THE ROLE OF NATIONAL CUSTOMS, VALUES AND TRADITIONS IN OUR SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
faith / belief / conscience / spirituality / culture / integrity / purity / nationality / universality. / faith / belief / conscience / spirituality / culture / integrity / purity / nationality / universality.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Kulmatov P.M.

In this article, the importance of national values in educating young people and instilling in them a sense of loyalty to the Motherland is a scientific level. State policy on youth, national and universal values are defined.

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In this article, the importance of national values in educating young people and instilling in them a sense of loyalty to the Motherland is a scientific level. State policy on youth, national and universal values are defined.



Kulmatov P.M. associate professor Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute



Abstract. In this article, the importance of national values in educating young people and instilling in them a sense of loyalty to the Motherland is a scientific level. State policy on youth, national and universal values are defined.

Key words: faith, belief, conscience, spirituality, culture, integrity, purity, nationality, universality.

It is a natural state to restore the immense, moral and national values created by our ancestors for many centuries. In addition to the rich historical cultural and spiritual heritage of our nation, it plays an important role in the formation of patriotism among young people. It remains a never-ending issue 8. "

Values always play an important role in the life of a person and society, they are the product of social, economic and spiritual development, and have been the main factor of human spiritual maturity.

"Values are a social phenomenon of great importance in the material and spiritual life of a person and society in the creation of material and spiritual wealth for the development of man and society." The active attitude of a person to existence and himself, his material and spiritual life activity, the surrounding natural, socio-economic, political and spiritual conditions form various factors that can serve the interests of a person. will cry Every thing, event and event that has the ability to serve their interests in the life of human beings and society is called value because they are able to continue their life and activity to satisfy the needs of society. In general, when we say values, we mean all natural and social things and events that have a certain value and enterprise that have come in the historical development of human and social life, and that serve the development of human and social life. There is a change.

"In the development program of Uzbekistan, the development program of our national statehood and national values, we will improve the material and spiritual world of our people, especially the young generation, while deeply studying and appreciating the changes made by our ancestors, developing universal values., we set it as a task in the spirit of capturing the peaks of modern scientific science.

In young people, patriotism is the knowledge and acquisition of national and universal values. People who have an important capital in the formation of

8President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev. Address to the Oliy Majlis. People's Word, December 29, 2018

patriotism are the development of AD, its history and culture, art and literature, lifestyle, morals, beliefs, rituals and traditions.

depends on our morals, upbringing, education and national values, which are deeply rooted in our own lives.

For this reason, the next national residence of this country is an important part of high spirituality for each person to preserve and honor their own values, to pass them on to the next generation with new traditions. Therefore, living in a nation-state is an important part of high spirituality for each person to preserve and honor his or her abilities, to pass them on to the next generation with new traditions. Analyzing the evaluation of universal democratic values in the world and applying it to life.

For this purpose, ensuring the political culture of each person and leading to increase the secular culture is put on the agenda. In the development of social thinking, views on the role of problems in the management of society can be found in the works of modern Greek philosophers Socrates, Aristotle, and Epicurus. The works of Abu Nasr Farabi, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Amir Timur, Alisher Nawai also have valuable articles. The great scholar Alisher Navoi in his work "Hayratul-Abror" imagined the calculation of a spiritual person: "You made it your motto to bring benefits to people; You have chosen the benefit of their being. There is no doubt that you have benefited the people: but know that the benefit that you will receive is greater than this. Whoever makes a habit of harming others, does not harm others, but harms them first. If you are a real person, do not call him a person if he does not care about the people's grief. Spirituality and enlightenment are the source of ensuring the existence and well-being of society, the mutual cooperation of people. Spiritual wealth knows no borders, does not recognize the nation, in whatever country or society it is, it is the property of the spiritually perfect people of that place. In whatever region they are, the environment for the growth of spirituality, every condition is necessary.

According to the words of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, IA Karimov, "Spirituality is an incomparable force that calls a person to spiritual purification, spiritual growth, a person's inner world, strong will, faith and conscience, and his is the criterion of all views 9.

Spirituality is the first and foremost existence of human law. Each generation, each individual accepts it as a sacred and indestructible heritage of past ancestors. In order to build a fair and virtuous society, it is necessary to establish the basis of the spiritual management of state administration, power and politics and to show its activity. For this reason, the harmony of politics and spiritual values has become one of the requirements of universal human values.

In conclusion, the democratic past, present and future harmonious action system of capabilities serves as the foundation of the civil society we are building. At the same time, it is important to educate the next generation, to inculcate in

9High spirituality is an indomitable force. Tashkent "Spirituality" - 19 pages of 2008

them national pride, love for the Motherland, and to educate our youth as perfect human beings.


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