THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LAWS OF DIALECTIC IN SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Dialectics / opposition / conflict / concept / Contradiction / Scientific knowledge / Syllogism / A. Poincaré / Einstein / Heisenberg / Schrödinger. / Dialectics / opposition / conflict / concept / Contradiction / Scientific knowledge / Syllogism / A. Poincaré / Einstein / Heisenberg / Schrödinger.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Tajibaev M.A.

This article discusses the dialectical concept of opposition, of dialectics laws of development reason, direction and of course, the necessities in understanding and his the solution to find in search, research in reaching hand will come In the article we depending on a resistance dialectical concept about word we walk

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This article discusses the dialectical concept of opposition, of dialectics laws of development reason, direction and of course, the necessities in understanding and his the solution to find in search, research in reaching hand will come In the article we depending on a resistance dialectical concept about word we walk



Tajibaev M.A. assistant

Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute



Abstract. This article discusses the dialectical concept of opposition, of dialectics laws of development reason, direction and of course, the necessities in understanding and his the solution to find in search, research in reaching hand will come In the article we depending on a - resistance dialectical concept about word we walk

Key words. Dialectics, opposition, conflict, concept, Contradiction, Scientific knowledge, Syllogism, A. Poincare, Einstein, Heisenberg, Schrödinger.

The world scientific in knowing of dialectics laws conceptual important ownership this is an axiom. President Shaukat Mirziyoev meaning with saying: -" Ilm no in the place backwardness, ignorance and Of course, that's right out of the way get lost will be" [1].

Dependent a is resistance dialectical from the concept use scientific thinking in the process done increasing very a lot different connections to determine and in order to bring enable gives, zero, this concept within each different analytical - synthetic actions to know in the process opposition aspects of it development on the way known points that expression can Of this as a result " plural " " singular " k a turns, " color - color " as it were one to the line lined up, in order will come and him to see relatively it becomes easier.

That's it note reach should be right now dependent a - resistance concept dialectical in theory creative of thinking certain samples present requirements level efficient analysis to do for enough level work not issued. oppositions and them solution to do methods about works a lot has been in the circumstances this thought strange being feeling can But now of our philosophers in his views this problem on the surface unanimity is available not Theirs dependent a - resistance typology, opposition solution to do forms and methods about views mutually suitable doesn't come, sometimes while to each other is the opposite.

Dependent a is resistance problem about to the discussion point puts since J. T. Tulenov so that writes: " If from me discussion being done of the problem which aspects more detailed work exit need about if they ask, I am opposition solution to do methods and types the issue separately note reached will be I was Because it is issue solution to do relatively of approaches each variety, one how much cases while the author position complexity to the eye thrown away" [2].

From himself obviously it is right thought Indeed, different methodological approaches science, knowledge development efficient effect show ca n't The same

one scientific research results sometimes sorry can't be error and sometimes great one discovery that in any case, different methodological directions if shown, this of science development enough chance does not create Such in the situation sometimes someone's arbitrariness or masculinity, various transitory, " unscientific " situations big importance occupation reach can But talk only dependent a - resistance problem theoretical in terms of thorough work when not released not Scientific thinking systematic and detailed analysis to do, to think certain appearances and samples ( for example, scientific texts ) objective and reasonable what do you want? for necessary scientific tools good work not released too above mention done of the situation serious reasons is one Well, that's it the situation positive towards change is it possible

Scientific to know process with certain level familiar has been each what kind of person is dependent on resistance to know important, immanent factor, his that it is a motivating force admit takes Not only that Philosophers, but separately of sciences many famous representatives too own creative activities encourage for depending on the resistance certain way, that or this in the form used Here, for example, is N. Borning work style given from the descriptions one let 's take " His thinking style and work style known level creative to the feature have was.. N. Bor articles the text on writing table behind sitting down not across the room walking to work he liked He is himself stenographer, listener of articles and critic as to himself help to give persuaded colleagues to one telling was writing. In this he is himself with also, a colleague with too relentlessly they were enjoying themselves. Colleague conversation to the end go I'm fine from was falling Einstein, Heisenberg, Schrödinger and another physicists N. Bor always dependent a - resistances search for them aspiration, contradictions possible until aggravation that he likes they don't notice possible not was By the way, N. Borga special has been proving method with complementarity principle between similarity - alternative views depending on the resistance a benefit out get ability is available was " [3].

But to know in the process depending on the resistance organize with his scientific research in the product, let's say, scientific work in the text existence completely other - other are things. Last mention done in case, scientific writing to the rules according to knowledge procedural structural part possible will be eliminated until and main accent to the ready, completed, " received " result is given To know live movement sometimes recognize which cannot be level will change and finally as a result Movement " locomotive " depends on the resistance very less thing remains or never thing won't stay Most good without student opposite dependent a - against himself solution by doing which cannot be opposition of the nobility separately, in a mess stages, whole of the process some one fragments manifestation will be

That's it although some in the texts or their separately in parts to know of the process valid and natural dependent a - resistance much complete and sure manifestation will be This thank you A. Poincare the following opinions attention

Awarded: "Mathematical knowledge of opportunity being it seems Well, if this science only from the surface deductive if, his no one doubts yes who does not perfection and consistency from where come will it come out? Or, on the contrary, mathematics before pusher all suggestions formal logic rules using head from suggestions cause release possible so what for in mathematics infinite repetition does not meet? Syllogism to us any one new thing to teach ca n't if everyone thing crime from the law come output must if so, everyone thing this to the law to be brought need Is it possible that the volume is the volume? books filled in all of theorems statement A as A of showing masked method that assumption to do possible if !"[4]. Of your opinion during A. Poincare himself described depending on the resistance solution to do movement does So, his in the text dependent a -resistance - opinion mover, him of truth to the bottom to do as a motivating force is defined. Yu is in the snow mention done text to the pen of a great mathematician belongs to, but it is a purely mathematical text not In it dependent a - resistance idea different way manifestation will be

So, " live " depends on resistance movement is always clear in creation own on the contrary can't find it. Most of the time it is rich, rich, dramatic and to tension complete thinking of the process differentiate difficult has been only traces preserved remains. But that 's it despite, in creation of your opinion live, dependent on resistance complete of movement footprints differentiate can This to the tracks looking many p thing study and, required without, recovery can Otherwise by doing in other words, the researcher his opinion useful analysis to do, in which it depends on the resistance based on from tools use can.


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13.Tojiboyev, M. Ideological education factors of the upbringing person in the independent Uzbekistan.

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