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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdurakhmonova Z.Yu.

The new technology of learning can significantly increase the degree of meaningfulness of the educational material, firstly, due to the clarity, specificity and minimality of setting each project task, and, secondly, through the use of not only abstract models, but also visual images. The article deals with the use of various pedagogical technologies that help students achieve mastery, success in their field, and overcome difficulties in learning a foreign language.

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Abdurakhmonova Z. Yu. teacher of english the economics faculty foreign language department Tashkent State Transport University


Annotation: The new technology of learning can significantly increase the degree of meaningfulness of the educational material, firstly, due to the clarity, specificity and minimality of setting each project task, and, secondly, through the use of not only abstract models, but also visual images. The article deals with the use of various pedagogical technologies that help students achieve mastery, success in their field, and overcome difficulties in learning a foreign language.

Keywords: professional English, pedagogical technology, multi-level education, adaptive learning technology, problem-based learning technology.

Modern education requires solving various problems and problems of our time, first of all, the problems of socialization and adaptation of students. What our graduates will be depends on the whole system of organization of the educational process. Now the result of teaching a child at school has been determined - the formation of key competencies. It is impossible and irrational to form them using only traditional methods.

Educational programs provide for students to master professional English. It is well known that at present the need for specialists who speak a foreign language has increased significantly. This task can be realized using various pedagogical technologies, which helps to overcome difficulties in teaching students with different levels of foreign language proficiency [1, p.149-216]. In my professional work, I use the following pedagogical technologies.

Pedagogical technology of multi-level education allows you to create pedagogical conditions for the inclusion of each student in activities corresponding to the zone of his development. The need to use this technology is due to the fact that students with different levels of training come to vocational education. In the educational process, the teacher deals with individuals who have different inclinations, interests, needs and motives, temperament features, properties of thinking and memory [2, p. 62].

At the beginning of the academic year, I traditionally conduct cross-sectional tests in grammar, reading and translation. Thus, for example I reveal that in group, - two students studied French at school and began to study English at college, so the quality of education was low. Some students had slow dynamic personality characteristics and were doomed to inevitable difficulties when

working at the same pace for the whole group. I believe that this problem could be solved through level differentiation. I carried out the preparation of educational material in accordance with the conditional division of the entire group of students into two or three subgroups. In each group, I achieved my own levels of assimilation of the material. For example:

- knowledge of the material (remembered, reproduced);

- understanding (explained, translated from English into Uzbek or Russian language);

- application (composed a dialogue or a monologue based on key phrases).

Various types of control and test tasks have been developed. I am required


- create cognitive motivation and stimulate the cognitive activity of students;

- organize extracurricular work of students at various levels.

For example, in groups for the training of skilled workers and employees, students prepare thematic media presentations, mini-reports on the topic of their future profession. In groups for the training of mid-level specialists, students develop dialogues using professional vocabulary, compose texts and monologues about their future specialty.

- reduce frontal and classroom forms of work to the necessary minimum.

The use of this pedagogical technology allows me to highlight the main

stages of the lesson. For example, the stage of creating a target installation. Most often, I practice testing, dictation, pronunciation of basic definitions in vocabulary and grammar, etc. Mutual verification, correction of gaps, listening to the best answers are required here. The stage of mastering knowledge: the material is presented in a compact form, which allows most students to move on to independent processing of educational information. Weaker students receive an additional explanation and, as they learn, are included in the discussion, dialogue, and exercise. The consolidation stage is based on mutual verification, which motivates students to actively participate in the work [1, p. 149].

The result of the application of this pedagogical technology is an increase in the quality of education based on the results of a differentiated test, as well as a change in the attitude of students towards the discipline itself. For example, in the group with the profession "Auto mechanic", the quality of students' knowledge according to the results of the input control was 10%, and at the time of passing the differentiated control, the quality of knowledge increased to 25%. From the category of uninteresting subjects, in their opinion, English has become more understandable for use in future professional activities.

Adaptive learning technology is a kind of multi-level learning technology. Applying the technology of adaptive learning, I give a central place to the student, his activities, his personal qualities. Learning is seen as a process during which learning skills are formed. This is possible with the active

independent activity of students: reading additional local history material, abstract reading, performing exercises of varying complexity, practical exercises on the formation of speech skills, etc. [2, p. 63].

