CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Savina S.

The article considers of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of human resource potential. A set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprises resource management is formulated and substantiated.

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This approach shows how specific conditions negatively affect the development of rural tourism.

Rural tourism has great potential in the areas of domestic tourism and entrepreneurship development, as well as territorial development. Travel companies can organize and develop rural tourism by negotiating with local authorities.

The rural area is considered as an underdeveloped area, structurally lagging behind the development of urban areas, therefore, one of the levers to overcome this gap is the development of agritourism.

Rural tourism can effectively develop and function not everywhere, but only in regions not covered by activities that pollute the environment, in areas such as villages and villages; small towns with typical traditional architecture, way of life, culture; agricultural farms; forest fund; natural parks and specific protected areas; recreation areas and summer cottages; natural phenomena; monasteries and sacred sites; sights of folk culture in the open air

Agritourism is a new impetus and vector for the development of territories. With its development, not only the living standard of the rural population rises, but also the improvement of the improvement of villages through the development of engineering, social and road infrastructure. It is also predicted that the population will grow in business, increase employment, increase income, improve cultural and historical resources, and increase respect from tourists for the local religion. There is a need for a good tax and legal basis in local settlements and qualified personnel.

Rural tourism contributes to the restoration of rural landscapes, the preservation of old estates and parks of high cultural and historical value. Effective use, protection and restoration of natural recreational resources of rural settlements appears.


1. Мшютерство екологп та природшх ре-сурав [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : https://menr.gov.ua/

2. Горшевський П. Сшьський зелений туризм: оргашзащя надання послуг гостинносп / П. Горшевський, В. Васильев, Ю. Зшько. - 1вано-Франшвськ: Mid« НВ, 2003. - 148 с.

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4. Державна служба статистики Укра!ни [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

5. Державна фокальна служба Укра!ни [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : sfs.gov.ua

6. Заричная А. О. Европейский опыт развития сельского туризма / О. Заричная // Экономика Крыма. - 2011. - №4(37). - С.265-269.

7. Свггова Оргашзащя Торгiвлi (СОТ) - МЗС Укра!ни [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : mfa.gov.ua/ua/about-ukraine/international.

8. Бабаев В. М. Сучасш полггичш практики кра!н £вропи: досввд для формування регiональноi полiтики в Укра!ш [Електронний ресурс] / В. М. Бабаев. - Режим доступу : http://www.kbuapa.kharkov.ua/e-book/db/2007- 1-1/doc/5/01.pdf.

9. Офiцiйний сайт Свропейско! комiсii [Елек-тронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eur ostat/.



Савша С.С.

Кандидат економiчних наук, старший викладач кафедры аграрного менеджменту та маркетингу, Вiнницький нацюнальний аграрний утверситет, Укра'та


Savina S.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing,

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine


В статт розглянуто теоретико-методичш тa прэктичт aспекти кaдрового потенцiaлy пiдприемствa. Cформyльовaно тa обrрyнтовaно комплекс зaходiв спрямовaних та пiдвищення ефективносп yпрaвлiння кaдровим потенцiaлом пiдприемствa.


The article considers of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of human resource potential. A set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprises resource management is formulated and substantiated.

Ключовi слова: кaдровий потенцiaл, yпрaвлiння кaдровим потенцiaлом, формyвaння кaдрового по-тенцiaлy, мотивaцiя.

Keywords: resource potential, enterprise potential, potential criteria, material resources, motivation.

In the conditions of constant activation of personnel policy of agrarian enterprises, management of personnel potential of the enterprise is a necessary condition of achievement of social and economic development of manufacture and increase of its efficiency, accordingly is an integral element and an important direction of activity of any enterprise. As the market for agricultural products is extremely dynamic, fleeting and diversified, only the systematic and continuous development of workers' knowledge and their conversion into skills will be able to ensure the adaptability and flexibility of agricultural enterprises.

Human resource management is the most important function of any enterprise, which includes a set of principles, methods, tools and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize the use of their intellectual and physical abilities in performing work functions.

