Научная статья на тему 'The totalitarian regime of ecological problems. (Ferghana city. 1960-90yy. )'

The totalitarian regime of ecological problems. (Ferghana city. 1960-90yy. ) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Rakhimova Gulchekhra Sobirjonovna, Ruzmatov Ruzali Yakubovich, Mahkamov Gulam Mamurovich

The article in the Soviet period, Ferghana chemical, petrochemical, fertilizer and cotton production of industrial enterprises, the construction of the city center. Located in densely populated regions of the heavy industrial sectors, environmental emissions evolved from land, soil, water and damage the atmosphere, such as the emergence of various diseases among the people about the negative consequences described. This article discusses did not plan to build chemical and ginneries in densely populated areas in Fergana and soil pollution from industrial wastes and their negative consequences for human health.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The totalitarian regime of ecological problems. (Ferghana city. 1960-90yy. )»

7. Государственный архив Донецкой Народной Республики - Ф. 15.- Оп.1. - Д. 370.

8. Греки на укранських теренах: Нариси з етшчно! юторп: Документи, матерiали, карти / Авт.: М. Дмитрieнко, В. Томазов, О. Ясь та ш. - К.: Либщь, 2000. - С. 202.

9. Из инструкции ВУЦИК о порядке ликвидации некоторых районов в связи с образованием областей. / Государственный архив Донецкой Народной Республики - Фонд 279.- Оп.1. -Д.470.

10. Наседшна Л.Д. Грецьш нацюнальш сшь-ради й райони Украши (друга половина 20 - 30-п роки) //Укранський югоричний журнал. 1992. - №26. - С.64-72.


Rakhimova Gulchekhra Sobirjonovna, Ruzmatov Ruzali Yakubovich, Mahkamov Gulam Mamurovich

a teachers of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute.



The article in the Soviet period, Ferghana chemical, petrochemical, fertilizer and cotton production of industrial enterprises, the construction of the city center. Located in densely populated regions of the heavy industrial sectors, environmental emissions evolved from land, soil, water and damage the atmosphere, such as the emergence of various diseases among the people about the negative consequences described.

This article discusses did not plan to build chemical and ginneries in densely populated areas in Fergana and soil pollution from industrial wastes and their negative consequences for human health .

Key words: Fergana, chemical, oil and cotton industries, the dangerous Gulf of human life, diseases, soil salinity, atmospheric, innovative thinking, agriculture Fergana, chemical industry, territories, ground, soil, atmosphere, negative outcomes, renew, thought, agriculture.

Preserving the environment, based on the research of historians to study the solution of social problems, remains an important issue in front of people and society. One of the major problems in front of the people of the community environmental problems. International, political, international, economic, and environmental problems is one of the international legal problems. So, why the outbreak of the environmental problems, the occurrence of adverse circumstances, what factors come into existence in the areas of scientific research carried out on the basis of critical importance.

Researchers strategy by the Government of the works created during the colonial empires is written from the point of view, to justify political actions of totalitarian regimes in Central Asia: Alampiev P. [1], Baranov AA [2], Sarkisian G [3], Bogomolov O [ 4] and others. The main feature of the historical approach works only negative assessment of the level of economic development of the territory of Uzbekistan, devoted to the coverage of the social problems of scientific research work is generally carried out. The works of the last few decades, the researchers developed countries tragic circumstances of ecology, carried out research on ways to combat them. T.Akimova [5], S, Babylon [6], K, Gofman [7] A Gusev [8], V. Danilov [9], E.Ryumina [10], N.Tixomorov [11], V .Xaskin [12] and [13]. By the country's environmental problems Xeyfets SH [14], Zufarov K.I [15], Gafarov.A [16] and others conducted research. But the research, the environment, water, air, people are reflected in the wide range of negative consequences, it is ecologically dangerous regions of Uzbekistan studied separately.

Its policy to increase cotton production has become extremely aggression. Cotton products in order

to meet the needs of the alliance derektiv authorities in February 1946, Uzbekistan's cotton production increased 2.5 times during the last five years [17] about the decision. According to the union programs in this sphere of industrial complexes in the country was carried out with intensity. Remain one of the major cotton production in the country, brought into the area of agro-industrialization. Carried out with the intensity of industrial land, and the population has faced intense indifferently placed on the territory of the country is a form of colonialism. The largest industry in the production of products: cotton, chemical, mining and chemical complexes and industrial enterprises were placed on the development of cotton.

Ferghana Valley and other regions of the USSR on the development of the first nuclear project in November 1942 to establish ore production decisions. 1944-45 oil-in-water years, the Ferghana Valley in 1947, in a short period of Leninabad Mining and Chemical plant built and put into operation. Combine military soveturani produced. Products in East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and a large part of the Soviet According to the agreement (75%), "Wismar" export joint stock companies and Tyuringga Saxony.

