THE STUDY OF TWO-SPECIES VERBS IN GROUPS WITH A FOREIGN LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Two-species verbs / perfectivization / imperfectivation

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Irina Takhirovna Razhabova

The article deals with the use of two-species verbs in foreign language groups. A new approach to their interpretation is proposed and substantiated, according to which two-species verbs. In Russian grammar, there are many categories that are considered difficult to study, especially for groups with a non-native language of instruction. One of the most difficult topics in the Russian language is the category of the type of the verb in the methodology of teaching the Russian language

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Irina Takhirovna Razhabova

Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent Region


The article deals with the use of two-species verbs in foreign language groups. A new approach to their interpretation is proposed and substantiated, according to which two-species verbs. In Russian grammar, there are many categories that are considered difficult to study, especially for groups with a non-native language of instruction. One of the most difficult topics in the Russian language is the category of the type of the verb in the methodology of teaching the Russian language.

Keywords: Two-species verbs, perfectivization, imperfectivation


View is the fundamental grammatical category of the Russian verb. It is general verbal, since it covers all verb forms, conjugated and unconjugated, including the infinitive, participle and gerunds. Since other parts of speech in Russian are not characterized in appearance, therefore this is actually a verb category.

The main part of Russian verbs has an opposition in form, they are characterized by the presence of correlative pairs of a perfect and an imperfect form: write - write, play - play, wash - wash. The formation of perfect verbs from an imperfect form is called perfectivation (do - make, put - put,) of imperfective verbs from perfect verbs - imperfectivation (open - open, strengthen - strengthen). However, due to a number of limitations of the semantic and formal properties, there are also verbs that do not have a species pair. These are single-species imperfective verbs (sleep, teach) and single-species perfective verbs (shout, shout). We can also note that polysemantic verbs in some meanings can have a specific correlate (write -write), and in other meanings they lose this ability (He writes gloriously, translates).


Many linguists, in addition to single-species verbs paired in appearance, also note two-species verbs that are combined in one form of meaning of both types.

Bispecific verbs function unequally in the meanings of both types. The degree of stability depends primarily on the semantics of the verb and on the degree of

mastery of the verb by the language They are referred to as the main type of the head with the suffixes -ova (t), -irova (t): attack, organize, telegram, etc .; Some verbs with affixes -a (t), -e (t), -i (t): to end, promise, bless, marry, punish, hurt, etc. The value of one or another type is detected in the context. For example: System students organize self-activity circles (non-cov.view) - Students will organize excursion in a museum (co.v.); if it says so, as the conscience says (uncommon. view) - we will do it, if it says so, and will (cov. view).. So, scientists classify verbs as two-species, "which, either in one single meaning (if the verb is unambiguous), or at least in one of the meanings (if the verb is polysemantic), are capable of expressing the meanings of both types - water or several grammatical forms" [Ushakova 1999: 134].

Modern researchers associate the existence of two-species verbs with the manifestation of a tendency towards analyticism in the language, "since the realization of a certain specific meaning is carried out mainly in the context, and not in the word form itself" [Ushakova 1999: 135].

The main, most numerous and actively developing group of two-species verbs are verbs to-to, borrowed from different, mainly from Western European, languages, and verbs formed in Russian from foreign-language, nominal stems: organize, arrest, confiscate, etc.

Species pairs of two-species verbs are formed both with the help of suffixation and with the help of prefixation. Suffix species pairs occupy a very modest place: confiscate - confiscate, form - form, attack - attack, etc.

The most commonly used prefixes are c-, za-, pro; less often - o-, from-, y- and others: to coordinate - to coordinate; book - book; ventilate - ventilate; publish -publish; regulate - regulate, etc. [Miloslavsky 1981,173]

Undoubtedly, two-species verbs are to a greater extent an object of morphology, where the direct effects of the social sphere are subtle, but "this indirectly affects the stimulation of the internal capabilities of the language in accelerating or slowing down processes that are maturing or matured in the system itself" [Valgina 2003: 154].

Dictionaries play an important role in modern culture, they reflect the knowledge accumulated by society over the centuries. They serve the purpose of describing and normalizing the language, helping to improve the correctness and expressiveness of the speech of its speakers.

There are several classifications (typologies) of dictionaries. "The type of any dictionary is determined by factors of two kinds: the nature of the reflected lexical material and its practical meaning."

In the article, we turned to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language S.I. Ozhegov edited by L.I. Skvortsova. An explanatory dictionary is a handbook for a teacher, a journalist. Currently, dictionaries are indispensable helpers for determining the meaning of a particular word. If necessary, the interested person will always be able to check his assumption using this dictionary, which includes a significant number of two-species verbs. This dictionary contains vocabulary that is actively used in various areas of the Russian language. A dictionary entry includes the interpretation of a word, examples of its use in speech, reveals its phraseological and word-formation capabilities; stress is indicated and in difficult cases pronunciation, a stylistic characteristic is given.