Using this pedagogical technology, I organize a lesson in three stages:1) explanation of the material; 2) individual work of a teacher with a student against the background of an independently engaged group; 3) independent work of students. [3, p. 263].

Working with future logisticians, I propose such a work plan, for example, on the topic "supply chain management" - read a story about logistics, compile a thematic dictionary on your own and move on to the active phase of assimilation, memorization through writing questions on the text. This technology teaches the logisticians of independent work, creative thinking and creativity. The necessary emotional atmosphere is created.

The main advantage of adaptive learning technology is that against the background of an independently working group, the teacher deals with some students individually (teacher-student) on three levels of adaptive tasks that require reproductive, partially search and creative activity. To increase motivation in the study of the discipline, I try to select texts of an exclusively professional orientation. So, for future builders, I offer informative reading about modern building structures, I select video material about architecture of skyscrapers, I use media presentations about the latest achievements in construction. I believe that the combination of the material of the professional module and the study of terms in English leads to a better assimilation of the material.

Adaptive learning technology involves a flexible system for organizing a training session, taking into account the degree of learning. In some groups, the explanation of the material may take up the entire lesson or part of the lesson. The same applies to independent work of students. This pedagogy makes it possible to vary the duration and sequence of stages of training [4, p. 45-50].

The technology of problem-based learning involves the search for reserves of mental development of students and, above all, creative thinking, the formation of the ability for independent cognitive activity [5, p. 1002].

The use of this pedagogical technology by me, as a teacher of a foreign language, is due to the need to attract students to participate in scientific and practical research conferences. For example, a student of the group made a presentation at a conference on the topic "Economic indicators". Work on an interesting topic contributes not only to the mastery of the necessary system of knowledge and skills by students, but also to an increase in the level of mental development, the formation of the ability to self-educate.

It is the technology of problem-based learning that helps to assimilate educational material, material on extracurricular work in the course of active search activity.

In foreign language lessons, I use problem-based learning technology in a general way: for example, students - future engineers are invited to independently create a situation in which he or she is repairing a factory machine, explaining it to other workers. I, as a teacher, organize this work to find a creative solution, I reason together with students, that is, I show the path of creative thinking. Sometimes in my lessons, students may come across something unknown and unexpected, for example, terms that are borrowed from Italian, French, Latin. And the first sign of a problematic situation is precisely the difficulty that a student can overcome only as a result of his own mental activity. In such cases, I am in no hurry to suggest, and even more so if it is related to the professional interest and certain experience of students). The use of this pedagogical technology obliges me, as a teacher, to work on my self-education, to know additional information, to see the problem and to master the technique of creative thinking myself.

For example, future economists are preparing material for role-playing games in the lessons on the topics "concluding a deal", "negotiations", "bargaining". In such classes real examples of contracts items, authentic materials are used. To evoke students' creativity, I offer spontaneous dialogues such as "prices are too high", "curious client", "foreign client", etc. This technique allows students to open up and try to solve an unexpected problem. Within the framework of this pedagogical technology, I use the technique of spontaneous intervention in the dialogue of students. For example, a role-playing game arises some problem to the solution. This technique is quite effective, since I deliberately complicate the dialogues and force the students to activate the communicative abilities. The result of the application of this pedagogical technology was successful for the students of the Faculty of Mechanics, the Faculty of Construction and the Faculty of Logistics.

In my opinion, only with the help of various pedagogical technologies it is possible to form the communicative literacy of a modern student. Society needs creative, competent specialists. In conditions of high competition, the labor market dictates its own requirements. Preparing a competitive graduate for future professional activity is the main task that reality sets for the educational institution and for me as a teacher of a foreign language.


1. Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies / Materials for specialists of educational institutions. St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002. P:. 149-216.

2. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M.: Public education. pp. 6288.

3. Shiyanov E.N., Kotova I.B. Development of personality in learning. M.: Academy, 2000. P. 260-268.

4. Polat E.S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: a guide for students. Rostov, 2005. P. 45-50

5. Mukhamedzhanova, S. D. New modern pedagogical technologies in teaching English Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 8 (88). - S. 1002-1004.

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