THE ROLE OF TEACHERS' SPEECH BEHAVIOR IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Modern European Researches
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sheshneva Irina V., Rodionova Tatyana V., Barsukova Marina I., Rempel Elena A., Zenina Irina V.

The aim of the work is to analyze the content of the notions “communicative culture”, “good speech” of a higher medical school teacher. The questions of raising the level of communicative training of a higher medical school teacher and of mastering his speech skills are discussed in the article.

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4. Conclusion

The use of speech games in the teaching process helps to solve such an important task as the formation of psychological readiness of students for communication, and makes it possible to rev'se the language material in conditions of natural necessity.

Речевые игры должны широко использоваться в процессе обучения посредством внедрения в него комплексов упражнений, содержащих речевые игры.

Speech games should be widely used in the learning process through the introduction of complexes of exercises containing speech games.


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Federal state educational standards. (2020, February, 21). Retrieved 21.02.20, from https://fgos.ru/ Galskova, N.D. & Gez, N.I. (2005). Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology.

Moscow, Publishing center «Academy». Gorlova, N.A. (2013). Methods of teaching a foreign language. Moscow, Publishing center «Academy». Konysheva, A.V. (2008). Game method in teaching a foreign language. Saint Petersburg, KARO. Milrud, R.P. (1987). Organization of role-playing games. Foreign languages at school, 3 (8-13). Raven, I.S. (2019) Non-standard foreign language lessons: relevance and significance. Retrieved 21.12.19,

from http://oprb.ru/data/partner/6/message/CK2d94TX_66485.pdf. Thornbury, S. (2005). How to teach speaking. Malaysia, Pearson Education Limited.


The aim of the work is to analyze the content of the notions "communicative culture", "good speech" of a higher medical school teacher. The questions of raising the level of communicative training of a higher medical school teacher and of mastering his speech skills are discussed in the article.


communicative competence, communicative culture, speech skills, pedagogical communication


Marina I. Barsukova,

Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogy, Education Technologies and Professional Communication, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia bars.mi@mail.ru

Elena A. Rempel,

Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogy, Education Technologies and Professional Communication, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia rempelel@mail.ru

Irina V. Sheshneva,

Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogy, Education Technologies and Professional Communication, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia irina0806@mail.ru

Tatyana V. Rodionova,

Senior Teacher of Foreign Languages' Department, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia rodionova.tvsar@yandex.ru

Irina V. Zenina,

Senior Teacher of Foreign Languages' Department, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov 112, st. Big Cossack, Saratov, 410012, Russia zenina05@mail.ru

1. Introduction

The period of the end of the 20-th - the beginning of the 21 -st centuries is marked as the time of wide-scale reforms in the system of Russian higher education. This fact is associated with a sharp increase of the role of the pedagogical science which makes it possible to efficiently integrate modern psychological-pedagogical models and innovation technologies into the educational space.

Currently the most urgent problems of pedagogy appear to be those concerning peculiarities of the teacher's personality, specificity of his professional activities, expression of his creative individuality, professional career, elevation of his general and speech culture levels (Privalova, 2016; Privalova, 2017; Rodionova, 2017).

Contemporary requirements to a higher school teacher imply that he is obliged to have a certain communicative training which appears to be a necessary condition in formation of the teacher's professional skills (Barsukova, 2019; Rodionova, 2016; Sheshneva, 2014).

2. Methodological Framework

The problems concerning the role of teachers' speech behavior in the educational space of a higher school have been studied by such Russian scientists as L. S. Vygotsky, V. A. Slastenin, P. Ya. Galperin, L. I. Skvortsov, A.V. Sokolov, V. I. Annushkin, and others. All of the authors support the viewpoint that the teacher is a central figure of the academic-educational process possessing the capability to self-development and self-mastering, systemic selection, processing and translation of information of any degree of complexity.

The higher school teacher is a well-qualified specialist who is a master in the taught discipline, methods of teaching and educating students, and who has deep knowledge in the sphere of professional communication. The arsenal of speech skills and abilities allows higher school teachers not only to carry out the profile training of a future physician but also to produce a direct influence on formation of the young specialist's personality. The higher school teacher purposefully directs all types of academic-educational activities onto the comprehensive development of students hepling them to establish their civil position and life orientation points. This is possible only in case of close pedagogical

cooperation resulting from direct and continuous interactions between teachers and students (Kloktunova, 2018).

