THE ROLE OF EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN A DIGITAL AGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
principles of assessment / traditional assessment / assessment criteria / electronic and blended assessment / JISC / PISA and PIRLS

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Madina Nuralievna Ashirbaeva

The purpose of the assessment is to give each student the opportunity to demonstrate their level of achievement in learning outcomes in order to obtain an appropriate credit or qualification. The most important components of the assessment are the scope, timing and nature of the assessment. The student voice has become a major driver of changes in the practice of assessment in universities, including the shift from traditional assessment of knowledge and understanding to assessment that also includes skills and professional qualities.

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Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


Madina Nuralievna Ashirbaeva

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent region


The purpose of the assessment is to give each student the opportunity to demonstrate their level of achievement in learning outcomes in order to obtain an appropriate credit or qualification. The most important components of the assessment are the scope, timing and nature of the assessment. The student voice has become a major driver of changes in the practice of assessment in universities, including the shift from traditional assessment of knowledge and understanding to assessment that also includes skills and professional qualities.

Keywords: principles of assessment, traditional assessment, assessment criteria, electronic and blended assessment , JISC, PISA and PIRLS


Fundamental components of good evaluating are providing students with rationales for assignments, explaining the content of the course material and its importance to the student in the context of course learning outcomes. The scope and range of assessment assignments should be consistent with the learning outcomes, and the assessment itself should vary within the same course and program. To help students improve their learning as they progress towards results, the assessment process should give them the opportunity to receive feedback. Assessment should be a fair and transparent measure of a student's overall academic achievement. The assessment process should be organized in such a way that it is possible to establish differences in the levels of student achievement of learning outcomes.

JISC (2010), a not-for-profit organization for higher and vocational education, looks at assessment from four pedagogical perspectives (associative, constructivist, socio-constructivist, and situational learning) and recommends different approaches to feedback assessment.


Traditionally, assessment has been viewed primarily as a summative process

that recorded student performance at the end of a course, program, or other unit of

study. This approach usually provided little opportunity for effective feedback or Google Scholar Scientific Library of Uzbekistan

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 526 www.ares.uz

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

structured reflexive activity on the part of the student. The Assessment for Learning approach makes assessment an integral part of the learning process. The UK Research Assessment Reform Group has defined this approach as a process of seeking and interpreting evidence that students can use to decide where they are in learning, in which direction and how to move forward. Assessment for learning is based on formative feedback.

To make the assessment process fair and transparent, the assessment task must be very clear. Students should have a clear understanding of the collection of facts that can support their academic success and how they will be assessed. Teachers and students should have a common understanding of what is expected of them.


Assessment criteria inform learners, assessors and exam moderators how the learning outcomes achieved will be demonstrated and measured. Consistent use of reliable and well-defined criteria is an integral part of the assessment assignments. They give students a clear understanding of what they need to do in order to successfully complete assignments. The use of criteria promotes fairness and consistency in the assessment by both individual assessors and groups.

Assessment criteria specify what the student must do to achieve certain goals -to get a credit or a certain point. They should be written in accordance with the intended purpose of the assessment. For example, the criteria for completing a project work will differ from the criteria for evaluating an essay.


It is important to adapt "traditional" assessment methods to a mixed / online environment so that assessment items truly measure the achievement of course learning outcomes. The development of specific and informative assessment criteria and their relationship to course assessment policies are of even greater importance for online learners. In addition, it is important to provide these students with a variety of opportunities to track their progress in learning, with timely and detailed feedback serving both formative and summative assessment.

And now Uzbekistan from 2022 will participate in the international program for the assessment of educational achievements of students (Program for International Student Assessment, PISA). The country is supported in preparation for the program by the Education Quality Assessment Center of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

The country has set itself the goal of participating in international research. This is not just some control of the state of education, but a direction that will provide information about the state of the education system, help improve the education system and make it more competitive. That is sure that the professional level, involvement and motivation of our colleagues from Uzbekistan will very soon give a good result.

In order to show good results, we need to have at least two focuses: the preparation of teachers and the materials with which they work. It is not for nothing that international studies say that the quality of education at school depends on the professional level of teachers. This means that it is necessary to invest in teacher training and create new teaching materials.

The Ministry of Public Education must create conditions for providing investments, financing, methodological support in the system of advanced training.

Having an understanding of how the education system is organized in Uzbekistan, what changes are taking place in other countries, you can at least make some prediction about what the results will be, and most importantly, how to prepare people.

To improve the results in international studies, it is necessary to conduct targeted training of teachers and change the teaching methodology itself, priorities in the educational process. And for this, it is necessary to prepare teachers, introduce a more active system of developmental education and provide the teacher with materials that could use more successfully in the educational process.


In Uzbekistan, collections of materials have already been published that reveal the specificity of tasks for PISA and PIRLS studies. And then it is needed to step by step try to implement exactly these tasks and work to eliminate the problems that arise.

The results will be received at the end of 2023. This is a very important decision. Countries need to participate in international research, as they assess externally in terms of international standards, not internally. This is the first thing. Second, it is hardly possible to say about getting any very good, positive results.


1. Boud.D.(1995).Enhancing Learning Through Self Assessment.London:Kogan Page.

Innovative Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages and Learner Assessment in Online Education Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

2. Assessment Reform Group (2002).Assessment for learning: 10 principles. London, Assessment Reform Group.

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4. Biggs,J.B.(2003).Teaching for quality learning in university. Buckingham: Open University Press/Society for Research into Higher Education. (Second edition): http://www.educateiournal.org/index.php/educate/article/viewFile/81/78

5. https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/the-nature-of- learning 9789264086487-en#page136 [Accessed 04.05.2020]

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7. Ashirbaeva, A. N. (2020). Biographical method in Lillian Hellman's Play the Little Foxes. Инновационное развитие науки и образования, 2 (5), 221.

8. Ashirbaeva, A. (2020). POSITIVE TRAITS OF TEACHING LANGUAGE THROUGH LITERATURE. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal.

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