The term "management" etymologically means the activity of leading something or someone. Most often, the category of "management" is understood as an activity that directs and regulates social relations. In the scientific literature, the concept of "management of human resources of the enterprise" is characterized from the standpoint: management of potential, as a process of personnel policy, as the organization of labor in the enterprise, etc. (Fig. 1).

The analysis of literature sources shows that the management of human resources of the enterprise involves the use of highly qualified employees to apply

new knowledge and technologies, organizational and management decisions, develop and manufacture innovative products that are subject to systematic influence and regulation by employees at the stage of formation, distribution and use at the enterprise. Many scientific studies are devoted to various aspects of human resources management of agricultural enterprises. Some issues of the researched problem are covered in the works: Kaletnika GM , Mazura AG, Kubay OG [12], Malika M.J. [15], Onishchenko EK [17-18], and others. But the practice of human resources management of enterprises is characterized by variable and fragmentary nature, uncertainty of the sequence of procedures and specific methods, focus on modern technologies of human resources management, which necessitates further research on human resources management of agricultural enterprises.

In scientific research, the essence of human resource management is also revealed on the basis of its dual nature: on the one hand, it is realized abilities in certain conditions, and on the other - it is undiscovered abilities. Therefore, in her study Grinyova VM, Pisarevskaya GI considers it appropriate to divide the content of human resources management into two subsystems: management of the implemented part of human resources, which is associated with operational work with staff; management of unrealized (undiscovered) part of human resources, which is associated with ensuring the combination of available labor resources and enterprise development strategy [9, p. 27].

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Fig.1. The essence of the concept of "human resource management of the enterprise"

In the economic literature, a significant part is allocated to the study of the content of the category "human resource management" as a process by which the management directs and regulates personnel activities, namely: plans, organizes, motivates and controls their activities [5, p.72; p.39, p. 37]. According to Grinyova VM and Pisarevskaya GI, the main functions of human resources management of the enterprise should be supplemented by another function - coordination, which

opens the possibility of assessing the human resources of the enterprise, coordination of human resources with the goals of the enterprise as a whole and with individual tasks (projects ) [9]. This function includes the distribution and selection of staff for a particular project, assessment of human resources of an individual project, as well as assessment of the effectiveness of the use of employees (Table 1).

Table 1.

The content of the main functions of human resources management of the enterprise

Basic management functions Content of management of the realized part of the personnel potential of employees Content of management of the hidden (unrealized) part of the personnel potential of employees

Planning Personnel needs planning, hiring, dismissal. Staffing. Maintaining regulatory documentation, statistical reporting on personnel. Development of job descriptions, labor standards Analysis of prospects for enterprise development. Identification of requirements for the current and future levels of labor potential of employees, taking into account the specifics of their jobs, content and nature of work. Employee career planning

Control Ensuring compliance with labor laws, safety. Control over the quality of performance of official duties, the state of labor discipline Assessment of the level of labor potential and monitoring the progress of the development process. Adjustment of the process due to deviations from the plan or the emergence of new factors that need to be taken into account in the context of labor potential

Development organization Staff adaptation. Saving frames. Organization of personnel use Creation of a system of training and development of personnel. Choice of form and methods of labor potential development. Development of programs for the development of elements of labor potential

Leadership Development and implementation of personnel policy. Creating a salary system. Implementation of social policy Leader-based leadership. Development of cooperation between management and staff, corporate culture, corporate standards of work. Stimulating staff development and training. Creating conditions for maximum use of human labor potential

Motivation Creating a system of incentives and bonuses, benefits, career opportunities Creating conditions for self-expression, respect, recognition, power and success

Harmonization Distribution and selection of employees for a particular project Assessment of human resources of a particular project, assessment of the effectiveness of the use of employees

Rapid transformations in the environment of agricultural enterprises due to the need for systematic updating of methods, methods and tools for managing the human resources of the enterprise, and accordingly explains the complexity of this process in modern conditions. The process of managing the human resources of the enterprise should take into account the retrospective nature of the potential (acquired characteristics), its

current state and characteristics, as well as future abilities and capabilities that will be necessary for the sustainable development of the enterprise. In his research, VV Smachilo notes that in the process of managing the human resources of the enterprise it is advisable to distinguish logically interrelated stages (Fig. 2) [21, p.217]:

