THE ROLE OF POPULATION POINTS IN THE CREATION OF A DEFENSE SYSTEM IN WARRIOR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
settlements / combat situation / camouflage / defense / building-structure / communication / transport / tunnel.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ergasheva Yu., Yusupov B., Safarov E.Y.

Settlements were extremely important in combat situations, they were widely used for siege or defense. Buildings and various structures located especially in populated areas served as a multifaceted barrier, which required the skillful development of activities aimed at overcoming the barrier using weapons, psychological and external factors in each period.

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UDK 910.1; 365.62

Ergasheva Yu. teacher

"Cartography" department YusupovB. teacher

"Cartography" department

UzMU Safarov E.Y., Ph.D. professor based on the review


Abstract. Settlements were extremely important in combat situations, they were widely used for siege or defense. Buildings and various structures located especially in populated areas served as a multifaceted barrier, which required the skillful development of activities aimed at overcoming the barrier using weapons, psychological and external factors in each period.

Key words: settlements, combat situation, camouflage, defense, building-structure, communication, transport, tunnel.

Enter. In combat situations, it was considered important in all times to besiege settlements or establish defenses. Buildings and various structures located in the settlements created a multifaceted barrier. Movement was carried out only on the main streets, and observation and shooting created a more difficult situation, however, camouflage was more convenient in open areas. Especially strong reinforced concrete buildings, underground structures can protect troops and equipment from various weapons, even nuclear weapons, and are distinguished by the presence of long-lasting food and ammunition reserves and comfortable conditions for living in winter.

The main part. At present, buildings in settlements are built of solid material in a multi-story dense (close to each other). It is important to place the buildings in a circle rather than lengthwise, they can perform a defensive function and reduce the impact of nuclear weapons. 0.2 kg/cm2 for a 1-story wooden building, 0.35-0.45 kg/cm2 for a multi-story brick building, 0.6-0.8 kg/cm2 for reinforced concrete buildings, a shock wave pressure of 0.1 kg/cm2 is enough to destroy windows, doors and roofs. In buildings, a fire-generating radiation pulse occurs when it is 5-8 cal/cm2 and higher. The burning period lasts 40-60 minutes in wooden buildings, 1.5-2 hours in a building made of wood and mud, and 2-3 hours in brick and reinforced concrete buildings [1. -P. 51]. Fires in cities are distinguished not only by radiation, but also by shock waves, and the number of floors determines the duration of the fire. In the settlements, the movement of

machinery is carried out only through roads (streets), the width of the main roads ensures that any machinery can move at a good speed, and the intersections of the roads are used for making any manoeuvres. Buildings in settlements are sometimes destroyed under the influence of gunfire and various shock waves, creating a barrier. This can increase the time it takes to pass or move. underground structures (metro, large sewers, water pipelines, tunnels, underground warehouses, earthworks, general collectors of underground networks, etc.) are a source of movement for protection and covert manoeuvring in combat situations.

Analysis of literature on the topic (Literature review) D.I. Bogorad's work "Geography of the Population and the Problems of its Placement by Regions" considered the description and characteristics of various regions [2. -P. 74]. Pankov S.V. In the article "The main factors in the establishment of rural settlements", a retrospective analysis of the specific geography, location, and zoning of rural settlements is studied on the scale of foreign experiences and highly evaluates the rural landscape in terms of its visual appearance [3. -P. 177]. Sertakova ye. A. In the article on classical concepts in the study of "Cities" by foreign scientists [4. -P. 289]. Trubina Ye.G. In "Theoretical essence of cities": the work of experiments based on spatial analysis, the psychological approach to the location of buildings and structures is widely covered [5. -P. 64-70].

Analysis of literature on the topic (Literature review) D.I. Bogorad's work "Geography of the Population and the Problems of its Placement by Regions" considered the description and characteristics of various regions [2. -P. 74]. Pankov S.V. In the article "The main factors in the establishment of rural settlements", a retrospective analysis of the specific geography, location, and zoning of rural settlements is studied on the scale of foreign experiences and highly evaluates the rural landscape in terms of its visual appearance [3. -P. 177]. Sertakova ye. A. In the article on classical concepts in the study of "Cities" by foreign scientists [4. -P. 289]. Trubina Ye.G. In "Theoretical essence of cities": the work of experiments based on spatial analysis, the psychological approach to the location of buildings and structures is widely covered [5. -P. 64-70]. Looking at the works of the above-mentioned researchers, in the placement of any building, structure or settlement, first of all, geographical conditions, i.e., after the availability of food and the comfort of the climate in the place, there should be other social security and, of course, all-round favourable conditions. contributes to some extent to the origin of many wars.

