MODERN OUTLOOK AND SCIENTIFIC THINKING IN FORMATION OF VALUES IMPORTANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
society / reforms / values / universal values / national values. / society / reforms / values / universal values / national values.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Mamanazarov S.I.

Studying the topic of values as a scientific object of philosophical research and mastering the knowledge gathered in this direction helps to form a modern worldview and scientific thinking. A comprehensive and deep analysis of current issues in this field, issues of improving the existing value system have become one of the current topics in this regard.

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Studying the topic of values as a scientific object of philosophical research and mastering the knowledge gathered in this direction helps to form a modern worldview and scientific thinking. A comprehensive and deep analysis of current issues in this field, issues of improving the existing value system have become one of the current topics in this regard.


Mamanazarov S.I.

senior lecturer "Social Sciences " JizPI



Annotation. Studying the topic of values as a scientific object of philosophical research and mastering the knowledge gathered in this direction helps to form a modern worldview and scientific thinking. A comprehensive and deep analysis of current issues in this field, issues of improving the existing value system have become one of the current topics in this regard.

Key words: society, reforms, values, universal values, national values.

The system of values and topics related to it are a component of distant historical processes, like a person himself, a unique phenomenon of social reality that began to form with the emergence of society. It is a general law of development that each historical stage, any period of human life has its own values and value systems, and that this factor is of great importance in the history and destiny of states and nations. This law attracts the attention of scholars and thinkers, scientists and specialists both in the past and in the present. In this regard, many doctrines and theories have been created, various views and approaches have been formed.

Summarizing various theories and approaches in this field, in turn, in the process of social development, while the society is moving from one stage of development to another, as well as in all spheres of life, the existing value system also undergoes specific changes and updates, indicates that it is a general process related to this aspect. Even today, when the world is becoming globalized and the scope of various problems related to it is expanding, this general axiological law is being implemented and it is manifested as an important component of the development of the whole humanity on the one hand, and on the other hand, the life of Uzbekistan, which is being updated more and more.

At the same time, the instabilities in some regions of the world are intensifying and the problems related to the spiritual crisis are becoming more and more serious, causing rapid changes in the system of universal human values in which the age-old traditions of the peoples of the world prevail. In turn, attention is being paid to scientific research related to the general laws and its national characteristics, which ensure the intensive impact of such complex socio-axiological processes on the global value system and the existing set of values in our country.

As the President's speech at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly emphasized, "Uzbekistan is rapidly developing today. Following the wise

traditions of our ancestors, we are carrying out strict reforms, and we are on the way to form a new image of our country. Political activity is increasing in our society, deep reforms are being implemented in all spheres. Their goal is to establish a democratic state and a just society, where the implementation of the simple and clear principle that "human interests are above all else" is of primary importance.

In this direction, in the analysis of issues related to the renewal of the value system characteristic of our society today and the impact of the reforms implemented in all areas of our life on this process, honorable President Shavkat Mirziyoev's " We will build a free and prosperous, democratic state of Uzbekistan together" (T.: "Uzbekistan", 2016), "Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should be the daily rules of every leader's activity" (T.: "Uzbekistan", 2017), "We will continue our path of national development with determination and raise it to a new level" (T.: " Uzbekistan", NMIU, 2017), "Ensuring the rule of law and human interests is the guarantee of the country's development and people's well-being." (T.: "Uzbekistan", 2017), "We will build our great future together with our brave and noble people." (T.: "Uzbekistan", 2017. - 488 p.) works such as "New Uzbekistan Strategy" (T.: "Uzbekistan Nashriyoti", - 2021), as well as the Decree " On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan " is important. From this point of view, the works of the head of our state serve as a methodological basis for further improvement of the system of social innovative values in studying the directions and main principles of the process of renewal in the spiritual and educational value system of our society as a result of our nation's achievement of independence, restoration of national statehood and strengthening of independence.

At the same time, the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 28, 2017 "On improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work and raising the development of the field to a new level" PQ-3160 dated May 31, 2017 "On measures for further development and improvement of the sphere of culture and art" PQ-3022 dated August 14, 2018 " Education of young people with moral, moral and physical perfection, education for them" Decisions and Decrees No. PQ -3907 on measures to raise the quality of the education system to a new level, and Addresses of the head of our state to the Oliy Majlis in 2017 and 2018 are undoubtedly the methodological basis for understanding the essence of issues in this direction and setting urgent tasks.

Researching the objective regularities and specific features of the process of changing and renewing the general value system specific to the life of our country today in all spheres as a socio-philosophical special topic serves the realization of these methodological sources and historical documents.

In this regard, the need to deeply study the impact of global axiological processes taking place in an extremely complex manner on the system of spiritual and educational values specific to today's Uzbek society, to find effective

solutions to emerging problems in this field, and the tasks of systematic research in this direction are becoming extremely urgent. In order to further increase the effectiveness of the reforms in this direction in order to create a new image of our country, there is a need for holistic conceptual scientific developments to further improve the existing value system and optimize its renewal mechanism. The need to develop innovative approaches and practical proposals and recommendations for their implementation is also increasing

As the Honorable President Sh.Mirziyoev specifically stated in his 2017 Address to the Oliy Majlis: "Today, we aim to fundamentally renew all areas of state and community life we are moving to the path of innovative development. It's not for nothing, of course. Because in today's fast-paced world, who wins? The state that relies on a new idea, a new idea, and innovation will win. Innovation is the future. If we start building our great future today, we should start it on the basis of innovative ideas and an innovative approach.

If we think on the basis of this conclusion, it should be noted that the scope of topics related to values is expanding, different views and topical issues are emerging in this direction. At the same time, current issues such as strengthening independence, building a new democratic state in Uzbekistan based on universal values, and strengthening the influence of the value factor in the process of building a civil society have made this topic more relevant. In this regard, there is a growing need for scientific and practical analyzes of issues such as revaluation of values, restoration of ancient oriental and national values, their preservation and inheritance for future generations, determination of valuable criteria for reforms and changes, and application of universal criteria for solving problems related to this process.


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