CTLTURE AND TECHNIQUE OF THE TEACHER'S SPEECH Toshtemirovа N.P. Email: Toshtemirovа[email protected]
Abstract: the article deals with the culture and technique of speech of a teacher. The author of the article believes that the analysis ofpedagogical activity shows: in the lessons that are not accompanied by the bright and figurative speech of the teacher the educational problems cannot be fruitfully solved. A teacher must have a good verbal memory, choose the right language means, logically express his thoughts, be able to adapt to the interlocutor's speech, as well as to anticipate the results of the impact of the word. The level of his culture and erudition play an important role in verbal communication.
Keywords: culture of speech, interlocutor, language means, verbal, memory, teacher, analysis, pedagogical activity, logically.
Тоштемирова Насиба Позиловна - преподаватель, кафедра общей педагогики, факультет педагогики, Андижанский государственный университет, г. Андижан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает культуру и технику речи педагога. Автор статьи считает, что анализ педагогической деятельности показывает: на занятиях, не сопровождающихся яркой и образной речью педагога, не могут быть плодотворно решены учебно-воспитательные задачи. Преподаватель должен иметь хорошую вербальную память, правильно выбирать языковые средства, логично излагать свои мысли, уметь ориентировать речь на собеседника, а также предвидеть результаты воздействия словом. Немалую роль в вербальном общении играют уровень его культуры и эрудиция.
Ключевые слова: культура речи, собеседник, языковые средства, вербальный, память, преподаватель, анализ, педагогическая деятельность, логично.
UDC 371.32
The most important component of pedagogical skills is the culture oral speech. The analysis of pedagogical activity shows: in the lessons that are not accompanied by a bright and figurative speech of a teacher, can not be fruitfully solved educational tasks. A teacher should have a good verbal memory, choose the right language means, present his thoughts logically, be able to adapt his speech to the interlocutor, and be able to anticipate the results of the influence of words. The level of his culture and erudition play an important role in verbal communication [1].
Ya. Comenskiy believed that a teacher should be able to speak words to a degree that provides full understanding on the part of students; that the language of a teacher should be accurate and clear, expressive and attractive to students.
The culture of speech is the most important indicator of a teacher's spiritual wealth and culture of thinking and is an effective means of forming and educating a personality.
A teacher's culture of speech is the ability to choose a stylistically correct way of presenting educational material, to express his thoughts expressively and clearly. In this regard, a teacher should be able to master the norms of oral and written speech, i.e. the rules of pronunciation, accent, grammar, and word usage. Usually, from this perspective, speech shall be assessed as correct or incorrect, and the use of expressions as permissible or inadmissible [2].
The impact of speech depends on the following factors: the ability to persuade, the logical construction of speech; speech skills: breathing, tone of voice, diction; expressive skills: figurativeness of speech, its intonation expressiveness, logical accents and pauses, speech melodies; use of auxiliary means: gestures, facial expressions, plasticity, certain postures, communication distances; discussion skills; perceptual skills related to taking into account the reactions of listeners.
Signs of good speech are: correctness of speech, i.e. compliance with accepted literary and linguistic norms; accuracy of speech, i.e. its correspondence to the speaker's thoughts; clarity of speech, i.e., its accessibility to the listeners' understanding; logicality of speech, i.e., its compliance with the laws of logic; simplicity of speech, i.e., its naturalness, lack of pretentiousness and "beautiful syllables"; the richness of speech, i.e., the variety of the language means used in it; short speech, i.e. the absence of unnecessary words, unnecessary repetitions in it; purity of speech, i.e. absence of non-literary, slang, vulgar, foreign words used without special need; expressiveness of speech, i.e. the absence of templates, verbal stamps, its figurativeness; the euphony of speech, i.e. melodiousness, a pleasant sound for hearing [2].
Extraordinary teachers are skilled in the magic of verbal communication. They control the emotions of the students, activating the amazing mechanism of human perception.
Important components of a teacher's speech abilities are:
• Speech energy. It is revealed in the unity of the manner of behavior and speech communication. The learner is impressed when the teacher clearly formulates phrases without hiding his beliefs and emphasizes his confidence in the correctness of the arguments used. On this psychological basis, as a rule, trust in the teacher is formed;
• The emotional biofield. The trainees falling into it unwittingly turn on their emotions and immediately record the biocurrents of good, originality and spirituality coming from the teacher. The brighter the personality of the teacher, the stronger the feeling of the trainees from communicating with him;
• The intensity of speech. It is characterized by a change in the pace of information delivery. It should be remembered that slow speech at first glance facilitates the perception of the learning material, but does not stimulate involuntary attention, creates so-called information emptiness. However, speaking too fast makes it difficult to understand what is being said, tires the learners and destroys their attention. A teacher should look for the "golden mean" without focusing on a single pace of speech taken at the beginning of a lesson; speech associativity. It is related to the teacher's ability to arouse empathy in listeners and encourage them to think. As a result, students enjoy communicating with the teacher, and their intellectual reserves are actively stimulated. Methods such as metaphors, comparisons, analogies, examples from life, music, paintings, video clips are used to create appropriate associations;
• Speech figurativeness. Image as a means of communication is a specific form of reflection of reality, when an abstract idea is translated into the sphere of sensual perception. The sensual reproduction of thought can be reflected in examples, metaphors, comparisons, analogies, symbols.
As examples from the life we usually use cases that happened to specific people, confirming, explaining or proving a situation. Metaphor allows at the level of artistic image to present the real event of life. The use of different comparisons in speech helps to increase the credibility of the teacher's arguments. The analogy can be called a kind of comparison. By means of analogy, a certain similarity between subjects, phenomena and concepts is revealed. When using such a comparison, one condition is necessary: what is being compared should be more familiar and understandable to listeners than what is being compared.
The symbol, being a source of emotional experiences, can be conditioned to a certain extent. This conditionality is connected with level of generalization and understanding of
meaning of a symbol by a certain group of people or the separate person. Objects, drawings, schemes, songs, elements of clothes, flowers, gestures, etc. can be used as symbols.
In the process of informative-speech influences, intonation is important. It is called the mirror of our emotional life; the culture of feelings and emotional relationships is inextricably linked to the culture of intonation design of a statement.
Increasing the emotional coloring of a teacher's speech is achieved due to its intonation diversity. The richer is the palette of voice shades, the more expressive and accessible is the information reported. For example, Makarenko began to consider himself a real master when he learned to say "come here" with twenty shades.
Thus, a teacher shall also practice speech techniques, i.e., the system of technological methods of breathing, voice formation, diction, pronunciation skills brought to automatism. This shall ensure his professional interaction with the trainees [4].
References / Список литературы
1. Weinzweig P. Ten Commandments of the Creative Man: Per. from England. M., 1982. P.p. 67-69.
2. Derkach A.A., IsaevA.A. Pedagogical skills of the coach. М., 1981. Р. 35.
3. Kan-KalikB.A., NikandrovN.D. Pedagogical Creativity. М., 1990. P. 49.
4. Burkhonova G.G., Akramova N.M. Povysheniye professional'noy kompetentsii sovremennogo prepodavatelya // Problemy Nauki, 2019. № 11-2 (144). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/povyshenie-professionalnoy-kompetentsii-sovremennogo-prepodavatelya/ (date of access: 13.04.2020).