Научная статья на тему 'The theory of English euphemisms and their peculiar features in language teaching methodology'

The theory of English euphemisms and their peculiar features in language teaching methodology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khudaybergenova Nodira Rustamovna

The article deals with the notion that is considered to be an inevitable tool for softening the communication. Author gives clear distinction of euphemism using illustrative examples. She also states that euphemisms are distinguished through various groups. Within the article we can find detailed information about those groups.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The theory of English euphemisms and their peculiar features in language teaching methodology»

Список литературы

1. Абрамов В.В. Безопасность жизнедеятельности: учебно-методическое пособие / В.В. Абрамов. М., 2013. 365 с.

2. Акимов В.А. Безопасность жизнедеятельности: учебное пособие / В.А. Акимов, Ю.Л. Воробьев, М.И. Фалеев и др. М. Высшая школа, 2007. 592 а

3. Кукин П.П. Анализ оценки рисков производственной деятельности. Учебное пособие / П.П. Кукин, В.Н. Шлыков, Н.Л. Пономарев, Н.И. Сердюк. М.: Высшая школа, 2007. 328 с: ил.

4. Ребко Э.МОсобенности преподавания безопасности жизнедеятельности в педагогических вузах / Молодой ученый. 2014. № 2. С. 850-851.



Abstract: the article deals with the notion that is considered to be an inevitable tool for softening the communication. Author gives clear distinction of euphemism using illustrative examples. She also states that euphemisms are distinguished through various groups. Within the article we can find detailed information about those groups. Keywords: phenomenon, neutral, semantic, interrelated aspects, multifaceted.

The actuality of studying euphemism is determined by the fact that in the latter decades, the use of this phenomenon differs for its specific intensity in various genres. They receive an unusual wide distribution in such areas as: media, etiquette form of communication. Proceeding from this, the main interest is presented by the history of the formation of this linguistic phenomenon, the use of euphemistic replacement in real life situations. A euphemism in English is called neutral in meaning and in emotional word color or a descriptive expression to which usually resorted to in texts and public utterances in order to replace other words that are considered inadmissible or incongruous words and expressions. Therefore, it happens to be "euphemism" from the Greek words, which in general translated as "euphony" [2, 224].

In linguistics, euphemisms have been studied since the 19th century. At the end of the nineteenth century German scientist Paul introduced them as well known scheme of semantic changes. The work of A. Meyer, who studied taboos and euphemisms in ancient society, attracted the attention of scientists to this phenomenon in the first half of the twentieth century. But only during the last decades they became the object of close attention of scientists. In common scientists are unanimous in the investigation of extra linguistic nature of euphemisms. Euphemia is regarded as a complex and multifaceted language phenomenon that has three interrelated aspects: social, psychological and proper linguistic. All euphemisms are conventionally divided into the following groups:

Terms, mostly - medical. For medical terms not often there are concepts with an extremely unpleasant meaning. For instance, "Terminal Home" (townhouse) - hospice, insane. "Asylum" psychiatric hospital - mental home or mental hospital.

Race and nationality. The first word, which was amended in America - "Nigger". "Nigger" came from the Spanish word "negro", which in translation means - black. Isolated

the word does not carry a negative color, but still Africans consider it extremely offensive, because that's what they called their ancestors, who were once slaves. The Indians are ought to be called "Native Americans". Africans and Asians can be called "Non-Whites".

Euphemisms that reduce fear of any taboo, prohibition. For Most people are forbidden to start talking about death. The verb "todie "is replaced by" to decеase"," to pass away ", " to go west". As well as in Russian, the word "dead" is replaced by the word "departed".

Age. The word "old" is the most frequently replaced. Synonyms of this lexeme is considered to be euphemisms such as "mature", "senior", ""Advanced in years".

Disadvantages of appearance. Today the dominant problem worldwide is the issue of related to "overweight". Slenderness of women were not always actual, on the contrary, in the middle Ages, the fullness of women was considered the etalon of beauty. Hence the emergence of such euphemisms like: "Renoir woman", "of classic proportions", which remind women that fatness is synonymous with beauty.

Fashion factor. The emergence of this group of euphemisms is associated with commercial motives, desire to attract a client. Also there were euphemisms that mask the flaws of the figure, such as: Mature figure, Big Gal, corpulent, crummy, woman's size.

Religion. In some countries, the traditional wish "Mary Christmas" is replaced with "Happy Holidays", when referring to people of unknown belief.

Social and financial case. The words "poverty", "poor", almost always replaced by "the needy", "penniless", "deprived", "«Low-incomefamily».

