HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AS A SOCIAL FACTOR: REAL SITUATION AND PROBLEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mavlonova O.D., Mavlonov Z.G.

This article discusses the main issues of organizing a healthy lifestyle, analyzes the role of a healthy lifestyle in human health.

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УДК 374

Mavlonova O.D.


department of interfaculty physical culture faculty ofpreschool and primary education Namangan State University Mavlonov Z. G. head of physical education Academic Lyceum Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute



Abstract: This article discusses the main issues of organizing a healthy lifestyle, analyzes the role of a healthy lifestyle in human health.

Key words: quality of life, healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports, bad habits.

One of the most important problems of social policy is the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population. Agree that health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When a person is healthy, a family is healthy, and a healthy society is formed from a healthy family, and, consequently, a healthy, strong state.

What is a healthy lifestyle? This is a complex of health-improving measures that ensure the harmonious development and strengthening of health, increase the working capacity of people, and prolong their creative longevity. The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are a fruitful work activity, optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, rational nutrition, rejection of bad habits and, of course, tempering.

Human health is known to be influenced by both biological and social factors, the leading role among which is played by labor. Labor is an indispensable and natural condition of life, without which "... the exchange of substances between man and nature would not be possible, that is, human life itself would not be possible. " Labor gives a person the joy of creativity, self-affirmation, fosters purposefulness, perseverance, a conscious attitude towards the environment, etc. Exciting work enthralls, gives true pleasure, removes fatigue, is a solid foundation of physical and mental health.

A person should always strive to develop such physical qualities as strength, agility, speed, endurance. Each of us has a lot of things that require physical effort, reliable training. When drawing up a daily routine, it is especially important to determine the timing and duration of active and passive rest. In particular, set aside some time for wellness activities and training. In the

process of systematic physical exercises, not only health is strengthened, but also the state of health and mood improves, a feeling of cheerfulness and cheerfulness appears.

A proven means of strengthening and increasing working capacity is an optimal motor regime in the form of regular physical education and sports. Trainings and health-improving activities contribute to the strengthening of the health and development of the physical abilities of children and youth, the preservation of vital skills in middle and mature age, and the prevention of unfavorable age-related changes in the elderly.

An indispensable component of health is a balanced diet. It provides a person with energy and substances from which the body is built, and which regulate metabolic processes. It is estimated that over 70 years of life, a person eats about 8 tons of bakery products, 11-12 tons of potatoes, 6-7 tons of meat and fish, 10-12 thousand eggs and drinks 10-14 thousand liters of milk! Moreover, he spends about 6 years of his life on the process of eating! Both excess and insufficient nutrition have a negative effect on the body. With excessive nutrition, body weight increases significantly, which can lead to obesity, and, ultimately, to various diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, metabolic disorders, etc., efficiency decreases, immunity decreases. That is why it is so important to follow the rules of a rational, balanced and nutritious diet.

Today, the majority consumes a large amount of low-quality food, food devoid of basic components needed by the body and healthy digestion. As a result, the body is constantly overloaded with completely unnecessary and useless burden that takes away our vitality. Therefore, to correct nutrition, we use biologically active additives that provide the body with all the necessary components for normal functioning and restore the disorders in the body acquired over many years of an improper lifestyle.

Quitting bad habits (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) is also an indispensable condition for a healthy lifestyle. In these malicious destroyers of health lies the cause of many dangerous diseases that dramatically reduce life expectancy.

Hardening is a powerful health remedy. With its help, you can avoid many diseases, prolong life and maintain your ability to work for many years, the ability to enjoy life. The role of hardening is especially important in the prevention of colds. Tempering procedures reduce their number by 2-4 times, and in some cases they help to get rid of colds altogether. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

Conscious and responsible attitude to health as to own capital should become the norm of life and behavior of all people. The ubiquitous affirmation of a healthy lifestyle is a matter of global significance, nationwide, and at the same time it concerns each of us.

It would seem that everything is clear. But in practice, it turns out not quite so. All of us are witnesses to the fact that from year to year the health condition of the population of the republic and regions of Russia as a whole is deteriorating. This is facilitated by socio-economic factors, deterioration of the ecological situation, a noticeable decrease in physical activity, uncertainty about the future, lack of faith in oneself, family, as the support of society, etc.

It is also of great concern that at present the Russian Federation in terms of mortality and life expectancy is consistently one of the last among the industrially developed countries. According to the forecast of the Goskomstat of Russia and the Center for Economic Conditions under the Government of the Russian Federation, the population of the country may decrease by 11.2% over the next 10 years. According to experts, 70% of the Russian population lives in a state of prolonged psycho-emotional and social stress, which, as we know, depletes the adaptive and compensatory mechanisms that maintain health. This is evidenced by an increase in mental illness, neuroses, depression, an increase in alcoholism and drug addiction (about 2 million people in Russia), cardiovascular diseases

The level of physical fitness of student youth is decreasing. About 50% of conscripts do not fulfill the stipulated standards, 20% are recognized as unfit for military service for health reasons, and the number of drug addicts has increased by 63%.

As you can see, one more serious problem has been added to all other problems - drug addiction. Among the reasons for its spread are noted: the increase in unemployment, the increase in free time without organizing it, the destruction of the out-of-school education system, and the main reason is curiosity caused by publications, radio and television broadcasts, films related to drugs.

Physical culture and sports are generally recognized material and spiritual values of society as a whole and of each person individually. They are increasingly becoming the decisive elements of the national idea. One of the fundamental tasks of the state is to create conditions for the preservation and improvement of the physical and spiritual health of citizens. The country needs healthy citizens who see sport as a natural addition to their personal and professional lives. The state of health of the population and the involvement of the broad masses of the population in physical education are an indicator of the viability of the nation, an important component of its economic life, since a healthy nation is the basis for the prosperity of the state. The latest trends in the policy of our state in the field of physical culture and sports clearly indicate its focus on achieving the physical health of its citizens.

According to health professionals, each person's health is 50 percent dependent on their lifestyle. Risk factors for health disorders are lack of movement, unbalanced diet, smoking, alcohol and drug use, infectious diseases, lack of sleep and lack of adequate rest. Increasing physical activity, being the

main component of regular physical culture and sports, has a positive effect on maintaining and strengthening health.


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