THE ROLE OF PERSONAL PLANNING IN THE MODERN PERSONAL MANAGEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
staff / staffing / management / personnel planning / enterprise

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Soma B., Hobela V., Huzenko I.

The study analyzed the main benefits for the company in the implementation of personnel planning. An al-gorithm for staff needs planning is proposed. Moreover, the study analyzed the main methods of determining the number of staff and substantiates the method of calculating the need for specialists in the future. Based on research results the study offered the structure of the standard operational plan of work with the personnel.

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Soma B.,

Lecturer of the Department of Daily Army Management and Logistics, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Ground Forces Academy, Lviv

Hobela V.,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Management Department Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv

Huzenko I.

Senior Lecturer, Department of moral and psychological support of troops Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Ground Forces Academy, Lviv


The study analyzed the main benefits for the company in the implementation of personnel planning. An algorithm for staff needs planning is proposed. Moreover, the study analyzed the main methods of determining the number of staff and substantiates the method of calculating the need for specialists in the future. Based on research results the study offered the structure of the standard operational plan of work with the personnel.

Keywords: staff, staffing, management, personnel planning, enterprise.

Introduction. Modern staffing and the implementation of long-term, future-oriented personnel policy are impossible without clear personnel planning.

Personnel planning at modern enterprises allow:

> provide staffing by the number and requirements of jobs;

> to select such people who could solve the set tasks both in the current and in the future periods;

> ensure a high level of qualification of employees;

> ensure the active participation of employees in the management of the organization.

Personnel planning is aimed both at solving the problems of the enterprise and at meeting the interests and needs of employees. The organization needs to have the right time and place, in a certain number and appropriate qualifications of the staff, and employees -normal working conditions, stable employment and fair pay.

On the one hand, the task of personnel planning is to provide people with jobs at the right time by their abilities and production requirements. Jobs, in terms of productivity and motivation, should enable workers to develop their abilities in the best possible way, increase work efficiency, and meet human requirements for working conditions and employment. On the other hand, to ensure the implementation of the company's plans in terms of the human factor - staff, its number, skills, productivity and hiring costs. Accordingly, the need for a thorough analysis and establishment of the role of personnel planning in the modern management of organizations is actualized.

Results and discussions. Effective personnel planning have a positive effect on the results of the enterprise due to:

> optimization of staff use. Detailed planning allows you to identify and effectively use staff by creating jobs; transferring employees to other jobs; reorganization of production processes;

> improving the hiring process;

> organization of professional training. Detailed development of the plan of professional training allows to provide necessary qualification of workers and to reach the realization of the purposes of the enterprise with smaller expenses;

> reduction of total labor costs due to a well-thought-out, consistent and active policy in the labor market [2].

Thus, based on personnel planning the issues of rational employment of employees, stable and uniform loading of personnel during working hours (week, year) are solved. Ensuring compliance with the level of qualifications and psychophysical requirements for the position or workplace and periodic rotation of management staff in their positions.

The results of personnel planning should be reflected in a set of specific measures to maintain the balance of labor in the dismissal of employees and ensure the hiring of the necessary specialists, the organization of training of young workers, and training of staff.

The initial data for planning staff needs are job plan, production program, labor standards, productivity growth, and work structure.

Personnel needs planning are carried out in the following sequence:

> assessment of available staff and jobs;

> planning staff needs for the future;

> assessment of perspective needs;

> development of a project to meet long-term staffing needs [3].

Personnel planning include two successive stages: the stage of personnel plan development and the decision-making stage.

At the information stage, information and statistical data on personnel are collected, processed and analyzed in the personnel situation and possible options for its development in the future. This makes it possible to

develop alternatives. Therefore, at the stage of development of the personnel plan alternative projects, their influence on the achievement of the personnel and economic purposes of the organization are studied. This is the most time-consuming stage and requires the professionalism of human resources staff.

A prerequisite for personnel planning is to determine the necessary funds for the reproduction of staff.

One of the areas of change in the organization's staffing needs is:

> internal organizational dynamics of the workforce;

> voluntary dismissal;

> retirement;

> maternity leave, etc. [1].

Personnel management services must monitor these dynamics and anticipate changes.

Among the many external factors, there are several most important that directly affect the state of the labor market - sources of labor for most enterprises, growth rates and inflation and unemployment, structural changes, development of machinery and technology, political changes, competition and the state of the market.

