THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST DRUGS IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
Drugs / narcotics / psychotropic / UN / UNICEF / CIS / SCO / CSTO / Central Asia / National Center / convention / customs / crime. / Наркотики / наркотики / психотропные средства / ООН / ЮНИСЕФ / СНГ / ШОС / ОДКБ / Центральная Азия / Национальный центр / конвенция / таможня / преступность.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Makhmatkulov, J.

In this article, the experience of Central Asian countries, Russia, Iran, China, Poland, Italy, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia and other countries in the fight against drugs in Uzbekistan, as well as UN, CIS, SCO and CSTO international legal data based on national legislation drawn up within the framework of the norms.

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В данной статье рассмотрен опыт стран Центральной Азии, России, Ирана, Китая, Польши, Италии, Пакистана, Украины, Германии, Грузии, Турции, Болгарии, Латвии и других стран в борьбе с наркотиками в Узбекистане, а также Международно-правовые данные ООН, СНГ, ШОС и ОДКБ основаны на национальном законодательстве, составленном в рамках норм.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 1

educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423


J. Makhmatkulov

Employee of the Department of Internal Affairs of Kashkadarya region


In this article, the experience of Central Asian countries, Russia, Iran, China, Poland, Italy, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia and other countries in the fight against drugs in Uzbekistan, as well as UN, CIS, SCO and CSTO international legal data based on national legislation drawn up within the framework of the norms.

Keywords: Drugs, narcotics, psychotropic, UN, UNICEF, CIS, SCO, CSTO, Central Asia, National Center, convention, customs, crime.


В данной статье рассмотрен опыт стран Центральной Азии, России, Ирана, Китая, Польши, Италии, Пакистана, Украины, Германии, Грузии, Турции, Болгарии, Латвии и других стран в борьбе с наркотиками в Узбекистане, а также Международно-правовые данные ООН, СНГ, ШОС и ОДКБ основаны на национальном законодательстве, составленном в рамках норм.

Ключевые слова: Наркотики, наркотики, психотропные средства, ООН, ЮНИСЕФ, СНГ, ШОС, ОДКБ, Центральная Азия, Национальный центр, конвенция, таможня, преступность.


The fight against drug addiction has become one of the most pressing issues today. According to the United Nations, there are now 8 million people in the world with heroin, 191.2 million. one consumes a variety of drugs. As a result, 20,000 people were poisoned. [2; 1].

The problem of drug addiction is not only an internal problem of a country, but also of global importance. The fight against it requires the world community to work together to develop and implement a set of measures. Today, Uzbekistan is involved in the fight against drug trafficking in Central Asia, Russia, Iran, China, Poland, Italy, Pakistan, Ukraine, Bilateral agreements with Germany, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia and other countries, as well as multilateral commitments within the CIS, SCO and CSTO [1; 3].

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One of the most pressing issues today is the study of international law and national legal norms in the fight against drugs, the study of the experience of different countries in this area, the study of international legal norms in accordance with national legislation.

The fight against drug addiction remains one of the major challenges facing countries around the world today. Therefore, in his speech at the 48th session of the UN General Assembly on September 28, 1993, the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov called on the whole world to fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking, as it has become one of the most important problems. He outlined Uzbekistan's position in this regard and proposed the establishment of a UN regional commission in Central Asia. As a result, the UN Regional Office in Tashkent has opened.


According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, on April 30, 1994, the State Commission on Drug Abuse was established in the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the UN International Program on Drug Control and Coordination. The commission includes heads of law enforcement agencies and other government agencies [3; 3]. As a result of the above practical work in 1992-1994, more than 15 tons of 447 kg of drugs imported from Afghanistan, including 1167 kg of "hashish" drugs were seized in Uzbekistan [9].

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of November 7, 1996 "On the establishment of the National Information and Analysis Center for Drug Control and strengthening law enforcement agencies to combat drug abuse", the National Information and Analytical Center for Drug Control was established under the Cabinet of Ministers. . A number of activities were carried out by the National Center. For example, in the framework of the month "Fight against drug addiction among young people" with the participation of citizens, meetings with representatives of the youth social movement "Kamolot" in schools, educational institutions on "Drugs - the plague of the century", "Towards a world without drugs". Various quizzes and stage performances on the consequences of drug addiction have been organized. Such events have been particularly effective at the Yangiyul Vocational College of Consumer Services, the Regional State Pedagogical Institute, the Angren Chemical Industry and the College of Computer Technology, Almalyk Industry and Medicine. , with the participation of non-governmental organizations and foreign embassies, a series of events entitled "Think of your future - think for yourself" [5; 4].

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In addition, employees of the National Center, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, participated in seminars and meetings held in a number of countries, such as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, India, Great Britain, Turkey, dedicated to the problems of cocaine. In order to strengthen cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations, they participated in conferences dedicated to the "fight against the spread of drugs"in China, Lithuania, Poland and Israel [3;3].

On October 24, 1996, according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers № 364 "on the establishment of the National Center of Dogology", the National Center of Dogology under the state customs office was established. With the activity of this center, which is unique in Central Asia, representatives of the delegations of AQSHI, France, Russia, India, Turkey, Iran, Kirnzistan countries, as well as the Butunjahon Customs and Eurobasket organizations got acquainted and highly appreciated it [5;4].

