Научная статья на тему 'Improving the personnel management system of an industrial enterprise'

Improving the personnel management system of an industrial enterprise Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Smyrnova I., Rudyka K.

У статті проаналізовано тенденції розвитку та сучасні технології навчання персоналу вітчизняного підприємства. Досліджено структуру персоналу організації. Наголошено на постійній необхідності вдосконалювати знання та вміння працівників підприємства, а також важливість перевірки цих знань. Запропоновано заходи щодо впровадження органiзацiйних засад полiпшення системи управлiння персоналом у галузi професiйного навчання та оцiнювання працiвникiв підприємства. Дослідженоголовні аспекти фінансування управління та розвитку персоналу промислового підприємства. Визначено особливості фінансування персоналу в зарубіжних компаніях. Розроблено механізм управління персоналом промислового підприємства, який привертає до свого виконання всіх працівників підприємства в різному ступені, але маючи одну мету, що полягає в ефективному зростанні в усьому (для підприємства це, звичайно, фінансово-господарське зростання, а для працівників кар’єрно-дохідне).В статье проанализированы тенденции развития и современные технологии обучения персонала отечественного предприятия. Исследована структура персонала организации. Отмечена постоянная необходимость совершенствования знаний и умения работников предприятия, а также важность проверки этих знаний. Предложены мероприятия по внедрению организационных основ улучшения системы управления персоналом в области профессионального обучения и оцениванию работников предприятия. Исследованы главные аспекты финансирования управления и развития персонала промышленного предприятия. Определены особенности финансирования персонала в зарубежных компаниях. Разработан механизм управления персоналом промышленного предприятия, который предрасполагает к своему выполнению всех работников предприятия в разной степени, но имея одну цель, которая заключается в эффективном росте во всем (для предприятия это, конечно, финансово-хозяйственный рост, а для работников карьерно-доходный).The article has analyzed the trend of development and advanced technology for the personnel of the company. The structure of the personnel organization is provided. It is numbed on a post-requisite basis to thoroughly know the knowledge and knowledge, and also the importance of knowing it. Entered into the organization's ambush, ambush improvements system and personnel management at the galley of professional advancement and appreciation of public relations. The following is the main aspect of financial management and personnel development for industrial enterprises. The special features of financial support for personnel in foreign companies are highlighted. The mechanism of managing industrial personnel has been scattered, a kind of front door to the end of all prizes in the first stage, only one way, but for the most part, for the first time career income).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the personnel management system of an industrial enterprise»

 Management of Labour and Safety

UDC 331:005.95:338.45

doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2019-4(58)-179-185

I. Smyrnova,

PhD (Economics), ORCID 0000-0002-6941-1276,

K. Rudyka,

Donbass State Machine Building Academy, Kramatorsk


Formulation of the problem. At present, the basic component of enterprise personnel management is to create the conditions for the expansion of knowledge, improvement of skills, improvement of skills and continuous development of employees. Increasing the role of knowledge in society, the development of smart, intelligent technologies require flexible and adaptive use of human resources of the enterprise, increasing the creative and organizational activity of employees, the formation of a humanized organizational culture.

In the context of market relations, the introduction into the production of new technologies of particular importance are acquired by adequate methods of personnel development management, which are based on progressive approaches to expanding its competencies. Considering this, in modern production there are problems of modernization of classical systems of management of personnel and introduction of new models of management, oriented on continuous development of intellectual, cultural and creative potential of employees of enterprises and organizations.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of personnel management systems as one of the most important strategic directions of work of enterprises are constantly attracting the attention of economists. Thus, foreign scientists I. Ansoff, P. Drucker, G. Kunz, M. Mescon, T. Peters, and G. Simon made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of personnel management.

A. Smith explained the differentiation in wages of skilled and unskilled workers through difference in time, labor and cash costs incurred by the first to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, and mastery [1].