As scientists note, the determination of the belonging of the bulk of Russian verbs to one form or another does not cause difficulties not only due to the linguistic instinct of native speakers, but also due to the purely formal prefix-suffixal expression of the species characteristics. It must be said that in dictionaries, perfective verbs are represented with the help of sov., Imperfective verbs are non-sov., And two-kind verbs are denoted by sov. and nesov.

In the next paragraph, we will present the composition of two-species verbs in S.I. Ozhegova. Having studied all the two-species verbs given in the dictionary, we divided them into the following semantically related groups:

1) verbs with the meaning "to give a certain appearance";

2) verbs related to medical vocabulary;

3) verbs of movement.

Medical verbs.

To amputate, - I ruin, - I ruin; -anny; owls. and nesov. Amputate something. (p.


Anatomize, - rui, rue; -anny; owls. and nesov. Open (s) a corpse for scientific or forensic purposes (p. 32).

Anesthetize, - ruin, - rude; -anny; owls. and nesov. Induce (s) anesthesia (in 1 value), anesthetize (s) (p. 32).

Hospitalize, -wy, -youss; -anny; owls. and nesov. Place (send) to a hospital, to a hospital for treatment (p. 126).

Immunize, -why, -you; -anny; owls. and nesov. Make (make) immune to an infectious disease (p. 209).

Examine, - blow, - blow; -ovanny; owls. and nesov. Carry out (-to) inspection, check something. (p. 359). Also, this verb can be attributed to the verbs of movement, since the meaning of this word can be perceived in two ways.

Operate, - you, - you rude; -ovanny; owls. and nesov. Submit (s) operations (p.


To paralyze, -such, -such; -called; owls. and nesov. 1. Lead a state of paralysis. 2. transfer. Deprive of the ability or ability to act (p. 403). Reanimate, -you, -you; owls. and nesov. Perform (carry out) resuscitation (p.


Sanitize, -wash, -you; owls. and nesov. Heal (heal) something. (p. 561). Scalp, -wash, -you; -anny; owls. and nesov. Take off (take off) from someone. scalp (p. 578).

Sterilize (in 2 meanings), -you, -you; -ovanny; owls. and nesov. 1. Make (make) sterile, disinfect (-infect). 2. Make (do) childbearing by a special operation (p. 614).

Tampon, -wash, -you; -anny; owls. and nesov. Insert the tampon into something. (p. 631).

Traumatize, - you, - you scold; owls. and nesov. Inflict (inflict) injury; cause (cause) a nervous shock, experience (p. 645).

Transplant, -you, -you; owls. and nesov. Perform (perform) transplantation (p.


Trepanate, -wash, -you; -anny; owls. and nesov. Perform (lead) trepanation of something. at someone (p. 648).

Shunt, -wash, -you; owls. and nesov. In surgery: to carry out (carry out) a shunt implantation operation (p. 722).

Exhumate, -why, -youss; owls. and nesov. Carry out (carry out) exhumation (p.


To the medical vocabulary, we attributed 18 two-species verbs, which were formed using the suffixes -iro- (amputate, bypass), -ize- (hospitalize, immunize) and one word ending in -to examine (examine).

So, productive models in the formation of modern two-species verbs are aberrative formations from the bases of foreign words, having the suffixes -irova-, -izirova-, -ova-, -izova-. These models represent ample opportunities for the implementation of word-formation potential: there are occasional units created on the basis of a popular model. Thus, the two-species verb privatize (cf. privatize) means „to appropriate / appropriate (usually illegally)' [AL 2007: 798].

Researcher of active processes in modern Russian language N.S. Valgina notes that word-creation helps to destroy well-known stereotypes in life, behavior, in views on political events of the time, helps to express an emotional assessment of what is happening. "Occasionalisms, as a rule, are topical, sharp, sometimes angry and frank. This is a way to publicize your opinion, attitude, in a sense, even to relieve internal tension. At the same time, this is an explanation of the long-awaited emancipation of our contemporary "[Valgina 2003: 153]


The article considered two-species verbs presented in the Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov. The conducted research is caused by the desire to penetrate into the complex essence of the structure of the semantic group of verbs, to study the specifics of two-species verbs in the Russian language.

In modern Russian, there is a group of so-called two-species verbs, combining in one lexical meaning the functions of the perfect and imperfect types: to execute, say, recommend, hospitalize.


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