THE ROLE OF NATIONAL TOURISM RESOURCES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DOMESTIC TOURISM Tazhibayev M.B.1, Dushanova Yu.F.2, Umirov J.T.3 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
1Tazhibayev Makhsud Bakhtiyarovich—Lecturer;
2Dushanova Yulduz Fakhriddinovna- Lecturer; 3Umirov Jasur Temirkuliyevich - Lecturer,
Abstract: tourism - temporary trips of people to another country or local area outside the place of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months in a calendar year, or at least one night of entertainment, entertainment, sports, guests, learning (trips)., without engaging in paid activities from a local source for religious or other purposes. At present, the importance of tourist resources in domestic tourism is very important. Therefore, increasing the importance of domestic resources is important for the tourism potential of any country.
Keywords: domestic tourism, resources, income, tourism potential, international tourists, type of resources.
1Тажибаев Махсуд Бахтиярович - преподаватель;
2Душанова Юлдуз Фахриддиновна - преподаватель;
3Умиров Жасур Темиркулиевич - преподаватель, кафедра туризма и гостиничного бизнеса, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: туризм - временные поездки людей в другую страну или местность за пределами места постоянного проживания на период от 24 часов до 6 месяцев в календарном году или не менее одной ночи для развлечений, спорта, гостей, обучения (поездок), не занимаясь оплачиваемой деятельностью из местных источников в религиозных или иных целях. В настоящее время значение туристических ресурсов во внутреннем туризме очень велико. Поэтому повышение значимости внутренних ресурсов важно для туристического потенциала любой страны.
Ключевые слова: внутренний туризм, ресурсы, доход, туристический потенциал, международные туристы, тип ресурсов.
UDC 339.976.4
Domestic tourism is the temporary departure of a citizen of a particular country from a place of permanent residence within the national borders of that country for recreation, education, sports and other tourist purposes. A distinctive feature of domestic tourism is the departure of citizens of a particular country from their place of permanent residence for temporary rest, to satisfy their cognitive interests, to engage in sports and other tourist purposes. It is done only within the national borders of that country. Used to identify residents 'tourism in their home country. In international calculations and statistics, domestic tourism may refer to the definition of activities and costs for tourism and
nonresidents in a particular country. Domestic tourism is not a separate sector, but is connected with all other spheres of national life.
However, the development of domestic tourism is currently in its infancy for many reasons. First, it is useless for travel companies to show Uzbekistan to local. Second, despite their low convenience, the price level of residential buildings is much higher. Third, the Uzbekistan population does not have enough information about the tourist and recreational opportunities of the country's regions. Fourth, tourism companies face challenges in working with health resort organizations.
Travel companies themselves can play a major role in reviving domestic tourism, informing Uzbekistan's about their country's tourism priorities. But because they are not directly interested in it, vicious circles emerge: firms work mainly with profitable foreign destinations and are afraid to conduct domestic tourism, and the clients of these firms do not buy Uzbekistan types because they know nothing about them.
Recent observations show that some tourism companies in Uzbekistan are gradually starting to show interest in domestic and inbound tourism. This is because many countries have long understood the need to develop domestic tourism service programs. Within each country, domestic tourism contributes to the stability of the national economy by redistributing national income and developing activities that are conducive to the country's economy as a whole. This privilege is gradually being realized in Uzbekistan as well. Creating an attractive local tourism product saturated with a variety of basic and additional services is the most important task in the development of the Uzbekistan tourism market.
According to the nature of the use of tourist resources are divided into direct and indirect types. Direct types of resources include natural and historical-cultural resources that tourists use directly. Indirect types of resources include socio-economic resources on which the use of direct tourist resources is based - material, financial, labor, information resources.
V.S. Bogolyubov and V.P. Orlovskaya (Economics of tourism. M.2005, p. 151) identified the following main features that stand out in tourist resources [1]:
• Convenience (attractiveness);
• Climatic conditions;
• Level of study;
• Importance of tourism;
• Landscape and ecological features;
• Socio-demographic characteristics;
• Potential reserves;
• Accessibility, etc.
Tourist resources are used for health, tourism, sports and dating. In addition, tourist resources can be divided into two groups: natural and infrastructural. Both of the above groups play an important role in the development of the tourism business. It is impossible to use the potential of any high tourist resource without communications, communications and services.
Accordingly, we considered it necessary to divide tourist resources into two main groups: primary (natural, cultural-historical, socio-economic) and secondary (accommodation and catering facilities, tour operators, transport services, entertainment facilities), information resources, service network and additional services) tourist resources. Each type of tourist resource consists of several components, which have their own characteristics.
In a relatively short period of time, international tourism in its development went from "aristocratic" to mass tourism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when tourist travel was carried out individually by members of the relevant strata.
The study of trends in tourism in the 60s and 90s of the twentieth century allows us to identify several groups of factors that support international tourism exchange:
• socio-economic
• demographic
• economic and financial
• political.
Today, the development of accommodation services plays a key role in increasing the efficiency of tourist resources. The diversification of accommodation enterprises according to the level of breadth and convenience plays an important role in addressing the quality management of accommodation services. In addition, there are a number of requirements for hotel staff and their training: education, experience, age, health, knowledge of foreign languages, appearance. In recent years, many hotels are being built in our country. Especially the number of private tourist hotels is growing, especially in Bukhara region, where there are now more than 350 accommodation facilities.
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