This paper is devoted to a large number of works of foreign and domestic authors, the analysis of which shows the diversity of existing approaches and methods. Such Western economists as V. Petty, A. Smith, J. Sey, S. Fisher, L. Valras, Sidgwick, G. Becker [2], T. Schultz [3], I. Ilyinsky [4], when considering the issue of investment in human capital, give special attention to investment in the capital education. The first measurement pattern to estimate the value of an able-bodied person, used by V. Petty, assesses the value of the stock of human capital by capitalization of earnings as a life annuity with a market interest rate [5].

Among domestic researchers, these issues were considered by L. Balabanov, D. Bohin, O. Grishnova,

L. Goroshkova, V. Danyuk, A. Kolot, I. Kryzhko, A. Cherep, L. Chervinskaya, who analyzed theoretical and applied aspects of personnel management. at enterprises of different industries. However, due to the complexity of the problem in the current context, some issues are not adequately addressed or need to be detailed, especially in the face of a constant change in the market.

The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of personnel management and the impact of the effectiveness of the personnel management system on the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Outline of the main research material. Personnel management is one of the most important areas of the modern enterprise strategy. In order to succeed in a changing world and gain a competitive edge, every business needs to achieve efficient and cost-effective use of advanced technologies that require human resources that have the requisite knowledge and professional experience.

I. Kychko and M. Gorbachenko argue that the efficiency of the enterprise, undoubtedly, is based on labor resources, namely competence, qualification, capacity for training and development of personnel within the organization. However, current unemployment indicators in the labor market of Ukraine indicate that the current system of organization of social production, including personnel management, needs improvement [7].

Management style combines professional competence, efficiency and high ethics of relationships between people, as well as practically affects all areas of the enterprise. It depends on him to what extent external factors of increase of efficiency of activity at the enterprise will be taken into account. Therefore, proper management style as an integral element of modern management is an effective factor in improving the efficiency of any enterprise and every business structure [8, p. 72]. Therefore, the basic condition that ensures the development of the enterprise is the efficient use of staff.

The experience of foreign corporations confirms that the implementation of the latest technologies of personnel management increases the productivity of staff, improves team performance, reduces staff turnover, and increases the activity of enterprises at different levels of management [7]. The competitiveness of an enterprise depends to a large extent on the preferences of the staff, which are manifested in two main aspects, such as high qualification of personnel (advanced knowledge and in-

tellectual capital, pursuit of knowledge and improvement, high motivation of staff, effective incentives for hard, quality work); the skills and experience of staff to reduce the level of marriage and the cost of production through the use of first-class service traditions, unique style of advertising and promotion of goods (services).

Personnel management in modern conditions is one of the most influential tools of formation of competitiveness, financial independence and development of the enterprise. That is why there is an urgent need to develop and implement such management levers that could meet the requirements of a market economy [7].

We consider it necessary to define that in the current conditions at the enterprises of the country insufficient attention is paid to the formation of the personnel

management system as a whole set of interacting elements, which provides for making economically sound management decisions. As practice shows, nowadays in the enterprise the solution of problems of personnel management is mostly limited to the study of issues of material incentives. Figure 1 shows the motivation system for industrial enterprise personnel.

In order to create the conditions for proper human resource management, quality funding is needed. Therefore, modern enterprises cannot be saved on personnel, since the overall success of the enterprise depends on the efficiency of its work. The enterprise's need for personnel development is driven by constant changes in the internal and external environment, improvement of management processes, development of new technologies and activities.

Fig. 1. System of motivation of the personnel of the industrial enterprise

(developed by authors based on source [9])

The efficiency of the enterprise depends on investment in production by 30%, while 70% of all enterprises depends on the level of skill of employees. The importance of personnel development can be drawn from the following figures: in the European Union countries, the period of training of employees is about five years, in Japan - from one to one and a half years, in Ukraine, the training is carried out every 12 years [10].

As we can see, Ukraine is far behind other countries in this aspect. At the same time, some enterprises do not pay attention at all to the development and professional development of employees [11].

