THE ROLE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khasanova G.Kh., Nikadambaeva Kh.B., Kenjaboev Sh.Kh.

This article examines the concept of human capital and its importance for education, the importance of education as the main factor affecting the formation and accumulation of human capital.

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48 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021

• створення у CTCTeMi ЗДО методично! бази просвггаицьких заходiв прикладного характеру;

• оргашзацш взаемоди вихователiв i3 фахiвцями рiзних галузей, що дозволить оновлювати знання та компетенцп батьк1в щодо новiтнiх способiв розвитку та здоров'язабезпечення дiтей;

• забезпечення реалiзащ! диверсифiкованих форм тдвищення квал!фжат! вихователiв ЗДО.

Уважаемо, що забезпечення системно! реатзацп означених оргашзацшно-методичних умов у системi методично! дiяльностi закладу дошкшьно! освiти дозволятиме розвинути готовнiсть вихователя до органiзацi! просвггаицько-консульташвно! дiяльностi для батьк1в вихованцiв.

Саме тому перспективою подальших наукових розвщок у межах означено! педагогiчно! проблеми е реалiзацiя означених органiзацiйно-методичних умов у методичнш дiяльностi конкретних ЗДО.

Список джерел

1. Деркач А.А. Акмеологические основы развития профессионала. М. Издательство Московского психолого-социального института, 2004. 752 с. [Derkach A.A. Akmeologicheskie osnovyi razvitiya professionala. Moscow. Izdatelstvo

Moskovskogo psihologo-sotsialnogo instituta, 2004. 752 s. (In Russ)]

2. Коваленко О.В. Мотивацшна r0T0BHicTb майбутнiх вихователiв дiтей дошкольного вшу до самореалiзацii у професiйнiй дiяльностi. [Kovalenko O.V Motyvatsiina hotovnist maibutnikh vykhovateliv ditei doshkilnoho viku do samorealizatsii u profesiinii diialnosti. URL: http://www.appsychology.org.ua/data/jrn/v4/i16/10.pd f (in Ukrainian)]

3. Туркот Т.1., Алексеева Н. В., Паламарчук С. А. Педагопчна роботи з батьками дггей дошкольного вiкy : методичш рекомендацii для самостiйноi' роботи слyхачiв кyрсiв тдвищення педагогiчноi квалiфiкацii. Херсон . «Херсонська академiя неперервно! освгш», 2015. 24 с. [Turkot T.I., Aleksieieva N.V., Palamarchuk S.A. Pedahohichna roboty z batkamy ditei doshkilnoho viku : metodychni rekomendatsii dlia samostiinoi roboty slukhachiv kursiv pidvyshchennia pedahohichnoi kvalifikatsii. Kherson . «Khersonska akademiia neperervnoi osvity», 2015. 24 s. (in Ukrainian) ]

4. Положения про тдвищення квалiфiкацii педагопчних i науково-педагопчних працiвникiв (Постанова Кабмшу Украши вiд 21.08.2019 № 800). URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1133-2019-%D0%BF#Text (in Ukrainian)

Khasanova G.Kh.

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Ph.D, University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan,

Nikadambaeva Kh.B.

Head of the Department of Research of Innovation and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel,

University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Kenjaboev Sh.Kh.

Head of the Department of Languages of Tashkent branch of Samarkand Veterinary Medical Institute,



Abstract. This article examines the concept of human capital and its importance for education, the importance of education as the main factor affecting the formation and accumulation of human capital.

Keywords: human capital, education, level of education, human factor, concept of pedagogical education, lifelong learning.

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the development of human capital, which is an integral part of the national wealth. These include social protection, human health, improved family relations, developed functioning of district institutions and radical changes in the education system.

Human capital is the main force that intensively develops the economy, society and its main unit, the family, the educated part of the workforce, the ability to manage reasonably throughout life and work.

Human capital is a set of accumulated abilities, skills and goals, which is a factor that ensures the competitiveness of any country and the state's economy in the world market and has a strong influence on the

activities of government bodies, legislative and executive authorities.1

Human capital is an investment in a person, in the quality of his life, in the conditions and means of his mental work, in his living and working environment. Knowledge, education and professionalism are at the core of human capital. Human capital is a factor in the economic development of not only the individual and the state, but also the family and society.

