SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES OF HYGIENE THE HISTORY OF ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HYGIENE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Jumanova L.A.

The article presents materials on the formation and development of hygiene as a science of preventive medicine from the empirical to the scientific and experimental period. Famous thinkers of the ancient world, the system of slavery, feudalism, the epoch of capitalism and the works of modern scientists are given basic information, the works of which served as the basis for the creation of hygiene as an independent medical science.

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Jumanova L.A. assistant

department of social hygiene Andijan State Medical Institute


Annotation. The article presents materials on the formation and development of hygiene as a science of preventive medicine from the empirical to the scientific and experimental period. Famous thinkers of the ancient world, the system of slavery, feudalism, the epoch of capitalism and the works of modern scientists are given basic information, the works of which served as the basis for the creation of hygiene as an independent medical science.

Key words: hygiene, sanitation, preventive medicine, habitat, environment, research methods, empirical period, scientific and experimental period.

In today's understanding, hygiene is an independent fundamental medical science that studies the effect of various environmental factors and social activities on the human body and develops measures aimed at preventing diseases, maintaining health and prolonging life.

The object of study of hygiene is a person. The subject of the study is the human body in its continuous and inextricable connection with the environment. The purpose of hygienic science is to study the characteristics of the environment, the development hygiene standards, requirements and preventive measures, the implementation of which will ensure optimal conditions for human life and work, reduce morbidity and mortality, increase their performance and increase lifespan. To achieve this goal, hygienic science sets and solves the following tasks: Study of environmental factors; Study of their influence on the human body.

Development of quantitative standards, regulations, pollution levels and preventive measures aimed at preventing the adverse effects of these factors on the body. Hygiene is a fundamental medical science and is closely related to all theoretical, clinical areas of medicine.

Proper diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases associated with exposure to environmental factors require knowledge of the basics of hygienic diagnostics and the clinical picture of known environmentally conditioned diseases from a practical physician. If there are symptoms, syndromes that make it possible to suspect the influence of environmental factors, the doctor in the process of collecting history should pay attention to all possible risk factors, such as exposure to harmful factors (chemicals, ionizing radiation, noise, vibration, temperature changes, etc.) both in production conditions and at home

(located near hazardous enterprises at home, the quality of drinking water, the state of health of persons living in the same apartment, the finishing of the apartment, pets, etc.).

In the course of his life, a person is constantly exposed to positive and negative impact of many environmental factors. Strictly speaking, in hygiene they distinguish habitat and environment (according to E.I.Goncharuk et al. 1999):

Habitat is a complex of interrelated abiotic and biotic factors that are outside the body and determining its vital activity; Environment - the environment and human production activities; includes conditions of work, life, rest and food.

When talking about environmental factors, they usually mean the following:

1. Physical factors: temperature, humidity, air speed, sound, pressure, etc;

2. Chemical factors (more than 10 million are now known) are all the compounds that make up air, water, soil, food, etc.;

3. Biological - bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, protozoa, helminths, which penetrate into the human body can cause disease, poisoning, toxicosis;

4. Mechanical - machines, machine tools, equipment that surround us in everyday life, in production;

5. Social - psychogenic factors that cause the strongest through the word, speech, writing emotional irritations.

Hygiene - closely related to sanitation - (from the Latin sanitarius -promoting health and from sanitas - health) - a set of practical measures aimed at implementing hygiene standards and requirements, which is currently being done by the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Preventive medicine is of global importance and has a preventive character. Prevention of human health disorders can be carried out in various ways. Primary (radical) prevention - aimed at eliminating the causes that give rise to decline in health, on the stimulation and activation of factors that can maintain and strengthen health.

Secondary prevention - aimed at early diagnosis and timely treatment emerging diseases at the initial, premorbid stage of its development and prevention progression of the disease and its consequences and is carried out among sick people. It includes palliative measures such as increasing the body's resistance, the use of drugs personal protection, etc.

Tertiary prevention (rehabilitation, clinical examination) is a set of measures to prevent complications of an already developed disease. Unfortunately, this is the most common in practice. Medicine and the least effective way, since it is aimed primarily at improving environment and lifestyle, which is always associated with large and often not always realizable activities.

Hygiene uses a wide variety of methods, including:

1. Epidemiological (study of public health);

2. Sanitary examination (sanitary and topographic, sanitary and epidemiological);

3. Hygienic experiment (natural and laboratory);

4. Sanitary examination;

5. Health education (hygienic education and education of the population).

Hygiene includes a number of independent specialized branches:

1. Occupational health - improvement of labor in production, prevention of development occupational diseases;

2. Communal hygiene - environmental protection, improvement of living and living conditions population;

3. Hygiene of children and adolescents - the full development and education of the younger generation:

4. Food hygiene - studies and develops the problems of rational nutrition;

5. Radiation hygiene - prevention of adverse effects of radioactive radiation per person;

6. Military hygiene - hygienic aspects of ensuring the combat capability of the army.

An objective understanding of the tasks facing hygiene at the present stage of its development, helps the history of the formation and development of this science.

Hygiene originated in the distant past from the accumulated in folk preventive medicine customs, skills that helped peoples survive in the face of adverse environmental effects.

It turns out that there is nothing funny in such training. As practice shows, not every person who regularly brushes his teeth does it right. Even higher is the percentage of those who do not use floss, limiting themselves to a toothbrush. Many people are not aware of the benefits that mouthwashes bring. Less than a quarter of patients use irrigators and other additional preventive measures. Yes and in choosing a toothbrush, a non-specialist often makes mistakes.

In addition, the use of flosses and irrigators, even the purchase of expensive toothpastes and rinses, does not always guarantee competent prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums. The fact is that the selection of hygiene products should be individual.

Therefore, the relevance of teaching oral hygiene is very high. Do you want to improve the quality of care for your teeth and gums? Dental hygienists of the Estet Studio chain of dental clinics will teach you the principles of professional hygiene in accordance with your individual characteristics! Professional oral hygiene is an actively developing dental field. Teaching this science at a practical level includes several stages:

Learning the methods of proper brushing of teeth and cleaning the interdental space, as well as the rules for caring for the gums. Training in the use of additional oral care products (flosses, irrigators, tongue cleaners, interdental

brushes). Individual selection of specific products for effective care of teeth and gums. Development of motivation, explanation of the need for competent oral care in accordance with the recommendations of the hygienist.

Monitoring the results of applying the acquired skills, comparing the color of the enamel, the condition of the gums, analyzing other factors using the hygiene index, as well as correcting the hygiene method and changing the selected hygiene products if necessary.

The last two points - motivation and the need for dynamic monitoring of the effectiveness of oral hygiene - are of no small importance. Many patients lose motivation after a while and return to the usual methods of caring for their teeth, to poor-quality brushing. This is due to the fact that an adult already has established oral care skills, and restructuring them encounters a subconscious reaction of rejection. New hygiene habits need to be developed and reinforced to ensure better oral hygiene.


1. Крымская, И. Г. Гигиена и экология человека: учебное пособие / И. Г. Крымская. - Изд. 3-е, стер. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2013. - 351 с.

2. Пивоваров, Ю. П. Гигиена и экология человека: учебник / Ю. П.Пивоваров, В.В. Кролик, Л. Г. Подунова. - Москва: Издательский центр «Академия», 2012. - 400 с.

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