THE ROLE OF SPEECH IN IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF A PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shaniyazova D.S.

This article focuses on the speech skills of an elementary school teacher and focuses on the teacher's speech culture, ways to realize the potential of primary school students by following the rules of speech.

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Shaniyazova D.S.

senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogics, Psychology

and Education Management of Kashkadarya RCRPEDPQ


Annotation: This article focuses on the speech skills of an elementary school teacher and focuses on the teacher's speech culture, ways to realize the potential ofprimary school students by following the rules of speech.

Keywords: primary education, speech culture, speech technique, speaker, diction, facial expressions, pantomime.

Pedagogical activity is a profession that has been glorified since ancient times and requires a high level of skill, knowledge, patience and a culture of communication.

When a school introduces a child to the world of enlightenment, it must first teach him emotional cognition, and then mental, moral, and aesthetic cognition. We all know that a schoolboy tends to imitate his teacher and try to be like him in every way. In particular, it mimics the culture of the teacher's behavior, speech, and dress. One of the most important features of the effective organization of education is the high level of teacher speech culture. Therefore, the teacher should be very attentive to his speech when dealing with students.

Even in the works of Eastern thinkers in history, ideas about language, speech, speech etiquette are reflected. Therefore, if we take Mahmud Kashgari's "Devonu lug'atit turk", it says "Erdam bashi til", that is, "The tongue is the initial process of polite". With the help of this proverb, the thinker has brilliantly expressed the wise meaning that the beginning of human etiquette and morality can be seen in language and speech.

Alisher Navoi, the sultan of the Ghazal dynasty, skillfully summarized his thoughts on speech, speech etiquette, speech culture, and the art of speech. For example:

- One of the factors that determine a person's morality is his words and speech: the taste of water is like ice, the taste of soup is like salt, and the goodness of a person is like words.

As mentioned above, among the skills in the effective organization of pedagogical activity, the ability to speak is important for the teaching profession, because the transfer of information from teacher to student is mainly through secondary signals, the nature of speech. The teacher's speech should be focused on the students in all situations and situations, such as when explaining the material, listening to the students' opinions, analyzing and reprimanding them. To

be a speaker, to be truthful in one's speech without using false words, that is, not to use words improperly in one's speech, is only to make one's speech beautiful. rather, it is necessary to enjoy the speech of the sages and learn from them.

Primary education is the first stage of the educational process, during which the child's abilities are realized, using all the possibilities. It is important to take into account the pedagogical, psychological and physiological characteristics and intellectual abilities of students in the speech of the primary school teacher. From the 1st grade onwards, the teacher's speech should be narrated with such skill that it stimulates students' thinking, interest and attention, and gives correct and clear answers to the questions asked. The teacher should use all the possibilities in his speech to develop the speech of the students, to overcome the shortcomings in it as a result of working with such students individually, without hasty conclusions even about children with some speech defects. Examples from life experience show that by practicing speech, its shortcomings are overcome. The great orator Demosthenes, for example, overcame his dumbness by practicing and became the great orator of ancient Greece.

Speech technique is one of the most important aspects of a teacher's speech. Many systems of exercises on speech techniques have been developed today, and every skilled teacher who has mastered this system can impart knowledge to the students through his speech and achieve the desired result. This requires a lot of attention and constant work from the teacher. The teacher sometimes has to speak at length during the explanation of the material. At this time, there is redness of the face, shortness of breath and a number of changes in the blood vessels. So breathing technique is one of the most important aspects of a teacher's speech.

When speaking and reading, you need to get more air, save it, and refresh it more often. Exhaling during speech breathing takes longer than taking in air.

Another important aspect of a teacher's speech is the uniqueness of the voice. We know that a person's voice can change over the years, and sometimes there are cases of voice distortion. There are several reasons for this. For example, sound stress can lead to sound distortion. In practice, this figure is as high as 50 percent in many areas, especially among teachers. Studies have shown that low-pitched explanations are more effective than high-pitched explanations. We can see in the views of our scholars that speaking out loud all the time always has negative consequences. For example, Abu Ali ibn Sina, in his Laws of Medicine, said: "Not paying attention to the voice leads to the loss of the voice, and the loss of the voice leads to the failure of the respiratory system. To do this, start reading aloud and gradually increase it after a while, but do not continue reading aloud for a long time" , he wrote.

In addition, the teacher should pay attention to his / her own diction when speaking (Diction is the ability to pronounce the speaker clearly and intelligibly). Only then will every word and sentence of the teacher's speech be pronounced clearly.

Another key feature of teacher speech is that it is consistent with mimicry and pantomime. Mimicry is the expression of the emotional and mental state of one's mind. Sometimes a teacher's facial expressions and gestures are more powerful than what he or she is trying to say. Students learn what their teachers want to say from their facial expressions. Therefore, the teacher should be able to use facial expressions only for educational purposes and hide their personal experiences. Facial expressions are mainly represented by eyebrows, eyes and lips. It is through these details that the teacher expresses surprise, calmness, indifference, joy, eloquence, fear, and other psychological states. The most important thing is that in any case, the teacher's point of view should be with the students.

Pantomime is the movement of the body, arms and legs, and gestures. In this case, first of all, the teacher must know the aesthetics of posture during the lesson and be free from negative habits, namely: swaying back or forth, throwing weights from one leg to another, playing with hands unrelated to the lesson. It is not possible to scratch, clear the throat, dig out the ears or teeth.

In short, speech plays an important role in the professional development of an elementary school teacher. Such a teacher can be a good teacher only if his speech, pronunciation, diction, pantomime and mimicry are combined with it and he has a deep reserve of professional knowledge.


1. Alisher Navoi Mahbub ul - kulub. - T .: Gafur Gulam Publishing House, 1993, p.79.

2. Abu Ali Ibn Sino. Laws of Medicine:. Volume 1 -T .: A.Kodiriy, 1992, p.302.

3. Kaikovus "Nightmare", - Tashkent .: 2006, chapter 7, page 48.

4. Artikov A. Speech culture and public speaking. - T .: 2002.

5. The official telegram channel "For public educators".

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