Financial expenses for the management and development of dedicated staff have the following structure:

- remuneration of staff (salaries, bonuses, bonuses, surcharges, holidays, rewarding valuable and valuable gifts for professional achievements);

- reimbursement of the professional activity of employees (business trip, accommodation, transport, communication, etc.);

- participation in profit (payment for shares., Shares percentage of profit);

- organization and protection of labor (technological costs and measures of individual protection);

- the maintenance of units and employees who ensure the functioning of the personnel management system (human resources, public services, economic services);

- professional development and formation of personnel reserve (basic education, advanced training, internships, courses, trainings, examinations, mentoring, coaching, staff adaptation measures, corporate publications, etc.);

- socio-cultural development (organization or reimbursement of physical education and sports, rehabilitation, recreation, etc.);

- corporate socio-cultural activities (expenses for forming corporate culture, events, anniversaries, excursions, circles, etc.);

- insurance (professional, social, medical);

- social obligations and social protection (saving jobs, paying, assistance, reimbursement, sale of products and materials at reduced prices, preferential loans, etc.);

- tax deductions for the enterprise (for all the above costs).

Thus, the financing of personnel management and development is a cost process that over time provides a profitable component. Accordingly, the financing of the management and development of personnel in conceptual content is an investment. In the Table 1 we give a comparative description of the costs of enterprises in different countries staff development.

Table 1

Dynamics of total costs for training and advanced training of personnel in the countries of the world

(compiled by the authors on the basis of sources [12, 13, 14])

Country The average percentage of payroll, % General expenses staff development, $ billion Medium size cost per month for 1 employee, USD

USA 5-10 50 1252

Japan 10-20 80 1670

France 2-5 30 1085

Germany 2-5 20 970

United Kingdom 6-8 40 1355

As you can see, the cost of staff development is different in each country. First of all, they depend on the economic development of the country of residence of the enterprise. For example, the costs of domestic enterprises for the development of personnel are not comparable with the costs of foreign enterprises. As our country is going through difficult economic times, domestic companies are trying to maximize personnel savings. However, this approach is incorrect, because even in times of crisis it is not possible to save on personnel.

It is important to note the interesting trend that large corporations are losing more money to staff development. At the same time, small businesses with small staff spend a minimum of financial resources on staff development. In the table. 2 shows the costs of foreign enterprises, which spend the most on personnel development.

In general, enterprises' personnel development costs continue to increase in countries. The business invests in the development of its employees. Thus, according to expert estimates, $ 1 of investment in staff development brings the company $ 33 in profits, and the total amount of money that US companies send for professional training of personnel is about $ 50 billion. per year [10].

Table 2

Expenses of foreign enterprises on personnel development (compiled by [15])

The company name Total development costs staff, million dollars USA Percentage of total labor costs

American Thermal

Technologies 1300 6

IBM 750 5

General Motors 1000 4.5

Xerox 220 4

Texas Instruments 145 3.5

Motorola 142 2.6

Professionalism and qualification of labor resources are certainly one of the main advantages of modern enterprises, which can guarantee the strategic growth of the enterprise in the long run. The basis of the personnel policy of Corum Druzhkivsky MachineBuilding Plant is based on the principles of succession of generations, ensuring the production of skilled workers and specialists, improving the level of qualification of the personnel reserve, optimizing the structure and number of employees [9].

In 2018, the average number of full-time employees was 1577, of which 736 were basic workers, 382 were auxiliaries, 300 were general staff, 159 were administrative staff. [9] In 2017, Corum Druzhkivsky Machine-Building Plant production by 122% compared to the previous period - the expected forecast for the end of the year is 757 million UAH. At the same time, the enterprise loading from January to December increased by more than a quarter and made 123%.

Corum Group's contractual volume increased by 116% year-on-year to achieve these figures. Figure 2 presents the educational structure of industrial-production personnel of Corum Druzhkovsky Machine-Building Plant LLC.

