THE ROLE OF ICT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Elearning / online classes / ICT tools / blended learning / LMS / educational technology / target language / Электронное обучение / онлайн-классы / инструменты ИКТ / смешанное обучение / LMS / образовательные технологии / целевой язык

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rakhmanova, Makhfuza Saparaliyevna

This article discusses the role of ICT in teaching and learning foreign languages, the role of teacher and learner in it. The types of online resources and opportunities are presented in this article. Two ways of teaching: synchronous and asynchronous learning are explained with examples. Moreover the advantages and the disadvantages of using ICT in teaching and learning foreign languages are given as well.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-307-314
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В данной статье рассматривается роль ИКТ в преподавании и изучении иностранных языков, роль учителя и ученика в нем. Виды интернет-ресурсов и возможности представлены в данной статье. На примерах объясняются два способа обучения: синхронное и асинхронное обучение. Кроме того, приведены преимущества и недостатки использования ИКТ в преподавании и изучении иностранных языков..


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"



d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-307-314

Rakhmanova Makhfuza Saparaliyevna

Uzbekistan state world languages university e-mail: makhfuza.77@mail.ru .Tel: (99)879-96-71,


This article discusses the role of ICT in teaching and learning foreign languages, the role of teacher and learner in it. The types of online resources and opportunities are presented in this article. Two ways of teaching: synchronous and asynchronous learning are explained with examples. Moreover the advantages and the disadvantages of using ICT in teaching and learning foreign languages are given as well.

Keywords: E- learning, online classes, ICT tools, blended learning, LMS, educational technology, target language


В данной статье рассматривается роль ИКТ в преподавании и изучении иностранных языков, роль учителя и ученика в нем. Виды интернет-ресурсов и возможности представлены в данной статье. На примерах объясняются два способа обучения: синхронное и асинхронное обучение. Кроме того, приведены преимущества и недостатки использования ИКТ в преподавании и изучении иностранных языков..

Ключевые слова: Электронное обучение, онлайн-классы, инструменты ИКТ, смешанное обучение, LMS, образовательные технологии, целевой язык.


Uzbekistan is paying great attention on e-learning system, because it feels the need for mass introduction of e-learning. Firstly, despite the commercialization and growth of prices for higher education, its popularity in Uzbekistan is only growing. Therefore, it is necessary to implement modern technologies for more learners to reach the learning process and reduce the cost of education. Learners can get access to digital libraries to get much information through internet. Others can take online courses and degrees from open universities by distance. E-learning has the potential to change the educational paradigm. E-learning provides education and training

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

without leaving one's home to access to educational resources worldwide, improves the educational potential of society and the quality of education, meets the quality of learners' outlook and level of consciousness. It has become an important factor in the development of education in our dynamic life.


"A new age demands a new paradigm" as Dr. Walter McKenz claims, it's an age of COVID-19 and ICT is becoming a great necessity. According to Pourhossein Gilakjani the use of technologies has the great potential to change the existing language teaching methods. They transformed classroom communication methods and transformed instruction strategies. [Pourhossein Gilakjani, A. 2013: 262]


Information and Communication Technology/Technologies (ICTs) refers to all the technologies that permit to access, gather, manipulate and present or communicate information, these technologies could include hardwares such as computers and other devices and software applications and connectivity such as access to the internet, local networking infrastructure, video conferencing. [R. Toomey. 2001:115] It's important to use modern approaches and techniques of technology and information to develop a better understanding of all four skills of the target language. Language education is an area where open access resources, social networks, online classes and webinar courses based on information, communication and technology are being increasingly used to give access to learners to information, promote interaction and communication to improve their language proficiency. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the use of ICTs in education can help improve memory retention, increase motivation and generally deepens understanding. [M.Drent. 2005:20] Different web based ICT tools can be effective techniques to implement into teaching and learning the language. They are:

•Computers, CALL, CMC, CALA •YouTube, blogs •Skype/zoom •Interactive whiteboards •Webinars, MOOC courses

•E-resources such as e- books, e- newspapers, e- magazines, e- libraries •Social media, emails


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

Blended learning is different from differentiated learning, educational technology might not be necessarily instructional technology, a virtual classroom is different from an electronic classroom or flipped classroom. There is also asynchronous, synchronous, and personalized learning; these are some examples of the growing terminology in this field. Gamification, digital storytelling, virtual classrooms- special words that have become "trends" in the field of educational technology. A blended learning is a combination of face-to-face interaction and online classes which enables the users to get access these opportunities: •Peer to peer coaching •Direct instruction •Global connections •Tech integration •Virtual learning platforms •Focus on mastery •Inquiry project based learning •Game based learning

Theory of blended learning and teaching are:

•Behaviourism - learning and behaviour changes are acquired by linking stimilu and response

•Cognitivism - learning is internal and is a result of a student processing and organising new information

•Constructivism - knowledge is constructed by adapting new information based on previous experience.

Teachers should be very competent in presenting the new information to the learners and try to use all necessary methods and approaches. For example, in activity theory teacher should involve all the learners into the learning process by integrating simultaneously consciousness, learning and development strategies with the help of technology.

A wide range of online resources can be suggested to put into practice: quizzes to develop the learners' comprehension skills, video and audio materials to increase the learners' listening and speaking skills, different exercises which enables them to develop their writing skills and film extracts can also be used to let them work on various topics and enlarge their critical and analytical skills.

