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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Suvorova S.L., Khilchenko T.V., Olar Yu.V.

The article presents the authors’ experience of implementing distance learning in the information and educational environment of the higher educational institution as one of the conditions of its innovative strategies. Based on the latest research on introducing distance learning in teaching foreign languages in the modern conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors identified the key semantic fields of the problem, namely: positioning the process of introducing distance learning for teaching a foreign language as a prerequisite for the innovative development of the university as a whole and its strategic planning in particular; identification of universal technologies and platforms that can be used in the educational process of the university: videoconferencing implemented on Zoom, Discord, Skype; television and satellite technology based on the use of interactive television: television and radio lectures, videoconferences, virtual practical exercises; email technology; network technologies for posting various educational materials; case studies. The article describes specific models for the implementation of distance learning technologies in organizing practical classes in English. It describes a step-by-step algorithm for using Zoom platform, a model for integrating this technology with network technologies that provide an opportunity to use educational and methodological materials of electronic information educational environment of the university. The authors carried out a comprehensive analysis of the experience of introducing distance learning technologies in the process of foreign language teaching of two universities of the Ural Federal District - Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University and the Ural State Pedagogical University and concluded that it is necessary to use these technologies as a condition for the innovativeness of educational strategies of the university.

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Цм$ровмзацмfl B 06pa30BaHMu

DOI: 10.14529/ped210308


S.L. Suvorova1, suvswetlana@mail.ru, T.V. Khilchenko2, tkhill@rambler.ru, Yu.V. Olar2, julolar@gmail.com

1St. Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk, Russian Federation

The article presents the authors' experience of implementing distance learning in the information and educational environment of the higher educational institution as one of the conditions of its innovative strategies. Based on the latest research on introducing distance learning in teaching foreign languages in the modern conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors identified the key semantic fields of the problem, namely: positioning the process of introducing distance learning for teaching a foreign language as a prerequisite for the innovative development of the university as a whole and its strategic planning in particular; identification of universal technologies and platforms that can be used in the educational process of the university: videoconferencing implemented on Zoom, Discord, Skype; television and satellite technology based on the use of interactive television: television and radio lectures, videoconferences, virtual practical exercises; email technology; network technologies for posting various educational materials; case studies. The article describes specific models for the implementation of distance learning technologies in organizing practical classes in English. It describes a step-by-step algorithm for using Zoom platform, a model for integrating this technology with network technologies that provide an opportunity to use educational and methodological materials of electronic information educational environment of the university. The authors carried out a comprehensive analysis of the experience of introducing distance learning technologies in the process of foreign language teaching of two universities of the Ural Federal District - Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University and the Ural State Pedagogical University and concluded that it is necessary to use these technologies as a condition for the innovativeness of educational strategies of the university.

Keywords: distance learning, e-learning, distance learning technologies, educational strategies, video conferencing technology, network technologies.


The dynamically developing educational space, the trend towards the transformation of various segments of the modern educational process due to adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions lead to the active introduction of distance learning technologies for teaching a foreign language in higher education.

Modern strategies of improving professional training of future teachers of a foreign language, the use of innovations in the educational process of higher educational establishments take into account the methodological potential of advanced information and computer technologies. The thesis of the innovativeness of the educational process is directly consistent with interactive ICT tech-

nologies, which have entered the higher school to a significant extent through the creation of electronic educational products and the use of electronic distance learning opportunities [2, 5, 6]. The very concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. With regard to the implementation of educational strategies of a university, the condition of innovativeness presupposes the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education, the organization of joint activities of teachers and students [12].

One of the types of innovations in the organization of higher professional education is the introduction of distance learning. Given

the current negative phenomena in the world associated with the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, many scientists, practicing educators and teachers are focusing in their research on maximuse of distance learning technologies [17].