Bl higher

□ average special

H professional and technical

Fig. 2. Educational structure of industrial-production staff of Corum Druzhkivsky MachineBuilding Plant LLC on 01/01/2018

(compiled by the authors on the basis of source [9])

EKOHOMÍHHHH BÍCHHK ^.OHÖacy № 4(58), 2019

Corum Druzhkivsky Machine-Building Plant LLC carries out its activities in order to achieve the goals that are strategic for the enterprise. The degree to which these goals are realized reflects how effective the enterprise is, ie how effective it is uses the resources at his or her disposal.

It is clear that the main focus in achieving the goals of the company is due to the efforts of competent and professional staff. Therefore, the enterprise is faced with the task of retaining and preserving the jobs of "experts in the business" and dismissing those employees whose activities are the least effective. This can be achieved through regular systematization of staff assessment and training needs based on:

- requirements or recommendations for training and advanced training of employees of production departments by the company management;

- recommendations for training of employees, which are drawn up as a result of the performance appraisal of the employee and are fixed in the individual plans of employee development;

- the proposals for training received from the employees of the structural divisions of the company during the periodic determination of the needs for work

with the employees, justified in terms of production necessity.

In identifying training needs, attention should be paid to the following main areas (Fig. 3):

1) training of managerial and managerial personnel;

2) creating a reserve of managers by training prospective employees;

3) an internship program abroad;

4) staff evaluation;

5) career planning;

6) Targeted training of young professionals and career guidance;

7) training and certification of personnel involved in international projects;

8) training of scientific personnel;

9) training of employees.

Although the management of Corum Druzhkivsky Machine-Building Plant LLC is trying to provide an efficient process of professional development of human resources and maintain its competitiveness in the labor market, however, the share of workers and employees who have passed professional training and job training.

Fig. 3. Main directions of training of the staff of Corum Druzhkivsky Machine-Building Plant LLC

(compiled by the authors on the basis of source [9])

The management of Corum Druzhkivsky MachineBuilding Plant LLC should understand that, because economic circumstances do not allow the company to hire new employees and increase its staff, this issue should be given sufficient attention. Therefore, the management needs to create conditions that are conducive to training and advanced training, because it depends on productivity, quality of production, savings of material resources. The mechanism of personnel management at the enterprise consists of three main components, which are the management of training and formation of personnel, the management of placement and movement of personnel, the management of the use of personnel.

Management training and formation includes the implementation of socio-demographic policies, management recruitment, management training.

Management of placement and movement of personnel contains the placement of personnel in structural units, sections, workplaces, organization of intra-indus-trial movement of personnel, organization of professional and qualitative movement of personnel, organization of official transfer of executives, engineering and technical workers and employees. Human resources management is a generalization of scientific and technological progress management, scientific organization of labor, labor economy.

Different companies work with different staff in different numbers. Figure 4 presents the personnel management mechanism of an industrial enterprise.

One of the important stages of industrial enterprise personnel management is staff assessment and certifica-

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Industrial enterprise personnel are described by a number of quantitative and qualitative characteristics that are formed into a system of indicators. After researching and analyzing these characteristics, experts determine the various factors of influence on the staff. Therefore, staff assessment is a complex process that can be divided into several sub-processes, such as calculating a system of indicators that characterize the staff of an enterprise; comparison of certain characteristics of employees with corresponding parameters, requirements, standards; determining the impact of factors affecting staffing levels.

Therefore, the system of indicators characterizing all industrial enterprise personnel in general and by categories (workers, managers, professionals and technicians, technical employees) can be divided into the following groups: the number of enterprise personnel (total, in particular, the average number of industrial and non-industrial personnel); structure of industrial production staff by sex (men, women); age composition of industrial production staff;

distribution of industrial production personnel by length of service (up to 15 years or more); educational level of industrial production staff; qualification of em-

tion. Having the legal basis for researching the staff of the company, as well as describing it from different positions (quantitative and qualitative), we are able to evaluate this staff.