Pedagogical communication is understood as communication between the teacher and students during classes and in extra-class time. Students' success in knowledge and their abilities to apply this knowledge in practice depend on the experience and speech mastery of the teacher. On the contrary, incorrect speech behavior of the teacher may not only prevent comprehension by students of the eductional material within the academic program, but it may also cause in them uncertainty and reduced attention, which may have negative effects on their working abilities in general (Barsukova, 2019; Rodionova, 2016; Sheshneva, 2014).

Communicative culture of the teacher is a notion characterizd by a large volume of meanings. It includes a complex system of communicative knowledge, abilities and skills; and determines the key position of the teacher in his professional activities (Kloktunova, 2019; Veretel'nikova, 2014).

Communicative culture of the teacher is manifested in the complex of various psychological and speech peculiarities such as in the capability to establish an emotional contact with students, to take the initiative in communication, to create a favorable atmosphere in the process of education, as well as to perfectly determine the psychological status of students by verbal and non-verbal signs. Besides, communicative culture of the teacher implies the ability to orient quickly and correctly in various situations of pedagogical communication, to find adequate means for transmitting the required content and to provide the back response from the audience (Rodionova, 2016; Veretel'nikova, 2014).

Various communicative tasks may be optimally solved due to the ability of the teacher to thoroughly think over the text of his speech and to correctly present his speech from the viewpoint of its composition and content. Good knowledge of basic characteristics of the sounding speech (diction, volume, distinctiveness of speech, its timbre, tempo and melodics) and the ability to apply this knowledge in various communicative situations help the teacher to produce the influence onto the audience.

A long-term collective scientific investigation of communicative activities of the most outstanding teachers of Saratov State Medical University (SSMU) named after V. I. Razumovsky (professors I. A. Chuevsky, V. D. Zernov, S. P. Mirotvortsev, I. M. Popovjan, K. I. Bender, A. L. Gamburg, M. M. Kruglyy, N. M. Amirova, G. M. Shub and others) has made it possible to prove the effectiveness of application of various communicative techniques by the teachers. For example, the increase of emotional coloration of the speech pronounced is achieved by means of intonational variability. The richer is the palette of vocal shades of the teacher and the more interesting is the intonational picture of his speech, the more expressive and available is the information communicated to the students by the teacher. A poor sound-volume range of the teacher leads to monotony and, consequently, to lessening of pedagogical influence onto the audience. It has been established that the speech of teachers, who have the ear for music, is characterized by internal melodiousness and produces a much greater effect onto the audience (Privalova, 2016; Privalova,2017, Rodionova, 2017).

Speech techniques also include the ability of the teacher to make a logical accent which may radically change the meaning of one and the same phrase, and to emphasize the role of pauses in the general logical pattern of the informative-communicative effect.

Another significant characteristic of the teacher's speech is its intensity, i.e. the change of the tempo of information presentation. Both slow and too rapid speech tempo of the teacher causes difficulties for students in understanding the material and in perceiving the essense of his speech, makes the students tired, and lessens their

attention. A good teacher must find "a golden mean" trying to change the speech tempo during the lesson.

Experienced teachers always take care of their voice tone. According to the data obtained during the carried out investigations, students feel a much greater psychological trust to low voices as compared to high voice tones. Young teachers should take this regularity into consideration and observe their voice training by using special methods of speech development technique.

One of the most important constituents of the teacher's communicative training is elevation of the level of his speech culture which includes a good knowledge of the norms and systemic opportunities of the modern Russian literary language, the ability to demonstrate his "linguistic taste", sense of style, intellect and erudition.

Speech culture is known to be understood as such a choice and organization of linguistic means which in a certain communicative situation and in case of observing modern linguistic norms and communicative ethics, make it possible to provide the greatest effect in achieving the posed communicative tasks.

A higher school teacher must continuously develop and master his communicative culture. A model speech of the teacher is characterized by correctness, communicative expediency, accuracy, logic, clarity, availability, purity, expressiveness and timeliness.

A good speech is a term which is frequently encounted in scientific studies of recent decades and which includes the list of certain characteristics. A good speech means a modern speech which takes into consideration historical changes of the norms and peculiarities of the communicative situation, and which is clear and available for students' perception.