As noted in many scientific publications, modern distance learning is rooted in the so-called "correspondence learning" (mid-19th century in Europe). The progress of distance learning was due, firstly, to the result of the technical capabilities of improving operational postal communication; secondly, the qualitative and quantitative development of the education system, a significant feature of which was the expansion of the university structure, the emergence of a number of specialized private and public educational institutions interested in the use of innovative forms of education. At present, distance learning is understood as a new organization of the educational process, which is based on the principle of independent learning, in which students are distant from the teacher in space and time, however they have a constant opportunity to maintain a communication with him in virtual space [10, 15]. According to L.V. Turanova, A.A. Styugin, "distance learning as a global phenomenon of educational and informational culturehas beens-teadily increasing. The industry of distanceeduca-tional services aimed at new requirements to the educational system (contents of education, communication technologies, informational competences, educational technologies) is developing leaving behind the formation of the concepts of distant learning, rules and regulations in the Russian Federation and abroad. The demand for distance learning is determined by the increasing demand of any person for having an opportunity to get the high-quality educational services he/she needs anywhere any time, that would satisfy his/her educational needs"[18, p. 468]. In Russia, distance learning is becoming more and more widespread, as evidenced by the fact that in the regulatory legal acts, much attention is already paid to distance, electronic and other types of modern education. For example, Art. 16 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" defines distance learning technologies (with the help of which distance learning is implemented) as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks through indirect (at a distance) interaction of students and teachers [14]. Distance edu-

cation in the new century will be characterized byan adaptability of design before and during the teaching and learning processmade possible by affordable and highly interactive communications technology. This adaptability in designing the educational transaction based upon sustained communication and collaborative experiences reflects the essence of the post-industrial era of distance education [5, p. 13]. The modern paradigm of education in global information and communications is associated with the e-learning, artificial intelligence, cloud technologies [11, p. 30].

The scientific arsenal of a modern teacher also includes such a term as "e-learning", which, according to the above mentioned Article 16 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", means the organization of educational activities by means of the information contained in databases that is used in the implementation of an educational program ensuring the processing of information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks which provide the transmission of the specified information through communication lines, the interaction of students and teaching staff [14]. We believe at present it is due to talk about such an educational strategy at a university level as the organization of electronic distance learning within the electronic space of a university. According to E.R. Dikikh, the information and educational space is understood as an indissoluble unity of information resources, technologies and means of information interaction that ensures the receipt of information by the subjects of the educational process for educational purposes [3]. In such a space, the following are distinguished: subjects of education, teaching aids and electronic information and educational resources, electronic technologies and means of communication [1]. Analysis of existing research and developments in the field of distance learning technologies leads to the selection of universal technologies and platforms that can be used in the educational process of the university: video conferencing technology implemented on the Zoom, Discord, Skype platforms for organizing real online communication; television and satellite technology based on the use of interactive television: television and radio lectures, videoconferences, virtual practical exercises; e-mail technology for organizing indirect communication; network technologies for placing various educational materials (including video lectures, multimedia presentations, tests) in the intra-university elec-

tronío information educational environment in order to provide students with educational and methodological materials and interaction with varying degrees of interactivity between the teacher and students; case technologies based on the use of sets (cases) of text, audiovisual and multimedia educational and methodological materials and their distribution for self-study by students while organizing regular consultations with teachers.

Formulation of the problem

On the one hand, the above-mentioned distance learning technologies have great educational potential for teaching a foreign language in higher education - organizing real foreign language communication online, working with various educational materials, the ability to interact with varying degrees of interactivity between the teacher and students, independent study of educational teaching materials, etc. However, on the other hand, the information and educational space of the university in many of its segments is not sufficiently manageable, does not ensure the pur-posefulness and systematic nature of the student's activity in mastering a foreign language, students fail to receive effective organizational and methodological support in the use of certain distance technologies. The purpose of the article is to determine the status of distance learning technologies for teaching a foreign language as a condition for the innovativeness of educational strategies of the university and to analyze the experience of implementing distance learning technologies in organizing practical classes in English at the Humanities Institute of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University and some other pedagogical universities.


In our research we try to find out the best approach to implementing distant education technologies in the process of foreign language teaching as one of the conditions of innovative education policy.