The formation of human capital in any state and society involves complex processes in the womb under the influence of many factors, such as the healthy development of a person, his birth, maturity at the level of a person, person and personality. These include

1 http://www.rg.ru/2012/01/10/zakony.html



strong government social protection policies aimed at peace and health for mothers and children, a healthy family environment, a comprehensive education system that includes early childhood education, school and other forms of education, and their quality and effectiveness.

Beruni stressed that the well-being of the country depends on the state and development of science in it. According to him, the greatest happiness of a person is possession of knowledge, because he is endowed with intelligence. Only this understanding of happiness leads to peace and tranquility in society. "The more a person achieves real pleasure, the more he really experiences this pleasure. The same happens when the human soul is aware of what it does not know," and the highest duty of man is to take care of others, especially the poor.2

According to most economists, education plays a decisive role in the formation of human capital. Today, education is becoming the main factor in the company's success in the market, the country's economic growth and increasing its scientific and technological potential. In our time, the advantages in the competitive struggle are no longer determined either by the size of the country, or by rich natural resources, or by the power of financial capital. Now everything is decided by the level of education and the amount of knowledge accumulated by society.3

In the context of deepening globalization, there is a growing need to expand the demand for education systems as an important factor in the development of science, technology and culture, to improve its content, form and teaching methods. The goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Program until 2030, aimed at ensuring inclusive, fair and quality education and promoting lifelong learning, are important for the development and improvement of the education system based on the study of world experience.4

All countries strive for development. But by what criteria can we determine which country in the world is better and which is less developed? What is the relationship between the concepts of "development" and "progress", "development" and "social justice", "development" and "equality", "development" and "sustainability"? The answer to these questions is how to determine the main goal of development, whether it is the accumulation of wealth or not - increasing the well-being of people, creating conditions for freedom

East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 49 and social protection for all, and providing appropriate conditions for creative and effective work. Work, the coexistence of man and nature depends on how problems are solved.

Education is a fundamental driver of individual, social and economic growth and development. It is included in the range of basic needs for the development of the human personality and is an inalienable right of everyone. Providing the best possible education that allows society as a whole and its members individually to enjoy the economic benefits of the country, having a higher position in the labor market and a higher income.5

Education is one of the most important components of human development. It also plays a key role in solving important problems of society. In Uzbekistan, this issue is receiving a lot of attention. Education of physically and spiritually developed generation is the task of nation-wide, on a national scale and is the focus of current policy. At the initiative of our President, approved "The Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" for the five priority areas of the country's development in 2017-2021. The goal of the strategy is a radical increase in the effectiveness of the reforms being implemented, creating conditions for ensuring comprehensive and accelerated development of the state and society, implementing priority directions for the country's modernization and liberalizing all spheres of life.6

A person is valued and gains respect in society thanks to the knowledge, skills and abilities of his profession. From this point of view, it should be noted that in our country the development of education, the support of citizens in becoming popular specialists, the creation of conditions for the realization of their potential are priority directions of state society. A special attention is paid to the further improvement of the system of continuous education, the provision of high-quality educational services and the training of highly qualified personnel in accordance with the modern requirements of the labor market.7

In today's globalization, the role of education has changed: education has become a determining factor in the development of the state. The following results of research conducted under the auspices of the UN Development Program also show that the level of education and the development of the country are directly related:

2 B.Yu.Zokhidov The world of ideas and images of Alisher Navoi , T., 1961

3 Dobrynin A.I., Dyatlov S.A., Tsyrenova E.D. Human capital in a transitional economy: formation, assessment, efficiency of use. -SPb .: Nauka, 1999.

4 https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-

content/uploads/2019/07/E_Infographic_04.Ensure inclusive and

equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning

opportunities for all

5 Declaration of the World Anti-Crisis Conference // New Macroeconomic Realities - Astana (Kazakhstan), May 23-24, 2013


7 Khasanova, G. Kh. (2019) "COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS OF UZBEKISTAN AND JAPAN," Central Asian Problems of Modern Science and Education: Vol. 4: Issues. 2, Article 251. Available at: https://uzjournals.edu.uz/capmse/vol4/iss2/251

50 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021

Ranking of countries by Education Level Index _(2019)8_


1 Germany 0.946

2 Australia 0.923

3 New Zealand 0.923

4 Denmark 0.920

5 Norway 0.919

6 Iceland 0.918

7 Ireland 0.918

8 United Kingdom 0.916

9 Finland 0.915

10 Sweden 0.914

11 The Netherlands 0.906

12 United States 0.899

13 Switzerland 0.896

14 Belgium 0.893

15 Slovenia 0.893

When calculating the Education Level Index, the funds allocated for education in the country, the effectiveness of the education system, and the level of literacy of the population are taken into account. Note that the list of countries with a high level of education (in the top 15) does not include a backward, underdeveloped country. All countries on the list are strong countries with a high standard of living.