Specificity of a higher medical educational establishment leaves its mark upon the communicative behavior of teachers. Their speech reflects a close interaction of communicative, ethic and deontological norms; is particularly euphemistic, brings up a respective attitude to any co-partner of communication (Evdokimova, 2019; Fedjukov, 2019; Ignatiev,2019).

Communicative mastery of the higher school teacher is clearly manifested in the public speech expressiveness. According to the data obtained during questioning the students of different faculties of SSMU for the last five years, the students remember well only those lectures which have been delivered by teachers with a speech artistic talent. Those lecturers have demonstrated in public speech their personality, the ability to produce an emotional response in the audience. The most significant constituents of speech artistism are the energy of speech, its specific associativeness and imagery.

Speech energy is disclosed in the unity of the manner of behavior and speaking. The audience is impressed when the lecturer is not agitated, pronounces phrases distinctly and confidently, and does not hide his beliefs and preferences. Such a manner of speech and behavior produces a great emotional effect onto the audience and evokes trust to the teacher.

Associativeness, another inportant characteristic of speech, is capable to evoke in the students the co-suffering and thoughts over the heard information. It is achieved by means of the teacher's addressing to emotional and rational memory of the students, their life experience. As the result the students receive not only special knowledge in the discipline but also the pleasure of spontaneous, natural communication with the teacher who activates their intellectual and creative capabilities. Associative speech is capable to transmit a great number of semantic shades avoiding a frequent use of speech cliches and stereotypes.

Speech imagery is one of the most obvious and vivid characteristics of the teacher's good speech which attracts attention of students. The image always produces the effect onto the sense perception of the thought provided by the lecturer's usage of various examples (from the life experience of the teacher and his collegues, from real medical

practice, from Russian and world classical fiction), a large number of metaphors (conventional, traditional, widely used and entirely specific, purely medical), comparisons and analogies.

A higher school teacher must be able to operate a number of the basic communicative strategies: those of explanation, evaluation, control, cooperation, organization. The dominant communicative strategies in the educational process of a higher school are the strategy of explanation and the strategy of evaluation (Rempel, 2018).

The communicative strategy of explanation is oriented onto informing students, i.e. providing students with information which may be achieved by various ways. During lectures, practical and laboratory classes, seminars, consultations, medical and clinical ptactical trainings, the teacher may be required to name, characterize, determine, correlate, summarize, specify, emphasize, interpret, reformulate, ask, answer, etc.

The communicative strategy of evaluation expresses the social significance of the teacher as the carrier of existing public norms and is realized in the right of the teacher to perform his own professional and personal evaluation of facts, events, situations, circumstances, certain persons, their actions, etc. The general evaluative meaning of speech may be distinctly expressed with the help of special verbal oppositions implying the well-known contrasting comparisons: "good - bad", "normal - pathological", "normal - abnormal", etc. Particular evaluative meanings of the teacher - sensory-gustatory, psychological, esthetic, utilitarian, teleological, normative, - are quite diverse and make it possible to transmit the finest semantic shades.

3. Results

Thus, communicative training of a higher school teacher is the most valuable professional instrument of pedagogical activity. Teachers engaged in the process of education do the same work but the results of their work are not the same. Depending on the fact how they do their work, teachers may be called dilettantes, craftsmen or masters. In the higher school pedagogical environment, only the best teachers, who take the advantage of authority on the part of students, aspire to be called real masters of pedagogy, demonstrate high-level speech culture, creative approach to their professional activities (Veretel'nikova, 2014).

Knowledge of the newest pedagogical technologies, modern strategies and tactics of speech communication does not overshadow the achievements of the classical pedagogical art. The general and speech culture of the teacher, his mental and emotional wealth, sincere conviction in correctness of his words and acts still remain most significant for speech mastery of the higher school teacher engaged in formation of the personality of future medical specialists.


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The article is focused on the analysis of the components which comprise the meaning of the concept "education quality" regarded from the position of the speaker, place and time of speaking about it. It is assumed that the analysis of this concept should be based on distinct definition of the situational context and its components which constitute the meanings of the notion. This approach will make it possible for the educational community to come to an agreement in solving such complex issues, as what in fact education quality is, and how it may be improved.


education quality, situational context, the structure of the concept, chronotope, the parties engaged

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