Placed in a much larger city of Ferghana in the development of cotton plants. Over the years, the city of Ferghana valley in 1960 inaugurated Ferghana nitrogen fertilizer plant that runs on natural gas. Cotton, tobacco and related products against cotton pests and weeds ishlatiladagan chemical substances such as flowers, cotton defoliants manufactured. Enterprise toxic chemical waste and pollution from the surrounding gases. By the end of 1980 industrial enterprises in Uzbekistan. 700 at the Ferghana industrial and chemical companies that worked. Bags

of industrial enterprises at the expense of their agricultural economic costs. Only the amount of product and timely delivery of the center will be of interest, therefore, less attention was given to the technical base of industrial enterprises. Spare parts, provided companies with low quality equipment, the working conditions of employees must be taken into account, the industrial enterprises were taken before the harm inflicted on the environment. Ferghana Ferghana acetate silk manufacturer, one of the leading enterprises of chemical industry enterprises. Cotton husks of the chemical industry (eyelid) of various products (furfirol, ethyl alcohol, PERSONAL, anthrax, furan and furyl alcohol) produced Ferghana hydrolysis plant was built. Basically furfurol specializing in the production. [18]

Waste a lot of water, which is the largest industrial enterprises of the Ferghana oil refining, production of silk fabrics, which pillakashlik combines. The company produced toxic waste water carrying more Ferghana Grand Canal. As a result, the draft Fergana district of the underground water basins covered by a layer of 3mm thick oil on the surface of the Ferghana plant development zones underground water of the Euphrates Euphrates compounds ifloslanayotgani people were concerned [19]. Not affect drinking water contaminated waters.

Ferghana city, a manufacturer of chemical fertilizers, petroleum, chemical and microbiological enterprises, customized production, which requires a lot of water, waste water sediment pollution of the waters of the urban population further aggravates the environmental situation.

Consumption of water from surface water reservoirs population that the results of the laboratory control in the Ferghana region as follows: chemical indicators in 1988, a total of 614 water reservoir, 147 did not meet the total demand in 1989, a total of 659 water pool does not meet the total demand of 159 [20] spruce Valleys industrial enterprises hazardous dumps spread large distances. It is known that chemical

In conclusion, it jozki the center of a comprehensive development of the economy of the country, cotton yakkaxokimligi policy has caused problems in all areas of the negative. During the totalitarian regime from the country's governance system, each person's personal life, social life issues should be solved by the central concept of dependency understanding was captured berardi.O'zligini indicative of the rest of the people live quite far away. Therefore, 1970-80yillarga, the decline in the economic development of the country, the deterioration of the living standards of the people. Socio-economic and environmental problems are resolved in a timely manner at the end of 1980, the country as a result of a strong increase social problems. 1989 Kokand, Ferghana, Andijan and Namangan events could see the signs of a strong socio-economic crisis. Especially in

companies in developing countries are usually built outside the city limits. However, the establishment of the Soviet period, did not dwell on environmental safety. But also the need for faster production of a busy city, claiming to be launched at the inshootlarisiz cleaning chemical enterprises.

The information contained in Ferghana plant furfuron part of furan compounds, phenols, petroleum products, copper, chromium, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, organic matter wastewater Marg'ilonsoy cast into the river [21] have been reported. Technical means to filter waste facilities must install. Center drew attention to these problems, the environmental impact of enterprises only would the paper. 80% of water pollution in the country, Tashkent, Ferghana, Samarkand, Navoiy regions at the expense of industrial koxonalari. [22], which requires a lot of water, especially cotton fabrics produced in accordance with the combination of Ferghana: Andijan, Namangan and Kokand cities. Enterprises hazardous waste waters from the nearby ditches and channels are removed. Resulting from the aging of poisoning drinking water. The period of the totalitarian regime during the 196080 Ferghana Valley water supply in rural areas among the local population completely ignored, because there is no piped water almost [23], the population of each one dry well for water consumption. This increase in cases of various diseases among the population, which led to an increase in chronic poisoning. Particularly in the Ferghana region in 1965, endocrine pathology stream of 17 children, 346 children in 1968, registered children suffering from diseases of Neurology 1190 [24]. Worse still, the heavy chemical industry in 1980 as a result of a number of negative impact on the environment caused by changes in the genotype of a human error, the number of infants who died before the age of each child Ferghana region, compared to 56.6 thousand people to come out. [25] The origin of various diseases in 1989, the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan, which is 3-6 times higher.

the city of Ferghana social, economic and environmental aspects was a sad situation.

International, political, international, economic, and environmental problems is one of the international legal problems. So to avoid problems, environmental problems and solutions can be found in the following states o'ylaymaz:

- The international movement of national and regional environmental policies as a number of strategic partnerships and conservation of the environment Xelisink in the process of implementation, - The emergence of political studies and environmental problems in operations in cooperation with the European developed countries through the exchange of experience in training of qualified personnel,

Infectious diseases [26].

Gulf Disease Disease

Andijan 1381

Namangan 1350

Ferghana 1410

- The effects of severe environmental problems brought to the attention of the people.

- How to promote the highest level of the tragic consequences of environmental threats to carry out the work,

- Science and technology policy in developed countries with a high level of eco models, to cooperate with them

- Environmental factors that cause the problems with the transparency and accuracy of personal data to fight.

In 1989, the coming to power of President voiced gathered to solve social and economic problems in the country, which should be the main focus of the timely development, has created a bold step towards improving the situation on the ground there. Social problems in the rest of the establishment of the totalitarian socio-economic problems pose a threat to national security and civil peace in the country. I. A Ka-rimov the President of the Republic, "the formation of national statehood, carry out democratic reforms, the conversion of the economy and the need to give special attention to the social problems during the transition to a market economy" [27].


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