In 2000, in Uzbekistan, in cooperation with UNICEF in the fight against drug abuse, work was carried out on a special program for the treatment of young people who have entered the path of cocaine consumption.In 2000, he conducted a survey on the consumption of drugs and its negative consequences in the schools of the Tashkent region. According to him, 71,4 percent of young people were interested in one tasting of drugs, 37,3 percent reported that it was the first time in various entertainment holidays, 12 percent said it was at the wedding, 10 percent said it was in T Kul huts, while 74 percent said that the alcoholic beverage had consumed the drug because of a conflictAccording to the program organized by UNICEF, regular seminars were held on the topic of treatment of young people who consumed drugs. Until June 2001, they worked in schools, high schools and colleges. The training was conducted by a psychologist, a lawyer, a doctor with a special qualification in the cities of Moscow, Kiev, Bishkek [ 7;3 ].

On August 19, 1999, the laws on"Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" and the ratification of UN conventions were adopted. As a result, the state commission for the control of narcotic substances was established in Uzbekistan. By its decision on June 8, 2011, the program of measures for Combating Drug Abuse and illegal circulation for 2011-2015 was approved[9 ].

On June 26, 2007, the National Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan held an annual event on the elimination of drugs dedicated to the "International Day of struggle against drug abuse and their illegal circulation". At the event, with the participation of law enforcement and judicial bodies, the public, the media, international organizations operating in our country and representatives of the diplomatic corps, 1435 kilograms of narcotic substances - heroin, blackberries,

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marijuana, as well as a large amount of poppy pox, cannabis plants, hapdori and psychotropic substances in the form of a solution were burned in one of the industrial For the first time such an event was held in 1994 year. Over the past time, 40.5 tons of drugs were destroyed by burning in Uzbekistan[1].

In 2007, the press conference dedicated to the International Day of Fight Against Drug Abuse and their illegal circulation with the participation of representatives of the state commission for the control of narcotic substances of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Office of the UN chief on drugs and crime in our country, the topic of Afghanistan was touched upon. It was noted that despite the measures taken by the international community in Afghanistan, the growth of drug production continues. According to international experts, the quantity of blackberries produced in this country in 2007 year increased by 34,4 percent compared to 2006 year. Uzbekistan has developed a program of measures designed for 2007-2010 years[1;3].

By the decision of June 8, 2011, the program of measures for Combating Drug Abuse and illegal circulation for 2011-2015 was approved[9 ].Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "import, withdrawal and transit of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and precursors into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on November 12, 2015, as well as, with the decision"on improving control over their circulation", an additional 80 types of new narcotic drugs have been introduced into the list of banned narcotic drugs in our country so far[4].

At the United Nations headquarters in New York, at the end of the 71st session of the General Assembly, six UN official languages provided information on the main directions of Uzbekistan's anti-drug policy and the work carried out on its basis in 2016. In 2016, 6646 jinoi cases were identified as a result of organizational-practical and operational-profilactic measures taken in the fight against illicit drug trafficking in Uzbekistan during the operation "Karalagizgaldak-2016". 3 tons and 542,4 kilograms of narcotic substances, as well as 19 277 units of psychotropic substances obtained from illegal circulation. As such, 1070 illegal cases of cultivation of narcotic drugs have been identified. Drug plants planted at 4900 square meters were destroyed [6]. In place of the conclusion,we can say that 75 percent of the total black drug that spreads around the world comes out of Afghanistan. In 2000, 4600 tons of such ajal seeds were produced in Afghanistan. This means 65 percent of the total network. Drug addicts first of all seek to use the territory of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, which are close troops of Afghanistan. The UN testified that more than

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60 percent of Afghan Black drugs will cross the borders of Tajikistan. In 2000, 7 tons of different drugs and 1.8 tons of heroin were seized in Tajikistan, and in Uzbekistan about 3 tons of black drugs were seized. To deal with illegal drugs, even women are involved. Indeed, 25 percent of the distributors detained in the territory of Uzbekistan are women. A survey conducted by experts from UNICEF (UN children's fund) among children and adolescents in 35 countries showed that 60 percent of them were drug users in schools, colleges and universities[7;3].


There are also major social causes for the addiction of minors to alcohol and narcotic drugs. These include troubled families, the environment in which the individual lives, the attitude of the society and the economic challenge of the transition and other problems. Also, at present, there are cases of committing a crime by minors who consume alcoholics or narcotic drugs. According to the United Nations, more than 500 million people in the world are suffering from drug addiction. Most of its parts are made up of people under the age of 30. As a result of this, more than 200 thousand people die every year. At the same time, 57 percent of the crimes committed in the world fall under the contribution of drugs.


1. Ivanova A. "Giyohvandlik yo'lidagi mustahkam g'ov" \\ Xalq so'zi, Juny 27, 2008 y, P 3.

2. Toxirov F. "Giyohvandlik -xavfli illat" // Inson va qonun. February 5, 2002 y, №5, P 1.

3. Ibrohimov H. "Giyohvandlikka qarshi kurash: hamkorlik-harakat mezoni" // Inson va qonun. February 19, 2002 y, №5, P 3.

4. Yuldoshov H. "O'zbekistonda 1,6 tonnadan ortiq giyohvandlik vositalari yoqib yuborildi"// Xalq so'zi, Juny 26, 2018 y.

5. Anvarov Sh. "Og'uli hayot azob" // Toshkent haqiqati. February 20, 2008 y, P 4

6. "O'zbekistonning giyohvandlikka qarshi siyosati natijalari ma'lum qilindi"// Xalq so'zi, August 29, 2017 y.

7. Toshkent haqiqati 2001 y, September 15, №73, P 3.

8. https: //www.gazeta.uz/uz/2022/01/26/narcotic/

9. https://www.lex.uz/acts/86044

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