Thus, we can list some key points (approaches) that should be the basis of implementing distant education technologies:

1) while distant education can be implemented through various technologies and approaches, the learner must be at the centre of planning andimplementation(Student-centered approach);

2) teaching and learning are based on sound pedagogical principles of guided-didactic conversation [8, pp. 114-122], and appropriate use of two-way communication tools and technologies

that help support dialogue and communication and enable students to work in virtual teams [16]. Interaction between students, students and teachers, students and content results in deeper understanding is an integral part of distant learning technologies. In order to benefit maximally from distant education opportunities, students need to be guided to develop self-directed learning skills. Distance education follows the evolution of the communication technologies, which gives support to this kind of education. In this context, the teacher may understand that technology contributions as a pedagogical resource will occur continuously. Then, he/she needs to act according to this possibility, planning his/her practices and organizing the pedagogical actions as a mediation for this learning process, trying to overcome expectations and, consequently, the appropriation of knowledge [13, pp. 54-58]. (The Communicative approach);

3) development and implementation technology-enabled learning strategies that are accessible and appropriate for the needs of learners. This would involve making appropriate technology choices to suit different contexts (Self-Directed Learning and Independent Learning approach);

4) use of innovative approaches to assessment in both offline and online environments (Informational and Digital approach);

5) orientation provision to students to effectively use online learning and to develop self-directed learning skills by creating an engaging learning enrolments(Self-Directed Learning approach);

6) development of robust student support services using a range of technologies. Personal contact must be provided through a variety of means, including telephone, email, discussion boards, appropriate social media to reduce the feeling of isolation and loneliness (Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Distance Learning approach) [7, pp. 5, 9, 10].


When conducting practical classes in a foreign language in the junior courses of the department of foreign languages, one of the most common technologies in the organization of distance learning is the videoconferencing technology, implemented on the Zoom platform. The advantage of this technology for conducting practical classes in a foreign language is the ability to organize real communication between the teacher and students online. The technology of video

conferencing on the Zoom platform is convenient for conducting training sessions in all aspects of a foreign language: practical phonetics, practical grammar, a practical course of the first foreign language due to the following features: - the possibility of video and audio communication with each participant in the video conference; - screen demonstration (screenshare) for the introduction of new language material, accompanying the explanation of grammatical material, demonstration of video fragments, multimedia presentation, visual material, pictures, diagrams with highlighting the necessary fragments during the explanation, etc. At the same time, it is possible to transfer the mouse control function to the student, which contributes to understanding whether he has mastered the topic or not; - the presence of a chat in which you can write answers to various tasks, exchange messages, etc. An important function is the ability to send in the chat a link to educational material, test work both individually and for the entire group of students; - the presence of the function "session rooms" (breakoutrooms) for the organization of pair and group work in the organization of speech interaction of students in a foreign language. If necessary, the teacher can combine the use of several capabilities of the platform at the same time - to listen to the dialogue / polylogue of one of the groups of students, while giving the others a task related to the material of the multimedia presentation on the screen. The most difficult thing in organizing online classes for a teacher is to compose the material so that it is convenient to use it in an online format. In our opinion, a lesson plan is needed, which students can see when showing a teacher's computer screen on the Zoom platform to guide their activities. Improving the foreign language communicative competence of students requires constant attention from the teacher. In real time, the possibility of creating a genuine foreign language environment in order to form and improve communication skills is revealed in the following opportunities: 1) the use of interactive teaching methods (discussions, projects, collaborative learning, research activities); 2) organization of video communication with native speakers; 3) using the capabilities of social networks, chats, forums; 4) attraction of reliable relevant information from the Internet, the ability to visualize information; 5) the use of communicative teaching methods (discussions, debates, round tables, role-playing and business games).

Let us give an example of the research acti-

vities of 2nd year students in a series of classes and in extracurricular activities in the process of studying the topic "The health care system in different countries." The work is carried out in mini-groups of three to four students on the "Zoom" platform.

Step 1. Task: Search for the information on Health Systems of Russia, the UK and the USA according to several aspects. Students receive a chat link to a number of websites with information on healthcare systems in Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Each mini-group works in different session rooms, creating a comparison table and filling it with keywords and realities. One minigroup compares the US and UK healthcare systems, another compares Russia and the US, and a third Russia and the UK. Students communicate in English, the teacher can enter the sessions and monitor the communication process.

Step 2. Task: Write a list of questions for the interview of some people living in these countries. At the second stage, the work continues individually. Each student poses two or three different types of questions to the residents of the countries whose health systems they are considering. Then, in mini-groups in different session rooms, students draw up and discuss an interview sheet. After that, the teacher takes the entire study group to the general session hall to compile a general questionnaire for residents of all three countries.

Step 3. Task: Conduct your interviews. This stage takes place outside the classroom during two to three days. A certain number of residents of Russia, Great Britain and the United States are interviewed using e-mail, social networks, chats, forums, audio or video calls.

