THE ROLE OF HYGIENE IN PROMOTING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khalmirzaeva S.S.

This article discusses the role of hygiene in organizing a healthy lifestyle. the importance of personal hygiene in health care has been revealed.

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УДК 613

Khalmirzaeva S.S. senior lecturer department of general hygiene Andijan State Medical Institute


Abstract: This article discusses the role of hygiene in organizing a healthy lifestyle. the importance of personal hygiene in health care has been revealed.

Key words: healthy lifestyle, hygiene, health, fitness, sports.

A healthy lifestyle a lifestyle of an individual with the aim of preventing disease and promoting health. Lifestyle is a certain type of human activity, which includes a set of various types of activity, people's behavior in everyday life. The way of life also captures the features of communication, the mentality of people, which determines their behavior. The way of life is formed under the influence of socio-economic, cultural and natural conditions, but it is not reduced to the sum or totality of certain circumstances. It acts as an integral structure, which includes both objective aspects (methods of joint activity, social connection of people that determine the nature of their communication and behavior) and subjective (goals of communication, interests and motives of activity, value orientations).

Living conditions are all factors mediating and determining the way of life (material, natural, social, political, spiritual, moral, cultural). The standard of living is determined by the provision of housing, medical care, the duration of working and free time, and the structure of income.

The quality of life in social and medical research is the quality of those conditions in which the daily life of people is carried out (the quality of living conditions, food, education, level of comfort). From the valeological point of view, the quality of life should be considered not just as a characteristic of living conditions, but as their compliance with human needs, the degree of satisfaction with the conditions of life. In this case, the same parameters of living conditions for different people will differ depending on their personal priorities, their own value system. The way of life is the order, the rules of work, everyday life, social life, within the framework of which the vital activity of people takes place.

Lifestyle - individual characteristics of behavior, communication, mentality of a person. The lifestyle, from the point of view of valeology, is the most significant characteristic of the lifestyle, since it no longer affects the conditions of life, but the very life of a person and to the greatest extent determines his health. This characteristic is personified and determined by historical, national traditions, education and personal inclinations. Each person,

at an equal level and lifestyle for a social group, has an individual way of satisfying his needs, contributing or hindering the preservation of health.

A healthy lifestyle refers to concepts about which each person has their own idea, from an ordinary point of view. The basic social principles of a healthy lifestyle - the lifestyle should be aesthetic, moral and strong-willed. The biological principles of a healthy lifestyle - the lifestyle should be age-related, energetically provided, strengthening health and rhythmic.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, one can also distinguish a correct and forced lifestyle as characteristics of the lifestyle of a person with health limitations. The level of life is primarily an economic category that represents the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and cultural needs of a person. The quality of life is understood as the degree of comfort in meeting human needs (mainly a social category). The lifestyle characterizes the behavioral characteristics of a person's life, that is, a certain standard to which the psychology and psychophysiology of a person is adjusted (a socio-psychological category).

Hygienic principles of a healthy lifestyle and ways of their application: reducing the intensity of exposure to harmful factors, adaptation of the body to adverse effects, correction of the functional reserves of the body. A healthy lifestyle is based on personal and public hygiene and, of course, medical supervision.

Hygienic lifestyle rules correct alternation of mental and physical labor, physical education, regular meals, alternation of work and active rest, good sleep. Personal hygiene includes hygienic requirements for caring for the body and mouth, giving up bad habits that destroy health and fitness.

• reducing the intensity of exposure to harmful factors

• rationing of environmental factors on the body

• individual protection

• adaptation of the body to adverse influences,

• physical fitness

• hardening

• correction of the body's functional reserves

• Spa treatment

• therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition

• rational mode of work and rest

Personal hygiene. Prevention of skin diseases. Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear.

Personal hygiene is a section of hygiene that studies the issues of maintaining and promoting health by observing the norms and rules of hygiene in everyday life. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the key to maintaining health. Primary prevention is very important: prevention of the occurrence of diseases through the development and implementation of

scientifically grounded principles of work, life, rest and nutrition. Personal hygiene has developed rules for the care of skin, mucous membranes, hair, and oral cavity. As well as the rules for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in housing. Recently, with the development of progress, the physical activity of people has sharply decreased. Physical inactivity makes a significant contribution to the development of CVD. PH involves a variety of physical activities. Hardening is of great importance (scientifically grounded use of water, sun and air, for the prevention of diseases (primarily colds). PH includes rational nutrition and the correct mode of work and rest and sleep. PH develops hygienic requirements for the materials from which household items are made. To household appliances The traditional section of PG - hygiene of clothes and shoes, as well as psychohygiene - is just beginning to develop and acquire independence.

Prevention of skin diseases. It is worth talking about the function of the skin as an organ. And given that we are passing hygiene, to mention how important it is to keep the skin clean, protect it from injury, etc. To preserve its water, mineral and vitamin composition. For this, various fat-based creams are used, which make the skin soft and elastic, facilitating the penetration of certain drugs into it.

Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear. There are several types of clothing: household, children's, professional, sports, military, hospital.


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