Professions. So, a person working as a controller on a walk-through, not often referred to as "security". "Collector" (garbage man) is a "sanitation man" "Undertaker" (employee of the funeral home) -"mortician", "hairdresser" - "hairstylist". Since in America most professions initially belong to the masculine gender, seldom they are substituted by not stylistically colored words. In this regard, the profession, ending with "-man", have the ending "-person ": "chairman " "Chairperson ", "congressman " - "congressperson ".

Also linguists offer to replace traditional suffixes, expressing gender, on a single asexual suffix: "- ron", "- waitron", "- actron". There is also a special subgroup of euphemisms of the English language so called weakened exclamations ("Minced Oaths").

Weak ejaculations are subgroup of euphemisms used to avoid abuse when expressing surprise or annoyance. "Blimey" in the meaning of "blind me"(to make me blind); "Tar nation" in the meaning of "Damnation" (curse), etc [1, 37].

In modern conditions the greatest development is obtained by methods and means of euphemization, affecting socially significant topics, spheres human activity, his relations with other people, with society and with the government. It is important to note that the traditional spheres in which euphemistic means of expression are used in active way are the diplomacy and sphere of policy.

The main purpose of the euphemism of speech is to avoid of communicative conflict, i.e. the goal is not to create a sense of belonging to the intercommunicate discomfort. The euphemistic dictionary is very mobile, it is constantly under influence of external factors, it changes, replenishes and represents a notable lexical layer, capable to attract not only who study linguistics, but also all those who are fond of English, reading and studying English-language literature.

Euphemisms can and should be the subject to study not only philology and linguistics, but also culturology, because in our time, more and more people possess an aggressive behavior. Since it is difficult to imagine the future a man who ignores the requirements of tact, politeness, warning to others, decency, rules of behavior, etiquette. Nevertheless, the use of euphemisms still should be accompanied by a good knowledge of foreign languages and self-control, beside aggravating the situation.


1. Krysin L.P. Evfemizmy v sovremennoy russkoy rechi G' L.P. Krysin G.'G.' // Rusistika. Berlin, 1994. № 1-2. S. 28-49.

2. Larin B.A. Istoriya russkogo yazyka i obshee yazykoznanie G' B.A. Larin G'G.' // M.: Prosvehenie, 1977. 224 s.

3. Moskvin V.P. Stilistika russkogo yazyka. Teoreticheskiy kurs. G' V.P. // Moskvin G'G' Rostov na Donu.: Feniks, 2006. 630 s.


1 2 Shavkieva D.Sh. , Akhmedova Z.A.

1Shavkieva Dilfuza Shakarbaevna - English Language Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FOR NON-PHILOLOGICAL FACULTIES;


Abstract: a case study is one of the most helpful interactive methods. The authors give a clear overview of case study. Also they claim that while studying a case the students go through all the communicative skills and practice them in reality. Due to the usage of case study method students possess the skills of critical thinking.

Keywords: case study, generating, passive vocabulary, actual problem solving, critical thinking, creative work, communication, discussion.

Case study is considered to be the most effective interactive method to teach the students English language for specific purposes. At the moment when the students discuss their preparation for news reading on TV, radio, for a round-table talk and others case study creates a working field within the environment. It facilitates the learners with the atmosphere of generating ideas for doing the task from the very start to the necessary result. A case study is defined as follow - creative interpretation of what has been learnt by the students. By being engaged with a case the students go through all the communicative skills and practice them in reality. [1, 82] Case studies teach them to carry the acquired skills onto new life situations and involve the participants into actual problem solving. This method aids to improve English language skills and master the material. It directs to real knowledge of handling the business problems and practices. A case study enhances critical thinking while discussing the case and forces the students to drive into action the store of the passive vocabulary. The main objective from this is to enable intermediate and advanced students' level of English to learn about the world of journalism while they improve their fluency in speaking, reading, writing and listening. The certain method is broadly used by our teachers and has been chosen because it does more than just provide information. It draws the participants in actual problem solving process that is a major part of the learning is practice. The key element in dealing with the case is involvement, furthermore, the students' active participation. It is completely the most important feature both in improving English and in mastering the material in the case. If a case is studied and discussed eagerly the results can be quite rewarding. Forefront of sitting to start the discussion we make a review of the whole process with the students: distribute the roles, discuss the tools, shape the model of the officials' characteristic behavior, and clarify the vocabulary to use, the way the discussion must go. Every question of discussion must follow the pattern called step by step. Our students may pretend case studies in preparing news reading on TV or radio, preparing round-table talks, taking interviews and others. Some teachers are unwilling to use case


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