Step 4. Task: Summarize the results of your survey. The generalization of the survey results takes place in mini-groups outside the classroom using videoconferencing tool.

Step 5. Role-play. Task: Present the results of your survey in a Debate club "Health Care in Need of Reform". Students role-play as representatives of the countries in which they conducted their research. Previously, they develop role cards, according to which they will lead the discussion. One of the students acts as a talk show host. During the role play, students demonstrate research results using the Screen Share feature.

Combining several distance learning technologies is a very common experience in conducting practical classes in the junior courses of

the department of foreign languages. In our opinion, it is possible to successfully combine the technology of video conferencing with network technologies, which provide the opportunity to use educational and methodological materials of the electronic information educational environment (EIEE) of the university, to complete control and test tasks within a particular course. Work in the electronic information educational environment of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University is diverse and quite effective. The teacher places educational materials in the sections of the relevant academic disciplines. For practical exercises in English, EIEE provides the ability to attach the following materials: glossary, survey, test, hyperlink, folder, task, file.

The "Glossary" module allows you to create a list of studied lexical units (LU) with their definitions in English. This exercise is aimed at expanding the vocabulary of students. The teacher distributes certain LUs among students, who work individually and attach the results to one folder for general use. During the semester, it is convenient to review the material covered both for performing the proposed communication exercises and for writing test papers. Moreover, each student, working with this module, can search and view records both alphabetically and by category, date of attachment or author. The Glossary is a highly effective resource for checking facts to remember. The survey module allows the instructor to ask a question and suggest answers. The results may be necessary for making a joint decision by the group on further study of the material, and may also be important for the teacher to quickly check the understanding of the proposed material for the explanation / study. In this case, the question may look like this:

How well do you understand Unreal Conditionals of Type II?

* perfectly;

* fairly;

* quite well;

* so-so;

* notatall.

The "Test" element of the course allows the teacher to create tests from questions of different types, such as: true / false, multiple choice, matching, short answer, numerical answer. Such tests are convenient to use for current and final control, as well as for self-assessment of students. In addition, tests can be educational in nature and have the goal of increasing student motivation.

The "Hyperlink" module allows the teacher to attach a web link to a freely available resource. It should be noted that in the EIEE the link can be placed in two versions: embedded in the page and opening in a new window. In practical grammar classes, we often use web-links to such well-known resources as British Council Learn English Teens, BBC Learning English, Test-English.com and others.

The "Folder" module provides the ability to arrange adjacent files in one folder for convenient use with minimal scrolling on the course page. It is advisable to use one folder on a thematic basis. In this case, students are focused on all materials on a specific topic, which reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding and reduced motivation among students. The learning element "Assignment" assumes that the teacher attaches communication tasks, collects student work for assessment, and also provides feedback on their work. In this task, students place text documents with completed assignments, audio and video files, images, diagrams, mental maps or charts. For example, when working on a practical foreign language course, students receive the following assignments:

* Compose a monologue on one of the problematic topics; attach an audio or video of your answer.

* Present lexical units on the studied topic in a mind-map.

* Present text information in tabular form.

* Write a review of the video clip you watched using the lexical units you learned. The teacher has the ability to leave feedback in the form of a comment or upload a file with the student's corrected answer. It is important to note the variability of the grade - points, percentages, custom grading scale. The final grade is placed in the Grade Book.

The "File" module is the most used in the process of foreign language training for junior students, because with its help, the teacher attaches the necessary information. During the videoconference, students are asked to go to the course page in EIEE and open the required file. In addition, several files can be presented under the names of students to organize individual work in the classroom and after school hours.

In general, work in the electronic information educational environment is convenient, understandable and, undoubtedly, contributes to increasing the efficiency of the educational process [9].