- analysis - to identify the acquired characteristics and the current state of human resources of the enterprise;

- evaluation - determining the level of human resources of the enterprise; to develop measures for its transformation in accordance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise;

- goals to manage the human resources of the enterprise and develop measures to achieve them;

- organization of implementation of developed measures;

- motivation to implement the developed measures and achieve goals;

- formation of human resources of the enterprise;

- control - for the implementation of transformations, achievement of goals and changes in the level of human resources of the enterprise in the appropriate vector (direction).

The process of managing the human resources of the enterprise shown in Fig. 2 shows that the first and second stages of management are directly related to the state of human resources of the enterprise in the past and current periods (the available set of abilities and capabilities). Logically, the stage of goal-setting follows from the previous sequences - only knowing what we have, we can set goals for the future. Accordingly, management phase 3 is related to both the current period -in which the process takes place directly, and the future period - for which the goals are set. The same applies to stages 4-7 of management. The last management stage is also carried out in the current period and is

aimed at achieving future performance, at the same time, it logically moves to the stage of analysis - why achieved or, conversely, the goal.

According to the analysis of the scientific literature [4, 16], in the process of managing the human resources of enterprises it is advisable to distinguish the following stages: personnel planning; recruitment; personnel selection; career guidance and adaptation of staff; staff training and development; assessment of staff performance; rotation; motivation; career advancement and business career management. Gontyuk VA ,. based on the analysis of literature sources, defines the content of the concept of "human resource management" as a process of formation, development and preservation of collective knowledge, skills and abilities of employees by implementing processes and systems aimed at achieving the goal of the enterprise and notes the following components: personnel selection; compensations and benefits; labor and labor relations; occupational safety and health of workers [8].

A systematic understanding of the management of human resources of the enterprise involves its consideration from the standpoint of a set of interconnected subsystems, which are distinguished by functional elements or organizational characteristics, each of which performs certain tasks. Management of human resources of the agricultural sector is based on subjective and objective factors of effective use of human resources The generalization of the principles of personnel management, which were formulated by various

scientists, made it possible to determine the basic principles of building a human resources management system of the enterprise in modern conditions [9]:

- the relationship between the functions of human resources management and the goals of the enterprise, ie the functions of human resources management are not a reaction to production plans, they are fully integrated into corporate planning;

- professionalization of human resources management functions, ie they should be carried out by employees with appropriate qualifications;

- flexibility - temporary retirement of individual employees who have the appropriate potential should not interrupt the process of carrying out any management or production functions;

- cost-effectiveness - the implementation of the most efficient and economical economic organization of the human resources management system, reduction of costs for the management system and maintenance of rational human resources;

- scientific - compliance of the management system and analysis of human resources to the main directions of management theory;

- payment - the principle of payment for the result, for a specific contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise, a fair distribution of income;

- complexity - the formation and use of human resources at the enterprise should be a single system with the required level of detail;

- efficiency - timely decision-making to improve human resources, which would meet the goals of the enterprise;

- prospects (development) - in the process of formation and management of human resources it is necessary to take into account the prospects of development and preservation of the enterprise;

- autonomy - the rational distribution of human resources by division of the enterprise.

The main areas of human resources management in modern economic conditions are:

1) determination of the basic requirements to the personnel on the basis of the forecast and prospects of development of the organization;

2) development of a comprehensive human resources management system in the organization;

3) development of the concept of remuneration, material and moral incentives for employees on the basis of a defined strategy for the development of the organization;

4) the choice of ways to attract, use and retain staff, as well as provide assistance to employees in case of dismissal;

5) development of social relations in the organization; economic organization of the human resources management system, reduction of costs for the management system and maintenance of rational human resources;

- scientific - compliance of the management system and analysis of human resources to the main directions of management theory;

- payment - the principle of payment for the result, for a specific contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise, a fair distribution of income;

- complexity - the formation and use of human resources at the enterprise should be a single system with the required level of detail;

- efficiency - timely decision-making to improve human resources, which would meet the goals of the enterprise;

- prospects (development) - in the process of formation and management of human resources it is necessary to take into account the prospects of development and preservation of the enterprise;

- autonomy - the rational distribution of human resources by division of the enterprise.