Teacher should keep strong agenda and curriculum by putting clear aims and objectives to each of her lesson to learn things quickly and successfully. Language


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

learning program can be created to enable students to learn the lessons with guidance, instruction, information or further explanation. ICT in language learning used as a reference-book. Fitzpatrick and Davies (2002)in Hartoyo (2012)have enlisted seven ways in which ICT can be used in language learning namely. This media provides facility or example that enables an interaction between human and computer. People set up more interaction with computer in a more intuitive way with less effort-through writing, voice, touch, eye movements, and other gestures. [Hartoyo,2012:34]

• Presentation: Unlimited lessons and references such as text, songs, stories, etc. can be accessed accurately anytime and anywhere and can be presented in an appropriate manner.

• Practice: Different types of exercises can be provided with ICT, incorporating the presentation stimuli in varying combinations of text, audio and video format. ICT also offers the possibility of analysing learners' responses with appropriate feedback [Hartoyo, 2012:40].

• Authoring - Web pages can be created using web authoring tools.

• Computer-Aided Assessment (CAA) - CAA is playing a very important role in foreign language teaching and learning to test and assess students' performance.

• Publishing- word processors, DTP, PowerPoint presentations.vi)Communication - Email, Tandem learning, Video Conferencing.

• Simulations - Web Quest, Action Mazes, Adventure Games, Expodisc, Real-

In presentation stage every teacher must be ready with presentation material, explain or answer all the questions asked by learners while delivering the information. Then in the practice stage the new material is presented with the help of technology and assessment also differs from traditional assessment. Teachers may use online tests, oral questions, case studies to assess the learners' knowledge. As for publication teachers may put into practice different materials such as, video and audio materials, songs, edit and alter interviews and discussions, using digital camera and camcorders to record presentation, drama, role play and so on. Power point presentations and web pages can be a great learning tools to design the lesson. Despite the fact that we are having online class teachers should seek various opportunities to increase the learners' communicative competence which is an urgent matter of learning a language. They should be actively involved into the practice the language by writing emails, discussing the questions on the discussion board and


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

chatting via telegram and organising video conferencing. The last but not the least, teacher has to develop the learners' critical thinking by using simulation activities. For this they may take web quest, adventure games, action mazes, real life simulation or video conferencing.

The online classes may be organised asynchronously or synchronously:

• In asynchronous learning means when you don't have any mutual interaction, mostly the students actively engaged in the learning process talking to each other. The popular examples with asynchronous teaching techniques include the terms like: recording and accessing of screen-casts or podcasts, online discussion forums or message boards, blog assignments and e-mail communication. Asynchronous teaching techniques offer students and instructors unique advantages in the flexibility of the course schedule, but are best paired with activities designed to foster peer interaction and community. Here the instructor may send pre-recorded materials, emails, multimedia resources, electronic documents and virtual library can be suggested as well.

• In synchronous learning teacher has to be active by using text-based, multiple modalities or instant messaging. Synchronous or "real-time" activities refer to instruction or communication which takes place at the same time. Examples of synchronous teaching strategies include, for example, phone calls and web conferencing programs, internet-based collaborative software that combines audio, video, file share or other forms of interaction or 3-d virtual world environments.

Teacher's role in blended learning is instructor, facilitator and observer. Technology integrated learning requires certain strategies to make it effective in learners' learning and teachers' professional development. In this regard, [White and Ray. 2015, pp. 17-18] have presented following strategies:

•The teachers must have the knowledge of the subject.

•Similarly, they should appeal to all learning styles.

•In the same way, they should facilitate the content.

•They have to create platforms for learning.

•The course documents should be available to every student.

•They have to communicate clear goals.

•Teachers can establish social networking.

•They have to list the course pathways.

•They need to make effective usage of available resources.

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

•They should mention the clear expectations and establish a supportive community.

If the teachers follow the above strategies in their integrated ICT based instruction, of course, there will be positive outcomes in students learning. "With the help of technology teachers will be leaders in the transformation of education around the world" claims Craig R Barrett. Teachers also may have online classes to develop their professional development. In online classes they may share their experiences and learn from each other, be aware of new ways of teaching and learning.

Teachers must provide technological support to learn using motion picture, animation, simulation training which helped student teachers to give model presentation. If the teacher is highly equipped with technology, the student will also be equipped with technology.It removes the traditional method of teaching and prepare teacher to applyvmodern method of teaching.

• ICT is plays an important role in student evaluation.

• ICT is store house of educational institution because all educational information can safely store through ICT.

• ICT helps Teacher to communicate properly with their students. So ICT bridge the gap between teacher and students.

• ICT helps Teacher to pass information to students within a very little time.

• ICT helps Teacher to design educational environment.

• ICT helps Teacher to identify creative child in educational institute.

There are a lot of advantages of using ICT in education, it gives the learners a chance of being flexible and learning self-paced. However both teachers and students be aware of the fact that they have to manage their time, check out their internet connection. The benefits of using ICT:

• facilitates exposure

• wider sources of information

• a learner-centered approach

• learners autonomy

• powerful motivation

• collaborative learning

• freedom of space and time

• enhancing students learning

As the coin has two sides, there are some disadvantages of using ICT:

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

•short span of attention •lack in human interaction •unnecessary websites •play games •lack of self-discipline and self-direction •lack of good infrastructure and trained man power •teacher is only an instructor


As a conclusion nowadays ICT in teaching and learning the languages plays a crucial role. It is one of the most important skills to be enhanced and improved as a means of effective communication. So as to increase students' attention and motivation, teachers ought to create a smoothing classroom atmosphere. And bringing ICTs into practice has a major impact to facilitate and improve learning. ICTs provide interaction between teachers and learners, provide comprehensible input and output, help learners to develop critical thinking skills, make learning and teaching become more student-centered, promote learners' autonomy and help them feel more confident, and increase learners' motivation to effectively learn a foreign language. The use of ICTs in education has to be highly encouraged as the present students are the future generation who are going to mould themselves, their society, and the world as a whole. Thus, ICTs are viable tools for enhancing the teaching of foreign language profeciency.


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