UDC 378. 62
Mirzakarimov M. senior teacher
department of German language and literature faculty of foreign languages Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan Odilova N.A. teacher
department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies
Uzbekistan, Andijan
Abstract: In this article, we consider the possibilities of organizing the independent work of students of a non-linguistic university to master intercultural knowledge: knowledge about the culture of the country of the target language, knowledge about the similarities and differences between the culture of the native country. One of the solutions to the problem of intensification can be the activation of independent work of students in the conditions of classroom and extracurricular activities. It is known that independent work contributes to the effective mastery of the material, stimulates cognitive and professional interests, develops activity and initiative, and contributes to the growth of motivation for learning.
Keywords: language, independent work, motivation, competence, home reading, professional training.
One of the fundamental directions of professional training of students of a non-linguistic university is the formation of intercultural competence, the integral quality of the personality of a future specialist in the field of intercultural communication. Intercultural competence is determined by the level of intercultural knowledge, the ability to act as a mediator between representatives of one's own and foreign language cultures, to determine the causes of intercultural communication disruption and to effectively eliminate misunderstandings and conflict situations caused by intercultural differences on the basis of emotional and value relationships.
Project planning begins with brainstorming. This is, first of all, the exchange of views and coordination of the interests of students; putting forward primary ideas based on already existing knowledge and resolving controversial issues. Then the project topics proposed by the students are brought up for discussion.
Objectives of the initial exchange of views:
1. Stimulating the flow of ideas. To stimulate the flow of ideas, the brainstorming method is relevant. The teacher should, if possible, refrain from commenting, write on the board ideas, the direction of work as they are expressed, as well as objections raised by students.
2. Determination of the general direction of research work. When all possible areas of research are identified, the teacher invites students to express their attitude to everyone. Then the teacher:
• Highlights the most successful;
• Determines the time frame required to obtain the final results;
• Helps students to formulate 5-6 related subtopics;
• Thinks over the option of combining the selected subtopics into a single project for the group, etc.
Each project participant chooses a sub-topic for future research. Thus, groups are formed, working on one sub-topic. The task of the teacher at this stage is to ensure that students with different levels of knowledge, creativity, different inclinations and interests work in each group that is created.
The analytical stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information, during which each student:
• Clarifies and formulates his own task, based on the goal of the project as a whole and the task of his group in particular;
• Searches and collects information, taking into account:
> Own experience;
> The result of information exchange with other students, teachers, parents, counselors, etc.;
> Information obtained from special literature, the Internet, etc.;
> Analyzes and interprets the received data.
At the same stage, team members need to agree on the distribution of work and forms of control over the work on the project. Each student can keep an "individual journal" in which he will record the progress of the work. You can keep a common journal for all project participants. This will help the teacher (and the student himself) evaluate the individual contribution of each to the work on the project, as well as facilitate control.
In our opinion, independent work of students with texts for home reading contributes to the effective mastering of this knowledge. Texts are the true guardians of culture. They reflect the spiritual world of a person. It is the text that is associated with culture, because it is permeated with many cultural codes, it is the text that stores information about history, national psychology, national behavior, that is, about everything that makes up the content of culture.25
25 Muxitdinova F.R., Hudayarova O.Z. Structural and content Characteristics of texts and increasing the various types of oral work. Научный электронный журнал "Вопросы науки и образования". 2019. p. 116.
Thus, in the formation of intercultural competence, the content side of reading texts is of particular importance, which would contribute to the introduction of students into the world of a foreign language culture.
Home reading texts is important to teach students to compare the cultural realities of the native country and the country of the target language, national characteristics of communicative behavior, therefore, the content of the texts should provide the basis for the development of the ability to perceive, see, feel, contrast, compare phenomena and facts of different cultures, give definitions, identify concepts, communicate, engage in dialogue. We believe that students need to develop the ability to show sensitivity and interest in the phenomena of a different mentality and in a foreign culture, to compare them with their own worldview and cultural experience, to find differences and community between them.
As you know, reading has a clearly expressed cognitive character, therefore, students offer for reading authentic texts of the French press, which to the greatest extent reflect the cultural peculiarity of the country. When organizing independent work with texts for home reading, it is necessary to convince students that home reading is a serious work that requires large and complex mental activity, imagination, memory and volitional efforts, and one of the most important conditions for understanding what is being read, memorizing the necessary linguistic and cultural material is the repeated reading of texts.
When planning assignments in the text, it is necessary to think over not only what issues of intercultural similarities and differences will be discussed, but also what and how the students will say (whether they will be able to correctly formulate the thought lexically and grammatically).
The practice of working with the text can be used methods and techniques of technology of critical thinking, allowing you to form your own judgment and opinion about certain facts set forth in the text, to discuss other opinions, to return to adjusting your own views.
One of the important conditions for working on the vocabulary of texts for home reading in the first year is the grouping of vocabulary according to thematic principle. Students are invited to write out vocabulary from the text on the indicated or studied topic. This approach to the organization of work on vocabulary is based on the theoretical provisions of linguistics and methods of teaching foreign language vocabulary. Linguistic research devoted to the problems of semantic analysis of vocabulary testifies to the systemic organization of vocabulary in human consciousness.
Special attention is paid to the semantization of non-equivalent vocabulary, words that have no analogy in the native language or differ in their lexical background, since it most clearly reflects the peculiarities of the culture of the people - the native speaker of the language and the sphere of its existence.
Non-equivalent words in the strict sense are untranslatable, require commentary, and their meaning is revealed through interpretation. The names of holidays and symbols are examples.
Home reading is important in the development of the skills and needs of foreign language reading, in the formation of students 'psychophysiological mechanisms of reading as an activity, in the improvement of students' oral speech skills. Techniques for working with text contribute to the development of the ability to compare, establish correlation, generalize, clarify, detail, transfer conclusions to new situations, abilities that are a prerequisite for the formation of intercultural competence.
1. Muxitdinova F.R., Hudayarova O.Z. Structural and content Characteristics of texts and increasing the various types of oral work. Научный электронный журнал "Вопросы науки и образования". 2019. p. 116.
2. Axmadjonova Sh.N. Developing speaking aspect of students. Научный электронный журнал. 2019., p. 211.
3. Irgashev M.U. About the problem of motivation of educational activity of students in the conditions of education in the university. Moscow: 2019.