques, and incorporating ICTs requires not just retraining teaching personnel in their usage, but also an organizational and institutional shift that extends well beyond the faculty.

Students must work in a system of continuous learning that emphasizes what, how, why, what for, when, and by when study assignments must be completed in a systematized temporal manner. That is, throughout a period of students' university lives, active learning must be at the center of their daily activities. This system will have to address significant issues such as how to assist students in balancing school and job (a circumstance that affects a large percentage of students at particular institutions and years). In this sense, the system must be innovative and incorporate blended learning modes (for example, having certain topics completed totally online, while others are completed partially in the classroom).

The actuality of the qualification paper is defined by concrete results of the investigation. Special emphasis is laid on Competence in teaching foreign language.

The aim of this paper is to provide learners and teachers with some precise information about competence, its types and importance in teaching.

The tasks of the research are the following according to the general aim:

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

To study competence in teaching foreign language as well as, how to improve each of its types.

The practical value of the research is that the material and the results of the given research can be used in teaching foreign language.

The material includes:

1. Different researches and web-sites;

2. The practical and methodological books of English, American, authors.

The theoretical importance of the research is determined by the necessary of detailed and comprehensive information on competence in teaching foreign language.

The structure of the work - the given course paper consists of introduction, two chapters and a conclusion which are followed by the lists of literature used on the course of the research.

In the conclusion, the results of our research carried out on a common topic are summed up and conclusions are formulated.

The reference list presents the names of authors and their theoretical issues and books, which were used for writing this research work.

To implement Competence-Based Learning (CBL), we must first determine which skills are required in today's environment. This, of course, cannot be decided only by universities without the input and participation of industry and professional organizations. Different sectors have collaborated to develop a generic capabilities proposition. This document calls for the delineation of the essential competencies required in each of the professions for which universities prepare graduates, which will be taught alongside all other aspects and dimensions deemed appropriate, pertinent, and necessary for their students' best training and preparation.

CBL entails the development of general and transversal (instrumental, interpersonal, and systemic) competencies, as well as specialized profession-specific skills. The goal is to provide students with resources students with scientific and technological knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge such expertise in a variety of complicated situations to this goal, knowledge is essential in ways that are suitable, together with attitudes and values for the personal and professional lives of each student.

CBL is a teaching and learning technique that must begin with an academic and professional profile that includes all of the information and skills that students following a particular course of study must develop. Their course of study must specify the generic and specialized skills required and distribute them across the degree program. To contribute effectively and efficiently to the formation of the academic-professional

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

profile through each topic or course, this strategy necessitates a considerable lot of coordination and collaboration among professors.

CBL is based on a study of professional needs that will aid in defining and prioritizing the core competencies necessary for a certain profession or specialist area. As stated during the World Higher Education Conference in 1998, there is a critical need for life-long learning to give people with the skills they need to contribute to society's cultural, social, and economic growth.

CBL is based on an examination of professional requirements that will assist in defining and prioritizing the essential competencies necessary for a certain professional and/or specialist field. According to the World Higher Education Conference in 1998, there is a critical need for life-long learning to give individuals with the skills they need to contribute to society's cultural, social, and economic growth.

CBL is a method of teaching that is widely acknowledged and is based on the connections and interrelationships between several courses, each of which contributes to the development of general and specialized skills by supplying scientific or technical knowledge. Students are the primary drivers of their own learning in this method, thus they require some self-motivation and supervision, as well as the development of cognitive techniques and cognitive objectives that will aid them in learning and reflecting on their learning.

CBL is a method that works well with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which requires students to dedicate enough time to their studies in order to acquire or improve the skills required within a set time limit. It is an individual learning method that integrates theory and practice, distinguishing itself from the old system, which was focused mostly on memorization - a system that enabled students to study hard only at particular times of the year. CBL necessitates a far more consistent and systematic commitment to learning, as well as a larger commitment on the side of the student to properly organize and manage his or her time.

CBL enhances learning processes by providing tighter monitoring and coaching of students individually and in groups, as well as a variety of assessment strategies. The professor's or lecturer's teaching function has been changed so that he or she may now focus on organizing, overseeing, and assessing students' learning. Although the competency-based approach appears to be particularly beneficial in cases where trainees must acquire a small number of specialized and job-related abilities (Watson et al., 2002), the following benefits are realized in general:

Learners get the skills they need to complete their jobs.

Learners gain confidence when they learn key abilities.

Learners receive a transcript or a list of the skills they've earned.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

Because the trainer is a facilitator of learning rather than a source of knowledge, training time is employed more efficiently and effectively.

Rather than giving lectures, more time is spent working with participants individually or in small groups throughout training.

More time is spent throughout training assessing each participant's ability to perform critical work skills.


The evaluation approach given in this paper may appear artificial, or perhaps an afterthought to something that should be worked on more organically as part of each subject's individual competencies. With time, however, generic skills will very certainly have been integrated into higher education in such a way that their presence, purposeful development, and assessment will appear natural and unavoidable.

Nonetheless, we are only getting started with them. We will need support and assistance in training both lecturers and students in new methods to teaching and learning because the road is relatively fresh. Clearly, the creative teaching necessary to achieve the objectives and establish Higher Education is both a requirement and an opportunity to offer different means of assessing students' learning progress.

The fundamental educational recommendation that emerges from this research is that we should start with what we already know, transmit it, and steer the process toward autonomous, permanent, independent learning, with students as the primary stakeholders. This implies a shift in lecturers' roles, instructional methods, and perspectives on learning. In summary, it entails a shift in mindset about the implicit theory that underpins their instructional methods. It's one of the most promising current lines for improving education, and it'll benefit university students. As students' progress from their first to last years of university, their role is to become more involved and dedicated to their own learning, which must now be less dependent and more autonomous, in a context where it is no longer a question of guessing the right answer, but of understanding how one arrives at that answer.

Working with this competency assessment tool necessitates a significant shift in learning processes, including the adoption of new approaches that enable student engagement and acceptance of responsibility for their own learning. It's critical to recognize that evaluation its learning and makes them feel included in the process. When it comes to teaching techniques and approaches, as well as the precise work and activities required of students, assessment must be organized across the board. It must be included into them in order to be compatible with intended learning outcomes and the procedures used to achieve these goals.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2223Q


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2. Juraboyev, Bakhromjon Bakhtiyor Ugli. "Problems and solutions for online teaching and learning of foreign languages." Academic research in educational sciences 2.Special Issue 2 (2021): 127-131.

3. Juraboyev, Akmal Bakhramovich. "MODERN LIGHTING AND UNDERSTANDING OF METHODS AND CATEGORIES OF PHYSICAL CULTURE." Academic research in educational sciences 2.2 (2021): 1255-1261.

4. Juraboyev, Bakhromjon. "DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION SKILLS BY USING GAMES." Scientific progress 2.4 (2021): 486-490.

5. Jo, Baxromjon Baxtiyor O'G'Li. "Effective methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school." Science and Education 2.4 (2021): 288-293.

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