In countries such as Finland, Japan and South Korea, improving the quality of education is carried out in four areas:

first, there are mechanisms to attract the best, selected, talented staff to the teaching profession;

second, measures have been taken to increase teachers' initial salaries;

thirdly, to raise the status of the teaching profession, to increase the attractiveness of this profession;

fourth, all conditions have been created for teachers to continuously improve their skills and master advanced teaching methods;

fifth, every child in the country is guaranteed access to high quality education without exception (regardless of place of residence, physical ability).9

State documents reforming the education system of the republic establish new requirements for the human factor and strive to educate a perfect person on the basis of universal and national values, rich material, intellectual and spiritual heritage. The perfection of a person is measured by his spiritual and educational potential, universal human qualities and attributes, professional maturity. Today's concept of teacher

8 Интернет манзил: https://gtmarket.ru/ratings/education-index

9 A.K. Kusainov. The role of the teacher in improving the quality of education // Man and Education, 2016, No. 1 (46), pp. 11-12.



education is focused on creating the necessary conditions for the development of the child's intellectual potential, expanding the possibilities of working with gifted children, and developing their thinking.

The challenge for human development is to create an environment in which everyone can develop their abilities, and such development opportunities need to be expanded. Thus, the main goal of human development is to create a political, economic, social, cultural and ecological environment that provides people with material well-being, the opportunity to lead a healthy and creative life.

The quality of education is a factor and driving force for the development of society. Education serves as a practical tool in the fight against poverty, needs and social inequality. Education helps to form a worldview, expand a person's choice of a way of life, becomes a mechanism for influencing various aspects of life and activities of a person and society.

The development of education in terms of human development significantly increases human potential. Research shows that educational attainment affects various aspects of people's lives, such as health status, political activity, education, transmission rate, and others.10

Today education has become an important factor in the development of individuals and society. The transfer of cultural heritage to educational institutions is the main form of vocational training. This will serve the acquisition of knowledge by a person, help him develop social norms, enter into economic life. In particular, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, in his address to the Oliy Majlis, noted the need to further improve science, a modern and continuous education system: "World experience shows that investment in the harmonious development of the younger generation brings society ten to one hundred times more benefits. We must strengthen our attention to human capital and mobilize all opportunities for this".11 At the same time, the "Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021" is aimed at ensuring the availability of preschool educational institutions,

East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 51 improving the quality of secondary and secondary specialized and higher education, as well as their development.12 This, in turn, indicates the insignificance of the role and importance of the education system in human development. The development of education in terms of human development significantly increases human potential.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated February 7, 2017 No. UP-4947 // Narodnoe Slovo, February 8, 2017

2. A.K. Kusainov. The role of the teacher in improving the quality of education // Man and Education, 2016, No. 1 (46), pp. 11-12.

3. Declaration of the World Anti-Crisis Conference // New Macroeconomic Realities - Astana (Kazakhstan), May 23-24, 2013

4. Dobrynin A.I., Dyatlov S.A., Tsyrenova E.D. Human capital in a transitional economy: formation, assessment, efficiency of use. - SPb.: Nauka, 1999.

5. B.Yu.Zokhidov The world of ideas and images of Alisher Navoi , T., 1961

6. Khasanova, G. Kh. (2019) "COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS OF UZBEKISTAN AND JAPAN," Central Asian Problems of Modern Science and Education: Vol. 4: Issues. 2, Article 251. Available at: https://uzjournals.edu.uz/capmse/vol4/iss2/251


8. Michel R. T. The Effect of Education on Efficiency in Consumption. New York; National Buren of Economic Research? 1972-137 p.; Becker G. S. Human Capital. A Theoretical and 419 http://tsue.uz/ Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1993. -P.402.

10 Michel R. T. The Effect of Education on Efficiency in

Consumption. New York; National Buren of Economic Research? 1972-137 p.; Becker G. S. Human Capital. A Theoretical and 419

http://tsue.uz/ Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1993. -P.402.

11 Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis dated December 28, 2018 Murozhaatnomasi. www.president.uz

12 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated February 7, 2017 No. UP-4947 // Narodnoe Slovo, February 8, 2017

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