Tracking and knowing the dynamics of the factors that affect staffing needs is the basis of its planning. At any given moment, the company must decide: in which unit, what is the total number of employees and what qualifications you need to have to ensure the production process. Then the need for labor is determined.

Various methods are used to quantify staff, from the simplest method of comparison to more complex computer models. Employment is based on staffing. The main methods of forecasting the need for labor are: econometric, through which the need for staff is derived from the predicted levels of final demand for goods and services for a given year in the future.

Extrapolation is the simplest method that is often used, the essence of which is to transfer past trends, changes in the size of the total labor force and its structure for the future. The positive side is that it is available. The downside is the inability to take into account changes in the development of the organization and the external environment. Therefore, this method is suitable for short-term planning and organizations with a stable structure and a stable environment.

The method of expert assessments is a method based on the use of expert opinion to determine staffing needs. These specialists are heads of departments. The personnel management department collects and processes estimates. Depending on the size of the organization and the number of line managers, a group discussion or written review is conducted.

The method of labor balances - a method that tracks the movement of labor, the use of time and is based on the relationship of resources needed by the organization within the planning period.

Normative method - a method of applying a system of standards that determines the number of employees in the functional context, the cost of production per unit of output.

More accurate calculations of the number should be carried out separately for the categories of workers,

based on the complexity of the product, the norms of the time, working time and the level of compliance [4].

The number of employees required to maintain equipment, jobs, specialties, groups of work is determined using the norms of the number.

The normative method of planning is used as an independent and as an auxiliary to the balance. To determine the need for specialists for up to 5 years, the staffing nomenclature method is used, which is based on indicators of enterprise development, standard structures and staffs, as well as nomenclatures of positions to be held by specialists with higher education. The names of positions and the level of education in the nomenclature are indicated by the Qualification Handbook of positions of managers, specialists, and employees, and the names of specialties - according to the current list of specialties.

To determine the needs for specialists for the future in the absence of specific targets use the method of calculating the saturation coefficient, which is determined by the ratio of the number of specialists per 1 thousand employees, or production volume and can be used to determine the needs of specialists for the enterprise as a whole and individuals its units.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula [5]:

N = rn * kn, (1)

where: rn - average number of employees;

kn - normative coefficient of saturation by specialists.

An important group of planning methods is mathematical and economic, which are reduced to the optimization of calculations based on various models, which include correlations that reflect the relationship of two variables. For example, by determining the average staff turnover, you can calculate their number on a given date.

Linear programming methods allow us to determine the optimal values in the relationship by solving a system of equations and inequalities that connect several variables. This helps to choose the best option for the development of the object of management, the direction of placement of employees, which will allow you to effectively serve jobs and do it at a minimal cost.

Computer models are a set of mathematical formulas that allow the simultaneous use of extrapolation methods, standards, expert assessments and information about changing factors that affect the quantitative and qualitative composition of staff. Models provide the opportunity to have the most accurate forecast of labor needs, but it is quite an expensive method and requires special knowledge, skills to use, so this method is used only in large organizations.

The planning process has its logical conclusion in the plan. The plan is an official document, which concentrates on a system of interrelated indicators of the forecast of the organization's development to achieve this goal.

Depending on the length of the planning period, goals and conditions of planning, there are three types of planning:

S strategic (promising);

S tactical (medium-term);

S current (operational);

At the strategic level determine the long-term, designed for 10-15 years, the goals of the enterprise, the directions of its development, taking into account the general situation in the labor market, trends in domestic and foreign trade, the concept and direction of the economy as a whole. The labor, financial, material resources necessary for the achievement of the purposes of the organization are established. The method (strategy) of achievement of these purposes is chosen. The results of strategic planning are drawn up in the form of concepts and development programs, protocols of intentions.

The results of tactical planning are made out, as a rule, the document of economic and social development of the enterprise. Plans for the implementation of specific business projects at the tactical level (plans for reconstruction, the introduction of new technologies, the creation of enterprises, etc.), which require the involvement of investments in these processes, are developed in the form of business plans.

At the operational level, the current tasks set by the market situation are solved, and, accordingly, plans are developed within a year. In the annual plans, the tasks of tactical planning are specified, specified based on studying the movement of personnel, production needs. Scheduled calculations are usually made every quarter.

The unconditional requirement is that the planning of even urgent tasks should not contradict the strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise.