:ivities ees


ployees (discharge on a single tariff grid); level of vocational training (for workers in the interim, for managers, professionals and specialists, technical officers for education and practice) [17, p. 30-31].

Comparison of certain characteristics of employees of the enterprise with the relevant parameters, requirements, standards is carried out at industrial enterprises by means of external evaluation and self-assessment with the performance of orientation and incentive functions. The process of comparing certain characteristics of an evaluation involves several components, namely the evaluation procedure, the content of the evaluation, and the evaluation method.

The evaluation procedure involves determining the location of the assessment, the subject of the assessment, its order and the frequency with which it is used. The content of the assessment is to evaluate the personal qualities of the employees and their performance. The method of assessment is to identify and measure indicators.

Valuation is based on generally recognized principles, namely the principles of objectivity, comprehensiveness, systematic (sustainability), which allows the use of staff appraisal for the recruitment and placement

- pay system;

- system material incentives and successes in the work;

- the system of payment of assistance to the people

childbearing, illness, industrial injuries;

- granting of privileged permits on bases of rest, sanatoriums

provement of ocial-labor relations

onciliation een employers mployees l policy income xpenditure y;

negotiating e of the settle-differences ticipation of oyees in the gement of the prise

- manning of small groups;

- selection and placement of personnel, taking into account their psychological compatibility;

- use of psychological influence, color, music, exclusion of monotones job skills, expansion of creative processes

Socio-psychological mechanisms

- informing employees about the rules and procedures adopted at the enterprise;

- training of special labor skills;

- conducting career interviews;

- guidance from seniors in office;

-forming one's own corporate culture

Career guidance and social adaptation

- assessment of available manpower;

- planning the future need for manpower;

- recruitment;

- creation of a reserve for raising;

- promotion management;

- assessment of work activity

Formation of labor potential

The mechanism of personnel management of an industrial enterprise


Social normalization and regulation

- rules of internal labor regulations;

- rules of etiquette in the middle of the enterprise;

- forms of disciplinary influence;

- investing collective contracts;

- identification and regulation of interests and goals of different teams


- providing retraining and advanced training of personnel;

- targeted training in universities, technical colleges, colleges, Vocational schools;

- internship;

- mentoring;

- conducting trainings;

- organization of lectures, discussions at enterprises

Improving the

living conditions of employees

- temporary provision of service apartments;

- housing construction;

- purchase of housing at the expense of the enterprise;

- providing businesses housing loans;

- provision of hostels by the enterprise

- reduction of noise level, pollution in the workplace;

- reduction of the specific gravity of the monotony of the performed production operations;

- proper logistics


working conditions

Leisure act


- conducting c competitions, meetings, lectu fairs, exhibitio

- library servic

- organization amateur art;

- holding corp parties;

- Birthday cele

Fig. 4. The mechanism of personnel management of an industrial enterprise

(developed by authors based on source [16])

of new employees; forecasting the promotion of employees; rationalization of methods and methods of work; building the efficiency of the system of work motivation; assessing the effectiveness of individual employees and staff.

Comprehensive assessment of staff on the point system is widely used, which makes it possible to quantify the most significant characteristics with the help of points, as noted by S.F. Pokropivny [18, p. 87-95]. The valuation of the personnel of an industrial enterprise is determined by the evaluation of the personnel, ie both each employee and the collective as a whole.

This assessment complements the full characterization of the resource potential of the enterprise, industry and enables management decisions to be made to improve the functioning of the enterprise or subcomplex. Valuation of the personnel of the enterprise encourages specialists and managers of the enterprise for its efficient use and profitable functioning, which results in the necessity to study the effective use of the personnel and in general the management of industrial enterprises.

Conclusions. The personnel of the enterprise is the main object of management, which is first and foremost related to the processes that occur in the society in order to protect the interests of employees, as well as the increasing role of the human factor in the production process. Personnel management is essential for all organizations - large and small, commercial and nonprofit, industrial, and operating.

