THE SIGNIFICANCE OF DIGITAL ITEMS IN TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
digital technologies / digital education / educational process / modern information technologies / educational resources / cloud technologies.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shahrosul Namozov Chirchik State Pedagogical Uni

This article depicts the stages of advancement of advanced innovations, compelling strategies of utilizing computerized advances within the instructive prepare, thoughts around the significance of utilizing computerized instructive assets.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Volume 4 | CSPU Conference 1 | 2023

Effectiveness of Introduction of Digital Ta'lim jarayonida raqamli texnologiyalarni


Shahrosul Namozov

Chirchik State Pedagogical University


This article depicts the stages of advancement of advanced innovations, compelling strategies of utilizing computerized advances within the instructive prepare, thoughts around the significance of utilizing computerized instructive assets.

Keywords: digital technologies, digital education, educational process, modern information technologies, educational resources, cloud technologies.

Nowadays, computerized innovations are quickly creating and in all regions require keeping up with the times. Right now, preparing and instruction have gotten to be one of the most squeezing issues within the world. Because it is now not a mystery to anybody that it is quality instruction that plays an imperative part in sparing the world in which we live from different issues. Much appreciated to this, our state allocates significant reserves for instruction. Noteworthy work is additionally being carried out in this heading in our nation.

Computerized innovations are creating at a huge speed. Numerous ranges of activity are exchanging to computerized frameworks: clinics, catering foundations, instructive teach. Within the present day period, when the speed of getting and utilizing data has enormously expanded, in our conclusion, it is incomprehensible to progress the quality of instruction and teach socially dynamic youth without presenting computerized technologies into the instruction framework. Already, we conducted instructive programs within the conventional way within the frame of addresses. Presently the method of digitization of instruction has started. Online lessons conducted on TV can be considered as portion of the move to computerized instruction. This handle demonstrated that a understudy can get an instruction without clearing out domestic. Reflecting on the other benefits of the move to advanced instruction, it is suitable to incorporate the taking after:

- understudies will have the opportunity to think about anyplace and anytime;

- understudies will be able to select subjects and get instruction at domestic indeed in farther towns where there are not sufficient masters;

- a culture of accepting and utilizing data on the Web is being shaped;

October 20, 2023 Republican Scientific and Practical Conference



- brings the instruction framework to a unused level;

- drastically decreases the cost of time and cash;

- it'll have the advantage of not getting misplaced within the "advanced world" and getting a great work.

The presentation of advanced instruction permits instructors to create abilities in working with computerized innovations and organize different open courses by means of the Web.

Viable strategies of advanced innovations ought to be utilized in instruction whereas keeping up the quality of instruction:

-Yield recommendations to the authorized bodies to extend the scope of the utilize of advanced advances within the organization of the instructive prepare and the improvement of data assets, learning devices and remove learning advances, to correct administrative legitimate acts directing the exercises of higher instructive teach, including inventive understudies in college digitalization ventures, the creation and improvement of structures prepared with high-performance advanced gadgets, classrooms, research facilities; creation of centers, counting media studios, etc.

- Ensuring solid integration of present day data and communication innovations and instructive advances, making extra conditions for the persistent advancement of proficient abilities of educating staff.

The presentation of modern data innovations into the instructive prepare makes it conceivable to actuate the instructive handle, increment the pace of the lesson, increment the volume of free and person work of understudies. Nowadays, in arrange for the learning handle to be total, each instructor has to get ready and conduct a lesson utilizing different electronic instructive assets, since their utilize can make the lesson more enthusiastic, curiously, wealthy and compelling.

Computerized learning is an instructive hone that makes a difference the instructive prepare and gives unmistakable comes about. It serves not as it were to proceed the instructive prepare with the offer assistance of advanced instructive devices, but moreover to assist make strides the quality and adequacy of training.

Computerized instructive assets (electronic course readings, mentors, test systems,

intuitively packs, word references, reference books) offer assistance the educator to conduct an energizing lesson, effectively absorb the essential fabric to understudies.

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The use of computerized innovations within the classroom is fundamental, and


- permits you to successfully organize bunch and autonomous work within the classroom;

- permit individualization of the instructive handle;

- expanding intrigued in classes;

- actuation of cognitive action of understudies;

- advancement of students' inventive potential;

- utilized when overhauling a lesson.


In conclusion, it can be said that the presentation of computerized innovations into the instruction framework plays an imperative part within the modernization of the country's education system. It also ensures that we possess an critical put within the worldwide community. Today's classrooms are exceptionally distinctive from decades back, and classrooms are prepared with computers, iPads, tablets, smart sheets and other sorts of instructive advances. As somewhere else within the world, seven advanced era screens have showed up in Uzbekistan and are being utilized to make strides picture quality - a TV, a computer, a tablet, a tablet, a phablet, a smartphone and a keen observe.


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October 20, 2023

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