The digital technology has been successfully used in a number of project implementations throughout Russia. The results are promising [4]. Let us compare our own experience in the implementation of distance learning technologies with the analogous experience of one of the leading pedagogical universities in the Ural Federal District. So, at the Ural State Pedagogical University (hereinafter referred to as the Ural State Pedagogical University), the development of educational programs, including in the "Foreign Language" profile, is supported by digital educational content presented on the university's educational portal, as well as online courses developed by the teachers of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

The following have been successfully introduced into the educational process of Ural State Pedagogical University: - video conferencing technology on the following platforms for video conferencing (VCS): Adobe Connect Pro (ACP); Mirapolis Virtual Room (MVR); Big Blue Button (BBB) and others for organizing lectures; - network technologies for placing various educational materials (including video lectures, multimedia presentations, tests) in the intra-university electronic information educational environment in order to provide students with educational and methodological materials and interaction with varying degrees of interactivity between the teacher and students (online learning service); Learning Management Platforms: eLearning Server 4G (Learning Portal), Moodle, Ural State Pedagogical University Online Learning. Comparison of the types of distance learning technologies that are actively introduced into the information and educational space of the university confirms the authors' opinion that this phenomenon is a condition for the innovativeness of educational strategies of any pedagogical university and allows us to conclude that the development of educational programs by students using certain distance educational technology allows to develop virtual academic mobility of students, their autonomy and independent educational activities, the skills of educational cooperation along with the ability to carry out speech interaction in a foreign language.


In conclusion, it should be noted that e-distance learning using online platforms, due to global interest and the current situation with the pandemic, does not prevent the improvement of the quality of the educational process. On the one hand, the use of these platforms makes it

possible to systematize the existing experience of e-distance learning, on the other hand, it leads to the integration of this experience into the educational process, aimed at improving the foreign language communicative competence of students.


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Received 15 July 2021

УДК 378.016 DOI: 10.14529/ped210308


С.Л. Суворова1, Т.В. Хильченко2, Ю.В. Оларь2

1 Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования, г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия,

2Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, г. Шадринск, Россия

В статье представлено обобщение авторского опыта внедрения технологий дистанционного обучения в информационно-образовательную среду вуза как одного из условий его инновационной стратегии. На основе новейших исследований, касающихся проблемы внедрения дистанционных технологий обучения иностранным языкам в современных условиях пандемии COVID-19, авторы определили ключевые смысловые поля проблемы, в частности: позиционирование процесса внедрения дистанционных технологий обучения иностранному языку как обязательного условия инновационности развития вуза в целом и его стратегического планирования в частности; выявление универсальных технологий и платформ, которые могут быть использованы в образовательном процессе вуза: технология видеоконференций, реализуемая на платформах Zoom, Discord, Skype; телевизионно-спутниковая технология, основанная на применении интерактивного телевидения (теле- и

радиолекции, видеоконференции, виртуальные практические занятия, технология электронной почты); сетевые технологии для размещения различных учебных материалов; кей-совые технологии.

В статье представлены конкретные модели реализации технологий дистанционного обучения при организации практических занятий по английскому языку, в частности описывается пошаговый алгоритм работы с использованием технологии видеоконференций на платформе Zoom, модель интеграции данной технологии с сетевыми технологиями, предоставляющими возможность пользоваться учебно-методическими материалами электронной информационной образовательной среды вуза. Авторами проведен всесторонний анализ опыта внедрения дистанционных технологий обучения иностранному языку двух вузов Уральского федерального округа - Шадринского государственного педагогического университета и Уральского государственного педагогического университета - и сделан вывод о необходимости использования данных технологий как условия инновационности образовательных стратегий вуза.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, электронное обучение, дистанционные технологии обучения, образовательные стратегии, технология видеоконференции, сетевые технологии.


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Суворова Светлана Леонидовна, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков, Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования, г. Санкт-Петербург, suvswetlana@mail.ru.

Хильченко Татьяна Викторовна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры теории и практики германских языков, Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, г. Шадринск, tkhill@rambler.ru.

Оларь Юлия Вячеславовна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры теории и практики германских языков, Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, г. Шадринск, julolar@gmail.com.

Поступила в редакцию 15 июля 2021 г.



Suvorova, S.L. The Implementation of Distance Technologies of Learning a Foreign Language as a Condition of Innovation of the Educational Strategies of the University / S.L. Suvorova, T.V. Khilchenko, Yu.V. Olar // Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия «Образование. Педагогические науки». -2021. - Т. 13, № 3. - С. 90-98. DOI: 10.14529/ped210308

Suvorova S.L., Khilchenko T.V., Olar Yu.V. The Implementation of Distance Technologies of Learning a Foreign Language as a Condition of Innovation of the Educational Strategies of the University. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Education. Educational Sciences. 2021, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 90-98. DOI: 10.14529/ped210308

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