Thus, the conceptual mechanism of industrial enterprise personnel management is a complex process that attracts all employees of the enterprise to different degrees, but with one goal that is effective growth throughout (for the enterprise, of course, financial and economic growth, and for employees - career-profitable). Considering the financing of personnel management and development, we can say that this issue has a strong theoretical basis and examples of successful application in countries. The peculiarities of financing the personnel development management system in companies depend on numerous micro, meso, macro factors, as well as global factors, which necessitates further research in the areas of cost structure determination, balancing and targeting.


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Смирнова I. I., Рудика К. Ю. Вдосконалення системи управлшня персоналом промислового пщ-приемства

У статп проаналiзовано тенденци розвитку та су-часш технологи навчання персоналу впчизняного тд-приемства. Дослщжено структуру персоналу оргашза-ци. Наголошено на постшнш необхвдносп вдоскона-лювати знания та вмшня працiвникiв пiдприемства, а також важливiсть перевiрки цих знань. Запропоновано заходи щодо впровадження оргашзацшних засад полiпшення системи управлiння персоналом у галузi професiйного навчання та оцшювання працiвникiв тд-приемства. Дослщжено головнi аспекти фiнансування управлiння та розвитку персоналу промислового тд-приемства. Визначено особливостi фiнансування персоналу в зарубiжних компанiях. Розроблено мехашзм управлiння персоналом промислового пвдприемства, який привертае до свого виконання вах працiвникiв щдприемства в рiзному ступеш, але маючи одну мету,

що полягае в ефективному 3pocTaHHÍ в усьому (для тд-приемства - це, звичайно, фiнансово-господарське зростання, а для прашвнишв - кар'ерно-дохвдне).

Ключовi слова: персонал, структура персоналу, мехашзм управлшня персоналом, промислове тдпри-емство, мотиващя, навчання, розвиток, оцiнювання персоналу, фшансування управлiння та розвитку персоналу.

Smyrnova I., Rudyka K. Improving the Personnel Management System of an Industrial Enterprise

The article has analyzed the trend of development and advanced technology for the personnel of the company. The structure of the personnel organization is provided. It is numbed on a post-requisite basis to thoroughly know the knowledge and knowledge, and also the importance of knowing it. Entered into the organization's ambush, ambush improvements system and personnel management at the galley of professional advancement and appreciation of public relations. The following is the main aspect of financial management and personnel development for industrial enterprises. The special features of financial support for personnel in foreign companies are highlighted. The mechanism of managing industrial personnel has been scattered, a kind of front door to the end of all prizes in the first stage, only one way, but for the most part, for the first time career income).

Keywords: personnel, structure for personnel, mechanism of personnel management, production, motivation, motivation, advancement, evaluation of personnel, financial management and personnel development.

Смирнова И. И., Рудыка К. Ю. Усовершенствование системы управления персоналом промышленного предприятия

В статье проанализированы тенденции развития и современные технологии обучения персонала отечественного предприятия. Исследована структура персонала организации. Отмечена постоянная необходимость совершенствования знаний и умения работников предприятия, а также важность проверки этих знаний. Предложены мероприятия по внедрению организационных основ улучшения системы управления персоналом в области профессионального обучения и оцениванию работников предприятия. Исследованы главные аспекты финансирования управления и развития персонала промышленного предприятия. Определены особенности финансирования персонала в зарубежных компаниях. Разработан механизм управления персоналом промышленного предприятия, который предрасполагает к своему выполнению всех работников предприятия в разной степени, но имея одну цель, которая заключается в эффективном росте во всем (для предприятия - это, конечно, финансово-хозяйственный рост, а для работников - карьерно-доходный).

Ключевые слова: персонал, структура персонала, механизм управления персоналом, промышленное предприятие, мотивация, обучение, развитие, оценивание персонала, финансирование управления и развития персонала.

Received by the editors: 21.10.2019

and final form 19.12.2019

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