Научная статья на тему 'The role of lapbooks in cognitive development of primary school children with hearing impairment'

The role of lapbooks in cognitive development of primary school children with hearing impairment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Manukyan Anahit Vahanovna, Piloyan Ruzanna Mherovna

The article highlights the importance of lapbooks for developing cognitive activities of students with hearing impairment. Also it analyzes the opinion of RA specialists on using lapbooks and justifies their effectiveness with a practical method.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of lapbooks in cognitive development of primary school children with hearing impairment»

У детей потребности выражаются в поисковой и исследовательской деятельности, это позволяет ученикам более эффективно обучаться и усваивать новое. Обычно у них ярко выражена тяга к новым знаниям, открытиям, а также к самопознанию. Поэтому учителям должны найти подход к каждому ученику. Найдя правильный подход к каждому из них, учитель поспособствует не только высоким результатам деятельности учеников, но и здоровому климату в детском коллективе. Также стоит отметить, что учителя должны уделять особое внимание взаимоотношениям между детьми. Ведь хорошо известно, что если не развивать ту или иную способность, то со временем она иссякнет и восполнить ее будет достаточно сложно [2, с. 13].

Список литературы

1. Азизова Л.Х. Система выявления и поддержки одаренных детей и талантливой молодежи // Актуальные проблемы современной науки в XXI веке: Сборник материалов XIV международной научно-практической конференции. 31 августа 2017 г. Махачкала: Апробация, 2017. 250 с.

2. Василенко Е.С., Калинина С.Н. Наставничество в сфере поддержки и сопровождения одаренных детей // Методист, 2018. № 10. С. 11-14.


'Manukyan Anahit Vahanovna — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lecturer, DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY;


Abstract: the article highlights the importance of lapbooks for developing cognitive activities of students with hearing impairment. Also it analyzes the opinion of RA specialists on using lapbooks and justifies their effectiveness with a practical method.

Keywords: children with hearing impairement, lapbook, cognitive activity, didactic objects, primary school children, research, survey, respondents.

The diagnosis of hearing impairment in children is followed with a number of problems, the most important of which is the decline in cognitive functions. The later is mostly affected, when the hearing problem occurs during early chldhood.

Children with hearing impairments find it difficult to understand the information that is more accessible to their peers when they encounter traditional educational methods. Therefore, in order to develop the cognitive activity of children with hearing problems, modern methods and technologies are used in the educational system. These methods and means include contemporary pedagogical technologies, that contribute to the development of cognitive and creative activities of these students, which in turn increase the quality of education and leads to the effective use of a class time. Didactic tools are considered as parts of these methods [3].

Didactic tools are of great importance in the development of cognitive activities of primary school children with hearing impairments: perception, memory, attention, imagination. Didactic tools help to remember previously perceived speech materials, to solve general educational and corrective tasks. Thus, the lapbooks serve as a necessary method for the development of cognitive activities of primary school children with hearing problems. Moreover, in case of primary school children with hearing impairment, it is more than important, since it helps both children and teacher to involve these children in educational processes.

Lapbooks are an alternative that involves a game, creativity, cognition, and a seek of new solutions, review, and reinforce knowledge, as well as for parents it is a good time spending with their children. Moreover, lapbooks help children to perceive a new information quickly and efficiently, since the information is acquired through a game [1, 2].

To get acquainted with the opinions of RA specialists on lapbooks, to understand their level of awareness on the problem, a study was conducted with 20 teachers and educators working at the Spitak Regional Pedagogical- psychoeducational Support and Assessment Centre.

The study results show that the vast majority of teachers and educators surveyed, 80%, believe that lapbooks play a key role in the development of cognitive activity of primary school children with hearing impairment; however they do not use lapbooks in learning processes, since the vast majority, 90%, find it time consuming.

Surveys show that the majority of surveyed teachers and educators do not develop the cognitive activity of children with hearing impairments through lapbooks. It is obvious, that this happens not only due to the lack of time, but also due to the lack of theoretical knowledge, information, the lack and even the absence of practical experience of teachers and educators.