Within the framework of urgent plans, the following types of staff are distinguished:

1. Personnel recruitment and use plan, which includes a staff movement plan, within which the following practical tasks are solved:

S orientation of the involved employees to occupy certain positions or jobs;

S mastering the knowledge of those specialties and professions to which they have abilities;

S staffing vacancies with the required qualifications, taking into account their specifics;

S creating a system of professional relocation that takes into account the age, health status and intellectual abilities of the individual.

As a result of structural changes, reorganization of production, or management, there may be a need to reduce staff. The planning of work with dismissed personnel is based on the classification of types of dismissal. The classification criterion is the measure of dismissal at the initiative of the employee, at the initiative of the employer or the administration, in connection

with retirement. The attitude of the organization to employees of retirement age is a measure of the level of management culture and civilization of the economic system of the state.

2. The training plan for the dismissal and transfer of staff shall include such sections:

S determining the number of dismissed and their level of qualification;

S setting the time within which the dismissal will take place;

S identification of candidates for relocation within units or enterprises;

S regulation of methods of material incentives for voluntary or early release;

S identification of those responsible for the implementation of planned activities. To meet the needs of new products, the training plan includes:

S characteristics of requirements for workers;

S calculation of staffing needs;

S sources of meeting the temporary need for


S directions and forms of advanced training;

S the number of required costs.

3. Business career planning, career relocation - is the preparation of plans for horizontal and vertical relocation of employees in the system of positions or jobs, from the beginning of hiring an employee until his dismissal. The employee must know not only their prospects for the short term and the future but also what indicators he must achieve to count on promotion.

4. Productivity and wage planning.

5. The action plan for improving the employment structure may include the following programs:

S introduction of modern principles and methods of organization and management;

S changes in the organizational structure;

S development of new technologies.

S 6. Personnel cost planning, which includes:

S basic and additional salary;

S social security contributions;

S travel expenses and business trips;

S costs of professional development;

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S purchase of overalls, etc.

Personnel planning is implemented through the implementation of a set of interrelated activities, which are combined in the operational plan of work with staff.

The operational plan of work with the personnel -a complex of interconnected personnel moves directed on the realization of the concrete purposes of the organization and each employee, in particular, covers the planning of all types of works with the personnel and develops, as a rule, for a year.

The structure of a standard operational plan for working with staff is shown in Figure 1.

Collection of personnel information -►

_i [_

Defining the goals of personnel planning +

Check the information about the staff in order to determine its

comDliance with the soals of the organization +

Determine whether it is possible to meet the goals of each


Plan staffing needs +

Plan the recruitment, release and adaptation of staff

Plan the use of staff


Plan training, retraining and advanced training of staff


Plan a business career, professional prosperity of the staff


Plan expenses

Regular control and development of planning of certain


Fig. 1. The structure of a standard operational plan for working with staff.

To develop an operational plan for working with staff, you need to use specially designed questionnaires to collect the following information:

❖ information on the permanent staff (surname, name, patronymic, place of residence, age, time of employment, etc.);

❖ data on staff structure (qualification, gender and age structure, share of disabled people, share of workers, employees, managers);

❖ staff turnover;

❖ loss of time due to downtime, illness;

❖ data on the length of the working day (fully or partially employed, working in one, several shifts, night shift, vacation duration);

❖ wages of workers and employees (its structure, additional wages, allowances, payment of tariffs and above tariffs).

Questionnaires are compiled to obtain basic data for personnel planning. Personnel information must meet the following requirements

❖ simplicity - this means that the information should have as much data and only those, and to the extent required in a particular case;

❖ clarity - data should be presented so that it is possible to quickly determine the basic data; for this purpose, it is necessary to use tables, charts;

❖ unambiguity - the data must be clear and have an unambiguous interpretation;

❖ comparisons - data are given in comparative units and applied to those objects where possible;

❖ relevance - data must be prompt, timely and fresh;

❖ continuity - data on personnel, which are provided for different periods, should be calculated according to the same method and the same forms of their submission.

Conclusions. Staffing planning is the initial stage in the staffing process and is based on the number of jobs, organizational and technical arrangements, staffing and vacancy plans, followed by plans for the use, development, staff reduction, and staffing planning.


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Petrochenko O.,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute Separate structural subdivision «Institute of Innovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture»

Zinich P.,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering Separate structural subdivision «Institute ofInnovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture»

Kubanov R.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Territorial Management Separate structural subdivision «Institute ofInnovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture»

Kushnir S.,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics, Management and Territorial Management

Separate structural subdivision «Institute ofInnovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture»

Nischuk V.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Construction and Information


Separate structural subdivision «Institute ofInnovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture»


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