The main areas of human resources management in modern economic conditions are:

1) determination of the basic requirements to the personnel on the basis of the forecast and prospects of development of the organization;

2) development of a comprehensive human resources management system in the organization;

3) development of the concept of remuneration, material and moral incentives for employees on the basis of a defined strategy for the development of the organization;

4) the choice of ways to attract, use and retain staff, as well as provide assistance to employees in case of dismissal;

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5) development of social relations in the organization;

6) determination of ways of personnel development, training, advanced training;

7) involvement of employees of the organization to participate in management;

8) formation of corporate culture.

The human resources management system of the enterprise consists of a set of interconnected subsystems, which are divided by functional elements or organizational characteristics, each of which performs certain tasks. Based on his research, EK Onishchenko proposes to consider the management system of human resources of the enterprise from the standpoint of structuring it into four subsystems (Fig.3)[17,p.138].



Subsystem for the formation of human resources of the enterprise

planning the need for staff; hiring employees;

development of a system of remuneration and benefits; staffing of management staff.

Manag subs

ement bsystem personnel development


• - professional orientation and social adaptation of employees;

• - assessment of / human resources; \

• - career growth and promotion of em-

• Personnel management system of the enterprise Personnel management

Management subsystem

quality of labor

- ensuring the appropriate level of wages;

- - environmentally friendly environment at work;

- - safety and health;

- - socio-psychological

Subsystem for the use of human resources of the enterprise

Fig.3 The structure of the personnel management system of the enterprise [17, p. 138]

Onishchenko E.K. emphasizes that the optimal management system of human resources of the enterprise should ensure timely staffing in order to ensure the smooth operation of the production process and the process of selling products; formation of the necessary level of personnel potential of the enterprise staff; stabilization of the team taking into account the interests of employees, providing opportunities for skills growth and other benefits, motivation for highly productive work; rational use of labor in accordance with the qualification in accordance with special training, etc. [17, p. 138].

Thus, human resource management is one of the main functions of any enterprise, which can be a critical factor that determines the effective functioning of the enterprise in the long run. Human resources management means the purposeful influence of management entities on the processes of its formation, use and development. The management of the enterprise should use human resources management to obtain highly qualified specialists, to create an incentive for them to work effectively, and this requires the development, intensity and focus of personnel to a specific goal of the enterprise.


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Chesnokova S.

Research Associate Economic Research Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


China announced the transition to a new stage of development - the construction of an ecological civilization by 2050. The most important role in this endeavor should be played by "new energy" based on renewable energy sources (RES). The article considers the forecasts of energy development and replacement of fossil energy sources with alternative ones.

Keywords: renewable energy sources, energy balance, hydropower, solar energy, wind energy, fossil energy sources, forecast, China.

Recently, alternative sources of energy have begun to play a significant role in the global energy balance. Hydropower accounts for more than half of the renewable capacity. Wind and solar power are the next most common sources of energy. One of the leaders in the development of renewable energy sources (RES) is China. In this country, particularly significant shifts in the energy balance are forecasted due to increased use of alternative sources of energy.

Increasing the use of renewable energy sources is one of the ways to address environmental problems that have become urgently evident in China due to the high rate of economic development.

Like most developing countries, China faces two types of environmental problems on its path to economic reform. The first is due to agrarian overpopulation, massive poverty and economically induced environmental damage. The most typical examples of this type of problems are deforestation, dehydration of wetlands and reduction of the area of lakes, plowing of mountain slopes, overgrazing in steppes, etc.

The second type of environmental problem is closely related to industrialization and the increasing use of fossil fuels. These problems have a long history of study in developed countries, and since the 70s of the last century they have been firmly on the international

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