It is noteworthy that the respondents nevertheless recomend the usage of a lapbook, as it develops the cognitive activity of children with hearing impairments, in particular, vocabulary, thinking, attention, imagination, logic and memory (Fig. 1).







u vocabulary y thinking id attention M imagination logic memory

Fig. 1. The responses of specialists to the question "In your opinion what does lapbook develop in primary school children

with hearing impairment? "

So, in order to find out the children's interest in a lapbook, to assess the need of work with a lapbook and examine its impact on children's cognitive activities, we have conducted a practical work with pupils using a lapbook.

The study involved 4 hearing-impaired pupils (2 boys, 2 girls) enrolled in 2-4 grades of an inclusive school. Three of the participants had a 3rd degree hearing disability and one of them had a 4th grade hearing impairment.

The study, which covered the topics of "Seasons of the Year" and "Animals", went through three stages, during which the children completed various assignments with a lapbook: "Describe the picture", " The seasons puzzles", "prepare letters yurself', "opposite words", "guess the weather", "what do animals eat".

It is worth to mention, that all the children participating in the study, studied the topic "Animals" and "Seasons of the Year" before, and through the lapbook they clearly distinguished domestic and wild animals, they could answer where the animals live and what they feed, what features they have, what sound they make. With the help of a lapbook, children could distinguish wild and domestic animals using picture-cards, then they identify each animal characterizing features, read information on the characteristics of each animal, ask questions, answer the questions about animals through question-cards.

Thus, with the use of lapbook, the children participated both in individual and group work with pleasure, mastered the topic and enjoyed their time. The most important factor is that children easily gain and memorize the knowledge gained by a lapbook, because it is a practical tool that makes the theoretical material visual, easy and perceptible.

The table obviously shows that there is no unanswered and non-fulfilling work submitted, and the respondents have showed high rates of activity, comprehension and answering questions while performing tasks. They demonstrated high level of individual work and active participation. Based on the material selected in the lapbook, the children were able to present the suggested topics in more depth, and in case of difficulties, the teacher helped them to use the words, phrases and express their thoughts and ideas in order.

Besides, we would like to mention that the lapbook allowed them to develop their visual and verbal memory, to perceive the material and to enrich their knowledge with new information.

Table 1. Indicators for the development of cognitive activity in primary school children with hearing impairment through


Tasks Hearing impaired children n=4

Correct responses With the help of techer No Response

Number % Number % Number %

"Describe the picture" 2 50% 2 2 50% - -

<Seasons puzzle>> 4 100% - - - -

«Prepare letters yourself» 4 4 100% - - - -

«Opposite words>> 3 75% 1 25% - -

"What do animals eat ?" 3 75% 11 25% - -

<<Guess the weather» 04 100% - - - -

So, the research showed tat lapbooks are very interesting for the children with hearing impairment. Moreover, the usage of lapbooks develops cognitive activities of these children, since in this way children are involved in group works, demonstrate activity, develop fine motor skills, attention, imagination and memory. However, while using lapbooks, it is necessary to take into account the lack of time and, for this this purpose to start creating a lapbook in advance, giving the children individual tasks.

Thus, preparing lessons with a lapbook, as well as the process of creating a lapbook, definitely has an incredible impact on the development of cognitive activity in primary school students with hearing impairments. The process of making and using lapbooks resolves many problems in a contemporary education system:

• The children with hearing impairment gain knowledge on the topic studied

• They put tasks and find solutions individually

• They learn to use a comprehensive method of solving problems

• They demonstrate creative approach to information selection and acquisition.


1. Baryash T.V. Laptop, as a variable form of cognitive development of preschool children. Saint-Petersburg: GBDOU d / s # 64, 2015.

2. Gatovskaya A.D. Laptop as a means of learning in the conditions of the Federal state educational system// International. scientific conference VI international scientific conference "Problems and prospects of education development". Perm: mercury, 2015. Articles 162-164.

3. Golovchits L. Didactic games for preschoolers with hearing disorders // Collection of games for teachers and parents / / LLC UMITS "GRAF PRESS", 2003. Article 319.

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