Analysis and results. As it is known from the history of wars, the struggle for the cities that formed political, economic, administrative, scientific and cultural centres with a developed transport network and a large stock of material resources has always been important for the warring countries. An analysis of the experience of local wars and armed conflicts in recent years shows that these cities become the main objects of military infrastructure, that is, of the warring parties [6. -P. 23-28]. According to military experts, cities are the main targets for strikes today. However, although they suffer great damage, they are one of the decisive

objects in the defence infrastructure, allowing long-term protection (shelters, underground structures) [7. -P. 54-61]. In local wars and armed conflicts, settlements, especially large cities, determine the combat situation [8. -P. 30], because they are also a reserve centre: weapons, equipment, personnel, etc. are collected and stored. Also, the moral and political level of cities is the basis of armed conflicts [6. -P. 57-60]. After all, it is possible to control the people and the army with the influence of psychological motivation, which has been observed in many wars. Cities are accumulators and multipliers of different ideological orientations and views. American sociologist Jack Goldstone states that "it is difficult to control the growing population of cities, and they become centres of dissemination of alternative ideologies" [9. -P. 46]. Of course, urban chaos can cause destruction not only from weapons but also from a spiritual point of view. The consequences of the failure of critical infrastructures for large cities and the people living in them are enormous. They will influence the entire country and incite the population to disorder and disobedience. Services that serve the public interest can cease to exist very quickly. The migration of urban residents to rural areas in a short time poses the risk of overloading or even stopping the transport infrastructure [10. -P. 314-320]. The battle moves towards the cities. This is the struggle for cities, which is the quintessence of all conflict, conflict, and war (Lot, the 5th important element). And this trend continues to grow. Cities are political, financial, logistical and other centres that are convenient for attracting additional investments and gathering international services. The importance of cities as economic centres for any country in the world is increasing [11. -P. 94]. It is this indicator that binds the economic relations of the states based on an agreement, sometimes the disagreement or hegemonic character serves as a source of the origin of wars.

Militants especially actively exploit the underground space of cities. They use existing underground communications and build new ones. We can observe examples of this practice in ancient wars: Flavius Belisarius while marching through Naples, found an entrance to the city through an abandoned aqueduct. Passing through the narrow tunnel of the water channel, a selected detachment of fighters at night will attack from the rear and the front at the same time and capture the city [12. -P. 71-72]. In addition to underground tunnels to move between structures and firing positions, the terrorists used suspension bridges between buildings, masking them and thus blocking the possibility of detection. The shift of armed confrontation to cities requires special approaches from the military-political leadership in developing military-doctrinal views on the characteristics of wars and armed conflicts in the future. One of the main goals of the militants was not always voluntary, but to arouse discontent among the country's population and to attract supporters to their ranks, to seize the cities and disrupt the established life of the population. All of these together aimed at political goals aimed at weakening the political leadership in the country and increasing the military-political tension.

Conclusions and recommendations. In fact, in combat situations, settlements are of great importance, and to besiege them, geographical conditions, social environment and other external factors have a great influence on them. Especially in the age of advanced science and technology, together with weapons, the appearance of battle is changing rapidly, which in turn is aimed at updating the strong defence system of each country, increasing the strength and durability of newly constructed buildings and structures in residential areas. measures should be increased. Also, in the construction of buildings and structures, it is necessary to install them harmlessly not only for combat situations, but also in life activities, which would help to increase the social and economic indicators of the country: Tashkent city on November 6, 2023, ranked 7th The increase (relative of course) is a sign that the air circulation is not well established, and the irregular construction of buildings and structures is causing traffic jams. In the social environment, the lack of kindergartens, schools, grocery stores, and medical centres in newly built residential areas can cause many protests among the population.


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